Tiva Boon: Royal Guardian

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Tiva Boon: Royal Guardian Page 34

by Jenn Nixon

  Major Raku abruptly took Tiva by the elbow and walked with her toward the Ambassador.

  “Major, I can wait. There is no rush.” Tiva urged Raku to let her go.

  “Nonsense, they are looking forward to meeting you,” Raku said.

  “How much did you tell them about me?” Tiva said, suddenly worried.

  “Only what you have told me, my friend.” Raku smiled. “Don’t worry; you will have no problems impressing the Ambassador.” Raku guided Tiva thought the droves of people and headed straight for the Dival. When they approached him, his face lit up and he extended his hand straight for the Major. The Major clasped his hand and the two smiled at each other. “Ambassador, sir, may I present Tiva Boon of Abennelp.” The Ambassadors eyes moved from Raku to Tiva and he smiled at her. She bowed her head slightly then raised her fist to her heart.

  “It is an honor to meet you, sir,” Tiva said stiffly.

  “Likewise, Ms. Boon. Major Raku has told me about you. I have been anxious to meet with you,” the Ambassador said. “Do you still have an interest in joining one of our ships?”

  “Yes, sir. I have researched your organization thoroughly and though I have enjoyed my time on Uucor, I seek a more challenging life,” Tiva said and looked over at Raku who was still smiling.

  “If you seek a challenge, then the Vexillum is for you.” Ambassador Dival motioned Tiva to another room, leaving Raku in the midst of the crowd. “Come, we have much to discuss.” Silently, Tiva followed as the Ambassador led her behind the council area. She opened up her mind to him as a precaution, and felt admiration, concern, and a genuine interest to help others. The feelings eased her tensions, and she started to believe she made the right decision. Tiva sat opposite Dival, and waited for him to speak.

  “Ms. Boon your unique circumstances have piqued our interest. Tal Raku has been most accommodating in helping us to understand what has happened to you, but I feel he has not been privy to your entire situation.” The Ambassador shifted in his seat. “We do not require full disclosure, however, some questions must be answered as we know very little of your planet.”

  “I understand, and I will answer your questions to the best of my abilities.” Tiva kept her eyes focused on the Ambassador and folded her hands together resting them on her lap.

  The Ambassador questioned Tiva at length, asking about Abennelp, its technology, government structure, and history. She answered everything, including the current unknown status of the parliament with the Rebels in power, and he seemed quite surprised. He was also interested in her training with the Royal Guardians, her family, the Great War, and her role in it. He asked how she had escaped and what brought her to Uucor. Tiva answered each question with ease until the Ambassador struck a nerve.

  “How many people did you kill during this Great War?”

  Tiva gathered her thoughts and took in a deep breath to keep her composure, “Ambassador Dival, as much as it pains me to say, I have taken the lives of over three hundred men and women during the Great War. Thousands upon thousands on both sides were lost. I am not proud of what I have done; however, I faced no alternative. I swore an oath to protect the Royal Family, and that is what I did. I have many things in my past that I regret, but I have made my peace and take responsibility for my actions.” Tiva sighed, she was telling a half-truth, she was proud of her accomplishments during the war, but her lack of control during many of the battles is what plagued her the most. “I do not know much of your ways, but should my past disqualify me from joining…”

  “Ms. Boon,” Ambassador Dival interrupted, “your past is of little relevance to us as long as your cause was justified. Given the circumstances, I can honestly say many of us would have done the same as you. Unfortunately, peace is not an easy thing to maintain, on a planet or in the universe, and we often find ourselves in battle with other species. The Union meets opposition on a normal basis, and we are not without enemies ourselves. Not everyone shares our ideals nor welcomes the Union, and a warrior such as you will be an asset to any of our ships. Should you pass the qualifying exam, the Vexillum would be honored to have you.” He smiled and extended his hand.

  Tiva awkwardly shook it, thanked the Ambassador, and exited the room. Unsure if this was her path, she gave no indication that her choice was made. Instead, she joined the others in the testing area to at least qualify, and saw Harai sitting in one of the chairs waiting to take the test.

  “Harai?” Tiva said as she approached.

  “Hello, Tiva! Surprised to see me?” she said, a smile lighting her face.

  “I did not know you were interested in joining the Vexillum.” Tiva sat down next to her friend and carefully typed her name into the computer.

  “With all the studying you did and all the wonderful things father has said about the Union, I decided to give it a try. Though I’m not a guard like you, I am very interested in exploring the stars.” Harai tapped in her own name and waited for the test to start. “I might not make it through to their training program, but I would like to see how well I can do now, and maybe learn some more so I can apply again next year.”

  “That sounds like a fine path, Harai.” Tiva nodded and turned to her terminal as the instructor entered the room.

  The screening lasted a few hours; various questions about science, mathematics, combat scenarios, medicine, and engineering were included. It took her longer than she liked, some of the words were unfamiliar in both Uucorian and the general tongue, and she needed the phonics converter once again. After the first part, the captains watched as Major Raku’s squad sparred with the potential new Vexillum members.

  During her second round of fighting, she realized how much stronger she was compared to some of the larger men. Tiva held back, not wanting to hurt any of the Major’s men. At first, she thought it was a matter of training, but realized her stamina and strength was superior to the Uucorians. This was a different planet with different people. Her people must be stronger overall, though by the looks of the other aliens in the room, she was not the strongest.

  All the differences between her and the Uucorians amazed her, and even more so with the other species she’d already met. Two of the captains were from Jora like the Ambassador; another looked much like her people without the markings, but had strange metal pieces embedded in his arms. A fourth, called Iarashin was a fur-covered species, with large pointed ears and black eyes. Joining the Union would be an interesting journey, and Tiva did her best to ensure she’d make it.

  After the testing, Tiva and one other Uucor male qualified. The Uucorian’s scores in math and medical were phenomenal. Tiva scored high in science and combat, the former due only to her extensive studying the last few months. Harai was slightly disappointed, but received feedback from the instructors and secured another chance next time.

  The week went by quickly and all together, Tiva, three other native Uucorians, and two aliens from a planet called Bayo gained clearance to travel back with the Ambassador to the Union’s space station for placement.

  “How wonderful for you,” Raku bellowed as he embraced Tiva. A smile almost formed on her lips as Raku squeezed the air out of her lungs. “And you my daughter, you make me so proud.” He turned his attention to Harai and scooped her up into his arms. “We will work together and you’ll pass next year.”

  “I do not think Vexillum life is for me, Pop,” Harai said. “Too much technological stuff and all that training and fighting. I will just stay here with you. Maybe I’ll join the army.”

  “If that will make you happy, I am happy.” He smiled. “Let us celebrate tonight, tomorrow is a new day for you, Tiva Boon.”

  The three celebrated with a feast at a local tavern. Many of the patrons joined in congratulating Tiva on a job well done, and wished her the best of luck. Tiva, not wanting to take a chance, passed on the Uucorian ales and spirits unsure of what they would do to her, but indulged in the fine foods provided.

  As the night turned into early morning Tiva, Harai,
and the Major made their way home. When they drew close, Tiva sensed something, and stopped short in her tracks. She held the intoxicated Major to stop him from moving and motioned to Harai to remain silent. Vandals were tearing through the Raku home. She turned to the Major and said, “Call for help, I will stop the thieves.”

  “Tiva, don’t, it’s too dangerous,” Harai said back.

  “I have been trained for this, Harai, do not worry.” Tiva nodded to Major Raku and disappeared into the darkness.

  Tiva darted through the brush, the only sound, the rustling of the leaves as she passed. She reached the home, crouched down, peered in through an open window, and saw two large men standing in the kitchen area. They did not seem to be ransacking the house; rather, waiting for something or someone. Tiva climbed the roof of the house and stealthily crossed over to the opposite side before lowering herself to the ground. She climbed in through the window of the guest room and soundlessly searched for her Timbur. After attaching the claw to her hand, she crept out of the guest room and down the hall. Staying close to the wall, and floor, she slid closer to the kitchen, and paused to listen. The front door opened and she heard shuffling of feet and two large thumps against the floor.

  “Where is the other girl?” One of the thugs grunted.

  “She is gone,” Harai said.

  Rage boiled inside when Harai cry out in pain. Tiva sensed four people in the house, in addition to her two friends. She gripped her claw tighter and focused while waiting for the right moment.

  “I don’t know where she is…Leave us alone!”

  “We want the alien girl! We know her world put a bounty on her head.” The other thug laughed.

  Tiva’s heart skipped. A bounty from her home? Someone knew she was alive.

  “Where did you hear of such things?” Major Raku slurred, asking the question she was thinking.

  “One hears many things traveling through the galaxy, even if you aren’t a part of the Mighty Union!” the first thug said.

  Tiva needed no further convincing. She burst out into the kitchen, Timbur at her side and fire in her veins.

  “Let them go!” Tiva said and glared at the men holding her friends.

  “Throw down your weapon and surrender to us, and we’ll spare their lives,” the second thug grumbled.

  “Tiva don’t,” Harai said, but one of the men slapped her across the face.

  Harai fell to the ground and her father rushed to her side. Tiva immediately leapt into the air and flipped forward landing on top of the table. The four men surrounded her. Tiva surveyed their weapons, and knew these men would be no match for her simply by the way they timidly held their spears.

  “If you do not lower your weapons, you leave me with no choice but to thrash you all.”

  The first thug scoffed, and immediately swung his spear aiming for Tiva’s knees. She jumped up and flipped again, this time landing in between two of the men. She slashed one from the shoulder to his mid back, and kicked the other giving her time to reposition. The first thug lunged at her with his spear. Tiva caught the tip between the prongs of her Timbur. A quick twist forced the spear to the ground. She spun around and kicked him in the head, knocking him to the ground. The other two ran directly for her, she kicked the table and turned it on its side. She hurled it toward them throwing both off balance.

  “Behind...you!” Raku said.

  Tiva, hearing Raku just in time, flipped backwards in the air and landed behind the third man. She kicked him in the back then stabbed his calf with her claw. Picking up the fallen spear, swung it back and forth creating space for her to maneuver. She slashed one of the thugs in the face, clipped the other at the ankles, and pierced the final one with a clean blow straight through the shoulder. Tiva surveyed the room; all four assailants were wounded and gasping for breath on the floor. The doors to the house flew open. Ten of Major Raku’s men stood in awe as Tiva wiped the sweat from her brow and threw the spear weapon to the ground.

  “Take these cowards away!” Raku said to his men.

  They promptly complied, gathered the men, and hauled them out of the house. Tiva helped the Major and Harai off the ground and brushed the dirt off her clothing.

  “That was amazing, Tiva,” Harai said as she rubbed her jaw.

  The Major walked to the food cooler and wrapped ice in a cloth for his daughter. He pressed it gently against her cheek and she smiled up at him.

  “Pop, did you see her?”

  “Yes, I did. Quite impressive, I think the Union Vexillum is in for a big surprise having you on their side. I did not realize how skilled you were. Thank you, Tiva, you saved our lives.” Major Raku smiled and bowed his head.

  “If it were not for me you would not be in danger. It is good that I am leaving tomorrow, I will no longer put you in jeopardy.” Tiva sighed, the weight of the situation settling, her decision to leave no longer in question. “There is a bounty on my head…someone knows that I am alive. I can only hope that the distance I put between myself and Abennelp will be enough.”

  “You are worth the danger, Tiva, and I’m sure the Vexillum will keep you safe.” Harai smiled and hugged her.

  “Harai you are most kind, and I thank you both for your hospitality,” Tiva said, “but now I must ready my things for departure in the morning.” Tiva turned on her heel and disappeared down the hall. She felt the Rakus’ watching and sensed their sadness at her leaving.

  Tiva entered her room and dropped to her knees. She wiped away the tears that fell to her cheek. Her heart was heavy with shame; she endangered her only friends on this world. Tears flowed, and she felt waves of emotions she’d suppressed since the beginning of the Great War. The gates blocking her heart from feeling broke open and the outpour was unstoppable. Rage, anger, sadness, and guilt besieged her. She choked and sobbed as her entire body shook. Loss, complete and utter loss consumed her. Everyone she loved was gone. Everything she knew was a memory. Her home, her tree, her people, and her life, all beyond her reach now. How could she possibly go on alone?

  Harai rushed into her room and reached her side in an instant. She held Tiva in her arms, whispered in her ear, and rocked her gently. Tiva took comfort in the young girl’s arms, it was a feeling she had long since forgotten. Devoid of energy and ability to hold anything inside any longer, she dropped every wall, every barrier, and let all her emotions flow through her tears.

  Tiva opened her eyes in the morning and felt unusually refreshed. She was lying next to Harai on the floor. Quietly, she rose from the ground and entered the washroom. Her reflection caused the events of the night to come rushing back. Harai had seen her vulnerable. Harai had comforted her as she cried. It was proof enough that Harai, the young innocent girl she knew only for a short time, had gained her trust. Tiva thanked the Eternal Spirits for bringing such a good friend into her life. Still the concern she felt for the Rakus’ safety outweighed her need for friendship, and Tiva gathered her things. She tore the guardian patch from her tattered uniform, and placed it in Harai’s hand, then went to the kitchen.

  Tiva pulled out the wages she earned during her stay, and placed them on the table. She picked up Harai’s datarecorder device and began a message.

  “My dear friends, Harai and Major Raku, never in my days have I met such wonderful people as you. I can never repay your kindness nor thank you enough for the warmth and friendship you have shown me. However, I cannot risk your lives for my own, so I take my leave, and should I remain safe among the Vexillum, I will contact you in the future. Major Raku your guidance has been invaluable to me. Thank you for believing in me and giving me the chance to learn your ways. I have left most of my wages in the pouch on the table, please treat yourself and Harai to a wonderful meal.

  “Harai you have truly been my guardian. That is why I am leaving my Guardian Patch here for you. You and I shall always be bound in friendship. You will forever be in my heart. May the spirits always shed light on your path. I shall miss you, my friends.”

Tiva secured her belongings and journeyed to the military base. Ambassador Dival and the other Uucorians leaving were already present. Talk of the altercation at the Raku home was the main topic of conversation, and many were smiling at her when she neared.

  “Seems you had an interesting last night on Uucor?” the Ambassador said with a wry smile.

  “I do not find humor in the situation, Ambassador.”

  “Indeed, though, you handled yourself well. According to the Major’s men you took down four men by yourself.”

  “I have been trained to do so, sir.”

  “You certainly have, Tiva Boon.”

  “Am I still welcome among your group, Ambassador? I have a bounty on my head, I know not how, or why, but I do not wish danger upon your Vexillum.”

  “Yes, you are most welcome. We all have enemies, Tiva, as I have said before. The Major’s people interrogated your attackers. They will be imprisoned for quite some time. We did find something among their belongings.” He turned to one of his Joran captain’s and waved. The man handed her a small datarecorder. “You can review it on the transport, it is time to depart.”

  Tiva nodded, slipped the device into her bag, and followed the others inside the craft. She was amazed at the comforts of the small ship. The main cabin held cushioned chairs and various data consoles. She took a seat in the back, away from the others and placed her meager belongings on her lap. The Ambassador and captains moved to the front and settled in, preparing for flight.

  “We have a two day journey back to our main base. Make yourselves comfortable and should you need anything let us know. Provisions and a lavatory are in the back, and your chairs recline so you can sleep.” The Iarashin captain turned before disappearing from view.


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