The Things We Do For Lust: Book 1: To The Edge

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The Things We Do For Lust: Book 1: To The Edge Page 2

by Sean Geist

  We broke our kiss. “We have one,” Robin said, giving me a wink. "I love you," she whispered into my ear. "More than you could ever know."

  "Oh, but I do know," I replied.

  She turned and hurried away to catch up with Scott. I couldn't help but notice a flirty skip to her steps. I wanted her so badly at that moment and my cock was embarrassingly hard. I wanted her and she was off with another man. The emotions that flooded my body could easily drown me. I needed to get away, to think.

  I looked at my phone. It was only 8:15. The night was young and we had to spend it with our new friend. Part of me was jealous, part excited. My wife wanted to spend a few minutes alone with him, and I couldn't understand it. There were no easy answers to quell the questions in my head. So I set them aside and went up to our room.


  I slid the room key into the slot above the door handle and waited. A yellow light blinked twice. What the heck. I tried again, with a constant forceful thrust, in and out. This time the green light came on and I heard the locking mechanism disengage.

  I went in and looked around. In our excitement to get to the casino we hadn't unpacked anything. Our suitcases were sitting in front of the door on the far side of the living area that could be opened to connect to the room next to ours.

  I pulled a beer out of the minibar and sat down on the couch. I propped my feet up on the glass coffee table, knocking off a few of the promotional pamphlets highlighting the many supposedly fun activities that Vegas had to offer, as if anyone came to Vegas for more than gambling and drinking.

  I didn't like leaving my wife alone with Scott for any longer than necessary, but I had to resolve some of these opposing emotions I was experiencing.

  Mostly I was feeling jealous that Scott was getting so much attention. It was like I was a fucking 12-year-old kid again, crying about the local bully stealing my bike. I had to grow up. Beyond the rising anxiety I also found my ego boosted by having such a beautiful and interesting wife. A woman other men could only dream of being with.

  My mind was racing and my stomach was spinning cartwheels. This win wasn't going to change our lives, but it did mean we could afford to let loose this trip. Gamble a little more, eat at a few fancy restaurants.

  "We can really splurge," I said to myself as I looked at the $10 can of Bud in my hand.

  I knew we could be having even more fun if I didn't have to spend most of the days attending workshops and seminars. At least Thursday, our anniversary, was a free day.

  What I really wanted right now was to take my wife to bed. I wanted to turn those 18 hundred dollar bills into ones and fives, toss them on the bed and make love to her on top of it, like in the movies. Stupid, I know. While I was up here alone with the cash and my carnal thoughts, my wife was downstairs getting to know a total stranger a little bit better.

  The sooner I got back the sooner the night would end and we could start celebrating alone. I got up and put the wad of bills in the small room safe inside the bedroom closet.

  As I was leaving the room I took a moment to look back. The room was dark save for the few rays of neon light that were able to break through the gaps in the curtains. The red, green and blue lights blinked and danced along the edges of the window creating a rainbow halo around the blackness it contained. The lights beckoned, but it was the blackness that drew my attention. A void that called to me. The unknown feelings that were just then awakening. Feelings I could not yet name.

  I don't know how long I stood there, staring into that void, but I was finally roused from my daze when the door next to ours opened. Out came a tall black man in a well cut suit over a dark blue shirt. The suitcase he dragged behind indicated he was checking out. We nodded at each other, briefly breaking our own private thoughts to recognize each other's existence.

  I was about to say hello when the man cursed under his breath and went back into his room. Perhaps to retrieve some toiletry or maybe a valuable watch or necklace left in the room's safe. Either way I found myself alone once again. I pulled the door to my room closed and made my way down to the restaurant to rejoin Robin and Scott.


  I found them sitting at the bar, sipping drinks and sharing an appetizer. If she hadn't been my wife, I'd say they made a beautiful couple. As I made my way through the crowded restaurant I saw Scott lean in and say something into Robin's ear. She gave an instant laugh and placed her hand on his forearm. It was a simple gesture that sent a fresh wave of jealousy down my spine. She looked up, almost guiltily, and looked around the restaurant. Our eyes met and with a smile, Robin made everything better.

  She waved me over. "What took you so long?" she asked.

  "I had a beer," I said. "Didn't think we'd get seated right away."

  "We could have had a table a few minutes ago," Scott said, "but I asked for one outside on the patio. Shouldn't be too long."

  "Scott was just telling me about the houses he owns," Robin said again grabbing his arm. "He lives on the ocean. That would be so amazing."

  "Waterfront property," I said. "Pretty impressive."

  "Yeah, I made a little money with tech stocks in the nineties. Got out before the first bust."

  "You still in stocks?" I asked.

  "Nah. Unless you run a hedge fund with lots of capital it's just too risky. I'd rather throw my money away on blackjack or craps. At least the casinos play fair. They tell you up front the odds are against you. I own a few shares but it's the health clubs that keep me in the high roller lifestyle."

  I was about to ask him what stocks he was in now when the small buzzer in front of my wife went off, announcing that our table was ready.

  We followed the hostess outside to the crowded patio. Our table was against the railing. The Aria and Cosmopolitan Resorts across Las Vegas Blvd made a beautiful backdrop to our people-watching. The hostess saw I didn't have a drink in my hand and asked if she could get me anything from the bar. Robin was drinking a mojito and it looked like Scott was halfway through a tumbler of whiskey.

  "Can you bring me a gin and tonic with a slice of lime? Well is fine."

  I was hungry so I started browsing through the menu. I already had one beer on an empty stomach so getting something to eat was of the utmost importance to me. Robin, having had the opportunity to share an appetizer, decided to keep the conversation going. "So Scott, tell Peter 'bout the spas. You gotta hear about his spas."

  "Sure, Scott, tell me about your spas." I said never looking up from the menu. I don't work out much. We have a treadmill and a few weights at home. I walk a couple miles three days a week. Keeps me healthy. I was never one to go for big muscles. It was hard enough for me to just keep off the love handles. I do pretty well and Robin didn't seem to mind.

  "So I have the two gyms in L.A. Mostly muscle heads working the weights to impress their girlfriends. My locations in KC are more upscale. They'll cater to soccer moms trying to maintain their MILF status.” My wife snickered at the comment. I was surprised she knew what the term meant.

  As Scott continued describing his business, I found myself drawn into the conversation despite my lack of interest.

  I was starting to see what Robin found so intriguing about this man. I didn't like it, but I understood it.

  “We'll have massage and aromatherapy to go along with the rowing machines and yoga classes."

  "That sounds like a lot of work," Robin said. "Keeping all these places running."

  "That's why it's important to hire the right managers. I expect the best from my people but I also pay well. I don't cut corners.

  "If I've done my job right each location should be up and running without me in six or seven months. All it takes after that is a visit every year or so, just to let my employees know I'm involved, but not too involved."

  Our waitress finally arrived with my drink. "Are you three ready to order?"

  "I don't know about those two, but I sure am," I said. I ordered the crispy honey shrimp with a side of garlic noodles. My wi
fe ordered sweet and sour pork; our new friend got the beef with broccoli.

  "Robin told me you're a veterinarian," Scott said. "That sounds like fun."

  "Yeah, I like it."

  "Robin said you don't have any kids, what about pets?"

  "I love animals, but no we don't own any. Robin's very allergic to cat dander and I'm not much of a dog person. That's what makes my job so great. I get to visit with hundreds of different animals, pamper them, make them well then send them home to their owners who have to feed them, take them for walks and clean up their poop."

  "Sounds like a great life. So you're in Vegas for business or pleasure?"

  "A little of both," I said. "I'm here for the North American Veterinarian Conference and my wife is here so we can celebrate our anniversary."

  "Your anniversary, huh? Robin didn't tell me that."

  "Yeah, three years this Thursday," I said looking at my wife, who was looking at Scott. "Three wondrous years."

  I tapped her on the shoulder. She turned to me and I kissed her on the lips. She returned the kiss.

  "Yes, three wondrous years," she added.

  We continued talking, watching the people passing by. Laughing at some of the stranger outfits we saw. At one point a man dressed all in silver, with silver painted skin, set up a box across from where we sat. He stood still as a statue and let people take pictures with him for tips. Michael Jackson also passed by as did Elvis Presley, three times. Despite my better judgment, I found myself starting to like Scott. He was fun and very easy to talk to. The only downside was that my wife seemed to like him a little too much.

  Our conversation slowed when our meals arrived. I was too hungry to talk and just dived in. Robin and Scott did make a little small talk. Robin talking about her love of the Arizona desert and Scott giving us the scoop on his next business venture opening a new-agey spa in Sedona. I was just finishing my last piece of shrimp when Scott asked Robin what she was planning to do while I was busy with my "vet stuff."

  "I don't know," she said. "I didn't make any plans. Sit by the pool, sipping a drink and just relaxing. Maybe check out some of the scenery."

  "Like all the hot young men."

  "Yeah, maybe." Robin smiled and gave Scott a friendly punch in the shoulder. I knew she appreciated looking at the male body. I'm no slouch but I wasn't interested in buffing up. It took a lot of work and free time to get and keep a body like Joe Manganiello.

  About this time the waitress came back to see if anyone wanted dessert. Scott said he'd pass, but every time Robin and I ate at P.F. Chang's we ordered the Great Wall of Chocolate, six layers of delicious dark chocolate cake frosted and topped with chocolate chips, fresh berries and a tasty raspberry sauce.

  "We'll have the Great Wall," my wife said.

  "With two forks," I added.

  "So Robin was telling me she went to Arizona State," Scott said after the waitress left to put in our order. "Is that where you met?"

  "Oh no, I got my degree at the University of Arizona down in Tucson. Actually I was out of school when Robin was there."

  "So how did you meet?"

  "He saved my dog's life," Robin said.

  "It was late. Being the new guy in the practice I got to close most nights. We were just about to lock up late one Friday night when in walked this beautiful brunette carrying a wet and bloody basset hound in her arms."

  "Oh please, I must have been some sight, wet hair, streaky make-up and my blood-soaked dress."

  "You were stunning despite the mess."

  "I believe it," Scott added.

  "Why do you think I made you leave the exam room," I said. "You were distracting me and I was having a hard time focusing."

  "Did you always date your attractive patients?" Scott asked.

  "None of my patients were attractive, but some of their owners were." Both Scott and Robin giggled. "But to answer your question, no. Most clients come in once when they get a new pet and then I rarely see them again. With Robin I got lucky. Beasley needed several follow-up visits so I had plenty of time to get to know his owner." I took Robin's hand and kissed it lightly.

  Our dessert arrived and Robin and I dug in. After a few bites I looked up and saw Scott looking out at the passing people.

  "I'm sorry, we do make crummy dinner companions," I said. "Would you like a little cake?"

  "It does look inviting, but no. Besides, I don't have a fork."

  "Don't be silly," my wife said as she scooped up a bite of cake, swirled it in the raspberry sauce and offered it to Scott. She held out her fork, her free hand underneath the cake to catch any crumbs that might fall. "Here. Have a taste."

  "Only if you insist." Scott offered his open mouth and Robin fed him the cake. A berry dropped from her fork and landed in her hand. Before she could move her hand away Scott sucked up the morsel. She giggled again and pulled back her hand just as his lips were about to brush against her open palm.

  "I told you not to be silly," she said again. The playfulness was making me uncomfortable.

  Scott just laughed. "That is good cake," he said. “Especially when fed to you by a beautiful woman." Robin just turned away with a smile and took another bite. It was dark, but I could still see she was blushing. She was so beautiful, I couldn't blame Scott for flirting with her, even if I didn't like it.

  "Either of you two up for a night cap?" Scott asked. He seemed to be in town alone and was obviously looking for company. I looked at my phone; it was close to 10 o'clock. I looked at Robin as she took the last bite of cake. I could tell she wanted to spend a little more time with our friend, but I needed to be at the orientation meeting at eight in the morning.

  I really didn't want to leave her down here, with a handsome stranger, even one as friendly as Scott seemed to be. I trusted my wife, but I wasn't as sure of him. Plus, I'd never get to sleep wondering what they were doing together.

  "I'm beat," I said. "All this excitement has worn me out. Plus I need to get up early."

  "Robin?" Scott said, turning to my wife.

  She hesitated before answering. She looked at me for an answer but I didn't give her one. I wanted her to come back to the room with me, but I wasn't going to tell her what to do.

  "I'd love to," she said as she looked me in the eye, "but Peter's right. It's late and we need to get up to the room. We haven't even unpacked yet."

  "I understand," Scott said. He seemed disappointed but not too surprised. "It's just... I'm having such a good time."

  "We'll, as they say, all good things must come to an end." It sounded cliché and I regretted the words the second they came out of my mouth.

  "You're right," Scott said. He looked me in the eye and nodded. He knew why I was apprehensive.

  My wife said nothing.

  The waitress came with the bill. I reached for it but Scott grabbed it away. "Please let me get this."

  "I can't let you," I said. "It's two of us and only one of you, plus we had dessert."

  "No. I insist." I could feel the tension rise, just slightly. Although I doubted it would come to blows I didn't think I could let this stranger buy our meal.

  "How about we split it down the middle," my wife said, trying to break up the argument.

  I was having none of it. "Just let me sign it to our room. Besides, our per diem is covering most of it."

  "Fine," Scott said, finally seeming to relent. "But let me get the tip."

  "That's cool."

  I took the bill and signed. I left the tip spot blank. Scott peeled a hundred dollar bill from his wad and dropped it in the tray.

  "You want me to ask for some change?" I asked as we all got up to leave

  "No, leave it."

  Now the man was starting to get on my nerves.

  "That's almost as much as the whole bill," I said.

  "Come on, I just won three grand. I'm feeling generous."

  Despite my initial reaction I had to agree; besides who was I to tell this man how to spend his money. "I guess you're
right. Spreading the wealth does feel good." I pulled out a twenty of my own and added it to Scott's hundred.

  "That's the spirit," he said. And all three of us had a good healthy laugh.

  As we were walking out Robin stopped and asked me to take her picture in front of the larger than life replica of a terra cotta warrior that stood on the patio. As she posed beside the statue I pulled up the camera app on my phone. I took two pictures of her, one serious and one goofy.

  "Let me get one of the two of you," Scott said. I handed him my cell and joined my wife. He took a shot and handed the phone back. "Now get one of me with Robin."

  I thought it a bit odd, but I didn't say anything. He walked right up, as casual as could be and put his arm around her waist. It was a bit too friendly for my taste, but Robin was loving it. I framed up the couple and took the shot. It looked ok, but was a little blurry. "Hold it. Let me try another, that one didn't come out."

  "Take your time, Pete," Scott called.

  I took a few more pics and declared them good enough. Scott pulled out a business card and handed it to Robin.

  "E-mail those pictures to me so I have something to remember you two by. I've had a great time."

  "So have I - I mean we," my wife replied. "We've had a really good time as well."

  "So long," Scott said. I offered my hand for a shake, but he brushed it aside and gave me a big strong hug. "And happy anniversary." He gave Robin a hug as well, adding a light kiss on the cheek before breaking it.

  We watched Scott head away until he was lost in the crowd.


  Robin was silent as we made our way back to the room. In the elevator she hummed to the muzak that played. I was puzzled. She didn't say anything about the winning, or the dinner, or spending the evening with Scott. Just a relaxed quiet.

  All that changed when our room door closed behind us. She turned to me, grabbed my face and planted a big wet kiss square on my mouth. Her tongue had a life of its own as she forced it between my lips. She pulled me to the bed, tearing at my clothes as she went.


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