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Take it Deep (Take 2)

Page 18

by Jaimie Roberts

She shrugs her shoulders. “It’s okay, I understand why you’re like the way you are, but if it’s obvious to me, it’s going to become obvious to other people—if you know what I mean?”

  I nod my head letting her words sink in. I know I have to tell him soon, I just want to live off this high as long as I can.

  Chapter 24

  The next day was just the same as the last after having that same damn dream again. I craved his touch and I didn’t know how long I could go on during the day without it. I quickly formed a plan in my head that morning asking Jessie to drive me into work. It took every ounce of strength not to go to Jake during the course of the day, but I somehow managed it. I couldn’t get out of my head just how explosive our encounter was yesterday. It was almost as though being without it for so long had built the desire to boiling point. The biggest problem I had was I wanted more—so much more.

  I wondered how I would broach it, so thought it better to send him an email. He always told me no sex at work was his one big rule that could never be broken, and now I’ve made him break it once already. I didn’t want to do that to him again. Lord knows how I managed it. Maybe my powers of persuasion are more forceful than I imagined. With that thought dealt with, I clicked on a new email and began typing.

  ‘I’m stuck at work this morning. Do you mind giving me a lift home later? I promise to show you just how grateful I really am.’

  I knew I was being cheeky. I also knew that he would know exactly what my email was implying, but who gives a toss. I didn’t have to wait long for a response.

  ‘Of course I will. I’d do anything for you and you know that. I must admit, I’m looking forward to finding out just how grateful you really are.’

  Oh man did I want to run in his office now and climb aboard the Jake express. It took everything in my willpower not to do it. Does being pregnant always feel like this? How do women cope with it every day? It’s absolute torture.

  I couldn’t concentrate all day at work. By the time Jessie left I was sitting there nervously tapping away at my foot. I was anxious as anything to get going and feel him inside me.

  When he finally emerged from the door looking every bit the sex God that he is, I almost melted then and there.

  “Are you ready, Miss Sinclair? Your Chariot awaits,” he said, smirking.

  “Oh boy, am I ever ready for this,” I said purring the words.

  We get in the car and on our journey I ask him to make a detour. I know a perfect little place to go where we can park and not be seen. I couldn’t wait much longer. I had to have him now.

  I give him the directions and he pulls into this little spot surrounded by trees and little else.

  “Ana, what are we doing here?”

  I unbuckle my seat belt and climb myself over to straddle Jake. “Oh, I think you already know,” I say giggling.

  “Why can’t I take you back to Jessie’s? Or better still, our house?”

  I knew he was chastising me for moving out, but I wasn’t going to take it from him. Not now.

  “Now Jake, where would the fun be in that?”

  I move my hands between my legs and rub his already erect cock. “Jake, you feel so ready for me,” I say, breathing hard into his mouth.

  He opens his mouth slightly moaning in anticipation. “Ana, I’m always ready for you. Don’t you know that by now?”

  I forcefully bring his lips to mine. He moans again as I desperately try to undo his belt and trousers. I take his hand and move it to my hot, wet pussy. “Do you feel that Jake? Feel how much I want you?”

  “Fuck, Ana, you’re so wet for me.”

  I pull his hand to my panties and force him to grip them. “Rip them,” I demand. “I want to feel you rip them from me.” He growls in my mouth and tugs at them freeing them from my crotch. I press my lips to his and move my hand down into his trousers again, desperately trying to free him from his prison.

  “I wish I could take your cock in my mouth. I want to taste you, feel your come slide down my throat.” I start to grip my hand around his penis and slide it up and down towards his shaft. A hiss escapes his mouth and that one little noise nearly made me detonate.

  “Ana, fuck! Sit on me now; I want to feel that sweet pussy slide down my cock.”

  I didn’t hesitate; I sank down on him forcefully making him wince. I start riding him, biting and nibbling the side of his neck. The more I ride him, the faster I become, desperately trying to feel my release. He fondles my breasts and my head rides back letting the gorgeous feeling override me.

  “Jake you feel so big, so good inside me. I love riding you hard. Do you like me riding your cock hard?”

  “Ana, Jesus you know I do,” he said gasping.

  The feeling is like nothing else. I’m pulling him deeper and deeper with each thrust. I feel his arms move up my back and grip my shoulders. He’s trying to take control, so I pull his wrists down and hold them by his sides. He tries to strain, but I knew he was doing it with token resistance. He was at my mercy and it felt brilliant.

  “Ana, you feel so fucking good. You need to come soon; I don’t know how much longer I can last.”

  “Oh, Jake,” I scream, letting his words fill my head and sending the familiar tingles through my body. “Jake,” I cry again knowing full well I’m going to blow. I hear Jake moan and that was all it took to let me rip. I came apart around him and very soon he followed grunting and digging his hands into my shoulders.

  I take time out resting my head on Jake’s shoulder. I don’t know how long I can last not telling him of our situation. I know the more I have him, the more I’m going to want him, and I don’t think I could stand the rejection from him again.

  I climb off his lap feeling the loss of his cock as I withdraw. Now that we have had sex, I need to distance myself from him before I lose it. He looks over at me quizzically and I wonder what I can say next. “I want ice cream,” was all I could manage.

  Oh great, way to go at not being too obvious you’re pregnant. To my surprise he starts laughing, does his trousers up and turns the ignition.

  “So now that you’ve got what you want from me, it’s on to your next target?”

  I felt a little guilty that he put it to me like that, but I couldn’t help having all these cravings. It just took over. I looked at him sheepishly and he just smiled and shook his head in amazement.

  We pulled into an ice cream parlor and I ordered plain old Chocolate Chip, even though I wanted to desperately mix it with Pistachio or Peanut Brittle. Maybe even some sprinkles with a splash of caramel sauce on top. Actually, make that lots of sauce on top. I think Jake would definitely wise up to me then.

  The only thing he wanted to ask me is if I would go to the police charity ball with him on Saturday night. I didn’t think it was a good idea. I tried to tell him as much, but then he just asked me to at least promise that I would think about it. There was no way I was going to refuse that.

  He takes me home after, not once asking if he can come inside. I felt grateful to him about that. He’s still patiently waiting for me and I know I will have to put him out of his misery soon. I just want this feeling to last as long as I can make it.

  Chapter 25

  The next day was very much the same. The only difference was I pulled Jake out to lunch to go shopping for some more lingerie, when I demanded he come in the cubicle with me and fuck me until I saw stars.

  The following day was in a clothing store and the day after that was restaurant toilet. It was becoming a bit of a habit.

  The last day of the working week went in quick thanks to Jake’s very talented hands. At one point Jessie was called into Jake’s office and I waited patiently for her return. When she did saunter back she had a huge grin on her face.

  “So, what was that all about?” I asked.

  “Oh, you mean Jake calling me into his office?”

  I nod, “Yes, you know exactly what I mean.”

  “That was just some questions about the statistics
we’ve been doing. That’s all,” she said smirking.

  “Right, yeah. I believe you.” She turns her chair to face her computer obviously trying to end our conversation. I knew she was up to no good and I also knew there was no way in hell’s chance she was going to ever tell me. I should imagine Jessie is now revelling in her upper-hand status again. I just felt pissed that I didn’t know what on earth was going on. I guessed I would find out sooner or later.

  Soon, Jessie and I were back in the apartment and my craving for ice cream quickly reared its ugly head again. I dug around in the fridge, but couldn’t find any. I quickly became grumpy so Jessie offered to go to the store and get some for me. She was a real gem.

  “So what flavor or flavors do you want? I have to go to the store anyway.”

  I thought for a moment deciding on something different. “Can you get me some Red Velvet Cake with Triple Caramel Chunk, if they have anyway? If not them, just about any other strange flavors will do.” I lick my lips involuntarily and she shakes her head heading for the door.

  The rest of the evening went well as I ate half of the contents of both ice creams. We sat in front of the TV, but didn’t take much notice of what was going on. We mainly talked about the up-and-coming wedding and the police charity ball that was taking place tomorrow night.

  “Why don’t you come? I really want you there?” Jessie asked.

  “I don’t think it would be a good idea. Jake did ask me earlier in the week, but I tried to turn him down. I just don’t want to over-complicate things between us. In the end though, I just said I’d think about it.”

  She looked exasperated but said no more and we quickly ventured off onto other subjects—which I was relieved about.

  By the time it reached around midnight I was pooped, so decided to head for bed. That was the other thing about being pregnant, if I wasn’t constantly craving ice cream and sex, I was totally exhausted.

  Jake is in my dream again. It is always the same one. He takes me hard up against a wall of a theatre and people are watching us with interest. The thought turns me on, and spurs into near orgasm so quickly, it wakes me up.

  I moan loudly shouting Jake’s name, squeezing my breasts and cupping my sex.

  “Fuck, Jessie wasn’t wrong about your dreams.”

  “What the!” I shout, stunned by a voice that came out of nowhere.

  “Be very careful how you finish that sentence.”

  I shoot up out of my bed and find Jake lying on the other side with a big grin on his face and only his boxer shorts on. I should be mad, but he looked too damned sexy to give a shit.

  “How did you—? How long have you—?”

  “Been here? Long enough. Jessie let me in so I could help you out a little. She is a very accommodating girl that Jessie. I’m liking her more and more.”

  I was stunned. What on earth is that girl getting up to behind my back? I was mortified and I must admit, highly turned on now that Jake was lying in my bed, close to me, half naked.

  “So when you called Jessie into your office yesterday, it wasn’t to discuss statistics at all was it?” I shook my head. That girl knows no bounds.

  “No, I asked her what was wrong with you,” he said with a huge grin.

  I felt fear grip me. Just how much has Jessie divulged here?

  “So, what did she say?” I tried to make it sound as though I didn’t care, but felt I was failing miserably.

  “She said that you have been moaning a lot in your sleep. You apparently shout my name most mornings, so it was obvious to her what kind of dreams you were having. I must admit, I was tempted to pull you back in the office and fuck you senseless again when she told me that. I don’t know what has gotten into you, but hey, I’m not complaining.”

  I stand by the bed with only a pair of panties on and a tank top. Jake stares over my body longingly and then his eyes trail to my breasts. I look down and gasp. My nipples are like bullets. Fuck me, this is so embarrassing.

  He rises from my bed and walks towards me. There is a distinct bulge in his boxer shorts and my mouth opens wide with anticipation. He is inches away and like every time, my breathing hitches. He traces his fingers lightly against my arms.

  “Tell me about your dreams, is it always the same one, or are they different every time?”

  I close my eyes taking in every movement he makes on my skin. It’s just too much to take at times.

  “It’s always the same one.”

  “Hmm, you smell so beautiful, Ana-Lucia. Tell me, what is it I do to you?”

  Oh God, I think I may pass out.

  His hand cups under my right arm, and with his thumb, he very slowly moves it across my very erect nipple. I moan out with the intense pleasure of it all.

  “Ana, they’re so hard. Would you like me to take them in my mouth and suck them for you?”

  “Yes,” I cry. I want it so damn much, I think I may explode.

  “Tell me your dream, Ana. I want to hear what I do to you.”

  “Jake, please,” I beg. I just want him inside me already. The things he’s doing with his hands are ripping away at my insides—and he doesn’t stop there. He goes in for the kill, kissing the side of my neck at the spot he knows will render me his.

  “Tell me,” he says between kisses.

  I can feel the heat of his mouth on my skin and it’s sending my senses into overdrive. He won’t give me what I want until I tell him my dream. I know him too well to figure that one out quickly. I have to relent and tell him. It’s the only way he’ll give me exactly what he knows I want.

  “We’re in a theatre full of people.” He freezes for a second and pulls his head away to look at me. He has his eyebrows raised, but then he smiles.

  “Carry on,” he says back to my neck.

  “I’m wearing a gown and you’re wearing a Tux. We’re on the stage and you throw me up against the side of the stage wall. You hitch up my skirt and take me hard in front of everyone. It turns me on so much that I nearly come, but every time I’m about to, I wake up.”

  He kisses me more roughly this time and squeezes my breast. I think I may be dripping wet by now. I don’t think I’m going to last long once he’s inside me. The agony of him making me wait so long is becoming torturous. The need to come is so severe; it has my stomach in knots.

  “Interesting, Ana. You seem to have a fetish for wanting me to have you in public places lately. I don’t mind, but I draw the line at having anyone watching us.”

  I would too, but it doesn’t stop me dreaming it, and it doesn’t stop me feeling so damn horny all the time.

  “I would never want to go that far, Jake. It’s just a dream. Are you going to fuck me hard now, cos to be honest, I really need you to?”

  He moves his body forward forcing me back toward the bed. He removes my tank top and I fall down on the mattress. My breasts are heaving for his touch.

  “Ana, what have I told you about swearing? It seems you have been away from me for so long, that it has caused the return of your potty mouth. What am I going to do with you?”

  I wiggle my hips seductively and smile. “I’m sure you’ll think of something, Jake. Why don’t you show me just how much of a naughty girl I’ve been?”

  He growls and lunges for me, pinning my arms against the bed as he ravishes my neck and breasts. I cry out and the thought makes me worried about making too much noise.

  “What about, Jessie?”

  “She went out as soon as she let me in. We’re all alone, Ana, so just let go.”

  I fully intended to. The things that Jake was doing to me were like bolts of lightning running through my veins.

  He lets my wrists free as he travels down to my hot pussy. He’s in-between my thighs kissing lightly as he lowers himself down. My panties are quickly released and I was a bit disappointed he didn’t rip them off me. He sees my frown and laughs.

  “I’m trying to be a gentleman here, Ana. How many panties would you have left if I kept ripping every one o
f them off you?”

  I’m feeling a little saucy all of a sudden and decide to tease him a little. I place my finger on my lips and as enticing as I could, rubbed it across the bottom of my lip. He growls again.

  “Jesus, Ana, what is it with you and that finger on your lip that turns me on so much? I know what you’re up to and you will be punished for it.”

  My goodness this was fun. “So what are you going to do to me, Mr Bennett?”

  He positions his head in-between my legs and kisses my thighs.

  “You will have to wait and see, Miss Sinclair.”

  He dips his tongue in my entrance and I spasm. “Fuck,” I hiss through my teeth.

  “Ana!” he shouts, smacking the side of my bottom.

  “Jake, please, that just feels too good.”

  “You like me kissing you down there, don’t you?”

  “Oh God, yes. Please, Jake, please,” I begged. I was a desperate woman, tortured into submission as always. He knew exactly what to do and how to do it. If I wasn’t so turned on with it, the whole thing would infuriate me.

  His tongue finds his way to my clit and flicks it gently teasing the tip. I grip the sheets on the bed and raise my hips higher to meet him. I felt so on fire with it all; I wanted to push him into me deeper and deeper.

  He’s licking and sucking so hard that my legs start shaking violently. I know I’m going to come soon, as my body tenses and I start pulling harder on the sheets. The moans of pleasure are filling the room and echoing off the walls. I’m close, so close now I can almost reach it, but then he stops.

  “Jake, what the hell, I was about to come. Finish it!” I demand. I close my eyes and nearly sob at the loss of my climax. “You’re so cruel,” I say turning my head.

  He studies me a moment and his face softens. He positions himself on top of me and kisses me.

  “I’m sorry, Ana. I didn’t mean to upset you. I promise I’ll give you what you want now, okay?”

  I nod my head and he enters me. I throw my head back gasping as he moves his perfect body over mine. The friction of it all soon has me back to that point of no return. I can feel the build up and I know it’s coming soon. Jake can sense it, too as he moves faster and faster, making sure he fulfills his promise to me.


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