First Semester (A Campus Tales Story Book 1)

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First Semester (A Campus Tales Story Book 1) Page 4

by Q. B. Tyler

  “Do you have condoms?”

  He stops in his tracks and looks at me before an expression of realization dawns on him. “Fuck. At my apartment. Not on me. I didn’t think when I came out tonight…” His eyes scan the road. “There has to be a convenience store or something around.”

  “Or we could just not…” I start and he actually growls at me.

  “If I get you in a bed, I am not leaving it until my dick has been inside of you.” I swallow hard and he closes the space between us. “Isn’t that what you want? Or did I misread something?” His eyes scan my face, and lines of worry cross his.

  I reach up and touch his face, stroking the slight stubble on his jaw. “No, I want it. But I… we could do other stuff… and then…another time…”

  “My dick. Your pussy, Skyler. Tonight.”

  A man had never talked to me like that before and the way my body hummed in response, I think I liked it.

  “There’s a convenience store slightly past my building.”

  “Come.” He grabs my hand and pulls me along. I’m shocked I don’t feel more buzzed from the alcohol. Perhaps the buzz of my hormones is overpowering it.

  It’s a ten-minute walk to my building and when I point it out he stops. “Do you want to go up and I’ll go get them?” I do a quick run through of my legs, underarms, and pussy. Everything is clean shaven and fresh. Oh, but what state did I leave my apartment in? I have some neuroses, so my apartment is pretty put together even though I just moved in this morning, but I can’t remember if I’d left any CGU stuff out. Maybe I should do a quick survey and light a few candles. And maybe change my panties. These are soaked.

  “Okay, yeah. I’ll go up. Text me when you’re back and I’ll buzz you in?”

  “Okay.” He leans down and presses a kiss to my lips. “Don’t change your underwear. I know they’re wet, and I want a taste.”

  I nod as I try my best not to blush, not knowing what to say. I’m honestly more worried if I speak, the response, “Okay, Daddy” will fall from my lips.

  Once I’m inside I let out a breath and am on the move, darting up the four flights of stairs, knowing that I don’t have the patience for my elevator. My phone is pushed to my ear before I can even make it to my door. “Stels, wake up. Wake up!”

  “What the fuck, do you know what time it is?” I hear groaned into the phone and I pull my phone away from my ear because I’m actually not sure. 2:14 AM my phone reads.

  “Stella, oh my God. OH MY GOD!”

  “Are you dying?”



  “No, Stel, listen!”

  “Then call me back at an appropriate hour, I have to work early in the morning. You know the brunch rush at the restaurant sucks.” I straighten my bed, breathing a sigh of relief that I had in fact made it earlier. I throw a few stray clothes I had tossed on it while I was deciding what to wear earlier in a hamper before doing a quick inventory of any CGU stuff—given that he thinks I’m four years older than I am and definitely not in undergrad. Once I’ve successfully hidden everything, I dart into the bathroom to see its state. I toss my curling wand and makeup into a bin under the sink and straighten my shower curtain.

  “Stella, I’m about to fuck the most BEAUTIFUL man I’ve ever met.”

  I hear some shuffling and then a throat clearing. “Okay, you have my attention.” Her voice is firmer and I can already picture her sitting up in bed, grabbing her glasses from the nightstand and pushing them onto her face. “Where’d you meet him?”

  “On this app called Our Circle or something? We matched and—”

  “Jesus, Sky, you’ve been in D.C., what, five minutes?”

  “Okay wrangle in that tone, Judge Judy,” I tell her as I rummage through the drawer I threw my lighter in. I run through my apartment lighting every candle in sight. “I’ll screenshot you a pic, but he’s so fine. Like unbelievably gorgeous.” I think about opening a bottle of wine but decide against it, thinking that Aidan didn’t seem to have any plans to drink anything except for me.

  “You said that already. Where is he anyway, as flattered as I am that you called to give me a play by play, tell me you didn’t hide out in your bathroom to call me?”

  “No, he went to get condoms.”

  “Oh man! So, I guess we’re totally over Gabriel then?” I smell under my arms and rush back into the bathroom, swiping some deodorant under them, and spritzing myself with more of my Prada perfume. Shit, should I change?

  “NAME!” I run into my room, toss the phone on the bed, and pull off the top I’ve been wearing. I replace it with a tank-top that exposes far more skin, as well as the lace of my bra that peeks out over the top.

  “Oh right, he who shall not be named. My mistake.”

  “I don’t know. Yes. No. Maybe? But…he’s not an option. I have to move on.” Should I take my shorts completely off? Maybe I should just answer the door naked.

  Is that doing too much?

  “Yes, I know, la vita va avanti,” she says in an awful Italian accent.

  My phone pings and when I pull my phone away I see the OC notification. I slap my forehead realizing he didn’t actually have my number. “Stel, I’ll call you tomorrow. He’s back and I have to go have life changing sex with this hot man from Boston.”

  “Ooh Boston! Ask him if he ‘parks his car in Harvard yard’?” she says with a horrible Boston accent and I roll my eyes.

  “Bye, Stel.”


  I open up the app and see his message.

  Aidan: I’m here. Let me up, beautiful.

  I swoon, just like I did the other two times he said it. If things never go past tonight, I’ll never forget how this man treated me. How he made me feel from even the first message. My heart thumps in my chest as I press the buzzer to let him up.

  A few minutes later, I hear a knock at my door and I don’t hesitate to open it, but I’m surprised to see him staring at me with a frown on his face. “Did you look?” He points at the peephole and I blush slightly.

  “I knew it was you.”

  “Someone could have beat me up here. Or been lurking in your hallway.”

  “My building is safe, you have to be buzzed in,” I tell him as he passes by me and crosses his arms as I shut the door and lock it.

  When I turn around he’s in front of me, boxing me against the door. “Look next time. Or I’ll stand outside your door and vet all your guests. This isn’t Connecticut, Princess.”

  Now, under normal circumstances, I’d bite the head off of any jerk who thought they could get away with that condescending comment and equally terrible pet name. But I can’t stop myself from reacting to it. I can almost feel the cum leaking from my pussy into my panties. I nod. “Okay.”

  “Good girl.” He presses his thumb to my chin before rubbing it across my lip.

  “Do you want a tour?”

  “Of your body?”

  I giggle and shake my head. “My apartment.” I walk by him. “Are you hungry or thirsty or…” I don’t have a chance to finish when I’m lifted into his arms and his hands go under my butt. “You changed your top, giving me a delicious view of these perky tits, and you’re asking me if I’m hungry for food?” He sets me on the counter and leans between my legs. “You and I both know I’m only interested in eating one thing.”

  I let out a breath. “Let’s go to my bedroom.”

  His tongue darts out and licks his lips before he leans forward and drags his tongue from the space between my breasts, up my chest, neck, tracing the shell of my ear before he finds my mouth. “Holy shit,” I murmur as he hauls me off the counter as if I weigh nothing and carries me through my apartment.

  “I am going to devour you, Skyler,” he whispers in my ear as he makes it to my room. There’s a glow from the candles illuminating the room as he drops me on my bed and pulls his shirt off in a matter of seconds. “From the moment I saw you…fuck, baby.” He presses his lips to my chest. “Mi fai

eccitare,” he whispers and my eyebrows almost fly off my face as I hear his words in the perfect accent. You turn me on.

  “You know…you know Italian?”

  “I spent a semester abroad in undergrad, and then I went again in grad school. I love Italy.”

  “Oh my God. Say something else.”

  He chuckles as he undoes my shorts and pulls them torturously slow down my legs. “Sei bellissima.” This man just told me I’m beautiful in Italian. Holy fuck. Do not tell Mama. She’ll be planning our wedding before the end of the week.

  My thoughts are halted as I feel him push his nose to my sex. “You didn’t change them.” He looks up from between my legs. “These are soaked.” He presses his fingers into me, rubbing the lace of the fabric against my clit.

  “I…” I shut my eyes. “I’m going to come.”

  “Already? Baby, we’re just getting started.”

  “I’m a little…wound up.”

  He slides my panties down my legs and rubs them in his hands before pressing his nose to the wet fabric. “I’m going to keep these. Do you mind?”

  “N—no,” I stammer. I’d seen it in movies, read erotic novels where the guy took her panties home but it’d never happened to me. Maybe because you’ve only fucked two boys and this is so clearly a man.

  “Would a kiss take the edge off? A little kiss to your pretty pussy to ease the ache? Tell me what would make you feel better.”

  I squirm under his gaze. “Touch me, Aidan, please.”

  He stands up and pulls his pants down, revealing grey boxers and a darker spot making me smile that I’ve turned him on as much as he turns me on. “Do I get to keep those?” I point at them. “You know since you get mine?”

  He smiles as he moves up the bed, his body flexing with each move. “I suppose that would be fair.”

  His hands find my sides raising my tank-top over my head and tossing it behind me. His eyes find my chest, and his hands palm my breasts gently as he presses his lips to mine. I part my naked legs, inviting him in between them and within no time, he’s nestled into the space, his cock covered by the briefs that would soon belong to me. His hard member is nestled between the lips of my sex and he moves slightly bumping my clit and I moan. I wrap my arms around his neck and bring his lips to mine as I begin to rock beneath him, rubbing my wet sex against his cock. “God, I can feel how wet you are.” I point and flex my feet, desperate to rub my clit against his dick at the right angle that would have me shattering around him. He bites my bottom lip before sucking it into his mouth and licking the sting of his teeth away.

  “Lose your underwear. Please,” I moan.

  “Lose your bra. Now.”

  I sit up slightly, unhooking my bra and tossing it off my bed, leaving me completely naked beneath him. His hands are on my breasts instantly, rolling and stimulating my nipples before he places kisses on both of them. “There’s so much I want to do to your body. Fuck.” He sits back on his heels and scans my body from my eyes to my sex, before meeting my gaze again. “Voglio scoparti.”

  Translation? I want to fuck you.

  “Sì, per favore,” I tell him. Yes, please.

  “But I need a taste first. Indulge me, Princess.” I don’t have a chance to respond before his hands are on my thighs, opening me up for him and his mouth is on my pussy. Oh, dear God. His thumbs rub my inner thighs so erotically it almost feels like it’s on my sex. “Let me hear you.” He takes his time, exploring my folds and fucking me with his tongue, completely avoiding my clitoris. His tongue is warm and firm, stroking my sex in ways no one ever has. I want to pin this man down and ride his face for the rest of my life. “Scream for me, baby.”

  “Oh God, Aidan, right there,” I whimper as I grab ahold of his silky, mahogany hair and tug gently.

  He pulls back and slaps my sex gently with his hand and I yelp but it comes out more like a moan. I feel my clit pulse and my entire pussy clenches with desire and anticipation. “I want to submerge my face in your cunt and live there,” he growls. “Do you have any idea how good you taste?” He rubs two fingers through my sex and before I can think they’re in front of my mouth. “Open.”

  I’ll admit I was curious about how I tasted, but no one had ever urged me to try, and it felt odd to taste it after I masturbated. I wrap my lips around his fingers, sucking them like I would his cock and he groans. “Jesus, Skyler.”

  “Please, can you get a condom?” I was starting to feel frantic. A frenzy moving through my body as it craved the orgasm that I was seconds away from when he was tonguing my pussy.

  He stands up and pushes his underwear down his legs revealing a powerful erection that would make me weak in the knees if I were standing. I sit up on my elbows and follow his cock with my eyes as he opens the box. “Wow,” I whisper and a chuckle leaves his lips as he joins me back on the bed.

  “I’m glad you like what you see.”

  “Who wouldn’t like that?” For a moment I could swear I saw a fleeting look I can’t place, but it’s gone as soon as it comes making me wonder if I imagined it, or if the candlelight glow is playing tricks on me. “I haven’t…I mean you’ll be the biggest and…”

  He almost growls at me as he pushes me down and forces my legs apart. “I don’t want to hear about anyone that’s touched this pussy before me. Understand?”

  Oh my God.

  “Let’s get a few things clear, Skyler,” he whispers against my lips. “I don’t share. Ever. So, if you let me inside you…You are mine.”

  I gulp. “Yes. Yours.”

  His hand moves up my body and wraps around my throat slightly. “Do you trust me?” I don’t say anything for a second and he lets his hand go. “I would never hurt you.” He gives me a shy smile. “I want to show you how good it can feel. You don’t know your body. But I’m going to teach you what it can do in the right hands.” He leans down and brushes his lips over mine.

  “By choking me?” He smiles again and for the first time in a while, I feel the rush of adventure. “I’m game.”

  I watch as he slides back on his heels and opens the condom, then slides it onto the hard appendage that is all but purple and leaking cum already. “I will make you come with my mouth later. But right now, I can’t wait another second without being inside of you.”

  He holds his cock in his right hand, while his left, wraps around my throat again. He taps my clit with his cock and I jolt. He squeezes my throat in perfect synchronization and I’m already seeing stars when he pushes inside of me forcefully.

  “FUCK!” we both cry out in unison.

  “You are so fucking tight, Skyler, fuck!”

  “You are s—so b—big,” I groan as he pulls out and pushes in again, almost knocking the wind out of me that wasn’t being cut off by his hand in the process.

  “You’re squeezing me so fucking tight. Milk my cock, princess.” He squeezes my throat, with every thrust he does so a bit tighter. I let my eyes flutter closed when I feel his lips ghost across mine. “Sei perfetta,” I hear him whisper, but he sounds far away. My senses are numb, the only one heightened is the sense of feeling and right now every single nerve in my body is pulled and stretched taut, desperate for the release that is only seconds away.

  Sei perfetta. You are perfect. The tears form in my eyes and when I open them, he’s staring down at me, his face a mix of intense passion and determination. His other hand, not wrapped around my throat, wipes the tear that leaked out of my eyes, down the side of my face and into my hair. He was right. I would cry.

  “Skyler, I need you to come for me. Please.” I grab his hand that’s wrapped around my throat and I squeeze urging him to do it harder and he does as his thrusts get more aggressive.

  The feeling in the base of my spine intensifies and I feel like I’m being split open. “Aidan… I’m going to…”

  “That’s a good girl, tell me what you’re feeling,” he whispers.

  “Feels s—so good,” I manage to get out between breaths that are slow
ly leaving my body. Spots appear in my peripheral vision, and I close my eyes focusing on the tingles congregating in my sex and beginning to move through my body on a mission. With one final thrust, my eyes pop open and the spark ignites a fire within. “Oh my—” I start and he lets go of my throat. I gasp for air, as the force of my orgasm has knocked it out of me. “Oh my God. Oh my God. Oh my God!” I moan as I drag my nails down his back. He lets out a guttural moan, from deep in his throat and comes with a roar.

  “SKYLER. FUCK.” I don’t know how long his orgasm lasts as I’m still feeling the effects of mine, but when my eyes flutter open again, his lips are leaving languid kisses on my neck and trailing down my chest every few seconds.

  “Sei incredibile,” he mumbles against my skin just before he pulls out of me.

  “You’re pretty incredible too.” I suddenly feel cold with the loss of his body heat, and I wonder if he’s going to leave when I see him roll the condom up and tie it off before tossing it in my trashcan. I happen to catch a glance at his dick, and while it’s softened significantly it’s still magnificent. I reach for him when he climbs on the bed and I run my hand over it.

  “Your dick is amazing.”

  He all but tackles me and presses his lips to mine, once I’m secured underneath him. “It certainly loves your pussy.” I wrap my arms around his neck and he kisses my arm. He leans back slightly and moves my arm so he can read my tattoo. He squints slightly. “It’s a little dark in here, what does it say?”

  “Life goes on, in Italian.”

  “La Vita va Avanti.”

  I groan and wrap my legs around him, pressing his dick into my sex. “Don’t speak Italian to me unless you’re planning to fuck me again.”

  “Oh, I’m definitely planning to fuck you again. Many more times. This time with my mouth.” He grins before he descends down my body.

  Lips rubbing against my neck and a sensation below rouses me from sleep. I wonder how long it’s been since the last time Aidan woke me up. We barely slept all night, having woken up multiple times to fuck or fool around. The last time, was around 6 AM. The sun peeked through my blinds just as I rested my pussy onto his wanting mouth and wrapped my lips around his cock.


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