First Semester (A Campus Tales Story Book 1)

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First Semester (A Campus Tales Story Book 1) Page 8

by Q. B. Tyler

  Open it, my dick urges me.

  Calm the fuck down, she’s not going to fuck you again.

  I’ve slid my thumb across the phone before I can convince myself to ignore her message.

  Skyler: My advisor wouldn’t let me transfer out. Guess you’re stuck with me. Oh yeah, also fuck you.

  Aidan: I can’t say I’m not pleased. This is for the best, you don’t want to be behind.

  Skyler: Why do you even fucking care? You treated me like complete shit today, don’t be nice to me now.

  Aidan: Of course I care. Skyler, I’m sorry.

  Skyler: This is the second time you’ve been a dick to me. I can MAYBE give you a pass for the first one because you were caught off guard. But today was bullshit.

  Aidan: I know…

  Skyler: Well, whatever. I just wanted to let you know that you’d see me tomorrow.

  Aidan: I look forward to it.

  Skyler: I don’t.

  Aidan: I’m sorry to hear that.

  She doesn’t respond despite my staring at the phone, willing her to. It isn’t until ten minutes later that my phone vibrates again, indicating a phone call. I don’t hesitate to answer.


  “Hello, it’s me. Yes. I mean…hi. Okay, let’s get something straight.” I hear her slur and now I understand the reasons for her texts and her calls. She clears her throat. “We are not having sex ever again.”

  I grit my teeth and the words taste awful coming out of my mouth. My dick strains against my sweats hearing her words as cum pools at the tip. “I know.”

  “Even though you are great at it.”

  I lean back in my chair, a smug grin finding my face that I’m glad she can’t see. “Is that so?”

  “Yes. Really good. But I have to move on. La vita va Avanti, remember?”

  I nod. She doesn’t sound all that sure of that affirmation, but I chalk it up to the alcohol coursing through her system. “I remember.”

  “So, you’re…the past. Not the future.” I hear her talking to someone. “No, go away, Peyton.” She snorts. “I’m not going to tell him that.” I strain to listen, wondering what Peyton advised her to tell me. “Because!” Silence. “Peyton wants me to tell you, that I am hot and I will find another guy that appreciates me.” I hear more shuffling. “What? That’s what you said!”

  I’m not mad that I’ve been drunk dialed by this college student who isn’t even legally old enough to drink. I’m mad that she mentioned herself with another guy. No one better fucking touch her.

  “Skyler, where are you?”

  “At a bar.” She giggles. “Using my fake ID.”

  “I wish you’d stop that shit.”

  “Well…that’s not your call, now is it?”

  “Which bar?”

  “What…you’re going to come here? I wouldn’t if I were you. This place is crawling with college students. One might recognize ya.”

  “I’ll risk it. Now tell me,” I order.

  With a Boston Red Sox hat pulled low over my head, a Harvard t-shirt and jeans, I look like I may just pass for a college student. Or hell, at least someone under the age of thirty. I pull up to the bar, and make my way inside, grateful that I don’t have to wait in a line too long. The bar is massive, way bigger than Lush and I find myself wondering how the hell I’m going to find her in the sea of people that are already heavily intoxicated. The bar is packed causing people to filter out onto the patio that is lit by twinkling lights. The bass thumps in my ears and vibrates through my system as I watch students enjoy their time before the semester really starts and going out on a Tuesday night becomes a distant memory. I make my way through the crowd and my ears immediately perk up when I hear a high pitched squeal followed by “Sky!” I whip my head towards the source of the sound and my eyes almost pop out of my head when I see Skyler.

  Fuck. Me.

  She’s wearing a black crop top that shows far too much skin, both cleavage and midriff with a long skirt that stops just above her ankles. She has on heels that give her a little bit of height and her hair is off her shoulders in a sexy bun that I want to pull on as I fuck her from behind. She looked hot as fuck. My eyes move behind her to see that she is dancing with some douche in a polo and boat shoes whose hands are secured around her waist as she shakes her ass against him. Her hands raise up every few seconds, her hips swaying to the beat and revealing even more of her tan torso. A torso I’d had my mouth all over no more than five hours ago. Fuck that.

  The reasonable side of me urges that I hang back and wait to make sure that said guy isn’t a student at CGU. Or at least until she finishes dancing with him so that I don’t embarrass her.

  But the other side, a much stronger more overbearing side, roars that no one can touch Skyler. That she’s mine and that fucker doesn’t know who he’s messing with.

  I push through the crowd before my reasonable side can stop me until I’m standing in front of her, my hat low, and staring her down. Our eyes lock and her breath hitches, almost as if she doesn’t recognize me yet. I grab her shoulders and pull her towards me, out of the grip of the guy behind her and realization must dawn on her because she gasps. Her teeth find her bottom lip but other than that she doesn’t react. “Aidan,” she mouths.

  “What the fuck dude, we were dancing,” the guy says to me, but I don’t look at him. I don’t even acknowledge him as I lead her away. My hand slides around her shoulder possessively.

  “And now you’re not.”

  “What the fuck?”

  “She was using you to make me jealous. Get over it,” I call over my shoulder. I’m not sure if he heard me, but I’m positively sure I don’t care.

  “Are you?” she asks as she looks up at me.

  “Am I what?” I pull her out of the crowd, into a less crowded area, and pull her into my arms. Her skin is soft and I want to run my hands over every inch of her.


  Yes. “What do you think?” She nods her head and I lean down to press my lips to the space behind her ear. “We’ve already been over that. I don’t share.”

  “But you don’t want me at all.”

  “I never said that.”

  “You said I’m a good fuck but you don’t want to get fired over it.”

  I wince, hearing the brutal words thrown back at me. I regretted it the second I said it. “You’re more than a good fuck, Skyler. You know that.”

  “I don’t know anything. And quite frankly, for thirty-two, you act like a fucking college fuckboy. Say what you mean and mean what you say.” She crosses her arms in front of her and I don’t miss the glaze in her eye, making me remember that she’d had more than a little bit to drink tonight.

  “Fair. I shouldn’t have said that. I’m sorry. I’m a bit out of my depth navigating a relationship with someone I can’t have.”


  “Whatever you want to call this.” I rub a hand behind my head. “How much have you had to drink, Skyler?” She swallows and looks around, shifting nervously from one foot to the other. “Answer me,” I order her.

  “Like one or two?” She puts her two fingers up innocently and holds them next to her cheek.

  “Bullshit. You can barely focus your eyes,” I growl at her and she frowns.

  “What do you even care? You’re not my father. You’re not my boyfriend. Just leave me alone, Aidan.” She backs up slightly and I wonder if she’s going to leave, but I don’t give her the option as I grab her hand.

  “You don’t think I want to!?” I raise my voice louder than I intend but it isn’t enough to alert anyone given the volume of the music. I pull my hat down lower over my eyes and glower at the drunk but unbelievably pretty girl swaying against me. “I’m taking you home.”

  “With you?” she squeaks and I don’t miss the way my cock twitches at the thought of her writhing underneath me.

  “Yes, but we’re not doing anything.”

  You sure about that?

p; Skyler’s heels are off her feet before I’ve even shut the door of my apartment, and she turns around in the space. Never in a million years did I think I would ever have a drunk college student in my apartment at one in the morning.

  But then again, I never saw Skyler coming.

  “Your place is cute!” She peeks her head around the kitchen and living room before turning to look at me. “Can I see your bedroom?”

  I swallow hard, my Adam’s apple bobbing in my throat as I try to hold on to some shred of control so that I don’t end up taking this drunk nineteen year old on my kitchen counter. I’m old enough to know better.

  But I may have been just young enough not to care.

  “Skyler…” I trail off as I pull my hat off and toss it on the counter. “We can’t have sex.”

  “And why not?”

  “Well, for starters, because you said you weren’t having sex with me anymore.”

  She twists her face into a sexy pout and stares at the ceiling as if she’s trying to recall saying that. “That wasn’t me.”

  “Oh? You sure? Because…I have the texts.”

  “Nope. No idea who that was.” She walks towards my fridge and opens it like she owns the place. “Ooh beer!” She pulls one out and pops it open before I have a chance to stop her.

  “Skyler, baby, you’ve had enough.”

  “Did you just call me…?” She pulls the can out of my reach and backs up. “So, I’m baby again?”

  I ignore her comment. The word had slipped out of my mouth so casually, as if I’ve been saying it for years. “Can I have the beer?” I hold my hand out, wanting to stop her from drinking anymore and adding to the hangover I know she will have tomorrow.

  She takes a long gulp of it and hands it to me. I sigh when I realize it’s half empty. “Skyler, you have class in the morning. We should get some sleep.” I’m expecting an argument, but I start to see the exhaustion setting in all over her face. She lets out a sigh and pulls her hair from the bun, letting it fall to her shoulders in sexy waves.

  “I assume you don’t have any makeup wipes?” she asks me. Her eyes have started to droop and she rubs at them, smearing her mascara under her eyes.

  “Afraid not.” I lead her down the hall towards my bedroom, holding her small hand in mine and wishing it was wrapped around my dick instead.

  “An extra toothbrush?” she asks and I shake my head. She sits on my bed just before sending her skirt down her legs and leaving her in her crop top and a pair of underwear that look more like dental floss. I’m hanging on by an actual thread at this point, so I immediately move to my dresser and pull a pair of sweatpants out of a drawer for her to wear. I turn around and I see that she’s disappeared into my bathroom.

  I let out the breath I realize I’ve been holding. Aidan, keep your hands to your fucking self. I rub my jaw, wondering if maybe I should just sleep on the couch so that I’m not tempted to touch her where I know I shouldn’t.

  What if she wakes up tomorrow and she’s pissed to be in bed with you?

  My thoughts are interrupted by Skyler’s fresh face moving through my bedroom in nothing more than her panties and a strapless bra. I cough, trying to hide the groan that is sitting in the back of my throat. I shift away from her so that I can inconspicuously readjust my dick, and Skyler bounces on the bed.

  “It’s been a while since I washed my face with just plain soap and water. I used some of your mouthwash… I was going to use your toothbrush, but I don’t think we’re there yet,” she rambles before laying back on my bed and snuggling underneath my covers. “It’s cold in here.”

  “I got you a pair of sweatpants.”

  She shakes her head and lets her eyes flutter closed as a yawn leaves her lips. “Come snuggle me, that will warm me up.”

  “Skyler…” I warn.

  “Just to keep me warm.”

  “I’m onto you, Skyler,” I tell her.

  “Mmm, not yet.” She giggles, but her eyes are still closed. She submerges her face in my pillows and pulls the blankets up to her neck. “Thank you for coming to get me, Aidan,” she whispers.

  “You’re welcome, Skyler. Hey, what time is your first class tomorrow morning?” I don’t want her missing class because she’s laid up in her professor’s bed, hungover. And I can’t be here next to her, cuddling her.

  “Ummm ten?” I can tell sleep is going to find her any second so I turn the light out, sheathing the room in darkness.

  I press a kiss to her forehead followed by her cheek before I go into the bathroom to do a few things.

  Mainly jack off.

  I wake up the next morning to the roar of the pounding in my temples. I put a hand over my forehead and groan. I’m surprised to hear a chuckle close by. I move my hand and have to blink a few times in order to convince my brain that they aren’t playing tricks on me. Aidan is sitting next to me, shirtless, holding a cup of coffee in his hands. “Good morning, princess.”

  “What the…what time is it?”

  “A little after seven.”

  I groan at the early hour. “What the fuck? I’m going back to sleep.” If my memory serves me correctly, I don’t have class until ten, which means I don’t need to be fully functioning until nine at the earliest.

  “I made you some coffee.”

  “And that’s all well and good, but I’m still going back to sleep.”

  “You sure?” he asks and I open one eye. I will admit that he is just as gorgeous as I remember without a shirt. The bed creaks. I see him get up and walk around the bed to my side where he sits next to me, and only then do I realize he is completely naked.

  “Fuck.” I let out a breath and sit up slightly, holding my hands out for him to hand me the cup. “Did we? We didn’t last night, right?”

  “We didn’t.”

  I take a sip of my coffee and eye him warily. “Why?”

  “Because you were pretty drunk. And I wasn’t sure you wanted to.”

  “I wanted to.” The last of the alcohol still swirling around my brain is making me bold and I don’t care. I wanted him. I will always want him.

  But this back and forth is getting exhausting. Honestly, he’s giving me whiplash.

  “I don’t want to hurt you again, Skyler.”

  “Then… don’t.” I know it isn’t that simple, but I’ve come to realize that I want a relationship with a man that is that simple. Maybe Aidan isn’t that man. Yet here I am anyway, laying my cards on the table.

  I had prepared to let a man into my bed, but I’m shocked at how quick I’ve let someone into my heart again. The past two days I had been all out of sorts over a man that is supposed to be a quick fuck to clear out the cobwebs, as Peyton so eloquently put it. Somewhere between getting in and getting out, I got stuck. The wounds from my prior relationship haven’t completely healed, and yet here I am opening myself up to a man that only has the power to hurt me.

  Where is this even going?

  He already said he can’t do this, but then he came to get me, and I’m in his bed. What the fuck does this man even want?

  And more importantly, do I want it?

  He’s silent, and I assume my words pleading with him not to hurt me hit him harder than I intended. He takes my coffee from my hands and sets the mug on the nightstand. He reaches for me and I shrink away from his touch, backing away slowly, and frown. “You can’t keep jerking me around, Aidan. I know this is risky, but it is for me too and I’m willing to take the risk. Are you?”

  He moves closer to me and pulls me towards him, resting his forehead against mine. “Skyler,” he whispers, and his breath hits my lips gently. He cups my face and makes our eyes lock. “Mi dispiace, dolcezza.” His words send a tremor through me, igniting a spark and warming the space between my legs. I’m sorry, sweetheart.

  I bite my lip to prevent the whimper from leaving my lips. “You can’t use Italian to seduce me, Aidan.” Yes, he can.

  “Per favore.” Please.

  “Aidan…” I t
rail off and he weaves his fingers into my hair. He rubs my ears gently and draws a trail with his lips all over my face, kissing my cheeks, forehead, and nose, completely avoiding my lips.

  “Sono pazzo di te.” I’m crazy about you.

  I push him back, knowing that between the kisses and his Italian I can’t think straight. “Aidan. Stop. Use words.”

  “I am,” he whispers. “Non voglio che finisca.” I don’t want this to end.

  “Could have fooled me. You ended it, Aidan.” I pull out of his grasp and raise an eyebrow at him. He doesn’t say anything at first. His eyes leave my face briefly and I can see the wheels turning in that mind of his before he turns his gaze back to me.

  “I want this, but…we have to be careful.”

  I don’t say anything, and he must take as me being more receptive for him to touch me because he pulls me into his naked lap and presses a hot kiss to my chest, bare except for the tiny strapless bra. I have vague memories of getting undressed in his bathroom last night with the intention to seduce him, but I guess that didn’t pan out.

  He unsnaps my bra behind me and I shiver at his cool hands touching my body, still warm from being snuggled under his blankets. I lean forward and drag my nose against his. “I think I can be careful.”

  “Can you? You were pretty reckless last night, Skyler.” He pauses. “I didn’t like it.”

  “I was just out with my friends. People party in college. It’s what college kids do.”

  He grabs my jaw and squeezes. “I’m not always going to be around to keep you safe, Skyler. Keep your ass out of trouble and more importantly other guys’ hands off of you. I mean it.”

  “Yes, sir.” My skin hums along with the purr that leaves my lips. I rub my nose along his jaw and press my naked chest into his. I’m not sure how I feel about all of this, but I am sure I want him inside of me…now. Especially since I know he’s no longer a flight risk. I can figure out my feelings later. “Are you going to fuck me now?”


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