Tough Enough

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Tough Enough Page 35

by Jayne Ann Krentz

  Frowning, Jim said, “How about a picnic tomorrow? I wanted to go back up on the Rim and explore where they captured that jaguar and took her away.” Reaching over, he closed his hand over hers. “Want to come along?”

  “I’ll provide the lunch?” Rachel asked, thrilling at his strong, steady grip on her hand. The burning hunger in his eyes matched her own feelings. How she hungered to have a few moments alone with Jim! The demands in their lives had kept them apart and she wanted to change that.

  “You bet,” he murmured with a smile.

  “Have you heard from Bob Granby in the Fish and Game Department about how the jaguar is getting along in her new haunt?”

  Jim shifted in the saddle, the leather creaking pleasantly beneath him. “Matter of fact, I did. She’s been taken over to the White Mountain area and is getting along fine there. He said two more jaguars have been spotted in the mountains north of Tucson, so they are migrating north for sure.”

  “I love how things in nature, if they are disturbed, will come back into harmony over time.”

  Reluctantly releasing Rachel’s hand, Jim nodded. “I like the harmony we’re establishing right now between the two ranches.”

  “It will last only a year,” she commented sadly.

  He studied her. “Not if you agree to marry me, Rachel.”

  Her heart thudded. She stared at Jim. “What?”

  He grinned a little. “Well? Will you?”

  She saw that boyish grin on his face, his eyes tender with love—for her. Lips parting, she tried to find the words to go along with her feelings.

  “Is your stunned look a no or a yes?” he teased, his grin widening. Over the last six weeks, they had grown incredibly close. Nothing had ever felt so right or so good to Jim. He prayed silently that Rachel wanted marriage as much as he did.

  Touching her flaming cheeks, Rachel said, “Let me think about it? I’ll give you an answer tomorrow at lunch, okay?”

  Nodding, he picked up the reins from the neck of the quarter horse he rode. A part of him felt terror that she’d say no. Another part whispered that Rachel truly needed the time. But that was something he could give her. Leaning over, he curved his hand behind her neck and drew her to him.

  “What we have,” he told her, his face inches from hers, “is good and beautiful, princess. I’ll wait as long as you want me to.” He smiled a little, recalling that she had made the other man in her life wait five years and even then she couldn’t marry him. Things were different this time around and Jim knew it. Over the last six weeks, he’d watched Rachel’s fear dissolve more and more. The fact that he’d loved her since he was a teenager, he was sure, had something to do with it. Leaning over a little more, he crushed her lips to his and tasted sunlight, the clean, fresh air on them. It was so easy to kiss Rachel. And how wonderful it would be to love her fully. Her cheek was healed now, and he didn’t have to worry about possibly hurting her when he kissed her hard and swiftly. And he knew she wanted him, too, noting her warm, hot response to his mouth skimming hers.

  Easing away, Jim reluctantly released her. There was a delicious cloudiness in Rachel’s eyes, and he read it as longing—for him. “I’ll meet you at the north pasture at ten tomorrow morning?” he asked huskily.

  Rachel felt dizzy with heat, with an aching longing for Jim. Every time he stole a kiss unexpectedly from her, she wanted him just that much more. Touching her lips, she nodded. He look so handsome and confident, sitting astride his bay gelding with that dangerous look glittering in his eyes, one corner of his mouth pulled into a slight, confident smile.


  RACHEL FOUND KATE OUT in the barn, feeding the broodmares for the evening. She helped her older sister finish off the feeding by giving the pregnant Arabian mares a ration of oats. When they were done, Rachel sat down on a bale of hay at one end of the barn. Kate walked up, took off her hat and, wiping her brow with the back of her hand, joined her.

  “Thanks for the help.”

  Rachel nodded. “I need to share something with you, Kate, and I wanted you to hear it from me and not secondhand.”

  She saw Kate’s face go on guard. Rachel smiled a little. “It’s good news, Kate.”

  “Whew. Okay, what is it?” she asked, running her fingers through her hair. “I could use good news.”

  Wasn’t that the truth? Rachel smiled tentatively. “Jim asked me to marry him today.” She watched Kate’s expression carefully. “I’ve already told Jessica and Dan. Now I want to tell you and Sam. I’d like to know how you feel about the possibility.” Her gut clenched a little as she waited for Kate to speak.

  “Jim’s a good man,” Kate said finally, in a low voice. She picked at some of the alfalfa hay between her legs where she straddled the bale. Her brows knitted as she chose her words. “I didn’t like him before. But that’s because his last name is Cunningham.” Looking up, she smiled apologetically. “I’m the last one who should be holding a grudge. The more I saw of Jim in different circumstances, the more I realized that he was genuine. He’s not like the others in his family. And he’s trying to straighten things out between the two families.”

  “If I tell him yes,” Rachel whispered, a catch in her voice, “that means I’ll be living over there for a while, at least until Bo and Chet come back to claim the ranch.”

  “And then,” Kate said, straightening and moving her shoulders a little, “you can come home and have your house back if you want.”

  “Then you don’t mind if I tell Jim yes?”

  Kate gave her a silly grin. Leaning over, she hugged Rachel tightly for a moment. “You love each other! Why should I stand in the way? Jim’s a good person. He means to do right by others. He can’t help it if he’s got rattlesnakes for brothers.”

  Grinning, Rachel gripped Kate’s long, callused hand. “Thanks, Kate. Your blessing means everything to me. I—I didn’t want to come back here and not be welcomed.”

  Tears formed in Kate’s eyes and she wiped them away self-consciously. “Listen, I’ve committed enough mistakes for the whole family. You’ve both forgiven me. Why can’t I do the same for you and Jim? So, when’s the big day?”

  “I don’t know—yet. Jim and I are going to ride up on the Rim tomorrow morning where we found the jaguar’s den. I’m packing a lunch.”

  Rising, Kate said, “Great! I’m sure you’ll know a lot more when you come down.” Holding her hand out to Rachel, she sighed. “Isn’t it wonderful? We’ve all come home from various parts of the world and we’re getting our ranch back on its feet. Together.”

  Rachel released Kate’s hand and walked slowly down the aisle with her. She slipped her arm around her sister’s slender waist. “Dreams do come true,” she agreed. “I hated leaving here when I did. I cried so much that first year I was gone. I was so homesick for Mama, for this wonderful land … ?.”

  Sighing, Kate wrapped her arm around Rachel’s waist. The gloom of the barn cast long shadows down the aisle as they slowly walked together. “All three of us were. At least we had the guts to come back and work to save our ranch.”

  “And we’re finally coming out from under the bank’s thumb!” Rachel laughed, feeling almost giddy about their good fortune. Kate and Sam had sold off half the Herefords for a good price. With the bank loan paid off, they now had a clear shot at keeping the ranch once and for all.

  Kate looked down at her, smiling. “Want another piece of good news?”

  “Sure? Gosh, two in a row, Katie. I don’t know if I can handle it or not!”

  She laughed huskily. Patting her abdomen, she said, “I’m pregnant.”

  Stunned, Rachel released her and turned, her mouth dropping open. “What?”

  Coloring prettily, Kate kept her hand across her abdomen. “I just found out this afternoon. Doc Kaldenbaugh said I was two and a half months along. Isn’t that wonderful?”

  “And Sam? Does he know about it?” Rachel asked, feeling thrilled. She saw the shyness in Kate’s face and
the joy in it, too.

  “Sure, he was with me.”

  “Oh!” Rachel cried, throwing her arms around Kate and hugging her. “This is so wonderful! I’m gonna be an aunt!”

  Kate laughed self-consciously. “Hey, I’m going to need all the help I can get. This mothering role isn’t one I know a whole lot about.”

  Tears trickled down Rachel’s cheeks. “Don’t worry,” she whispered, choking up, “Jessica and I will love being aunts and helping you out. I think among the three of us, we can do the job, don’t you?”

  Kate grinned mischievously. “You mean Jessica hasn’t told you yet?”

  “Told me what?”

  “She’s expecting, too.”

  Stunned, Rachel stared. “What? When did this all happen? Where was I?”

  Chuckling, Kate said, “We both went to Doc Kaldenbaugh today. Seems Jessica is expecting twins. They run in Dan Black’s family, you know.”

  Rachel pressed her hands to her cheeks, dumbfounded. She saw Kate’s eyes sparkle with laughter over her reaction.

  “So, little sis, you and Jim had better get busy, eh? I’m assuming you want children?”

  “More than anything,” Rachel said, her voice soft and in awe. “You’re both pregnant!”

  “Yes,” Kate gave her a satisfied smile. She turned and shut the barn doors for the night with Rachel’s help. “Sam is going to hire a couple more wranglers now that we have some money. Then I can ease off on some of the work I’ve been doing. He wants me to take it easy.” She laughed as she brought the latch down on the door. “I can’t exactly see me knitting and crocheting in the house all day, can you?”

  Rachel shook her head. “No, but Sam’s right—you do need to ease off on some of that hard, physical labor you do on the ranch. I’m sure Jessica could use some help in her flower essence business. You like the greenhouse.”

  “I was thinking I would help her,” Kate said. Patting Rachel on the shoulder, she said, “I’ll let Jessica know I told you the big news. When you see Jim tomorrow, and say yes, tell him from me that I’m glad he’s going to be a part of our family.”

  Rachel nodded and gripped her sister’s hand for a moment. Kate’s blessing made things right. “I will,” she whispered. “And thanks for understanding.”

  “Around here,” Kate said, looking up at the bright coverlet of stars in the black night above them, “everything is heart centered, Rachel. I like living out of my heart again. This ranch is our heart, our soul. I’m looking forward to having kids running around again. I’m really looking forward to seeing life and discoveries through their eyes. You know?”

  Rachel did know. She lifted her hand. “Good night, Kate. That baby you’re carrying will be one of the most loved children on the face of this earth.” And it would be. As Rachel made her way through the darkness, broken by patches of light from the sulfur lamps placed here and there around the ranch, she smiled softly. They had suffered so much—each of them—and now life was giving them gifts in return for their courage. Her heart expanded and she longed to see Jim. Rachel could hardly wait for morning to arrive.

  “ISN’T THAT WONDERFUL NEWS?” Rachel asked as she sat on the red-and-white-checkered blanket. Jim had spread the picnic blanket out at the mouth to the canyon, beneath an alligator juniper that was probably well over two hundred years old. Above them was the empty lair where the jaguar had once lived.

  He munched thoughtfully on an apple. Lying on his side, his cowboy hat hung on a low tree limb, he nodded. “Twins. Wow. Jessica and Dan are going to be busy.”

  Chuckling, Rachel put the last of the chocolate cake and the half-empty bottle of sparkling grape juice back into the saddlebags. “No kidding.”

  “You like the idea of being an aunt?” Jim asked, slowly easing into a sitting position. He watched as Rachel put the items away. No matter what she did, there was always grace about her movements. Today she wore her hair loose and free, with dark strands cascading across her pale pink cowboy shirt.

  “I love the idea.”

  He caught her hand. “What do you think about having children?”

  His hand was warm and dry as she met and held his tender gaze. “I’ve always wanted them. And you?”

  “They’re a natural part of life—and love,” he said slowly as he pulled a small box from his pocket. Placing the gray velvet box in the palm of her hand, he whispered, “Open it, Rachel… ?.”

  Heart pounding, she smiled tremulously. Rachel knew it was a wedding ring. She loved the idea of him asking to marry her here, in this special canyon the jaguar had come home to. In many ways, the Donovan women were like that jaguar—chased away by a man. And they, too, had finally returned home.

  Her fingers trembled as she opened the tiny brass latch. Inside was a gold band. Instead of a diamond, however, there were eight channel-cut stones the same height as the surface of the ring so they wouldn’t snag or catch on anything. Each stone was a different color, and as Rachel removed the ring, they sparkled wildly in the sunlight.

  “This is so beautiful, Jim,” she whispered. Tears stung her eyes as she held it up to him. “It’s like this ring.” She held up her hand, showing him the “going steady” ring he’d bought so long ago and that she’d faithfully worn since he’d gotten up the courage to give it to her.

  Touched, Jim nodded. “Do you like it?”

  “Like it?” Rachel stroked the new ring. “I love it… ?.”

  “I had it made by a jeweler in Sedona. He’s well known for one-of-a-kind pieces. I drew him a picture of the other ring and he said he could do it. Instead of cut glass, though, each of those are gemstones. There’s a small emerald, topaz, pink tourmaline, ruby, white moonstone and opal set in it.”

  Amazed at the simple beauty of the wedding ring, Rachel sighed. “Oh, Jim, this is beyond anything I could imagine.”

  Wryly, he said, “Can you imagine being my wife?” Lifting her chin, Rachel met and held his very serious gaze. “Yes, I can.”

  Satisfaction soared through him. “Let’s see if it fits.” He took the ring and slid it onto her finger. The fit was perfect. Holding her hand, he added huskily, “You name the date, okay?”

  Sniffing, she wiped the tears from her cheeks with her fingers. “My mother’s birthday was March 21. I’d love to get married on that day and honor her spirit, honor what she’s given the three of us. Is that too soon?”

  Grinning, Jim brought her into the circle of his arms. “Too soon?” He pressed a kiss to her hair as she settled against his tall, hard frame. “I was thinking, like, tomorrow?”

  Rachel laughed giddily. “Jim! You don’t mean that, do you?”

  He leaned down and held Rachel in his arms, taking her mouth gently. She was soft and warm and giving. As her hand slid around his neck, a hot, trembling need poured through him. He skimmed her lips with his and felt her quiver in response. She tasted of sweet cherries and chocolate from the cake she’d just eaten. Running his hands through her thick, unbound hair, he was reminded of the strength that Rachel possessed.

  Drawing her onto the blanket, he met her eyes, dazed with joy and need. “I want to love you,” he rasped, threading his fingers through her hair as it fell against the blanket like a dark halo. Sunlight filtering through the juniper above them dappled the ground with gold. The breeze was warm and pine scented. Everything was perfect with Rachel beside him. Nothing had ever felt so right to Jim as this moment.

  “Yes …” Rachel whispered as she moved her hands to his light blue chambray shirt. She began to unsnap the pearl buttons one at a time until the shirt fell away, exposing his darkly haired chest. Closing her eyes, Rachel spread her hands out across his torso, the thick, wiry hair beneath her palms sending tingles up her limbs. There was such strength to Jim, she realized, as she continued to languidly explore his deep, well-formed body. At the same time, she felt his fingers undoing the buttons on her blouse. Each touch was featherlight, evocative and teasing. Her nipples hardened in anticipation as he moved the ma
terial aside, easing it off her shoulders. The sunlight felt warm against her exposed skin as the last of her lingerie was shed.

  The first, skimming touch of his work-roughened fingers along her collarbone made her inhale sharply. Opening her eyes, she drowned in his stormy ones. They had always called him Cougar and she could see and feel his desire stalking her now. As he spread his hand outward to follow the curve of her breast, her lashes fluttered closed. Hot, wild tingling sped through her and she moaned as his fingers cupped her flesh.

  Moments later, she felt his lips capture one hardened nipple and a cry of pleasure escaped her lips. Instinctively, she arched against him. His naked chest met hers. A galvanizing fire sizzled through her as he suckled her. The heat burned down her to her lower abdomen, an ache building so fiercely between her thighs that she moaned as his hand moved to release the snap on her Levi’s. Never had Rachel felt so wanted and desired as now. As he lifted his head, he smiled down at her. His gaze burned through her, straight to her heart, to her soul. This was the man she wanted forever, she realized dazedly.

  As he slipped out of his Levi’s, after pulling hers from her legs, Rachel felt shaky with need. Her mind wasn’t functioning; she was solely captive to her emotions, to the love she felt for Jim as he eased her back down on the blanket. As his strong, sun-darkened body met and flowed against hers, she released a ragged little sigh. Automatically, she pressed herself wantonly against him. His hand ranged down across her hip to her thigh. As she met his mouth, and he plundered her depths hotly, she slid her hand up and over his chest. Their breathing was hot and shallow. Their hearts pounded in fury and need.

  The moment his hand slid between her thighs, silently asking her to open to him, she felt his tongue move into her mouth. Where did rapture begin and end? Rachel wasn’t sure as his tongue stroked hers at the same time his fingers sought and found the moist opening to her womanhood. Sharp jolts of heat moved up through her. The cry in her throat turned to a moan of utter need. In moments, she felt him move across her, felt his knee guide her thighs open to receive all of him, and she clung to his capturing, cajoling mouth.


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