The Rise of Planet Rubicon - Part One

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The Rise of Planet Rubicon - Part One Page 2

by Dasrim Hasik

  So Jack decides to be kind, because he might as well. "Could you please take us to...Reversia?" He pauses. "I'm sorry, I don't know your name."

  "My name is JANE. It stands for Jack's Automotive and Nautical Environment. I can take you through all terrains and even into the water if you decide that is where you need to go. I seat four occupants comfortably and can go as fast as you need me to. There are also several upgrades you may be interested in. If there is anything you want or need, you only need to tell me. I will inform you of the status of all of your requests."

  Jack nods.

  "Thank you, JANE. Please just take us to Reversia. Do I need to steer or anything?"

  The computer voice, very soft and feminine, responds. "No, Jack. You can simply sit back and enjoy the views as we pass. I will take a comfortable speed in order to get there. However, if you would like to go faster, I will adjust speed accordingly."

  Jack nods. "Yes, fast is good."

  Chapter 6: Great Ride

  The ride takes some getting used to. Bridget doesn't let go of his hand. He blushes. He doesn't really know how to address the fact that Bridget is looking at him like he's the greatest guy in the world. His world has been chemistry books, physics guides, a few mangas, and plenty of space photos. He has immersed himself in stars, galaxies, planets, and loyal moons that seem perfectly happy to circle uncaring planets for millennia without complaint.

  Bridget says softly, "Reversia needs to be rebuilt, but there are a few things that are still standing. Jack..."

  Jack looks over at her. "What is it?"

  Bridget breathes deeply. "You are not the only dreamer anymore. There are others that ...that tried to take over. They were not kind to those of us that were still loyal to you, the ones that still dreamed and held the highest intentions that you would return. Their technology became better than ours, and many people suffered. Are you sure that you want to get into the middle of all of this? I mean...I can probably ask the Silent Sage to send you back through the gate, but your reality will never be the same."

  Jack nods slightly, thinking about what he honestly wants to do. Going back means going back to a mostly empty home where his parents fight all day and night about everything under sun. It means going back to a home where a convertible would never sit outside in the driveway, waiting to be used. It feels materialistic — he should feel more loyal to people he shares DNA with, but he certainly can't help his thoughts. He doesn't hate them — not really. He just doesn't want to go back.

  I can never go back. They will never really accept me. Why bother going back? Without really thinking it through, he knows that he has made his decision for the long term. No matter what happens, I will never go back. There really is no turning back, so why not seize the unknown?

  Bridget can apparently tell that Jack has decided to stay and she smiles. "Good. Stay. There's so much to do."

  "When did you realize this was my world?"

  Bridget giggles. "Everyone knows. Everything has an energy signature, and yours is all over Reversia. Some of your biggest fans have pictures of you at the main government compound of the city. You are praised for the world you created...well, until you abandoned it. That made a lot of people feel that you didn' didn't care about us. When the Others came into the world, it got even worse. Many people lost their lives and we could not get them back. Sickness came. Nobody knew how to fix it. I was told to come to your world and observe you to see if something happened to you. Nobody really knows that much about you, but I began following you around."

  Jack interrupted her. "Why did you follow me? I'm not important at all." He frowns, running a hand through his copper hair. His glasses feel heavy and he wonders if he can get a new pair here. He looks at Bridget, still decked out in her jumpsuit. He wonders if she's got a crush on him, but he shrugs it off.

  Women didn't really see Jack that way. He had tried a few times to ask women out, only to be told that he was more their friend than anything else. Always a friend, never a boyfriend. Story of my life.

  "Jack, are you all right?" Bridget's strong and steady voice breaks through everything. When he nods, she continues. "Jack, you created an entire world. Before the doubt and fear you held destroyed was a happy place. We loved seeing little pieces of you as well. You used to come here in your sleep, jumping through the gate and ending up here. Many of your friends are still here."

  Jack splutters. "Friends? I have friends?"

  Bridget nods and giggles. "You have friends, and um, a girlfriend. She still lives at Quiet River, the home you have here." She waves a hand. "We're almost here. You look tired. Just rest. We have a long time to discuss things."

  Chapter 7: Reluctant City

  Reversia is a city that needs plenty of work. Jack can tell that just as they roll into what is obviously the outer edge of the city. Tall buildings that are abandoned and cracked litter the surrounding area, along with plenty of litter. Torn posters, old plastic, worn out cars and plenty other pieces of flotsam and jetsam adorn the streets.

  Jack looks around the area to see groups of people moving slowly, trying to get somewhere that he doesn't know. Nobody sees him yet, and he's glad for that. He isn't sure how to even begin fixing the place. There is so much rebuilding that needs to take place, and he's certainly going to need people that are going to be happy about helping him do just that. If this is his world, then he definitely wants to figure out how to rebuild it properly.

  They drive through the city quickly, pulling down back and side streets until they are back out in a countryside of sorts. The grass is worn and brown, but he can see the bends of a river running around the back of the property in the distance. It's hard to make out from here, but he figures this is his home.

  Bridget smiles. "We're at Quiet River now. It's set back a little bit from the city. You always wanted to come out here and think about how to make our lives even better." Her freckles seem to change colors, brightening in time to her mood.

  "Can you tell me about Reversia, and the people that live here?"

  Bridget begins to speak, but there's a sharp flash of light and a shield snaps up around the car.

  JANE's voice chirps up, interrupting them both.

  "Danger detected. Pulse warfare coming from Quiet River compound. Entering battle mode." More of the sharp flashes of light rain down, battering the shield but not managing to break it.

  Jack boggled. Pulse warfare?

  He figured his sentient convertible was talking about the flashes of light raining down on them. I just want that crap to end! The ground shook and Jack heard a sharp cracking sound, then a spray of tiny metal pieces rained down for a moment. The shield didn't wobble anymore, and no pulses came up.

  Bridget giggled. "You got it to stop I think." They pushed forward, needing to get closer to the house.

  JANE moved the car forward, still keeping the shield up.

  He was focusing on what he saw ahead. Jack gasped as the house came into sharp view, tall and overwhelming. It looked like a large structure designed to hold a lot of people, not just himself. Tall columns dotted the front, leading to great balconies. He counted at least four of these balconies. It felt more like a little castle in the countryside than a regular residence. It also reminded him of an old picture that he had looked at many years ago and fallen in love with. He always figured if he hit the lottery he could design something like this. Apparently that image never left his mind because he was looking at it. A woman was on the front porch, still holding a gun and looking at the shielded car as it snaked up the driveway.

  He didn't get out of the car, but he wondered who the woman was. Is this my girlfriend? Am I supposed to be excited about her too? He thought she was good looking.

  Tall, fairly slender, dark haired and blue eyed. She was wearing a purple jumpsuit like Bridget but had dark green freckles where Bridget had orange ones. "Her name is Alara. In case you forgot about that, too."

  He decided to step out of the car, figuri
ng that it was better to take a risk than to not take a risk. "Please don't shoot! I'm Jack Stonewell. I...used to live here."

  "I know good and well who you are! You left me! How could you! You made the world go away!" She raised her gun and he spluttered, "I didn't know what I was doing, okay?"

  He looked sheepish, feeling weird about explaining himself. Does she really think I would do something like that on purpose? He wanted to explain to her that he would never have done anything that crazy, but she was getting ready to lift her gun again. He stepped forward boldly. "Look, I can't fix it if you shoot me. Why can't we talk this out? I remember wanting a woman like you in my life — were we happy here?" For a second, he thinks she's going to fire, but she sets the gun aside and sighs.

  "We were going to get married. You said I was the only girl in the world for you, Jackson. You really don't remember?"

  He shook his head. "I wasn't really aware that this world existed. I promise you that."

  Alara looks down at him and then makes the gun disappear, calling in a tall staff.

  He can look at the wood and tell that getting hit with one of those would be pretty painful. Instead of hitting him, she flashes out of view and arrives next to him.

  She looks at him and pulls him close so she can get a long, deep kiss.

  Jack is flustered further by this, thinking about how to react. He doesn't kiss girls, doesn’t know what to do with them.

  She pulls away and laughs. "Yep, same old Jack. Never quite the romantic, but for some reason...I love you anyway. You must be hungry."

  Jack nods and decides to wave in Bridget, who follows behind them nervously. He senses that there may be some conflict between the two women, but he figures he'll just play it by ear. The inside of the house is massive, echoing the larger than life structure. He coughs and clears his throat, trying to figure out where to begin.

  Alara laughs as a spinning disc rushes towards them, beeping happily. "The home of tomorrow, made today. How great is that?"

  Jack hums. "What is that?"

  "You called it Walter, for some reason. It's basically a personal assistant. Anything you want here, Walter will bring it to you. You can order food in the house, drinks, or schedule regular cleanup. You always hated cleaning your room on Earth, so you figured someone would need to do it for you."

  He nods. "Better things to do than clean."

  Alara smirks. "Yes, you really are Jack. Same attitude and everything."

  He makes a face, but sits down on the couch. Brigit hums. "I think I'm going to take a tour of the house, let you two get comfortable."

  Alara waves a hand and the other woman goes on about her business.

  "So, are you with her now, or what?"

  Jack panics. "N-n-n-no! She doesn't look at me like that. I honestly don't remember you, but if it helps, you’re really pretty. I think you're very nice but I don't know why you started shooting at me."

  Alara looks up at him. "You don't get it, do you? The main city was taken over by the Others...I don't know who you let inside your head, but they ran wild here. A lot of people got killed by their antics, and we gave up on you returning. A lot of us wanted to be here so badly, and had such a deep desire to be here that we simply lasted even without you."

  She reaches for his hand and holds it tightly in hers. She smiles. "I know I'm not like the Earth girls, but I don't look that different." Her freckles sparkle pinkish blue, and she smiles up to him.

  Jack nods. "I think you look nice..." He trails off, realizing that he said that already. He blushes slightly and Alara leans against him. The spinning disc floats above them, beeping again.

  "Sir, what would you like?"

  "I'd really like a roast beef sandwich, on rye bread. Can I have that?"

  "Whatever the mind believes, it can achieve sir. I will certainly get your sandwich ready. And you, Lady Alara?"

  "I will take what Jack is having, thanks."

  He slipped his hand around Alara's, testing to see if she was really as close to him as she said.

  She immediately squeezed his hand, cooing softly. "Oh, Jack. It's been so lonely without you."

  They looked into each other's eyes, enjoying the company and the view of the countryside around them. Nothing more needed to be said.

  Chapter 8: A Temporary Peace

  After Walter delivered their meal, they spent the rest of the night eating, laughing and talking. Alara was a chatty girl at heart and Jack didn't mind listening to everything she had to say. She said that Reversia was a place where everyone's opinion was valued. Bullying had been outlawed, but there was really no need for it. Everyone got a kick out of interacting with everyone that bullying was already very rare. The freedom that came from actually being able to be one's most authentic self was powerful, Alara explained, so anything that took away from that was frowned upon.

  Jack nodded, beginning to look sleepy.

  Alara ran her hand down his chest. "If you pull the couch out, it becomes a bed. Why don't we just go ahead and sleep tonight? We can discuss things in the morning. Of course, if you need a little nightly entertainment..."

  Jack blushed a bright red and Alara laughed.

  "You don't remember that part either, huh?"

  Jack shook his head. "I've that."

  She grins. "That you recall, of course. We'll revisit this topic later. For now, let's sleep." She pushes a lever down on the side and the bed pops out, effortlessly sliding them up and outward for their own comfort. A few blankets pop up on the side, waiting to be taken. Alara's hands are smooth and soft, and she moves the covers over them both.

  Jack finds the temperature in the room has adjusted itself without really being asked to. "Is it normal for things to happen with only a thought?"

  Alara nods. "Whatever the mind can believe..."

  Jack groans, and she laughs.

  "You'll hear that a lot. We all think the world of you Jack. Please fix our city, and our planet. We can make it bloom again."

  Jack pulled her close, letting himself close his eyes. "I will do my best, that's all I can promise."

  "That will be enough. For the sake of our world, that will have to be more than enough."

  A pair of eyes is watching the couple sleep, with the rest of the house silently waiting for the next command. Their dreams seem happy enough, and the figure knows what will happen from here. There is an ominous energy around the figure, and for good reason. It is not here to create anything worth being happy about. But Jack does not know that. Jack is in the world of dreams, where Alara is looking at him like he's the best thing that has ever happened to him. The figure continues to watch the couple sleep, before going to the perch where Bridget is sleeping. It hovers over the Reversian woman for a few moments, and then vanishes.

  Another day. There will be plenty of changes in the days ahead. Why rush things? For now, there is a tiny, fragile peace in the city of Reversia, and the Planet Rubicon moves ahead slowly. After all, what else can happen? There is no going back. You can never go back.

  Chapter 9: Morning Truths

  Morning sun spilled everywhere; reminding Jack that no matter how much he didn't feel like he fit in, it was always morning somewhere. The sun would still shine, and the double suns would still come up. It caused a lot of light to spill into the room, but maybe he needed that natural alarm clock in order to get his thoughts together. Alara was still asleep next to him, the blankets pulled back loosely.

  As he realized that she certainly hadn't stopped to leave pajamas on, he blushed. Great, now my cheeks match the color of my hair. How fun.He remembered the restless night in little fragments. He woke up, very aware of the sleeping woman. He wrapped his body around her like he knew her forever. Maybe part of him did. He was amazed as she snuggled close to him.

  Back on Earth, he had never lived for romance, never thought girls saw him at all. But when Alara pushed herself against him, something melted in his head. It was one more barrier, one more fear slowly
fading away. Wasn't that the entire theme of the planet, the absence of fear? He wasn't sure. Maybe it was about finally putting into context everything he wanted.

  Jack didn't really know what he wanted — not all of the time, anyway. It was tempting to assume that he knew exactly what he wanted at any time, but that wasn't always the case. There were just so many damned options. Options everywhere, haunting him.

  He had felt like something else was here, but he figured that was just his nervousness talking. Alara had woken up and fixed that — boy, how she had fixed it. He would visit those memories later, as he always felt mornings were for living, not reminiscing.

  Still, he had to acknowledge his former-virgin self-scored well with a major babe — even if she had purple-green freckles and tried to kill him with space-age technology. Hey, nobody's perfect. There were so many things on his mind. He needed to get the City back where it needed to be. Reversia could be a proud city, an amazing city, but he had a lot of work to do. He needed to get people to trust him.

  If Alara had that type of angry reaction just from seeing him, what would the rest of the town honestly think about him? Would they feel like he should belong here, or would they try to send him home? You can't go back. You can never go back, Jack. He remembered Bridget too. She had always impressed him in class, answering even the toughest questions. She was both reachable and unreachable, never really getting close to anyone.

  But for some reason, he always felt like she had been studying him. Calculating his value, as if she had known him all along. Now he knew why, but some things didn't add up. If he was some sort of fancy king that could manifest anything and everything, why was it that he felt so misplaced here? Why did it feel like fog had taken over his mind, blocking his power?

  There were too many questions and not enough damned answers, and he was getting tired of it. Way past tired and driving at 90 mph towards incredibly sick of even doing this anymore. His thoughts brought him back home to his father, mother, and sister. Were they missing him? Could he see them or did he just cut himself away from everyone like nothing had happened at all?


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