Adam, Enough Said (This Can't be Happening)

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Adam, Enough Said (This Can't be Happening) Page 12

by LeeAnne, Lynda

Nope, nothing. I hadn’t said anything to make her cry. But she looked like she was going to cry. I couldn't even get past the fact that she knew how to cry.

  "Mia, what--" I started, but when she faced me, I slammed my mouth shut. Her eyes were bright and glassy with unshed tears, her cheeks were flushed and her nose was pink.

  Oh no...Oh shit...


  Panic! That had to be what I was feeling, that painful constricting in my chest.

  What the hell did I do with a weepy woman?

  But looking at her sweet, sad, yet vulnerable face, I realized I’d rather slit my own throat than see her cry. On instinct, I reached out, yanked her against my body, wrapped her in my arms and buried my face in her neck. I took a deep breath and the familiar scent of coconut calmed me instantly.

  What is she doing to me?

  “Baby, I don’t know what’s goin’ through that pretty head of yours, but you’re killin’ me here.”

  I felt her breasts press further into my chest as she inhaled.

  “I want you,” she breathed against my ear and I stiffened.

  “That’s why you’re crying?” My voice was hoarse.

  “I'm not crying. I just have no idea what I’m doing, but I’ve never wanted anything or anybody as much as I want you,” she finished and my arms around her tightened as I closed my eyes and let her words wash over me. I touched my lips to the crease between her neck and shoulder, allowing my mouth to savor her skin as my body savored her words.

  “Freckles, you have no idea. I’ve been going crazy wanting you,” I growled.

  I felt her shudder.

  "Then do it," she whispered and pulled back to stare up at me. Her gaze was unwavering and her dark green eyes captured mine. I wanted to tell her that she didn't have to do this, that I'd wait until she was sure - which of course, I would - but fuck that. She was about to be mine, and whether it was now or later, that wouldn't make a difference.

  I stood motionless as she kicked off one heel, dropped to her bare foot and then kicked off the other. She was tiny, but sexy as sin. She gripped the dress at her shoulder and pulled her arm through. Then, she did the same to the other side, and before I knew it, she shimmied out of the scrap of material and stood in a black lacy bra and matching panties. My mouth watered and I was rock hard just looking at her.

  I've always known, but nothing she's ever worn did her body justice. Not even the painted on dress she just took off. I've seen her perfect hourglass figure in jeans, shorts, dresses, t-shirts, tanks...even my clothes, but seeing her in the nude was unlike anything I'd ever seen before. And I knew it was because Mia actually meant something to me.

  The strings of her panties outlined the curves of her hips just right. The cups of her bra only hugged half of her full breasts. Her ass was round, her stomach was flat, and she was thick in all the right places.

  I shifted my dick in my pants.

  "Are you just going to stand there and stare at me?" she asked quietly, bringing me out of my stupefied daze.

  "Hell, no," I replied, not even recognizing my own voice.

  I needed to touch her and I needed to touch her now. I ripped the shirt over my head, kicked off my shoes and shrugged off my jeans in record time. This left me in my boxer briefs, which was exactly where Mia's wide eyes were trained, and I watched her throat move as she swallowed hard. When I took a step closer, her eyes hit mine and I saw the fear in them.

  I rested my hands on her hips and her chest rose and fell faster.

  "You sure about this, Mia? It's gonna happen anyway, but we won't do this if you're not ready now." My chest filled with anxiety at the possibility she'd say no.

  "I'm ready. As long as you're sure it's only me."

  I frowned.

  "Care to explain?"

  "I mean..." She took a deep breath and licked her lips nervously. "...I want to be the only one, Adam. If you get tired of me or find someone else, you can let me go, and I'll go. But while we're doing this, please don't touch anyone else. Don't hurt me like that."

  I closed my eyes at the fear in her tone. It hurt, but it also melted my heart. When I opened them, I cupped her cheek, bent and touched my lips to hers. I kissed her once...twice...before resting my forehead on hers.

  "You didn't have to tell me that. I'll never hurt you. I'm gonna piss you off and screw up - it's inevitable - but I promise I'll never hurt you that way, Baby." I kissed her sweet lips once more.

  She nodded and sighed.

  "Thank you," she whispered.

  I pulled away.

  I couldn't wait any longer. "Mia, get in bed before I take you standing up right where you are."

  She gave me a hesitant smile, but it was soft and her eyes sparkled. The moment she turned, my eyes landed on her voluptuous ass, and I watched it walk to the bed and climb in. I followed and laid down beside her as she laid on her back. Her head turned toward me.

  "I'm a virgin," she admitted quietly and I bit my tongue to keep from grinning.

  "Yeah, Freckles, it's pretty obvious, but I'm glad you spelled it out for me."

  Her eyes narrowed and her lips thinned. "You know, no one likes a know-it-all."

  My smile broke free.

  "You do," I retorted as my hand hit her bare stomach. It tensed and she turned away from me to look at the ceiling. I trailed my fingers up her stomach and over her bra but they didn't dip inside.

  Her whole body stiffened.

  "Look at me," I ordered and when she did, I continued. "Don't be nervous. It's just us here. You and me. I'll go slow."

  "Have you done this a lot?" she asked, and it was my turn to freeze.

  "Have I done what a lot?" I asked and held my breath.

  She rolled her eyes, but she looked really uncomfortable.

  "Taken a girl's virginity. You sound like a pro and I don't know if I should be upset or glad that you know what to do."

  I relaxed, reached for her hand and laced my fingers with hers. "This is the only question about other chicks that I'm gonna answer in this bed, Mia. No, I've never taken a girl's virginity."

  "Really?" she asked, her voice an octave higher than usual.

  "Yeah, really. At least not that I know of, but I honestly never asked...or cared."

  She gasped. "That's such an asshole thing to say. And you didn't ask me either."

  I shrugged. "I didn't ask you, because I already knew the answer. And I might be an asshole, but you're the only one I've ever cared about."

  She stared at me in disbelief and blinked a few times, before turning to look back at the ceiling. If I wasn't mistaken, her eyes watered.

  "You better not fuckin' cry, Mia," I growled, though I had no idea what I'd do if she did - I just knew I was desperate not to see her cry.

  She sighed. "How is it you can say something so sweet, and be a jerk at the exact same time? And the scary part...why do I like it so much?"

  I shifted, crawled over her, spread her legs with my knees and put my face in hers. I held myself up by my elbows and forearms, framed her face with my hands and told her, "Breathe, Mia."

  She closed her eyes and exhaled audibly.

  "Nuh- uh, let me see those beautiful eyes, Baby." I pushed gently and as soon as I saw green, I laid it all out. "This is me. I'm an asshole. I'm a jerk. I say the wrong thing at the wrong time. I always have and always will...but, Freckles, you're the only woman that will get me. Do you understand?"

  When she nodded, I continued, "From now on, we're an us until one of us wants out, which I'll warn you, is gonna be a long way away...if at all. Deal?"

  She licked her lips and it took everything in my power to resist licking them too.

  “Deal," she breathed an eternity later, wrapped her hands around the back of my head and pulled me to her. I slanted my head and kissed her. She opened for me, ready and willing, and we stayed like that, kissing soft and slow, taking our time, our lips learning each other, our mouths committing the feel to memory…until I knew she was ready for mo

  I broke away, only for as fast as it took me to remove her bra, panties and my boxers. I didn’t know the proper protocol for taking virginity, but Mia was nervous and I didn’t want to push her too far or make her feel uncomfortable.

  But I did get in one long fuckin’ look.

  “Jesus,” I whispered, looking down at her body in awe. Never have I seen anything more beautiful. She moved to cover herself, but I put a stop to it, fast.

  “Don’t. It’s just us in this room, Mia. You and me. And you’re the most beautiful creature I’ve ever seen in my life.”

  “Thank you,” she whispered, but doubt still lingered in her eyes and I could practically hear her heart beating faster. Something about her genuine nerves and her worrying about what I thought of her looks, pierced my heart. Her open vulnerability was playing a number on my emotions.

  “You’re gonna ruin me, Mia. I just know you are.” I shook my head, resigned to that fact.

  I reached into the nightstand, grabbed a condom, set it on the bed and caressed her body with my hands. I felt her heart pounding against my chest and I took her mouth with mine. I tasted her until I felt her relax.

  That is when I started to move against her in preparation.

  I worked my hips against hers and her breathing hitched, but she didn’t protest. I put my hands on her body, caressed her, rubbed her, comforted her until she was begging for more, and rubbing herself against me.

  I was in heaven.

  “Your skin is so soft,” I mumbled against her neck, kissing her and nipping her there.

  “Adam, please. Just rip the Band-Aid off already,” she whined. I smiled, lifted, grabbed the condom and readied myself.

  Her eyes watched me with interest the entire time.

  “No way am I rushing this, Baby.” She opened her mouth to respond, but I reached between our bodies, touched the juncture between her thighs and her mouth snapped shut. I worked her over with my hand until she was fisting the sheets and calling out my name.

  A second later, she belonged to me.


  Chapter Thirteen

  Six Months Later

  Mia Dayes

  “What the fuck do you mean you’re not going back?” Adam roared at me and I cowered. Well, that hadn’t gone like I’d hoped.

  “Adam, watch your mouth! I taught you better than to talk like that in front of ladies,” Ms. Bryant shouted in my defense and I flinched again. She wasn’t helping the matter. “I asked her not to do it, but she wouldn’t listen.”


  “Adam--” I started and his death glare turned on me.

  “What do you mean you dropped out? I helped pay for half this semester already and I don’t just have money to throw around. Explain right the fuck now, Mia,” he growled, looking more than ready to explode. He was breathing hard; the muscles in his arms were bulging, as were the veins in his neck.

  “Ummm…if you’ll calm down, I’ll explain, but you’re scaring me,” I said softly.

  “Cut the shit, Mia,” he snapped.

  “Adam, shut your dang mouth and let her talk,” Ms. Bryant cut in and Adam said nothing, but I could almost hear his teeth grinding.

  “Renee can’t take your mom to dialysis or her doctor appointments anymore. She told me yesterday.” With that, Adam’s death glare turned on his mom, who glared equally deathly right back, before his eyes came back to me.

  “It’s only for this semester, until we figure something else out. I’ll keep working part time, but the travel agency’s flexible. Instead of school, I’ll take over and help your mom.” I wanted to do this. I had to. She was the closest to a mom I’d ever had and I needed her. I needed her and Adam both, and he was so mad at me I wanted to cry.

  “That’s it? That’s all you have to say?” he urged and I took a shuddering breath.


  “So, you make the decision to drop out of school without even talking to me first. We’re both out a couple thousand dollars because of your stupid decision. And we’re just going to figure something else out?” he asked deceptively quiet.

  I said nothing in return, but I didn't appreciate being talked to like a child.

  “No. It’s not happening, Mia. Go back to the counselor and fix whatever you messed up,” he ordered. “I’ll figure out something else.”

  “But I want to do this--”

  “Well she’s not your mom, so stay the fuck out of it!” he shouted and all the blood drained from my face as my heart broke into a million pieces. His words cut me so deeply, I worried my blood would spill out on the floor. Tears flooded my eyes and spilled over my lashes.

  “Son--” Ms. Bryant started, but he continued.

  “She’s my mom and my responsibility…not yours, so go back to school.”

  I stood in the middle of the living room feeling lost and devastated, like I was drowning. I couldn’t understand why he was so furious. I’ve never seen him so angry. I glanced at Ms. Bryant through my tears and she looked completely dumbfounded, and maybe a little embarrassed, but I didn't know if it was embarrassment for me or her.

  “She’s my mom too,” I choked out so quietly I knew nobody heard, and it was confirmed when Adam snapped, “What?”

  I took a deep breath to help strengthen my voice, but I changed my mind and I turned to walk away.

  “Mia --”

  “Mia, Sweetie,” Ms. Bryant called out simultaneously with Adam, just as I opened the front door. I turned, glanced at her quickly and gave her a sad excuse for a smile, before facing Adam.

  I didn’t even bother hiding my tears.

  “She’s like my mom too, Adam,” I said, barely above a whisper and Adam jerked his head to the side like he’d been slapped. I didn’t care. He hurt me, and I was pretty sure what had just happened between us was an ending.

  It was too cruel to be considered anything else.

  “She’s treated me like a daughter since she met me and I wanted to do this for her. Not just for her, but for me. I needed it…” I cried and took another deep breath to keep going. “…You, your mom and Eric are the only family I have. You’ve always had your mom, so you’ll never know how it feels to have no one.”

  “Baby--” he started, but I shook my head.

  “You were right. I should have talked to you first, before making what you call a stupid decision, but I thought I was doing it for family.” I watched Adam close his eyes as if in pain.

  “I’m sorry. I guess I was just so desperate for a family that I was fighting for whatever scraps got tossed my way.” I looked at Ms. Bryant who was staring at me with tears raining down her face. I'd never told either one of them, but I decided it was now or never.

  “I love you both,” I whispered.

  And then I ran.

  I heard Adam shouting my name and I knew I wouldn't get far, but I had to try. I had to do something, go somewhere. But just as I’d expected, an arm wrapped around my waist and lifted me off the ground as soon as my feet touched the bottom of the stairs. When Adam was fully on the sidewalk, he put me on my feet.

  “I’m sorry…I’m so fuckin’ sorry, Mia...Please.” I felt him bury his face in my hair and I heard him take a deep breath, something he always did when he got upset. I always thought it was sweet, but I was numb to it now. I didn’t move. There was no point.

  “I didn’t mean what I said. Please come back inside so we can talk,” he pleaded.

  “Fuck you, Adam,” I hissed.

  “I’m sorry, Baby. I swear I didn’t mean it.”

  “You meant what you said, or else you wouldn’t have said it at all,” I snapped and his arms tightened painfully. "Adam, let me go. I don't want to be around you right now."

  "You love my mom, my mom loves you and I love that. You want my mom...she's yours. I'm not in the picture, she's still yours. I swear to God, I didn't mean what I said. I just had a lot of other shit on my mind. I wanna be able to give you more, Mia. Things you never had. I want u
s to move out of this shit apartment, but it's hard right now. I can only pick up so many extra jobs and still manage to spend time with you...which is all I wanna do. I've only been content with how we live because you've been going to school, and now you're not even gonna be doing that."

  "You're hurting me," I breathed when his arms started cutting off my air supply. He let me go. I turned, faced him, and hated that he looked so damn good in his police uniform, but his expression was that of pure misery and regret.

  "I have never asked you for anything, Adam. Not your money, not to live with you, not the fucking new truck that you make me drive because, according to you, it's safer than your old one...not one thing. I work too. I'm not dependent on you and never will be. All I wanted was you, but now I'm not so sure I want to be with someone who can talk to me the way you just did."

  His entire body stiffened and his eyes widened. "What?" he asked in a painful whisper.

  I didn't respond, because the anxiety in his voice hurt. I watched as his Adam's apple bobbed when he swallowed hard. He swiped a hand over his head and down his face.

  "But you love me. You said it...I heard you say it," he said, and it sounded an awful lot like an accusation.

  "Yes, I love this Adam, not the Adam from two minutes ago. This Adam would never be so cruel. Now, if you don't mind, I'm going to leave so I can think."

  "No!" he stated in a panic, shaking his head. "What I said was fucked up, but I didn't mean it, Mia. If you leave me, I'll follow you and bring you back."

  I gasped. "I'm not leaving you; I'm leaving so I can think. I haven’t decided anything."

  "But you're going to think about leaving me," he replied softly and I didn't respond. I have never been spoken to or shouted at the way he'd shouted at me, and I honestly didn't know what to do. Suddenly, his hand was wrapped around my neck pulling me close. He dropped his forehead to mine and closed his eyes.

  Tears were burning behind my eyes.

  "I love you back," he said roughly. "This..." He reached for my hand, brought it to his chest and placed it right over his heart. When he opened his eyes and I saw they were glassy, I couldn't stop the sob that escaped my lips. " yours. It belongs to you just like you belong to me. I'm yours, my mom's yours, and in a few more years, we'll build our own family full of redheaded babies with freckles."


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