Adam, Enough Said (This Can't be Happening)

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Adam, Enough Said (This Can't be Happening) Page 25

by LeeAnne, Lynda

  I heard Eric’s sharp intake of breath, and I was scared for him.

  I walked up behind Adam and placed one hand on his back, and my other one wrapped around his bicep. He looked down at me, looking far from happy.

  “Tell him you’re okay,” Adam snapped. “Tell him whatever you have to, to get him out of here, but I don’t think he deserves shit. And he’s not welcome in our house.”

  I blinked a few times at his harshness. He turned, my hands fell to my sides and he stormed off. I didn’t face Eric right away.

  “Thank God you’re okay,” he muttered, before asking, “You are okay, right? I’ve been calling you and calling you, but it goes straight to voicemail.”

  I frowned and shook my head before looking at him. I kept forgetting about my damn phone.

  “I have the ringer off and I’ve been a little busy,” I answered honestly. “I’ve been arrested; somehow I’m back with Adam. Max is into drugs. I’ve been attacked. My apartment has been wrecked and I just found out my best friend lied to me. So I’m very far from being okay.”

  I watched as he visibly flinched and his face grew pained. “What are you talking about with Max? It’s only been like two days.”

  “I’ll tell you more about it later, but we both know a lot can happen in one night, let alone two days.” He flinched again, but what I said hadn’t been meant to hurt him. I took a deep breath. “Eric, there’s too much to tell you right now and Adam’s pissed, rightfully so, and so am I. I understand why you lied to me, but it also made things worse.”

  “I just wanted to protect you,” he responded in a small voice and his eyes were sad. “I didn’t want to see you hurting anymore.”

  “I know that, Eric. It’s the only reason I don’t hate you. You’re my best friend and I know you were only trying to protect me, but it still hurts. Coming back to Adam should have been my choice, not yours.”

  “I’m sorry,” he whispered.

  “I forgive you, but I don't like you right now.”

  He nodded and we stared at each other for a minute before he asked, “What does this mean?”

  “I really don’t know. I’ll talk to him.” I glanced behind me, even though I knew Adam wouldn’t be there. “He’ll come around, I’m sure. He’s just mad right now.”

  “Damn fuckin’ straight I’m mad!” I heard Adam holler and it sounded like he was back in the kitchen. I didn’t know whether to laugh or cringe.

  I locked eyes with Eric and his eyes were huge. “Is he gonna kick my ass?”

  “Probably!” Adam shouted again and I bit my bottom lip to keep from laughing.

  Eric sighed. “I don’t like this, Mia.”

  This time Adam’s voice was right behind me and I turned. “You don’t have to like it. None of this is really any of your business, but since you’re her best friend, I’ll tell you: I love her. I’ve loved her since the day I met her. Whatever you think you know is wrong. We’re back together now and you can either accept that or you can find another best friend.”

  Eric and I gasped at the same time.

  “I see you don’t like that idea, so I suggest you get on board,” Adam continued growling.

  “Can Eric please come inside so we’re not standing in the doorway?” I asked and after a minute of glaring at Eric, he glanced down at me and studied me carefully. I looked him in the eye and pleaded, “Please, Baby.”

  His body relaxed and he looked at me like I'd just found the answer to world peace. His beautiful light green eyes glowed and his face gentled. He touched his thumb to my bottom lip and he didn’t hesitate nodding. He bent and kissed me softly.

  But when he glanced back to Eric, he growled. “Only because she asked nicely.”

  Then he turned and walked back to the kitchen. I turned to Eric, who was watching Adam’s back as he walked away.

  “I still don’t like him, but I must admit, I kinda missed the growling,” Eric said wistfully and I rolled my eyes.

  We’d just finished eating the dinner Lex cooked; chicken, mashed potatoes and broccoli. When I’d asked Adam why Lex cooked when she knew she wouldn’t stay to eat, he explained that she loved to cook and any chance to do it, she did.

  It made me feel guilty.

  “Adam, you know Mia still doesn’t cook,” Eric shared and I glared at him. “You sure you still wanna stay married to her?”

  “Shut up, Eric. I cook, as long as whatever I’m cooking comes with directions.”

  “Yeah, precise directions. If the timing is off by a few seconds, you burn it.”

  I gasped.

  “Doesn’t really matter since I can cook pretty damn well for the both of us,” Adam retorted and I had to keep myself from sticking out my tongue and chanting, "Na na nana na..."

  Instead I added, “He even wears an apron.”

  Eric shook his head and muttered, “Good to know your kids will survive.”

  I stiffened and the temperature in the room dropped to twenty below arctic.

  “Shit,” Eric hissed. “I didn’t mean that the way it sounded. You know I didn’t mean anything by it.” I knew he didn’t, but that didn’t mean it hurt any less.

  “It’s all right,” I told him and gave him a genuine smile.

  "Mia, it just came out, I'm sorry."

  "Really Eric, it's all right." I said that, but it also reminded me of something. I excused myself from the table. “I’ll be right back.”

  Ten minutes later, I had clothes scattered all across the floor and I didn’t even bother picking them up before I ran down the stairs. When I hit the kitchen, Adam was watching me oddly and Eric glanced at me, but he didn’t pay me much attention. I walked to the counter and started moving things around.

  Where the hell were they?

  I grabbed my keys off the counter and headed for my car. Why my birth control pills would be in there I had no idea, but I couldn’t find them anywhere.

  “Freckles, where you goin’?” Adam asked.

  I called out, “To my car real quick!”

  Five minutes later, I was back in the kitchen feeling a little sick. I threw my keys on the counter and grabbed Adam’s.

  “Baby, what the fuck?”

  “I’m looking for something!” I called out in frustration before heading outside to search Adam’s truck.

  Another five minutes, and I was back in the kitchen feeling deathly ill and panicked.

  What the hell? Am I losing my mind?

  “You all right?” Eric asked.

  I glanced at him and nodded before looking at Adam.

  “Have you seen my pills? They’re not in my purse and they’re not in the bedroom or the bathroom. They’re not in either of our vehicles…” my voice trailed off as I considered where else they could be.

  I glanced at the living room and wondered if they could be in there, but I knew they couldn’t be. I hadn’t been in there since the first night here.

  “What pills are you talking about, Baby?” Adam asked, and I didn’t know what it was - his sugary sweet tone or the question itself - but dread filled my stomach and replaced the sickness.

  I turned slowly.

  My eyes hit Adam’s and I knew instantly. The ugly truth was written all over his face. He didn’t look smug about it; in fact, it was the exact opposite. His expression was that of fake innocence even though I hadn’t accused him of anything…yet.

  I suddenly felt like my world was crashing down all around me and my heart was buried under the rubble.

  “What did you do?” I growled, even though I already knew the answer. My voice was low and dangerous, and my narrowed eyes promised murder, execution style.

  His eyes veered to Eric quickly, before coming back to me. “What are you talking about?” he asked, continuing to play his game even though he knew I knew. I wanted to slap him.

  “You know exactly what I’m talking about, Adam. My birth control pills. Please tell you just hid them and you’re playing a sick joke?” I ordered, but his face gave nothi
ng away.

  “Oh shit,” Eric breathed. “Uhhhh…maybe I should go,” Eric cut in and I heard his chair scrap on the floor as he stood, but I never took my eyes off Adam.

  “You can stay a little longer,” Adam offered, sounding a lot like a plea.

  I turned my narrowed eyes on my best friend and growled, “Eric, unless you want to die a slow and painful death, I suggest you get out of here now.”

  “I’m gone, Sweetheart. The last thing I want to be is an accessory to murder. I do not look good in orange and I bet those jumpsuits are itchy - my skin is sensitive. Plus, I gotta get home to Kenny, anyway. He’s probably worried sick. Call me tomorrow?”

  He was already on the move when I nodded. I was so angry it was the only thing I could do. He walked to me, kissed me on the cheek, and faced Adam, who now looked justifiably terrified.

  “I still don’t like you, but for some reason, I find myself feeling sorry for you right now. Good luck, my man.” And with that, Eric was gone.

  “Tell me where they are?” I demanded as soon as I heard the front door slam shut.


  “Don’t Freckles me, Adam! Everything was going so well between us and then you do this! Where are they?”

  He sucked in his bottom lip, my eyes dropped to his mouth.

  “They’re with the City of Houston.”

  My brows met in confusion as my eyes narrowed. “Excuse me?”

  He glanced to the side and my eyes followed in the same direction. I felt the blood drain from my face as realization hit, and it hit hard.

  “You didn’t?” I breathed, still looking at the sink.

  “I told you. We talked about this and you agreed. I don’t want anything between us…in any way, Baby.”

  "When the hell did I agree?" I asked on a near shout.

  "Well, you might have been half asleep when you agreed, but you still agreed."

  I stared at him like I had no idea who he was.

  "I might have been half asleep," I repeated his words quietly to myself. That was it? That was his response? He didn’t even talk to me about it, before taking it upon himself to throw my pills down the fucking drain?

  I wanted to hurt him, but I also had to think fast. Why had I not seen this coming? I knew he was capable of just about anything, but throwing birth control pills down the drain…who would have thought of that?

  Adam, enough said.

  I gave him one long piercing evil glare and turned away.

  “Mia, we need to talk about this,” he called out after me as I ran back up the stairs.

  I walked into the bedroom, slammed the door, found my purse, and pulled out my cell to call my doctor. Hopefully, I'd get the after hour service.

  But a second later my phone felt like it weighed at least fifty pounds.

  I had five missed calls and two new voicemails. My heart skipped a few beats. I didn’t want to touch my phone anymore, but I was also too curious not to. I wanted to put it back in my purse and forget I ever saw the screen, but I knew I couldn't avoid it.

  I slid my finger across the screen.

  Three calls were from Eric and two were from a blocked number. I sat on the bed and stared at the phone as I contemplated listening to the messages. Was I ready for this?

  My finger shook as I pressed play on the screen, and when I put the phone to my ear, I was afraid to let it touch my face.

  I listened.

  The first call was from three o’clock this morning.

  Why hadn't I checked earlier?

  “Angel, it’s me,” Max's voice said softly in my ear. I swallowed hard. “I wish you would have picked up the phone so I could hear your voice, but I know you’re asleep. I’m sure you already know I’m in trouble, but I’m gonna get the money and make things right. I’m gonna need your help. I can’t stay on the phone long, but I want you to know that I love you and I promise I’ll make this right. Whatever you do, don’t go to your place and stay out of public. Stay at Eric’s and I’ll come for you. I love you.”

  "Oh God," I breathed as I covered my mouth and listened some more.

  The next two voicemails were from Eric’s number so I skipped them to get to the last and I was vaguely aware of Adam entering the bedroom.

  “Mia, Angel, I need you to keep your phone with you at all times.” He sounded a bit annoyed now. “I don’t have long, but I need to talk to you and I need to know that you’re okay. I’ve been by Eric’s and I know you’re not staying with him. I’ll follow him to find you. Answer the phone next time I call.”

  The loud slam on the other end of the line echoed in my ear and it oddly sounded like it was shouting, “Danger”.

  I looked up at Adam and knew he could tell something was wrong by the tears in my eyes, but I wasn’t too far gone to know I was still mad at him. And I was tired. Tired of everything. I stood from the bed, walked to him, shoved my phone in his hand and walked out of the room.

  He could call whoever he needed to call and make all my decisions for me. Adam did whatever the hell he wanted; Max was fucking with my life and I didn’t have a say in anything. Zilch. Nada. Nothing.

  Throwing out my birth control pills…who does that?

  Chapter Twenty-Seven

  Adam Bryant

  I groaned as I ended the call with Eric. As much as I hated him, I had to warn him about Max. Mia would die if something happened to Eric. Between my call to Spencer and the one to Eric, I’d been stuck in the room a lot longer than expected and I was restless to get to Mia.

  Hearing Max's voicemail when he referred to Mia as his angel and told her he loved her had been torture. She was mine and I needed to reassure myself that she was still here. Just the thought of coming inside her with nothing between us had me rushing down the stairs. I wanted to touch her...hold her.

  I knew she would still be pissed at me for throwing her pills out, because she obviously didn't remember agreeing to no more birth control, but she’d get over it as soon as she realized I did it for her own good.

  I found her sitting in my recliner in the family room watching TV and she didn’t even glance in my direction. The only acknowledgement I got was her face hardening. I didn’t like that so I walked directly to her and scooped her out of the chair.

  She shrieked. “What the hell, Adam?”

  I walked to the couch and sat down with her in my lap. She kept one arm wrapped around my neck and I wrapped my arms around her waist to keep her from moving. “Baby, we gotta talk.”

  “No, Baby, we don’t gotta talk. I’m not speaking to you for the rest of my life.”

  She said that, but while she said that, she wiggled her ass in my lap so that she was comfortable enough to turn her attention back to the TV.

  I bit my tongue to keep from smiling, because I knew it'd just piss her off more. Fine, she didn’t want to talk, neither did I.

  Remember that little thing about nothing between us? Yeah, her ass wiggling in my lap hadn’t helped, and she wiggled once more and stiffened, I knew she felt it too.

  I slowly lifted the side of her shirt until my fingers grazed the skin at her waist...then her back...then her waist again.

  “Adam, I have a headache,” she said, trying to deter me, but her breathy words said something differently. My smile broke free, but she couldn't see it.

  “Want me to make it go away, Baby?” I asked as my fingers trailed purposefully slow up her back. I watched goose bumps break out across her skin.

  “No, I don't want you to make it go away. I’m busy,” she breathed again, and now I knew she was just making shit up.

  “Busy doing what, exactly?” I unhooked her bra with one hand and her back straightened, but only for a second. She relaxed as soon as I moved in to kiss her behind the ear.

  “What?” she breathed and now, I knew she was lost.

  I had to move fast, otherwise, I knew she’d snap out of the daze she was in. I flipped her to her back; she let out a screech, and I maneuvered her on the couch s
o that I was on top of her with my hips between her thighs. I leaned over her, framed her face with my hands and looked in her stunned eyes.

  “I want you,” I groaned as I rubbed myself against her.

  Her eyes closed slowly.

  I rubbed again.

  “But I’m busy,” she repeated in what sounded a lot like a moan.

  “Yeah, Baby. You’re about to be real busy,” I groaned as I rubbed once more.

  Her eyes flew open. “You don’t understand. I’m watching Polygamy U.S.A. The Brethren just called a missionary to tell him he’s getting married, and I’m dying to see what the chick looks like. I can’t miss it.”

  I froze and frowned. “Why the hell are you watching Polygamy U.S.A.?”

  “Because it’s fascinating. It’s this small community and all the men have like three wives and thirty kids, but they all seem really nice, and the main missionary director guy is hilarious.”

  The three wives caught my interest, which is why I responded, “I can’t seem to handle one wife, how the hell can these men handle three?”

  “I don’t know, but it works. Plus it’s on National Geographic so it has to be real, right?”

  Sounded interesting.

  “TiVo it,” I ordered, before I lifted to unbutton the jean, cut-off shorts I’d been dying to get her out of all day.

  She stopped me with her hand and whispered, “I can’t do this.”

  I stopped and looked down at her face. She looked petrified.

  “You’re scared,” I told her, and even though it wasn’t a question, she still agreed.


  “Is that why you keep making excuses for me to stop?"

  Silence, and then, “Yes,” she whispered.

  I let out a deep breath as I studied her carefully. “Mia, there’s nothing to be scared of. I love you. I’ll take care of you and I won’t let anything happen to you. I want you pregnant with my baby more than anything I’ve ever wanted in my life. I want this house full of little redheaded monsters by the time I’m forty, and I’m already thirty-one. You’ve been on birth control for a long time, so it’ll probably take a while for you to get pregnant anyway. We should start now.”


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