Adam, Enough Said (This Can't be Happening)

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Adam, Enough Said (This Can't be Happening) Page 27

by LeeAnne, Lynda

  I remembered how he'd laughed - hard - and shook his head at the fact that I'd coordinated my outfit with his, but he'd made sure to tell me just how sexy he thought I looked. His expression had told me the same.

  I wore my snug-in-the-booty, black, boot-cut slacks, my white, see-through, sleeveless button-up top, with a white, satin camisole underneath, my black, patent leather, peep-toe heels and the matching belt. I left my hair down and wavy, and I curled my eyelashes, swiped on some mascara and brushed some clear gloss on my lips... which, of course, he'd wiped off the second I'd stepped off the last step and he'd kissed me.

  "Adam, will you please tell me what's wrong?"

  He'd been looking around the room, but as soon as I spoke, his eyes came to me.

  "Nothing's wrong, Freckles," he answered, and immediately after, his eyes glanced around the room again, searching for something.

  I inhaled, exhaled, and sank into my seat. He didn't want to talk? Fine. I wouldn't talk either, but no sooner than I'd made that decision did Adam sit up straight.

  "Mia, I'll be right back. Don't move from this table," he ordered like a command and I clenched my teeth so tight it was a miracle I didn't crack a tooth. My eyes stayed trained on his back as he walked through a row of tables, past the front counter and into the kitchen.

  The kitchen?

  What could he possibly be doing in the kitchen? I turned away, added more sugar to my coffee, and waited.

  And waited.

  And waited.

  What felt like minutes later, our waitress came out to take our order and I just so happened to glance at the kitchen door just as it swung open and another waitress walked out.

  It only stayed open approximately five seconds, but that was all the time I needed to see what I saw, and it only took me one more second to recognize whose face Adam was holding between his hands.

  Her hair was darker, maybe by a shade, but I could never forget the profile of her face.

  I started shaking. So much so, that I moved to set my coffee cup on the table and it slipped out of my hand. As soon as it crashed, I jumped, scooted out of the way, and climbed out of my seat before I got burned. Blood was pumping through my veins so hard and my muscles were so tense, I knew I would be sore later.

  "Careful, Hon, let me get that for you," the waitress rushed as she pulled out some napkins and threw them on the table to soak up my mess. I didn't acknowledge her. Not even to thank her. I couldn't. My mouth wouldn't form words.

  I didn't know what to do.

  Why would he do this to me now?

  I needed air.


  I couldn't breathe.

  That son of a bitch!

  I knew the waitress was watching me closely, but she said nothing, which was good because I wouldn't have been able to speak to her anyway. I reached across my seat, snatched up my purse, turned and headed for the door, praying the whole way out that I didn't trip over my own feet and embarrass myself more.

  To think, I even dressed like him because I thought it would be funny and cute; only made me feel foolish.

  I wanted to cry, but I denied myself the simplest of release because I was in a rage.

  At least I found out why he'd been acting so strange.

  My feet hit the pavement. I didn't know what to do or where to go. I was so nauseous, I felt faint. Only a few days in and he'd already broken his promise not to touch another woman... and that woman was her.

  I'd considered the possibility of accepting whatever friendship he had with that...stripper - without even knowing the whole truth - because deep down, I was dying to trust Adam.

  But seeing them together again…

  I knew I couldn't. I didn't care how sweet she was or what she did for him in the past or that he felt guilty for reasons still unknown.

  I turned to walk across the street, because I had to get far away, but then I stopped and thought better of it. Max could be out there somewhere and I didn't want to leave one asshole only to run straight into the arms of another.

  I was upset, but I wasn't stupid.

  I turned in the opposite direction and headed back towards Adam's Tahoe.

  As I was halfway between the diner and vehicle, I heard Adam shouting my name. I kept walking. Not hurried, not slow, just fast enough to get me to my final destination without incident.

  "Baby!" Adam shouted again and his voice had grown closer, therefore louder.

  I made it to the passenger door and tugged on the handle, but it was locked. My fucking luck. I heard Adam's feet pounding on the pavement and a second later his chest hit my side. I took a step back and looked up. He lifted a hand, ready to touch my face, but I slapped it away and hissed, "Don't fucking touch me."

  He dropped his hand and flinched like I slapped him, but quickly regained his composure.

  I turned away from him, faced the door and demanded, “I want to leave now. Unlock the door.”

  But I got nothing.

  “Unlock the door!” I snapped louder. I’d never felt so much rage in my life.

  “Mia --”

  I still couldn’t look at him so I spoke to the window. “I saw you with her. I saw you touching her and you promised…you promised you wouldn’t touch another woman!”

  I looked up just in time to see him close his eyes.

  “You didn’t even warn me…” I started to accuse, but my voice trailed off as a horrendous thought hit me. “Is that why you’ve been acting so distant since we got here? Were you waiting for her to show up so you could warn her I was here?”

  He didn’t have to answer verbally. I got all I needed to know when his face paled.

  I felt sucker punched.

  “You love her,” I breathed as pain ripped through my body and tears filled my eyes. She was more important to him than he’d led on.

  I heard his sharp intake of breath. “What the fuck? Jesus, Mia! You’re overreacting. I don’t love her, I love you. I didn’t tell you, because I knew you wouldn’t agree to come here otherwise. I just wanted you to meet her. I know the shit that happened between us still lingers in your mind and I wanted to get this out of the way so we can move forward with our lives…I’m sorry,” he finished, sounding tormented, but I couldn’t find it in myself to care.

  I even saw the sincerity in his eyes, but there was also something else behind them, something he couldn’t hide…guilt. He didn’t only bring me here for myself; he brought me here because he had a guilty conscience. I had no idea how I knew that, but I was certain of it and I needed him to admit it to my face.

  “You said you didn’t fuck her, but something happened between the two of you after I left, didn’t it?” I asked in a barely there, pained voice, and I watched as his entire body turned statue still. He looked absolutely terrified.

  “I can’t believe I’m so stupid,” I breathed to myself.

  He tried to reach for me again, but I backed away further.

  “Baby, listen to me. It’s not what you think. I came to see her right after you asked me for the divorce. I'd been drinking…” I kept backing away, shaking my head in disbelief, so he rushed on. “…and I was angry because I thought you moved on. I kissed her, but that was it. Nothing happened.”

  I gripped onto the bed of the truck, because I needed something to hold me up. I knew I had no right to be so upset, we hadn’t been together, but I felt betrayed.

  He’d touched her. Kissed her. Probably more.

  It hurt so much, I wanted to disappear. This was my life, but what did I do that was so bad to deserve it?

  “He was crying,” a female voice added, so softly it was a wonder I actually heard her. Adam twisted and I glanced in the direction the sound came from to see Adam’s friend. She was closing in on us and I stiffened at what I saw.

  She was stunning, even more so than I remembered. Not even her worn-out Terry's Diner t-shirt and faded black jeans could take away from her beauty.

  She had flawless, tanned skin, cat-like eyes, and lo
ng eyelashes. She was thin but not skinny, looked about five-six, and she had huge boobs. Her sandy blonde hair was pulled back into a ponytail and thick bangs were brushed to the side across her forehead.

  But it was her limp that caught me by surprise and was completely unexpected.

  It wasn’t too bad, and it took nothing away from her beauty, but it was definitely obvious that she favored her right leg. I kept my eyes on her face and didn’t glance down, because as much as seeing her offended me, I couldn’t bring myself to be that deliberately rude.

  She stopped walking when she made it to the front of Adam’s Tahoe as if scared to come any closer.

  As she should be.

  She glanced in Adam’s direction, but I knew she didn’t meet his eyes. Then she glanced at me and did the same, refusing to meet my eyes.

  “He was crying while he kissed me, and it only lasted about thirty seconds,” she continued softly and I swear to God her voice trembled. “He was being rough with me.” I glanced at Adam and watched as he squeezed his eyes shut. “And I knew it was because of you.”

  It was my turn to glare at her, but she couldn’t see as she kept her eyes downcast. “He was angry and he was desperate for someone, or something to take his pain away. He was using me in that moment, and if he’s had anyone else, you have to know that he was only using them too, because all he wanted was you. Don’t leave him again because of me. Please,” she begged as she fidgeted with her hands.

  Reluctantly, she lifted her eyes and warm, inviting brown eyes locked with mine.

  “We're really not friends. I consider him a friend, because I don't really have any, but he only comes in once, maybe twice a month to check on me. And he only does it because he feels guilty --”

  “That’s enough, Breena!” Adam snapped louder than I would have expected, and she winced. I winced for her.

  What the hell?

  “She needs to know,” Breena replied, still softly, but showing her first sign of backbone. Adam shook his head, but she ignored him and went on. “He thinks he got me hurt. My leg. I know you saw me limping, you can’t miss it. He blames himself for it, but it wasn’t his fault,” she finished and I jerked my head back because I was lost.

  “Excuse me?” I asked.

  Adam swiped a hand down his face and let out a frustrated groan.

  “Mia, like I told you before, Breena was our informant on my first case. She was being forced into prostitution and needed help. Her boss was onto her; he was onto me being a cop and she was stabbed in the thigh as punishment before the other officers could get to her in time. And the reason they didn’t get there in time is because when I ran after you, I blew the case,” Adam answered.

  “Oh my God!” I breathed hard and covered my mouth as understanding sank in.


  He turned to face Breena. “What happened to you was my fault, because I never should have taken that fuckin’ case in the first place. But I’m not friends with you because of that and you know it. You had a shitty first start, but you’re a good person and so much stronger than you think you are.”

  Her eyes widened in surprise, but Adam didn’t look at her long enough to catch it, because he turned back to me.

  “What happened between us was mostly my fault too, but we already went over that. Our past got fucked up, but we’re starting over whether you like it or not. I love you and you love me…my heart, Baby.” His voice softened. “Now get ready, because I'm about to sound like a whipped, dumbass, fifteen-year-old boy, but I love you and if you don't want me to talk to Breena anymore, I won't. But, you have to know it's innocent between us.”

  He made me crazy.


  He always did and said the wrong thing, but somehow managed to make up for it after the fact. How he pulled it off, I had no idea. Maybe it was that stupid baby face, or his smooth, deep voice, or his piercing green eyes. Why he never said or did the right thing to begin with, I’d never know.

  But just because he made things clear, that didn’t mean I wasn’t still hurt.

  He’d fucked up.

  He never took his eyes off me and I glared at him quickly, before glancing at Breena. She looked away from me the second my eyes hit her face, but I didn't miss her panicked expression and I felt terrible...for a lot of things, but not for Adam being an idiot.

  I faced him again. "I'm really upset right now, Adam. You went about introducing me to her the wrong way and you really fucked up. Had I been prepared, had you not been acting like a douchebag since we left the house, then maybe things would have turned out differently--”

  “You’re not fuckin’ leaving me,” he growled and I sighed.

  I really wanted to kick him.

  “I honestly don’t know what I’m going to do,” I snapped. “You should have warned me and not her. You should have cared about my feelings a little more than that, but you didn’t and because of that, you only succeeded in confusing an already difficult situation for me. If I could leave here, I would, because I do not want to be around you right now.”

  He paled and looked shattered, but I ignored him to face Breena. Her sad, worried eyes met mine and I held them.

  I softened my voice when I said in all honesty, “I won’t take him from you. I’m not that childish or that immature. In a weird way, I understand your relationship with Adam and I can respect it. I’m not jumping for joy over it, but I appreciate your honesty and I like you for that.” I paused to consider my next words so she and Adam, who were both staring at me, would have no doubt as to why I was upset.

  “I’m sorry that we had to meet this way and I apologize for acting so standoffish…but he hurt me right now. I hope you understand that. It’s almost as if I’m back in the same place I was with Adam six years ago. He wants me to trust him, but he doesn’t trust me. He hasn’t learned a single thing and I’m not sure I can be with someone who can hurt me so easily.”

  I heard Adam’s sharp intake and his exhaled, “What?”

  “So, if I don’t stay with him, don’t blame yourself. And, if I do, I hope the next time we meet will be under better circumstances.”

  I took a quick peek at Adam and felt nauseous when I caught his glassy eyes, but I quickly turned away before I broke down. I couldn’t stand the sight of a man crying.

  “Can you please unlock the door and turn on the Tahoe? I’ll wait for you here while you eat breakfast or pay…or do whatever you have to do.”

  I didn’t hear anything for a good minute, and that minute felt like an eternity. Finally, the locks popped. I hurried into the vehicle and rushed to shut the door behind me. I heard Adam open the driver’s side door and turn the truck on, but I didn’t acknowledge him.

  “Mia, I’m sorry.”


  I peered out the front window and met Breena’s still sad, yet heated eyes.

  I heard Adam sigh, before he slammed his door. Breena’s eyes went to him and I watched as she threw daggers in his direction. Then he walked closer to her, her eyes narrowed to slits on his face, and before he made it to her, I could have sworn she mouthed the word, “Asshole.”

  She spun around, gave Adam her back, walked to the diner and Adam followed behind her, shoulders slumped.

  I couldn’t pin point exactly why Breena was furious, because Adam really hadn’t done anything to embarrass her, but the simple fact that she didn’t fall for Adam’s charms, like I would have expected, made me like her even much more.

  Chapter Twenty-Nine

  Adam Bryant

  Mia wouldn’t say one word and she hadn’t since I got back in the vehicle. No matter how many times I tried to apologize, she wouldn’t even look at me.

  I didn’t blame her.

  I fucked up.


  But I hadn’t meant to.


  I needed a goddamn muzzle over my mouth.

  I wished I knew how to explain why I handled the situation the way I did, but somehow I kne
w Mia wouldn’t want to hear anything I had to say. I also figured my reasoning only made sense in my head, since nothing made sense coming out of my mouth. I was scared to say anything other than, “I’m sorry.”

  It hadn’t been that I cared more about Breena’s feelings than Mia’s, not even close. Actually, it was the exact opposite. I just wanted us to be able to move on with nothing between us, and to me, that meant in every aspect of life.

  I hadn’t warned Mia about meeting with Breena only because I knew she’d start a war with me over it – and no doubt about it, she would have fought hard – but I never considered that she’d look at it as though I was hiding it from her. And the last thing I’d expected was for Mia to see this situation the same way she saw what I did to her in the past.

  Mia meant the world to me. Why couldn’t she just get that through her thick skull and accept that?

  Because bitches be crazy, that’s why.

  I pulled into the parking lot of the station, threw the Tahoe in park and turned to her.

  “Mia, I’m sorry. I should have warned you, I realize that. I just worried that if I’d told you we were going to see Breena, you’d fight with me about it. I also didn’t want to give you a chance to stress over something that’s nothing, but I know it was a bad decision. I felt like I should warn Breena only because she’s not as strong as you are. I messed up, Baby.”

  Still, she said nothing. Didn’t even look at me. Then, she opened the door and slid out.

  I slammed my hand down on the steering wheel and hissed, “Fuck.”

  It was noon.

  I still hadn’t seen Mia and I missed her face.

  As soon as we’d arrived, she’d asked my Lieutenant if she could sit in his office and he obliged, of course. Although he’d been hesitant at first, all it had taken was a few batting of her eyelashes and a pleading, “Pretty please with a cherry on top,” that made him give in.

  Just before she’d walked away, I’d asked her, “Mia, please stay with me?” but she hadn’t. She’d glanced at me, shaken her head, and walked straight to my boss’s office.


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