Shifters in the Snow: Bundle of Joy: Seventeen Paranormal Romances of Winter Wolves, Merry Bears, and Holiday Spirits

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Shifters in the Snow: Bundle of Joy: Seventeen Paranormal Romances of Winter Wolves, Merry Bears, and Holiday Spirits Page 42

by J. K Harper

  A familiar scent filtered to her on the cool breeze. Joss. He was coming. Others were, too. Unable to hold herself up any longer, she sank to her knees as relief poured into her. Joss would know what to do. He’d keep her and Zeyde safe.

  Chapter 16

  Joss had already been following Violet’s scent into the forest when he’d heard Rennan’s roar up ahead. The call had been answered immediately by their pack mates, but Joss didn’t bother responding. He’d only ever heard the summoning roar a couple of times, and each time, the threats to their people had been great. To hear it again sent a shiver racing down his spine and made him run harder than he’d ever run before. Violet’s scent was strong. She was in danger, and he had to get to her. Had he not been so close, he would have shifted, but stopping to strip would have slowed him down. He had to get to her.

  Joss crashed into the small clearing in time to see Violet stumbling to her knees a few feet away from Rennan. The wolf’s body was taut, and his teeth bared. He was barely keeping from going into a rage from the looks of it.

  He came closer, slowing his step. “It’s okay, Violet. I’m here,” he said loud enough for both her and Rennan to hear. Fury rushed to the surface as her small sob reached his ears. Was she hurt? The coppery scent of blood filled his nose, but it wasn’t Violet’s. It was close, but not the same. He looked past Rennan’s massive body, spotting the small brown wolf lying on the ground. Zeyde. It had to be. The smell was too close to be anything but family. What the hell had happened?

  Another growl from close to the treeline a dozen feet away drew his attention. Khet had a wolf pinned. Fucking Mahehkan. He suppressed his growl, needing to get to Violet. “Thank you for protecting my mate, Rennan. I can take over here,” he said.

  Rennan grunted in his native language, then paced closer to Zeyde. He watched, ready to defend Violet’s sister if need be, but when Rennan whimpered and poked her gently with his nose, then licked at her muzzle, Joss knew he had nothing to worry about.

  “Are you okay, love?” he asked Violet, crouching down in front of her.

  Violet looked at him, then at her sister before shaking her head. Her bottom lip wobbled, and her eyes shone with moisture.

  “Are you hurt?” He’d strip her down and examine her himself if need be, but he’d give her the chance to speak up first.

  She shook her head again. “N-no. He’s come for me,” she said in a strangled whisper as though it made all the sense in the world.

  The tension he’d released when he’d found her safe rushed back, making his muscles bunch and his skin burn with the effort to keep from shifting. “That’s Karak?” he asked, his voice garbled.

  She swallowed hard, then nodded. Joss made a move to stand, but she snaked her hand out, reaching for his arm. Her fingers trembled so hard he could feel it against his skin as she clutched onto him. “No, don’t. Please.” Only the panic in her eyes kept him where he was. If it weren’t for her, he’d already be tearing into the bastard, ripping him to shreds.

  The only thing that allowed him to turn his back on them was the knowledge that Khet would never let the enemy go. As much as he wanted to kill the bastard, that wasn’t what Violet needed. And if he caught another glimpse of the male who’d abused his mate, he wouldn’t be able to keep his wolf contained, no matter how much Violet pleaded.

  He opened his arms wide, and she flung herself into them. She buried her face in his neck, and hot, wet tears streamed from her cheeks onto his shoulder. “Zeyde is hurt, and that male won’t let me near her,” she finally managed to get out.

  “It’s okay. Rennan’s got her. He won’t let anything happen to her,” he told her, his voice much calmer than he’d expected it would be. If his suspicion was right, the two were fated. Nothing else would have elicited that kind of response from the man.

  Violet peeked over his shoulder to where Zeyde lay, and her body sagged against his a little. Whatever she’d seen, she wasn’t quite as frightened.

  A growl so deep and angry it could only come from Argram filled the clearing. He bounded to the center, assessing the situation with eyes that missed nothing. He went to Zeyde first, sniffing, then grunting something at Rennan, who stood there, unmoving.

  The instant he went near, Khet placed a huge paw on the other wolf’s chest and released his throat. He grunted and coughed, communicating with the Alpha in a way Joss couldn’t begin to comprehend.

  As soon as Khet had released Karak from his jaw, the bastard tried to get out from under his grip. One snarl from Argram stopped his movement cold. Argram responded to Khet, then paced back to where Rennan was. He didn’t bother hiding from the women as he shifted, but it didn’t matter. Zeyde’s eyes were closed, and Violet had her face buried in Joss’s neck.

  “Delana is here. She’ll examine Zeyde. You so much as snarl at her, and you’ll lose more than a little fur,” he threatened. The fact that Khet would be on him in an instant should have been threat enough, but to have the Alpha issue the order, there was no way the man would so much as look at Lanie funny.

  “It’s safe, you can come,” Argram called over his shoulder.

  A moment later, Delana came into the clearing. Her gaze sought out her mate first, then went straight to Zeyde. She knelt on the ground next to the she-wolf. “This is going to hurt a little,” she warned the female. The hair on Rennan’s scruff rose, but he didn’t move. He didn’t utter a sound.

  She made quick work of examining Zeyde. “From the looks of it, she’s lost a lot of blood. I’d guess she a blood vessel was damaged, but her body is healing fast. She’s not bleeding now, but I imagine she’s weak. She’ll be okay, Ren,” she finally reassured him, and in the process, Violet, as well.

  Argram grunted, and for the first time, Joss realized he hadn’t come alone. At least a half dozen wolves littered the forest around them. “Take your mates home. Khet, you can bring our guest to the village. I’d like to speak with him when I return. He had better hope I don’t find any more intruders on our land while I’m out. It would bode much better for him if I didn’t,” he snarled before he shifted again.

  As much as he wanted to deal with Karak himself, Joss wouldn’t. There was no way he was leaving Violet in the care of anyone else.

  Chapter 17

  Violet couldn’t stop shaking. Karak was in the village—somewhere—probably sweet-talking someone into letting him go. But he wouldn’t leave. Now that he was in the village, he’d find a way to get to her. To take her away. She’d seen him in action more than once. His charm had fooled many unsuspecting females, and it wasn’t until it was too late that they discovered the monster he truly was—the one she knew him to be.

  After Argram had given his orders, he’d gone into the forest with his men, and Joss had taken her home. She couldn’t quite remember if she walked or if he carried her, but she was soaking in a tub full of hot water, yet shivering as though the coldest winter wind blew against her skin.

  She nearly jumped out of the tub when a soft rap on the bathroom door came moments later.

  “Can I come in?” Joss asked.

  She had purposely left the door open a few inches so she could hear him and know he was close, so having him come in was more than fine. It meant he was even closer. “Yes.”

  He sat on the edge of the tub, looking her straight in the eye. “Listen, I know you won’t want to hear this, but I have to say it. Argram will be back soon, and we’ll both be needed at the village center to tell him what happened out there. I’d do it for you, but I wasn’t there for most of it, so he’ll want to hear it straight from you.”

  She’d known this would happen, but hearing it confirmed set her heart racing.

  “I’ll be right there with you.”

  She wished she could say no, but that wasn’t an option. “Thank you.”

  Joss leaned in and gave her a soft kiss on the lips. “I’d do anything for you, love. This is a drop in the bucket.”

  She gave him what she hoped was a reassuring
smile, but by the look he gave her, she didn’t think she’d managed all that well. “I’ll be out in a minute.”

  “Take your time. Argram will understand,” he said as he stood and reached for the door.

  When he stepped into the hallway, she pulled the plug. Waiting wouldn’t make things any easier. As much as she wished it would all go away, it wouldn’t. She needed to do this so she could move on with her life.

  She dressed quickly, putting on the warmest sweater she could find, and pulled her hair into a ponytail. Karak had hated for her to have her hair tied back. He liked having something to hang on to. Something to use to pull and inflict pain. Not anymore.

  Joss waited for her in the living room, his face somber. “Ready?”

  “Not hardly, but I’ll be okay.”

  As soon as they were on the sidewalk, he took her hand, entwining their fingers, and she was glad for that little bit of contact. She wasn’t in the mood to talk, and he didn’t press her for conversation. They were almost at the village center when the first snowflakes drifted down, melting on contact.

  Had the situation been different, she would have marveled at it, but she barely noticed the cool spots on her skin.

  Their pack mates, men and women alike, surrounded the area, providing an arena of sorts, and Violet’s steps faltered. “They’re expecting a challenge, aren’t they?” she asked Joss, her heart racing.


  She looked at him and drew to a stop, halting him along with her. She waited for him to look at her. “You’re going to have to fight him?”

  “Have to? No. Will I? Yes,” he told her.

  “No. You can’t. Karak doesn’t fight fair,” Violet all but screamed. People all around them looked at her as though she’d grown a second head, but she didn’t care. “You can’t fight him. Please, say you won’t.”

  “Violet,” he said with a sigh. “I would do anything for you. Anything. But I will not decline his challenge when he throws it out there. And he will. He wants you. And there’s no way in hell I’ll ever let him get his hands on you again. Never.”

  “He’ll kill you.”

  Joss shook his head. “He’ll try.”


  “I’m not afraid of the challenge, love. Be brave for me one more time, and when it’s over, you’ll be free of Karak once and for all.”

  He looked so certain of himself, so sure that he would be victorious, that she couldn’t deny him. “Okay. Don’t die.”

  He brought her hands to his lips and kissed her knuckles. “I won’t,” he assured her as he brought her through the crowd and into the clearing to join Argram and Wesken in the center.

  Argram inclined his head toward him and Violet but remained silent. Moments later, the crowd parted, letting Khet and a struggling Karak, now in human form and ill-fitting clothes, into the ring.

  Varying shades of red, blue, and dark purple colored his skin.

  “What happened to his face?” the Alpha asked.

  “He tried to run and smashed into a tree. With his face. Twice,” Khet said, not bothering to hide his bleeding knuckles.

  Argram’s eyebrows rose.

  “He may have run more than twice. I lost count,” Khet continued.

  The Alpha’s face turned a deeper shade of pink, and his lips tightened as though he was suppressing laughter. “That’s unfortunate,” he finally said.

  “Karak, of the Mahehkan pack, you’ve trespassed on my land and led seven others to do the same. You attacked my pack sister. What defense for your actions can you give me to spare your life for those infractions alone?” Argram said loud enough for all to hear.

  Karak struggled against Khet’s hold, glaring straight at Violet. “Tell this prick to let go of me. As Alpha of the Mahehkan pack, I deserve a measure of respect.”

  Argram’s expression didn’t change, but the energy in the air spiked higher. “Let him go. If he tries to run, find him another tree.”

  Karak blanched but settled when Khet released him.

  “Alpha of the Mahehkan pack. Now that’s interesting. The old Alpha—the one I killed, making me the rightful Alpha—wasn’t a nice man. I wonder, are you any better? Do you deserve the title?” Argram stalked toward the man, and Karak took a step back.

  “I will lead my pack to greatness, but I need the Mahehkans you stole from me to do it,” he pressed.

  “Each member of my pack is here of their free will. As for the men who had been trespassing along with you, they will be held until I deem them safe to set free.”

  Karak sneered and looked at her again. “It’s my mate I want. You can kill the rest of them,” he spat.

  Violet knew it was coming, but hearing the words had her heart beating so fast she couldn’t catch her breath. Joss gave her hand a reassuring squeeze.

  “Your mate isn’t in this village,” the Alpha insisted.

  Karak stupidly shot him a furious look. “She’s. Right. Fucking. There.”

  Argram looked over at her and Joss and shook his head. “You’re wrong. Violet is Joss’s mate.”

  Karak gave her a wicked smile, showing his crooked teeth. “Who’s bite do you bear, Violet?” he asked her with a sneer.

  Joss’s growl came out of nowhere. She’d thought he was as calm as the Alpha was, but with one look in his direction, she knew the truth. Lines of tension bracketed his mouth. The hand that wasn't holding hers was fisted tightly at his side.

  “It’s okay, darling, you don’t have to say it. I’ll say it for you. I know how you like to keep your fucking mouth shut,” he threatened.

  Joss released her hand and lunged at him. Had it not been for Khet pulling him back, he would have succeeded in reaching him.

  “That’s right, lover boy. You’ve been fucking my mate. And I’m taking her back. Show them your neck, Violet.”

  Her heart skipped a beat and then stuttered. Karak was right. She bore his mark. He’d given it to her against her will, but it was still there. She looked at Joss and wanted to weep. He fought against Khet and almost got away, but another of their pack brothers came in to restrain him.

  “Now,” Karak shrieked when she didn’t comply.

  “Go ahead, Violet. Show us your neck,” Argram encouraged in a kind tone.

  Heat flooded her cheeks as she did as her Alpha requested, baring her neck and the pale pink mark that would never fully fade. Her gaze fell to the ground as Argram came closer.

  “Chin up, sister,” he demanded, again in a soft tone. “You’ve done nothing worthy of shame.”

  Violet looked up, the lump in her throat that of gratitude more than fear or sorrow. She tilted her head to the side, exposing her vulnerable neck. The Alpha bent his head and took a long sniff before going back to his original position.

  “Hold him tight,” he told Khet and the other. Violet watched in horror as they complied, holding Joss down. “She bears Karak’s mate mark.”

  Chapter 18

  Joss didn’t have to hear Argram’s words. He’d smelled the bastard’s scent on her skin the moment he’d taken her from the dilapidated shack Karak had held her in. The bite mark on her neck had been obvious. He’d not been the only one to see it. In fact, Argram had mentioned it when he’d agreed to allow her to stay in Joss’s home.

  That didn’t stop the fury from blasting through him at the callous way the bastard was treating Violet, trying to undermine her budding confidence with a few well-placed words. He wanted to tear Karak apart right then and there. And he would have had Khet not intervened. The tips of his fingers burned as the wolf demanded freedom. Every inch of his skin stung with the prickle of fur desperate to push through the surface. The wolf demanded blood, and it would get it. He didn’t care what Argram’s verdict was, Karak would die.

  He glanced over at Violet, who now stood a few feet to his left. Her fingers trembled as she played with the hem of her sweater, but she kept her chin up, just as the Alpha had requested. Good.

  “Come, Violet. We’re lea
ving,” Karak demanded.

  Joss growled again, showing his teeth. Soon, they would be ripping into that smug face of his.

  Karak took a foolish step toward her.

  “If you value your life, you will not get any closer to Violet,” Argram warned.

  The bastard took one look at Joss and sneered. “I want him killed for fucking my mate,” he demanded.

  Violet gasped, but Joss couldn’t look at her. All he saw was the bastard who had hit her, assaulted her, and starved her.

  “I said she bore your scent. Not that she is your mate,” Argram said.

  “She bears my fucking mark. She’s my mate. Give her to me now.” Karak’s voice was rough, raspy. His frustration more evident by the constant jerky movements of his hands as he shouted the words.

  “You bit her, yes. Now, show me your mate mark. Once that’s confirmed, you can leave with your mate,” the Alpha announced, drawing gasps from their pack mates.

  “I don’t have to show you a damned thing,” Karak sputtered.

  Joss’s gaze shot to Violet. He’d never asked if she’d bitten Karak. If she had, things would be a lot more complicated to sort out. She sure as hell wasn’t going back to him, but it would be harder to fight.

  As soon as his gaze found hers, she shook her head, and the breath he’d been holding rushed out of his lungs.

  “If you want to leave with your mate, then you will show me your mark,” Argram insisted, his voice rising in anger.

  “She didn’t bite me,” he admitted, but then gave her a wicked smile. “We were waiting until the baby arrived to make it special.”

  Argram turned his attention to Violet once more, who still held her head up high. “Is this true, Violet?”

  She shook her head. “No, Alpha. I never claimed him because I never wanted to. He’s not my mate,” she said, her voice a lot stronger than Joss had expected it to be.


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