Shifters in the Snow: Bundle of Joy: Seventeen Paranormal Romances of Winter Wolves, Merry Bears, and Holiday Spirits

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Shifters in the Snow: Bundle of Joy: Seventeen Paranormal Romances of Winter Wolves, Merry Bears, and Holiday Spirits Page 47

by J. K Harper

  The boys jumped up and down at the thought of visiting Main Street and all the welcoming shopkeepers. They did their best to shower love on the Rangers during visits.

  “You knew this camping trip wouldn’t be complete without one visit downtown,” Bobby chimed in. “Tonight we still have one more fire to make for dinner. We’ll be having your favorite, beans and cornbread.”

  “So I should stay up here to protect myself from the aftermath of all those beans?” Sally asked.

  “Mine are the loudest,” Tyler said, grinning broadly.

  "That's nothing," Diego countered. "Mine are silent but deadly."

  “You should both be proud,” Leah said.

  She caught Bobby smiling at her as she interacted with the boys. Now that they were free from their secret and had magic slingshots to play with, they were floating on air and their happiness was contagious. Leah wanted to be free of her secret too. She smiled back at Bobby and pictured herself shouting that she’d known for some time he would make the perfect mate. But she didn’t. That secret would remain locked away for a little while longer.

  Chapter 4

  Back at camp, the boys were still on their afternoon high.

  “Why haven’t you changed into your clothes?” Wyatt asked, staring at her baggy, dirty long underwear.

  "My other clothes are even dirtier." That seemed to satisfy him, but it was a lie. Bobby's clothes held his scent, and she wanted to enjoy every last whiff.

  As they boys chattered away and enjoyed their food, headlights appeared in the distance. One of the hunting trucks was making its way down the mountain. Bobby told everyone to stay put and stood closer to the path to meet them. As they got closer, he realized it was just the two young hunters. One of them got out and retrieved the two fishing poles from the back.

  “Leaving so soon?” Bobby asked.

  “We were going to stay until tomorrow, but when we got back to camp tonight, it looked like a giant bear had taken a shit in our tents.”

  Bobby flipped around and looked at Leah whose proud smile now matched the glow of the moon.

  “That creature must’ve been huge,” he continued. “The last thing we want to do is get stuck out here with a giant bear stalking us and that crazy Dennison mumbling to himself.”

  “Sorry to see you go so quickly. I hope the two of you will come back and visit sometime … alone and with just your camping gear.”

  “We definitely will. You might want to keep an eye on that guide, though. He truly is a little bit nuts.”

  “Will do,” he said before watching their truck disappear into the night. As he walked towards the still smiling Leah, he put his hands on his hips and tried his hardest not to laugh. He nodded his head towards the nearby trees and she eagerly followed. “Really?” he asked. “A special gift in their tents?”

  “First, they royally deserved it. Maybe not them, but definitely the other guy and I had no idea which tent was his. Second, I have curves, but I am in no way “huge” or “giant” as that man suggested. Third, why do the bears get credit for my handiwork? She shook her head in disbelief. That was one righteous poo.”

  At that moment, Bobby pulled her close and kissed her.

  “Oh no,” he groaned, pulling his face back.

  “What’s wrong? You didn’t want to kiss me?

  “I just can’t believe I did that after you uttered the words righteous poo. Quick, say something else.”

  “Something else,” she whispered before bringing her lips against his. “Is that better?”

  “Much.” He held her tight and kissed her again, trying to add another tug to the buttoned flap.

  “Nice try. The kids might see us. We better cool it for now.”

  “I’ll be expecting a second Suck and Blow rematch during our date,” he said, giving her one last squeeze before releasing his hands.

  She walked away, flashing her puckered lips his way. Bobby whistled loudly. It was something he used to take great pleasure in, but lost the skill as he grew older. Watching her curves sway back and forth was enough to uncover his old talent. That ass would make anyone want to whistle.

  As they started getting ready for bed, Bobby and Leah realized they hadn’t quite figured out the sleeping arrangements. They had one large tent for the boys and one medium tent for Bobby.

  “I’ll sleep in the SUV,” he offered.

  “Don’t be silly. I’m the interloper. I’ll sleep in the SUV.”

  “I’ve got it. We’ll make a little barricade down the center of the tent with the supply bags. You’re on one side, I’m on the other, and never the two shall meet.”

  “I think that will be appropriate enough for our young guests." They made sure to leave the tent flaps open while they finished the final cleanup, so all viewed the barricade.

  “While the boys were brushing their teeth, Leah heard them humming “Silent Night.”

  “Again … without the toothbrushes,” Leah requested. “You all sing together?”

  “It’s for the upcoming Christmas assembly,” Diego explained. “Do you want to hear us?”


  Bobby sat down next to her as the boys released the sweetest song she had ever heard. The notes were crisp and clear. Their sounds of innocence and promise floated into the night sky, filling the air with the spirit of Christmas. The notes had also made their way up the mountain into Dennison's camp where he was busy sharpening more sticks for the snare he was building. He was unmoved. He zipped up his tent and drowned out the music with a flurry of curse words. He only wanted to hear the sound of his knife whittling away. When his hands grew tired, he ran his fingers along his scarred claw marks to give his fingers … and his dick an energy boost.

  “Bravo,” Bobby and Leah said while clapping and whistling.

  “Do we sound good?” Tyler asked, standing before them in his Ninja Turtle pajamas.

  “My gosh, yes,” Leah gushed. “You voices are going to steal the show.”

  The vocal performance was the perfect way to end the evening. The boys tucked into their tent while Leah and Bobby occupied their respective sides. Bobby tested the situation by raising one hand over the bags and reaching for her.

  “The children are right next door. “Behave,” she scolded.

  "There's nothing wrong with talking," he said, moving one of the bags, so only her face was visible. “So why did it take you so long to say yes?”

  “Well, there is this little issue about us being from two different species.”

  “It’s more like half a species if you really think about it.”

  “Minor technicality,” she argued. “Then there’s the risk of ruining an amazing friendship.”

  “I call bullshit,” he said, moving the bags further apart. “That is the lamest argument ever invented. Say it again out loud.”

  “I don’t want to fuck up a perfectly good friendship. What is so wrong with that argument?”

  "It makes no sense. Are you only supposed to date douche bags or should you go for the guy you actually get along with? Isn't love worth the risk?”

  “You’re right, but—”

  Before Leah could finish, Bobby interrupted her by moving the bag into place, so her face was blocked once more.

  “Hey,” she said, sitting up. “That’s a bit rude.”

  “I’m testing my theory. I am rude, and you now find yourself falling head over heels.”

  She laughed and flopped back down. “I already said yes.”

  “And you’re going to keep saying yes,” he said. “Crazy cat ladies love me. You won’t be able to resist.”

  Leah clasped her hands behind her head and fought the urge to break through the barricade. If not for the children, she would be straddling him right now, having her way with his delicious, muscular body. With her head swirling around thoughts of their flesh smacking together, she slowly drifted off to sleep. It only lasted a few hours before rustling sounds from outside the tent startled her. Her panther ins
tincts made her an extremely light sleeper. Leah quietly lifted the flap and prepared herself to pounce in case the noise came from a foe. She was half expecting to see the remaining hunter and was shocked to find Tyler struggling to bury his sleeping bag.

  “Tyler,” she whispered. “What are you doing?”

  “I’m not worthless,” he answered, turning to reveal a tear running down his cheek and wet Ninja Turtle pajamas.

  “What? Of course you aren’t.” She climbed out of the tent and took the sleeping bag from his hands. “This happens to the best of us. It’s happened to me and even to Bobby. Let me help you.”

  “I can take care of it. I don’t want to trouble you.”

  “It’s no trouble, and it's certainly nothing to be ashamed of. Do you have another pair of pants?”

  He nodded his head quietly.

  “Go grab them real quick and come back outside. Try not to wake the others.”

  She held up the sleeping bag like a curtain and had him change his clothes between the tents. She tossed the soiled items in a large garbage bag and placed it near the SUV.

  “See? Easy peasy. Let me grab my sleeping bag for you.”

  “But what will you use?”

  “Don’t worry about me. I have a warm coat – er, I mean I’m warm blooded. I’ll be right back.”

  Bobby was still fast asleep as she quietly pulled her sleeping bag out and carried it to the entrance of the larger tent. Leah peeked inside and saw the rest of the boys were still lying motionless. She placed her sleeping bag on the available spot and motioned for Tyler to climb in. Leah gave him a kiss on the forehead and turned to exit the tent.

  “Don’t leave,” Tyler whispered.

  “It’s late. You need to get some rest.”

  “Tell me a story. Pleeeze.”

  “The last time I tried that it didn’t go very well, remember? Plus, the other boys are still sleeping.”

  “I’m not!” Diego said, popping up like a spring with his flashlight in hand.

  “Me neither.”

  “I’m up too.”

  The boys were now all staring at her wide-eyed with their flashlights casting a soft glow in the tent.

  “Did you get any sleep at all?”

  “A little,” Ruben said. “I think it’s too quiet for me.”

  “Too quiet? Don’t you want quiet when you sleep?”

  “Yes, but I’m not used to it. My neighborhood is noisy. If it’s too quiet, I wake up thinking something’s wrong.”

  “Ahh okay. So it wasn’t my stories that kept you up.”

  “Maybe a little,” Tyler whispered. “I’m also excited for pancakes and I don’t want to miss it.”

  Leah laughed and patted him on the arm. “I promise to wake you up in time for pancakes.”

  “But can you stay for a little bit? Just until we fall asleep?”

  “Okay. Can you scooch up a smidge, so my legs aren’t hanging out of the tent?

  They obliged and left her a small sliver of space on the edge.

  “What should we talk about?”

  “Do you think we’ll get more snow for Christmas?” Wyatt asked. “This is the first year without a fresh snowfall and it doesn’t feel right. I don’t want a muddy Christmas.”

  “Me neither,” Leah said, scrunching up her face. “I’m dreaming of a muddy Christmas doesn’t have quite the same ring to it.”

  “Do you think Santa has my new address?” Tyler asked.

  “I’m sure he does.”

  “You know there’s no Santa,” Wyatt scolded.

  “Shhh,” Tyler whispered, nodding towards Leah. “She may still believe.”

  Leah laughed and said, “I always believe in the goodness of others. They may not always look like Santa, but they carry his message with their good deeds. Does that make sense?”

  “Like Bobby … and you,” Ruben said.

  “But when you’re old, you both will look like Santa and Mrs. Claus.”

  They were all laughing hard and so engrossed in conversation; they didn’t hear Bobby’s footsteps coming closer. As he poked his head in, they all screamed with holy terror.

  “Geez, you guys are jumpy." He held up one hand that he’d tucked under his sleeve. “It’s not like I’m the man with the metal hook.”

  They all screamed again and laughed at their silliness.

  “Why are you all awake?”

  Leah propped herself up on one side and said, “We’re hoping for a white Christmas, they don’t want to sleep through pancakes, and you and I will look like Santa and Mrs. Claus when we’re older. I think that about covers it.”

  “And you’re supposed to stay here until we fall asleep,” Tyler added. “You can’t leave either, Bobby.”

  Bobby and Leah looked at each other and smiled, surveying their cluster of little ducklings.

  “It’s going to be a tight squeeze. Are you sure?”

  “We’ll make room,” they said, curling up even higher into the tent.

  Bobby used his body to block the door, placing his feet near Leah's, so they formed the letter L. With the comfort provided by the adults and the exhaustion of the day, the entire group was soon fast asleep. Soft morning light woke Leah up first. When she tried to stretch, she realized she had a foot in her face and an arm draped across the top of her head. She surveyed the scene and noticed all the children had reached towards her and Bobby like plants that turn their leaves to sunlight for nourishment.

  Leah tried to move her legs, but felt them weighted down by Bobby’s warm, powerful limbs. She cleared her throat in an attempt to gently wake them and waited for their arms and legs to begin stretching. Bobby popped his head up in surprise.

  “We all crashed,” he said groggily.

  "We did, and I’m proud to report I have not smelled one single fart this entire time. Well done, gentlemen.” As they yawned, Leah flapped her hand in front of her face. “I can’t say the same thing for morning breath. We all better brush our teeth before breakfast.”

  Bobby unzipped the tent and rolled out first, followed by Leah and each of the boys.

  “I think after breakfast I’ll take a quick shower at my place and catch up with you guys during your final hike.”

  “Shower? I was just getting used to your funk,” Bobby teased.

  Leah smelled the collar of her top as she walked away. You are never getting this back. She surprised herself by not caring if Bobby saw her dirty and disheveled. Leah felt completely comfortable with him and hated that he was right. Maybe you really should date your friends.

  Chapter 5

  Sally was happy to see them all marching into her diner. “Good morning, Birdland Rangers. It’s always a pleasure to have you.”

  “We passed our test, Sally,” Tyler said, tugging on her apron.

  “I knew you could do it!” She tried to lean in for a hug, but it was hard with her pregnant belly. She was due to deliver twins within the next few weeks. Her dual bundles of joy were thanks to a Russian bear shifter who drifted into town and swept the fox off her feet. This was not a situation she ever expected to find herself in, but she had zero regrets. Her willingness to take a chance had brought more joy than she ever knew possible. Her Nikolai was now a staple at Sally’s Place, entertaining diners with his magic pancakes and broken English. He happily sang Russian songs as he danced around the grill and stole hugs and kisses from his beloved Sally.

  “Nikolai,” Sally called out. “The Birdland Rangers are here to eat your pancakes.”

  “Okay, Nikolai making them special bird pancakes. These use to being KGB secret recipe,” he turned back towards the grill and belted out a song only he could understand.

  “I don’t want to eat bird," Tyler protested quietly. “I just want berries shaped in a smiley face like last time.

  “Don’t worry,” Sally reassured him. “It’s just his crazy English. No birds, just berries.”

  As Leah removed her jacket, Sally did a double take when she noticed the long unde
rwear. “Umm … laundry day?”

  “Long story,” Leah mumbled.

  “Are you guys finally dating now?” she asked, nodding towards Bobby.

  “You think I should?”

  "Oh please," she said, leaning closer to whisper. "The sexual tension between you two has always been ridiculous."

  “I agreed to one and only one date.”

  “He’s a great catch. Good things happen when you take a risk.”

  Leah reached out and gently rubbed Sally’s belly. “I can see that.”

  “You two would make pretty babies.”

  They both looked over at Bobby who was oblivious to their conversation. He was busy turning napkins into airplanes with the kids and generally making a mess of the table, as boys tend to do.

  All of her arguments were fading in strength. Leah realized she had more to lose by not taking a chance on the beautiful creature across from her, human or not. As the pancakes arrived and the boys rambled on about what they would do with their slingshots and who might sing off key at the Christmas assembly, Leah felt like she was enjoying just another meal with her family back in Naples. If she closed her eyes and just listened, the places were interchangeable. I love this.

  They finished their meals and Leah went home to shower and change. She would not wash the long underwear, though, until Bobby’s scent had completely faded from the fabric. He was taking the boys on their final hike up to the ridge to sit on the edge of Eagles Peak, named because the outline of the peak looked just like an eagle’s beak. The beef jerky and peanut butter and jelly sandwiches were prepared and waiting. After their day of hiking, Bobby would deliver them safely to Birdland before the sun went down. Leah promised to find them on the trail in time for lunch.

  While she was making her way up the mountain, she picked up a strong scent. It did not belong to Bobby or the boys. The odor of Dennison and several days of filth sprouting from his body took her off course. Leah should have just made her way to the Bobby, but felt like a little payback was in order. He did try to blow her head off for fuck’s sake. Dennison was easy to track, partially because of his scent, but also because of his habit of mumbling. It acted as a beacon and distracted him from the sound of the panther now creeping up behind him.


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