Bones: The Black Cobra MC #4

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Bones: The Black Cobra MC #4 Page 4

by Rylan, Savannah

  I gasped in bed, feeling a few beads of sweat pop up on my forehead now. I needed to do it…I just couldn’t resist anymore. I needed to touch myself.

  My hand crept down till my fingers were hovering over my pussy underneath the silky material of my shorts.

  I was wet! I hadn’t even realized the effect just the fantasy of Bones had on me. So powerful and strong, his muscles moving deftly under that sexy leather jacket. His hands so big and warm. I could feel the power in them. He could overpower me easily and yet he held me with some gentleness as he fucked me hard.

  I gasped again, my fingers starting to stroke my swollen clit. I was going to make myself come like this. Just touching that sensitive swollen nub. Oh my God! What had he done to me?

  I arched my hips up as I rubbed myself harder, quicker, imagining Bones’ hand there instead, taking control of me, possessing my body. My legs were thrown wide open while I rubbed myself over and over and over till, I finally exploded, crying out his name in the dark because there was nobody to hear me. Nobody would know what I’d just done or that it brought a meek smile to my face.

  A girl has to take care of herself first, right?



  Patch and I were talking about Gunther the next day at the clubhouse. I was filling him in on what Ash had told me—which wasn’t much.

  The rest of the club weren’t too interested in Gunther or his antics. Nobody thought much of him other than him being a babbling fool. Grimm just wanted us to take care of the problem so that Gunther didn’t keep gnawing at our ankles over time. I could sense that the general assumption in the air was that he wasn’t a serious threat.

  They were probably right. Like Ash said, he didn’t actually have any real powers, neither were his own men taking him seriously. The problem I had with him though was that he was unpredictable, and because he had crazy ideas to go along with that; it was always possible that he’d be capable of anything. Something foolish and drastic, just to prove a point.

  That was what I was trying to avoid. Any careless accidents.

  Patch was in agreement with me.

  “I mean, I’m willing to take that motherfucker down in any way necessary. And purely because of the shit that he made Samantha go through.”

  She was safe now, but I knew Patch always worried about what would happen if Gunther managed to get close to her again. Even though Samantha had our protection and she was always going to have Patch watching out for her, she would still be living her life looking over her shoulder as long as Gunther was around.

  I was nodding at Patch when I saw him look over my shoulder in the direction of the door. His brows crossed.

  “Who is that?” he said, and I turned in my seat to follow his gaze. The general buzz in the bar had weakened and I noticed why when my eyes fell on the figure at the door. The woman who had just walked in.

  Even though this was a completely different setting, it was the middle of the day and she looked a little different now in a change of clothes; there was no mistaking it was Thea who’d just walked in.

  The same hair, the same blue eyes, the same determined and confident look on her face. Instead of the mini skirt and the leather jacket, she was wearing a pair of tight blue jeans and a plaid shirt tucked in. Her belt was wide and with a big tough buckle. Her heeled-boots were knee high and looked dangerous, just like her dark lipstick and smoky makeup.

  Thea looked around the bar with her intense blue eyes and I knew exactly what she was looking for. Then her gaze landed on me and a soft smirk tugged the corner of her mouth.

  “Who the fuck are you?” It was Rogue who spoke to her directly. He was sitting closest to the door and he hadn’t taken his eyes off her. It wasn’t just the fact that Thea turned heads, but it was also that nobody, no stranger and especially no strange woman, ever just walked into our clubhouse like this uninvited in the middle of the day. Not even accidentally. And Thea looked like she knew exactly what she was doing.

  “I’m looking for him,” she replied, without actually looking at Rogue. Her blue eyes were fixed on me and her forefinger was pointed in my direction.

  What the actual fuck.

  “You know this chick?” Cash asked from across the bar and all I could do was glare at Thea, flabbergasted. Even though I had thought about her multiple times since our encounter the previous night; this was the last thing I was expecting her to do today.

  Why was she here? Why had she just turned up at my clubhouse the day after we had random sex? How did she even know who I really was? Which club I belonged to. The previous night, she had given me no indication of knowing any of this about me. Who the fuck was she?

  “Yeah, he knows me,” Thea answered the question on my behalf, and she had that sexy smirk on her face. The one which conveyed she knew exactly what she was doing. Though I doubted she hardly did. She had no idea what she’d just walked herself into.

  I couldn’t think of one good reason for her to be here, looking for me, other than that she thought I owed her something now because we happened to fuck last night at the bar. I wanted to remind her of exactly how casual it was. How it was supposed to be nothing more than a quickie with a random stranger. I thought she was down with that. I assumed it was what she was looking for too. But now it seemed like I’d got her all wrong. I’d made a stupid assumption that she was not like the other chicks who usually hung around in these places.

  No, she was exactly like them.

  Fuckin’ clingy.

  Clenching my jaw in anger, I walked right up to her and she followed me with her eyes. I needed to push the thought of how sexy she was, far back in my brain. This wasn’t what it was about.

  “No. I don’t fuckin’ know her at all. Nothing more than her name,” I growled, hovering over her threatening. But it didn’t seem like Thea was going to be threatened that easily. She was planning on standing her ground. She crossed her arms over those perfect breasts and looked up to me, meeting my eyes.

  “Oh c’mon, Bones, you know me a little better than that,” she said, sniggering and I heard a few chuckles go around the bar from my friends too. It was obvious to them what was going on between us. A ‘lover’s spat’. I wasn’t going to hear the end of it from them once I’d managed to boot her from this joint. Did she have no idea how badly she was embarrassing me?!

  Maybe she did know exactly what she was doing to me; she was smiling up at me knowingly. From the twinkle in those impish eyes of hers, it seemed like she knew what she was costing me right now. It was a fuckin’ joke to her, just like it was a joke to the guys.

  Just because I hadn’t specifically mentioned to any of them that I got laid last night, didn’t mean they couldn’t guess what had happened. And who it had happened with.

  I threw my hands up in the air, feeling frustrated and beginning to feel a little angry too right now. How dare she just turn up here?!

  “I don’t know what you think I owe you, but you need to fuckin’ leave,” I growled. Thea’s casual air seemed to fade a little when she heard me curse. Not so tough now, huh?

  “You need to hear me out before you throw a tantrum,” she hissed, getting right up in my face.

  “A tantrum? That’s what you think is going on here? What do you think you’re doing here? What makes you think you can just walk in here and have a chat with me whenever you want?”

  I knew the others were listening intently, most of them were storing this conversation away for later, just for fun. They weren’t even trying to hide their chuckling from me. Thea could obviously hear it too, but she didn’t seem to care.

  “I’m here to speak to you about something important.”

  “Important? Like what? I don’t need to hear anything from you.”

  I spat the words out and whipped away from her. I wanted to growl, punch the wall, break a few bottles—anything to get this growing rage out of my system.

  How could I have been so stupid?

  I needed to stop fucking str
angers in random bars.

  I walked up to the counter where Bender was standing, grinning.

  “You look like you need a drink,” he commented and before I’d even nodded a response, he was pouring me a shot of tequila.

  From the corner of my eye, I could sense the others starting to talk amongst themselves, no doubt talking about me. I wasn’t sure what Thea was doing. I’d just left her standing there on her own. I guess I was hoping she’d get the hint and leave. The hint was that I had no intention of entertaining her demands. Whatever they were.

  What was she looking for? A date? Flowers? Gifts? Did she want me to introduce her to my friends? Go meet her mom?

  What the fuck was this about?

  What did she think we did last night?

  “Before you dismiss me, Bones, maybe you should hear me out first.”

  I had no idea what she wanted but she’d walked right up to me again. Her hands were plonked on her hips now as I twisted around to face her. I shook my head. I was more frustrated now than anything else.

  “Are you seriously going to do this? Do you really want me to forcibly throw you out of this place? Look lady, I don’t know what impression you got last night but I’m not looking for anything more from you, okay?” I lowered my voice a little. Not that it mattered. “It was nothing more than a fuck.”

  Thea rolled her eyes.

  She fuckin’ rolled her eyes at me!

  “That is not what I’m here about. Of course, it was nothing more than a fuck.” She didn’t even try and say it softly. It was like she genuinely didn’t give a shit what other people around us thought of the conversation we were having.

  “Right. Okay. So, what are you here about?”

  This was the first time I saw her actually wait a few beats, breathe in deeply…looking like she was trying to decide what to say it or how to say it.

  “I’m here to talk about a common friend we have,” she added.

  “A common friend?”

  I thought she was from Hawaii. I knew nobody in Hawaii. Didn’t she say last night she was just at the bar randomly, a single girl looking for some action? What was she talking about now?

  “You look confused.”

  “Because I feel like you’re pulling a stunt on me here. What friend?”

  “The name Gunther mean anything to you?” Thea asked and this time she said it victoriously, like she knew exactly the effect she would have on me by saying that name. She tipped her head to one side and smiled widely, watching as I glared at her. She could see exactly how my face was changing.



  “How do you know him?”

  “Are you still planning on forcibly kicking me out of this place?”

  Thea bit down on her lip a little, enjoying herself even more now.

  I didn’t know what I wanted to do. Kiss her or push her out of my way. She infuriated me and turned me on at the same fuckin’ time.

  I lunged at her before she could move away, grabbing her wrist. She didn’t react to that either. She didn’t flinch or try to pull away.

  I clutched her wrist and started pulling her away, out of the bar into one of the offices in the back of the clubhouse. Whatever she had to say, I wanted all the details and there was a lot of explaining she had to do.

  Like for starters, how did she know who I was? What was she doing in that bar last night? And how did she know about my association with Gunther?

  Thea allowed me to lead her to the room where I shut the door behind us. Finally, she yanked her hand away from me and crossed her arms over her breasts. Now, alone in the room with her again, I was reminded me of the scene from last night when I had her up against the wall. With my cock inside her.

  But this was serious.

  I needed to avoid a repeat of that situation at all costs.



  I could have walked away right then, after all, it didn’t seem like Bones was exactly thrilled to see me here today. Was he even really going to help me?

  Walking in here, right into a club clubhouse without an introduction, without actually knowing anybody from the group—was a dangerous step to take. I could have gotten myself seriously hurt. Even I knew that. But this morning when I woke up, I knew I had to do something and take the first step. I’d wasted too much time already…one year had gone by and I hadn’t gotten any closer to Gunther.

  And now that I knew Bones, just a little bit; I decided I was going to utilize that to the best of my abilities.

  But now, standing in front of him with him glaring at me like I was crazy; this seemed like it was a bad idea too.

  Did he seriously think I would show up at his clubhouse the day after we had sex because I wanted to have a ‘conversation’ with him about what it meant last night? What kind of a woman did he take me for?

  He didn’t need to remind me that it was nothing more than a fuck!

  Maybe I needed to remind him!

  His attitude made me a little mad. I was teetering on the edge of just walking out of there right now, but then I needed to remind myself of why I was really here. This was about my brother, and not about my ego.

  Bones stood by the door of the room we were now in. It looked like it could have been an office space. There was a makeshift desk, some papers, a telephone, two chairs, a filing cabinet which didn’t look like it was ever used.

  “So, what exactly were you talking about out there? How the hell do you know Gunther?”

  It was obvious that he still didn’t trust me. Hearing Gunther’s name had set him off on a different tangent of suspicion. Maybe he trusted me even less now.

  “I don’t actually know him. I’ve never met him. Just seen his pictures, but it seems like I want exactly what your club wants, to get rid of him.”

  Bones glared at me with his dangerous green eyes. Yes, he was very handsome. Yes, he was sexy. So fuckin’ what? I looked away from him because I couldn’t hold his intense gaze anymore. I needed a break. I heard him take in a deep breath.

  “What did he do to you? If you’ve never even met him.”

  An image of Drake, lying bleeding on our couch in that old apartment floated up in my mind’s eye. I wished I could describe that image to Bones in detail. So, he could see for himself what Gunther had done to me.

  “He killed my brother,” was all I could really say instead and Bones’ shoulders seemed to relax a little and I turned away from him.

  There was a small window in the back of the room, and I walked over to it. My boot heels clicked against the cold floor. I could sense him watching me, waiting for me to continue. What more did he want me to say? Wasn’t this going to be enough?

  I looked out of the window. It was the smaller, more private back-space of the clubhouse. Not a soul in sight. Good. I didn’t want to have to look at anything in particular.

  “It was ten years ago. Maybe I should be over it by now,” I added. I had my back turned to Bones. I didn’t want to look at him. I didn’t want to see something like pity in his eyes. That was not why I came here. I didn’t need his sympathy. I needed his help. I needed his club’s help.

  The next time I heard him speak to me, which was a few moments later, he was standing much closer to me. Behind me. I could feel his strong warm presence near my body.

  “What happened to your brother? What did Gunther do?”

  I knew I would have to discuss this, now that I’d come here asking for help. I thought I was prepared to speak about it, but I wasn’t. I hadn’t spoken about it, probably not even said Drake’s name aloud in so many years. I didn’t even know how to express myself in this situation really.

  “It was a random act of violence, at least on Gunther’s part. He had no reason to do what he did to my brother. They were just at a bar. Drake was with his buddies from the gang he used to hang with. Apparently, they were poking fun at Gunther, he had a reputation…I’m guessing he still does.” Slowly now, I was beginning to turn to
face Bones again.

  I saw him standing there close to me, his hands thrust in the pockets of his jeans, he was watching me from under his heavy lids. Assessing me, probably trying to assess the authenticity of my story too.

  “Yes, he’s a mad motherfucker,” Bones said, and I nodded gently.

  “Well, he overheard Drake and the others discussing him and lost his shit. Came at my brother with a knife and drove it straight through his stomach and walked away. The damage was done in seconds. All his friends could do was bring him back to our apartment so he could die on our couch, holding my hand.”

  It was the only way I could tell this story. If my voice quivered or my hands shook, I was trying my best to not notice. Breaking down in front of someone I barely knew, especially a man like Bones…was not something I wanted to do. I needed to keep my act together. I needed him and his friends to see that I could handle myself. If we were going to work together, I needed them to let me be the one to commit the final act of vengeance on the man I wanted to kill for a decade.

  Bones’ eyes had softened a little now. Thankfully, it wasn’t pity I saw in them at the moment. I saw concern, a little confusion. Was he still wary of me? What more did he need to hear? Was he looking for proof?

  I pulled out my slim wallet from the back pocket of my jeans. He watched me even more carefully now. I flipped it open. There was an old fading picture of Drake and me from twelve years ago. I was around fifteen then.

  “That’s him, that’s my brother…I don’t know how else to prove to you that what I’m saying is a hundred percent legitimate!” I stepped up to him, thrusting the open wallet right up to his face.

  Bones glanced at it for no more than a second and then pushed my hand away from in front of his face.

  “So last night when I met you at the bar, you didn’t just happen to be there by chance, did you?”

  Was he seriously still hung up on that?!

  I took in a deep breath and looked up at him squarely, hoping he was able to see how annoyed I was by that question.


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