Blind Witness

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Blind Witness Page 13

by Knight, Alysia S.

  Swinging her arms out did nothing, she couldn’t reach her attacker. She tried to shift under him but only got the knee ground harder into her back. It wasn’t until lights began to flash in her mind that she realized she was suffocating. With renewed effort, she fought back. Frantically, she grabbed the edge of the bed, then the desk and tried to pull herself forward.

  A hand gripped her arm pulling it back, while the other hand kept the pressure on her neck. Feebly, Rachelle clawed at the desk in desperation, her hand bumped into the base of the lamp. She locked on it, pulling back with what strength she had left.

  The lamp crashed down. A muttered curse sounded through the ringing in her ears. Then her own cry as the heavy brass lamp clipped her shoulder before it came to rest on the bed.

  She was too stunned to realize the pressure was gone from her neck and back. She gulped air and jerked as there was another slam against her door.


  Britt kicked the door again, and finally felt it budge. He wished he had the master key, but as startled as the night clerk was when he burst through the lobby door and yelled for security and the police to go to Rachelle’s room, he knew the man couldn’t produce it. He just hoped the man would get the police.

  One more kick and the door gave way, banging back against the wall. He pushed it back open. The room was flooded with light. Britt caught the motion of someone on the balcony, but he couldn’t force himself past the woman on the bed. Rachelle lay unmoving across it. A lamp lay broken by her shoulder. The flowers she loved were mashed around her. Anguish as he never knew hit him. He was too late. He stumbled forward reaching for her, needing to hold her. He had been a fool to push her away.

  She jerked when he touched her hair. “Rachelle,” he gasped, trying to catch hold of her as she started to struggle. Britt called her name again as he turned her over. She groaned and her body began to tremble. He pulled her to him.


  His name was barely a whisper, but it never sounded so good to him. “I’m here sweetheart, I’m here. Don’t worry. I’ll never leave you again,” he promised, pressing kisses to her temple. “Careful, you’re hurt,” he gasped, when she flinched.

  Rachelle made a slight shake of her head grimacing. His hands were already sliding over her. “Where?”

  “My neck, shoulders and back.”

  Britt held her against him and lifted her hair. Her reddened skin showed where fingers had been. “I’m sorry, love.” Gently, he ran his fingers over her abused flesh, bringing a whimper.

  “Freeze!” the command came from the doorway. Britt looked up at the two officers standing there with guns drawn. “Let the lady go and back off the bed, real slow.” One of the officers motioned with his head, his gun never moving.

  “Wait a minute. I’m not your man. He went over the balcony.” Britt knew it was too late to catch him. The man was long gone.

  “Hands up,” the officer returned, not slackening his stance.

  Slowly, Britt raised his hands. Rachelle remained clinging to him.

  “Just call Detectives Todd or Adams. I’m Britton Clairbourne. This is Rachelle Harris. They can explain everything.”

  “Like you breaking into the lady’s room in the middle of the night.” The other officer finally spoke.

  “I didn’t.” Britt stopped. “Well, I did break in and I will pay for the damages, but I had to get to her.” Britt realized that didn’t sound any better. “Before he killed her,” he added, wishing Rachelle would come out of the stupor she seemed to have fallen into.

  “Move off the bed.” He was ordered again.

  At his shift away from her, Rachelle became alert. “Britt,” her voice wobbled.

  “Rachelle, sweetheart, I need you to look over at the doorway and tell the officers there who I am, and that you’re in no danger from me.”


  “Yes, there are two police officers with guns pointed at me.”

  Again she flattened herself to him, wrapping her arms around his neck. “Don’t shoot him. Please, don’t. He saved me. He’s . . . he’s my boyfriend.” She stumbled over the words making Britt laugh. After everything that happened, she sounded like a high school girl caught kissing a boy. Though considering what she was wearing and where they were, it would look like they got caught doing a little more than kissing.

  As the guns slowly went away, he lowered his hands, sliding them back around Rachelle. The men looked back toward the broken door then back to him. “What happened here?”

  After Britt started to talk, one of the officers went to find out what happened to the security men next door. He came back a minute later, saying he’d called an ambulance. One of the security men was just regaining consciousness, and the other was still out. The officer then disappeared back into the room.

  A few minutes later the floor was filled with people. Rachelle finished describing what happened after the ambulance took away the unconscious guard. Britt insisted the paramedic check her out while he went to listen to what the other security guard told the police.

  “I was doing my rounds in the hall, stopped to get a cola for us. I knocked on the door. As Jase opened it, I was hit from behind.”

  “Jase is the other guard?” Detective Adams, who had shown up a couple minutes earlier, asked.

  “Yes, Jase Gordon. I didn’t see anything until the officer found me.”

  The officer nodded taking notes.

  “Warren, you better have the medic check you out before you go,” Britt suggested to the man before he turned to go back to Rachelle’s room.

  She huddled in a chair, trying to follow all that was going on around her, when he stepped through the broken doorway. She looked overwhelmed and exhausted. Forcing his eyes from her to the manager, who hovered just outside the room, Britt motioned the man over.

  “Is the suite reserved for Clairbourne Industries available?”

  “Yes, sir, it is.”

  “I’d like to move Miss Harris into it for the rest of the night.”

  “I’ll get the key card immediately.”

  Britt moved to the officer in charge of the scene. “Are you done with us?”

  The man looked over at Rachelle sitting in a chair, wrapped in a blanket, and nodded. “We know where to reach you.”

  “We’ll be out of town for the next couple of days. I have to attend a fundraiser and I want to get Rachelle away from all of this for a while, but Detective Adams has my number where I can always be reached.”

  “I’m sure you know this, but if you think of anything to add, let us know.”

  “Of course.” He went to Rachelle and knelt down in front of her. “Rachelle,” he said softly to let her know who was there before he placed a hand on her arm. “Let’s gather your belongings. We’re leaving.”

  “Home?” she asked hopefully.

  “No, just upstairs to a different suite but don’t worry, I’m going to stay with you.”

  “I thought you didn’t want me anymore.” Her voice cracked and chin dropped to cover its trembling.

  The whole picture she presented made him ache. “Please, listen to me.” He reached out tilting her chin up. “I want you with me, I promise. But I was afraid that having you near me was putting you in more danger. I couldn’t let that happen.”

  “But it makes no difference. He’s still going to come after me.”

  “I realize that now. All I succeeded in doing was hurting you, and leaving you alone and vulnerable, while making myself miserable. I plan to stay closer now, though. That is, if you’ll let me. He’s going to have to go through me to get to you. Will you trust me again?”

  She caught her bottom lip between her teeth. Tears glistened in her eyes. “Yes.” It was a soft, but sure answer. His heart soared. He felt as if he’d received the greatest honor in his life.

  “Let’s go.” He helped her up. There was not much to gather up because she hadn’t unpacked anything. The instant the manager appeared with the keycar
d, they headed up stairs. It only took a few minutes to have Rachelle tucked in bed. “I’m going to leave the door open. If you need me, just call.” He caught the motion of her lip being caught in her teeth again.

  “Tell me?” he urged her to say what she was holding back.

  “Will you stay here until I go to sleep?”

  “My pleasure.” He lay out on the top of the covers, beside her. Stretching an arm over her, he pulled her tight. With a sigh, she cuddled into him and in just a few breaths was asleep.

  Britt knew he should move to his own bed but he couldn’t tear himself from her yet. He had almost lost her. He would never forget the sight of her still body on the bed. He pulled her closer, turning his face into the silky stands of her hair, taking the scent of her into him. He could smell sweat-peas and wondered if they were from her lotion or the flowers crushed around her on the bed.

  He pressed his lips against her temple and vowed again to keep her safe. This time though he would see to it personally. If anyone wanted to get to her, they’d have to go through him. He kissed her again, relaxed, and was asleep.


  Rachelle relaxed back into the comfortable leather seat. The sun was coming in through the window, warming her body. The soft hum of the powerful engine and the gentle music on the radio added to the conditions drawing her from sleep. Britt’s hand brushed back a lock of her hair then stroked her cheek. Since waking up beside him this morning, Britt seemed to have an incessant need to touch her − a hand on her arm, around her waist, stroking her cheek, or just holding her hand. Rachelle didn’t mind. She liked the physical contact with him.

  Waking up beside him again felt like the most natural thing. She wished he would have done more than one brief kiss before he bolted from the bed to his room for a shower. But then again, if he was feeling anything like she was feeling, the brief kiss was for the best.

  Never had she been plagued with such strong feelings and desires. The same feelings that felt as if they’d crush and destroy her the evening before when he sent her away, now lifted her up in joy. The only difference being, Britt wanted her. She didn’t doubt it. Rachelle drifted in the pleasure of it.


  Britt let his fingers slide over her cheek, down her arm to her hand, taking it in his. Her fingers curled around his. He knew by her breathing she was asleep. It was another twenty minutes before he turned off the main road onto his family estate. The Clairbourne Estate had been in his family for over a century. Though he was rarely there, it belonged to him. His stepmother spent more time living there than anyone, but even Tiffany, his stepsister and her husband, Carlton, spent more time there than he did. There just seemed no reason to drive the almost a half hour there, when his apartment was less than five minutes from work. And if he admitted the real reason, it was because there was no one special waiting for him there.

  Until the last few days around Rachelle, he hadn’t realized how much of life he was missing. He’d become a workaholic. It had happened so gradually. At first, he had been working hard to get the company on even ground. Then it was to get it the way he wanted it. Soon, it had just become the norm to spend all his time at work. He never thought about life much outside work except on the rare occasions he got together with friends for trips they took. And, since they started getting married and having families, those had become less frequent, down to just once or twice a year.

  Glancing over at the woman beside him, he realized he’d found an important piece of what was missing in his life. It was time he did some serious courting of Rachelle. He wanted her to know how well they were suited.

  Britt pulled up to the main drive, circling around to the front door instead of going back to the garage. He stopped the car and turned to her. She was so peaceful he hated to wake her. Leaning over, he brushed her hair back from her face. When she let out a soft sigh, he could resist no longer. He brushed his lips over hers. He kissed his way across her cheek to her neck and felt her react. Her hand came up to caress the side of his face. He went back to her lips for a full passionate kiss. Her fingers burrowed into his hair, holding him there, not that he had any intention of ending the kiss yet.

  He let her learn the taste of him, as he reveled in her. She followed his movements. A groan escaped her, when he finally managed to pull back.

  “Umm,” she purred. “That’s a nice way to wake up.” Her voice was velvet soft, and it was all he could do to resist going back for more of her.

  “How did you know it was me?”

  “I know.” There was an intriguing blush on her face.

  “You sound certain.”

  “Well, let’s see. I fell asleep in your car, with you driving. Which I do apologize for, I’ve not been very good company.”

  “That’s all right.” He let the subject change for a minute. “You needed the rest. You didn’t get much last night.”

  “Yes, and you should take that as a compliment. I don’t trust many people’s driving enough anymore to fall asleep.”

  Britt knew she was serious, but that she was also keeping the subject from the one they started. “Thank you. Now, how did you know it was me?”

  She hesitated, “Your scent for one thing.”

  “Is that bad?”

  “No, not at all,” she hurried to pacify him. “I like it. It’s fresh, clean, masculine, but not overpowering at all. It’s nice.” She stopped and blushed.

  “Thank you, I won’t change then. What else?”

  Her lip caught in between her teeth, in that way he was beginning to love. He wondered what she would say if he told her it made him want to go for the lip, claim it between his teeth for himself. She spoke before he could do it, and her words about sunk him. “The feel of you, no one else makes me feel the way you do when you touch me.” The words were whispered, but they echoed in his mind.

  “Yes,” he said, coming into kiss her again. This time, it was him that groaned. “We’d better go in before we get caught making out in the car. And that hasn’t happened to me for nearly two decades.” That brought a laugh from her.

  He got out of the car and came around to get her.

  “Oh, smell the fresh air and flowers,” she exclaimed. “Tell me what your house is like?”

  He described the flowers running up on either side of the walk, paying attention to them for the first time since he couldn’t remember when.

  “We have six steps here.” He warned her and let her feel her way to get the foot spacing on them. He drew her to the side, where there was a foot-wide stone railing. She paused to finger it then turned to him. “Britt, how big is this house?”

  He knew this question was coming and sighed. “Three stories about twenty-two thousand square feet.”

  She stopped. “That’s not a house. I’ll never be able to find my way around.”

  “You’ll do it easily.” He drew her up the steps.

  “Easy for you.”

  “For you too, I’ve seen you at work.”

  “I’ve been doing that for months, and I still get confused every once in a while.”

  “Well, if you get disoriented just yell and I’ll come find you. I plan on staying very close.”

  “You better and it would be a good idea to put any valuable breakables away.”

  He laughed, though he knew she was serious. “Ming vases away.”

  “You have one?” she gasped.

  “No, not my taste, but I don’t want you to worry.”

  “Well, I will. I’m at five lamps now, and the only reason it isn’t more, is that I changed to brass in my apartment. I haven’t been counting light bulbs.”

  “Yes, but the last one was well spent. Feel free to break as many of my lamps over attackers as you need.” He kissed her on the nose, pulling her toward the door like a reluctant child.

  “Britt.” An older woman’s voice called him as they entered. “About time you got here. You haven’t been home for too long.”

  “Been busy.” He released Ra
chelle to give the plump older woman a kiss on the cheek.

  “I know, I’ve heard all about those dreadful doings. Are you okay, my boy?”

  “Fine. Mae, this is Rachelle. Rachelle.” He caught her hand and brought it to the woman’s. “This is Mae. She spent half her life chasing me out of her kitchen.”

  “Huh,” the woman scoffed. “There’s truth in that. I couldn’t keep this boy full. He was always eating and growing. I couldn’t keep up with him. Now I hardly see him.” There was a genuine sadness in her voice at that, but she waved it off. “Mrs. Clairbourne’s not here. She went to town.”

  “I’m going to take Rachelle on a tour of the house.” He knew the woman was studying her. Mae had been like a second mother to him. He was happy when the woman smiled as if satisfied.

  “I’ll be in the kitchen if you need anything.”

  “We’ll be there in a few minutes.” He led Rachelle up the stairs, stopping first at the room that would be hers, letting her get used to it.

  Thirty minutes later they came through the living room, toward the kitchen. Rachelle hung on to Britt’s arm with one hand while trailing her other hand along the wall.

  “I’ll never find my room again.”

  “That’s all right as long as you get the right wing, on the right side of the house, if you miss your room, you’ll end up in the bathroom or my room. So it won’t be too bad.”

  “As long as I get the right wing and the right side of the house,” she repeated sourly.

  “Nothing to worry about, I’ll watch out for you.” He slid his arm around her so they were walking arm in arm. He warned her about the double swinging doors to the kitchen before leading her through them.


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