You'll Say Yes

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You'll Say Yes Page 2

by Tri Amutia

  I grimaced. "Seriously, Stella?"

  "Uh-huh, but I think she already passed that phase. I heard she was dating a football player, Kevin Morgan, in New York."

  "Hmm...a lot of things have changed." I yawned again. "Sorry to cut this conversation short, Stel, but I’ve had a long day and I’m exhausted. I'll call you back on Thursday. Ok?"

  "Ok. Well, I better get going. I still have a lot of work to do. Take care, Abby."

  "You too. Bye, Stella!" I pressed the end button.

  I walked to my apartment window; the busy streets of Seattle created a lonely feeling for me. What was exactly happening here?


  The next day I woke up early. I didn't sleep very well last night, still trying to figure out what Joshua was planning for all of us. I knew he was smart; he won't make a hasty decision. But, he was also a very determined person. I remembered when he followed me around for a week just to ask me some stupid questions.

  I prepared for the day, and packed my bag. I stopped when a note with my phone calls from yesterday slipped into my finger.

  I'll visit you tomorrow at your office.

  I gulped. It meant I have to meet him today. I rubbed my temples. What was I going to do? I couldn't call in sick. I had important meetings today with my authors...or perhaps I could ask the front office to say I was not in the office if he really came. I slumped in my seat. Well, I guess that was the best way...for now.

  After I heated up my Honda's engine, I walked to my office in a gloomy mood. I asked the front office to tell someone by the name of Joshua Walsh that I was not in the office today. When I reached my floor, I went straight to the pantry and made myself a coffee. I walked to my desk carrying my cup of coffee, and stopped dead in my tracks when I saw a bouquet of lilies on my desk. Lilies were my favorite flower, and again not all of these people knew that.

  "It came this morning," I heard Camila say. She looked kind of...annoyed.

  Hmm...That was strange. I furrowed my eyebrows and opened the card. I could see an elegant handwriting in it.

  I hope these flowers will brighten up your day.

  Looking forward for meeting you today.


  Joshua Walsh.

  I blinked several times. Wow, he was good. His training with girls in high school really gave him some justice. And I really did think he was looking at my Facebook profile.

  "You said you were only friends," Camila said, again.

  I could decipher her tone now. She was jealous.

  I smirked. "We were."

  "Then, why did he send you these flowers? And lilies? A normal man would give red roses or white roses. He's not normal."

  Yeah, right. So I could dump him, so you could have a chance to attack him? No way! I might not like Joshua, but I wouldn't leave him to fall for Camila's attack. I still had a heart to prevent that.

  "Lilies are beautiful," I answered shortly.

  Camila rolled her eyes. "Whatever." She disappeared in her cubicle and my smile did too.

  I looked at the flower, cautiously.

  What was he planning? I felt like a girl with a stalker, and I couldn't escape. For a moment, I just sat in my chair, didn't know what to do until an e-mail appeared on my BlackBerry. One of my author's would like to come and meet me at 10:00 am this morning. I put the bouquet in the corner on my desk and started my work for today.

  After my meeting with the author, it was almost lunch. I sighed and looked at the file on my desk. I won't be finished with my work if I went to lunch now. I shook my head and went to the snack machine in the hall to have some granola bars. I went back to my desk and put my hair into a ponytail. I wore my glasses and started to open the file. This was my normal style when I had a lot of work. I was just finished half of my files when I heard a soft voice behind me.

  "You look sexy with those glasses."

  I froze.

  I recognized that voice. The voice I haven't heard in the last ten years, the voice that brought on nightmares when I was in high school. My heartbeat increased in tempo. How...I mean...What...How could he...Damn! Never mind.

  I slowly spun my chair around, and there he was in all of his glory, Joshua Walsh. Honestly, he was more handsome in person rather than on his Facebook profile. He wore a dark coat with a deep blue shirt underneath and dark trousers. I almost raised my eyebrows.

  He smiled. "Hi, Abby."

  I furrowed my eyebrows. "How did you get in here? How did you know I worked here? And the most important thing is...what the hell are you doing here?"

  He gave me his famous smile. "Well, firstly, it's nice to meet you again, Abby. Secondly, I didn't mention my name in the front office because I knew you'd be avoiding me, so I used Evan's. Thirdly, I checked your Facebook profile and I found out you work here. And fourthly, I'm here to talk to you. Am I answering all your questions?"

  It took me a minute to process all of his answers. It looked like my brain stopped functioning when I stared into his eyes. I shook my head mentally. This was not good!

  ", what do you want to talk about?"

  Joshua just opened his mouth to answer my question when Camila interrupted. "Abby, did you see...Oh, sorry...I didn't know you had a visitor." She blushed and composed her face. "Hi, I'm Camila Stevenson. Abby's best friend here."

  I choked on my granola bar. Joshua smirked, he knew Camila was lying. I always thought Joshua could understand what you were thinking, it was kind of creepy. I wondered if he ever understood me.

  "Nice to meet you, Camila. I'm Joshua Walsh. Abby's fi...friend," Joshua replied and grimaced. I raised my eyebrows. Was it me or he really was about to call himself my fiancé?

  "Oh, yes...Joshua Walsh. Abby told me so much about you. She said you guys were good friends." Camila gave him a-what was supposed to be sexy- smile.

  Trust me; I tried so hard not to choke on my granola bar again.

  Joshua smiled. "Really? Like what?"

  Camila blushed. "Um...that you worked in the Seattle local hospital and you guys were good friends in high school."

  Joshua pursed his lips. "I see. Well, I always wanted to be a doctor, even though my father disagreed. You know, being a lawyer is hard to understand a doctor."

  I shook my head. It was a trap. Joshua just tested Camila. Damn! All these years, and he still knew how to figure out if someone was lying or not. Believe me; he could have a good career in the interrogation department. I felt bad for Camila, but I was curious myself to hear her answer.

  Camila began to flirt. "Yeah, I know. Your father definitely doesn't know what is good for you. A handsome man like you becomes a lawyer? I don't think so."

  Joshua smirked. His hazel eyes sparkled with humor. "Is that so?"

  I rolled my eyes and rose from my seat. "Joshua, did you already have lunch? I'm hungry."

  Joshua looked at me and smiled. "Abby, I was just about to ask you for lunch, but apparently your best friend here interrupted us."

  Camila blushed again.

  I smiled grimly. "Let's have lunch then. I'll wait for you downstairs."

  Joshua nodded and turned to Camila. "See you later, Camila."

  Camila beamed when Joshua walked out from my cubicle.

  "See, Abby...he likes me," Camila said with dreamy eyes.

  I combed my hair with my fingers and took my glasses off. "For the record, Camila, he knew you were lying."


  I turned around just before putting on my blazer. "His father is not a lawyer. His father is a doctor too. Have a nice lunch, Cam."

  I suppressed the urge to laugh when Camila's face turned pale. I turned around again and walked to the front office.

  I guess payback was a bitch, literally.

  Chapter 4

  The Lunch and The Confession

  I walked side by side with Joshua. I just looked down or looked at the street, didn't have the heart to look at him. Sometimes I caught him glancing at me from the corner of my eye. He ran his fi
ngers through his hair a couple of times; he seemed nervous.

  "Where are we having our lunch?" I asked, speaking for the first time since we left the office.

  He smiled, seemed relieved I broke the tension. "Actually, we’re already here."

  I stopped beside him and looked to an expensive restaurant in front of us. I looked at my costume and frowned. "Um..Joshua, I don't think my clothes are presentable for this type of restaurant."

  He rolled his eyes. He didn't answer as he opened the glass door for me. "Try me."

  I sighed and walked in. Like I said, he was a determined person.

  "Didn't we have to call a reservation in for this?" I whispered to him.

  He just smiled as we approached a waitress. "Excuse me, Miss. We have a reservation."

  The waitress seemed surprised as her jaw dropped when she stared at Joshua. Oh, please, not again! In seconds, she composed herself. " which name, Sir?"


  She looked at the list. "Ah, yes. Very well, Mr. Walsh. Please, follow me," she said, and for the moment, I swore she was glaring at me.

  What was her problem? I almost rolled my eyes.

  She guided us to the corner of the room. Soft music heard from our table. It was romantic. Joshua pulled out the chair for me. The waitress still glared at me as she walked away from our table.

  "Do you come here often?" I asked him, just curious. Perhaps the waitress knew him.

  Joshua shrugged and looked over the menu. "A couple of times, but only on special occasions." And then he looked at me. "Why did you ask?"

  "I think the waitress likes you."

  Joshua scoffed. "It happens all the time."

  All the time...figures!

  "And this special occasions…as in dates?" I dared him.

  Joshua sighed and stared at me with his piercing green eyes. "No, Abby, special occasions as informal dinners with my dad."

  "I see."

  A waiter approached us. "Hello. Can I take your order, please?" He asked Joshua, but he was staring at me. Odd! What could be possibly interesting about me?

  Joshua narrowed his eyes and cleared his throat. The waiter smiled and diverted his attention to Joshua.

  "Your order, Sir?"

  "Abby? What would you like to eat?" Joshua asked.

  "Um..." I glanced over the menu. Some names I didn't recognize, I meant how could that be possible? It was just a food. Why should they have to put complicated names on it? "I’ll...have...beef stroganoff," I picked the most recognizable food.

  "And you, Sir?" The waiter asked.

  "Make it two."

  "All right." The waiter wrote down our order. "And for the drink?"

  Joshua stared back at me. "Abby?"

  "Um...a..coke?" I nearly grimaced.

  Joshua nodded and turned to the waiter. "Two cokes, please."

  The waiter wrote down our drink order and took the menus. He winked at me when he was leaving our table. Seriously, that waiter really needed help.

  I turned back to Joshua. He still scowled in the waiter’s direction. "Um...thank you for the flowers," I said to him, trying to have a conversation.

  Joshua stared back at me and smiled. "Anytime, Abby. I know they are your favorites."

  I blushed. "Er...yes. And that was a nice move with Camila there. I didn't know you still had it in you. Well, thank you again, even I don't remember mentioning that to you."

  Joshua looked at me, amused. "You really don't remember, do you?"

  I stared back at him. His face turned sad. I swallowed hard. "Joshua, I don't mean to be rude, but yesterday my mother called me and told me about...something."

  Joshua gave me a sly smile and looked to the table. "About the proposal?"

  I shuddered. "Yes." My voice was barely a whisper now.

  Joshua didn't answer me, just playing with the napkin, when suddenly he stared deeply into my eyes. "I love you, Abby."

  I stopped breathing. My eyes went wide. I was sure there was nothing wrong with my hearing when he said he loved me. My brain seemed malfunctioning for a moment.

  "Abby, please, say something," Joshua pleaded. His hazel eyes were full with remorse.

  I exhaled, realizing I was holding my breath. Anger filled my body immediately. "What do you want me to say, Joshua? We didn't see each other for seven years. You told the whole student body of Long Beach High some rumors about me. You made out with a blond in the school hall the day you asked me to the Spring Dance, and you had different girls every week. Suddenly, you have the right to ask my father for my hand in marriage? What is this? Another plan of yours to conquer women? How many women did you ask to be your wife, huh?" I said through clenched teeth.

  Joshua pinched the bridge of his nose, his habit when he was frustrated. "Look, I'm sorry, Abby. I didn't mean to hurt you. At that time, I just thought you're going to like me if I’m that type of guy."

  "What type of guy?"

  "The cool guy."

  I threw my hands in the air. "The cool guy is not my type. I thought you already knew that. So, you didn't know anything about me. At all. And suddenly you proposed to me?"

  "I know, Abby. I'm so sorry. Through my college years, I tried to make it up to you. I stayed in contact with your dad, trying to convince him, so I could escort you back-"

  "Wait...wait...what? You were in contact with my dad? All these years? He never told me!" This time I nearly lost my temper.

  "I told him not to," Joshua said, slowly.

  I tried to control my breathing. This man was unbelievable. Our conversation cut off when the waitress brought out our meal. I was too hungry to be bothered by her glare and her flirtatious towards Joshua. I ate my food with an uneasy feeling. What was I going to do now? There was so much I needed to ask Joshua about this.

  About his proposal.

  About his love declaration.

  I finished with my food in record time. Actually, it was the fastest I have ever eaten.

  I played with the glass of coke, waiting for Joshua to finish with his food.

  I glanced over to him when he finished.

  I decided to ask the one question that bothered me when I was in high school.

  "Is the rumor true?"

  Joshua raised his head and looked at me. "What rumor?"

  My blue eyes bore into his hazel ones. "That you slept with all those girls."

  Joshua's jaw hit the floor, and for the moment, he didn't answer me. I sighed. Well, I guess the rumor was true.

  "Who told you that?" He asked, incredulously.

  I looked at him, surprised. "So, you really did sleep with them. And then you want to marry me? Not a chance, lover boy!"

  Joshua shook his head. "No, I meant, who told you that rumor?"

  "Scott Baker," I answered shortly.

  Scott was or maybe still is one of Joshua’s friends in high school. I didn’t really remember what he looked like.

  Joshua burst out laughing. "Oh, man...he's really sick."

  I raised my eyebrows. I guess they are not friends anymore.

  "I don't understand."

  Joshua grimaced. "It was Scott who slept with those girls, Abby. Not me. It was Scott's way to wash his hand clean. I never had any interest in them. At the time, you caught me kissing that blond; it was a dare. And she kissed me, I didn't kiss her back."

  I raised my eyebrows. "That was not what I saw."

  Joshua chuckled. "I was pushed into the wall. What do you want me to do? Besides, it was just a dare. She was Scott's next target. I didn't care about her. Well, she did try to get close to me, but I didn't return her affections."

  I shook my head. "I don't understand you, Joshua Walsh. Why didn't you tell me that we knew each other when we were children? It would have made my high school years much easier."

  Joshua sighed, playing with his napkin again and then stared deep into my eyes. "Do you remember the day you moved from Long Beach? We met for the last time as kids."

  I star
ed back at him, questioning him with my eyes. Joshua just gave me a-try-to-remember-look. Suddenly, those hazel eyes in front of me changed to a younger boy’s eyes.


  "So, you are going to move?" younger Joshua asked.


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