You'll Say Yes

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You'll Say Yes Page 4

by Tri Amutia

  He smiled and kissed my forehead. "As long as it takes." He looked over at the clock on the wall and turned to me. "Come on, it's time for the princess to get home." Then he winked.

  I rolled my eyes and got up from my seat. I followed Joshua to his car. He opened the passenger door and helped me in.

  During our journey back to my apartment, I was thinking about what Joshua said about me being his fiancée. Was it right? I didn't have special feelings for him, yet. I was getting to know him again after all these years. Will Joshua accept our condition right now, the one-sided love? He said he'll wait for me, but for how long? I was busy with my thoughts until I felt the car stop, and I could see my apartment building.

  Joshua opened the door for me and walked me to my door.

  "Thank you. I really had a great time," I said with a smile.

  He grinned, seemed happy to see me smile. "No problem, Abby." He ran his fingers through his bronze hair. "Um...Abby, are you free tomorrow night? My parents will be in town, and they want to meet you."

  I gaped. "Your...your parents?" I never met Dr. Walsh and his wife, personally.

  It was even harder when I remembered they were agreeing to this 'engagement'.

  "Yes. They called me when we were at the diner. So, will you go with me?" He asked me again, pleading.

  I blinked. "Well..."

  "Please..." He gave me his famous puppy-dog eyes. Damn!

  I rolled my eyes and sighed "Fine, I’ll go. Should I wear a dress?"

  He grinned victoriously. "It's a semi-formal dinner. Dress will be fine. I'll pick you up tomorrow at seven, ok."


  We stared at each other as he slowly caressed my cheek.

  "You are so beautiful," He murmured.

  I got lost in his hazel eyes as he leaned down to kiss me. As much as I didn't want to kiss him, my body seemed to have its own mind. Then suddenly images of Joshua in high school assaulted my memory. How he made out with the girls in the school hall, and it brought me back to reality. I looked away and sighed. Those lips were the same lips that kissed all those girls and I didn't want to kiss him. Joshua sensed my hesitation and kissed my cheek instead.

  "Good night, Abby. Sleep well."

  "Good night, Joshua," I whispered.

  He walked to the elevator as I opened my door. I closed it behind me and leaned against it.

  Lord, help me!


  The next day, I arrived fifteen minutes early. I had to work with the files on the computer and felt glad about it. I didn't think I could take it anymore if I had to work from paper files.

  Camila didn't speak to me much, perhaps still embarrassed with 'The Joshua accident' yesterday.

  Joshua texted me at noon and reminded me to have proper lunch. He was also reminding me about dinner. I smiled at how caring sweet he was being.

  I went home at five pm and walked, hurriedly, to my apartment to doll up for dinner. Joshua said it was a semi-formal dinner and now here I was, standing in front of my closet, trying to pick the right dress. I never had a dinner to meet parents before, and it was getting on my nerves. I silently prayed for tonight. I finally decided on a deep-blue dress and a -not so- high heels.

  I showered and dressed.

  I fixed my hair with semi curls and applied some light makeup.

  I was standing in front of my mirror double checking myself when I heard a knock on my door. I looked at the digital clock on my night stand. It read seven pm.

  I looked at myself for the last time and grabbed my purse as I went out my bedroom door. Then I opened the door. My jaw dropped when I saw Joshua. He was beyond handsome with a dark coat, dark trousers, and a grey turtleneck.

  I smiled weakly. "Hi."

  He cleared his throat. " I don’t think I’ve ever seen you in a dress before. You look beautiful," he said sheepishly as a faint blush colored his cheeks.

  I grimaced. "Yeah...I'm not a fancy type of girl."

  He chuckled and offered his arm. "Shall we, my lady?"

  I grinned and took his arm. "Of course."

  I locked my door and walked with my hand in Joshua's arm to the parking lot. I stopped dead on my feet when I saw a black car instead of a white one. My black Honda looked like an ancient car next to it.

  Joshua looked at me curiously. "Abby, what's wrong?"

  " that your car?" I asked stupidly.

  Joshua studied my face and chuckled. "Yes, Abby. This is my special-occasion car. It's a black Ford."

  "Ah, ok," I said, awkwardly.

  Joshua opened the passenger door and helped me in. He ran over to the driver’s side and slid in, then started the engine.

  He drove swiftly out of the parking lot

  During our journey, Joshua glanced often in my direction.

  I smiled and looked at him. "Why are you glancing at me like that? Am I that bad?"

  Joshua chuckled nervously. "No, Abby. I'm sorry. I shouldn't do that. It's just you are so beautiful. I don't know if I could keep myself from strangling all the men who will be looking at you tonight."

  I grinned. "It goes for you too, then. I don't know if I could keep myself from bitch slapping any woman that glances at you tonight, either.”

  "What? Are you jealous?" It was a joking question, but I could sense a hope from him.

  Am I jealous? I asked myself.

  "No, I'm not." I mumbled.

  Joshua didn't say a thing, but clutched the steering wheel. He seemed to be hurt, but preferred not to remain quiet.

  I sighed. "What I want to say is..." I tried to lighten the mood. "You were asking me tonight. It's not nice to see other women trying to pounce at you."

  Joshua laughed sheepishly. "Trust me, Abby. They are nothing compare to you."

  I rolled my eyes. "You are so blind, Joshua."

  Joshua looked at me with sincerity. "I was blinding by you, and it still does."

  I looked back at him, and we stared at each other before I grabbed his face with my hands and turned it to the road. "Eyes on the road, Walsh."

  He laughed so hard.

  We arrived at the restaurant. It looked more expensive than the one we had lunch at. He opened the passenger door and helped me out. "Wow," I said breathlessly. "You and your family really have excellent taste."

  Joshua smiled and took my hand. "Come on, my parents are waiting for us."

  I gulped and my nerves seemed to be going haywire.

  "Okay," I said with a small voice.

  Joshua looked at me and chuckled. "Don't worry, Abby. They love you."


  We both approached a waiter on the porch. The waiter's eyes glued to my body, and Joshua tightened his hold on my hand.

  "Good evening. May I help you?" He asked.

  "Yes, we have a reservation, under Walsh," Joshua answered in a flat voice. He continued to glare at the waiter.

  The waiter smiled. "Please, follow me, sir, ma’am. Mr. Walsh is waiting for you."

  Joshua nodded, and we followed the waiter inside. He guided us to a table where an older couple were.

  A woman with dark colored hair and hazel eyes rose from her seat, and Joshua loosened his grip on my hand to hug her. "Hello, Mom. It's nice to see you."

  She smiled, and Joshua leaned back to greet the man with brown hair and blue eyes. "Dad," He said while the man patted his shoulder.

  I smiled.

  My parents were divorced, that was why sometimes I felt happy for someone who still has their parents together. It was also my dream to have a family someday.

  "Mom, Dad, I'd like you to meet Abby," Joshua's voice brought me back to reality. Joshua turned to me and held my hand. "Abby, these are my parents, William and Farah."

  I took a step forward and smiled. "It's a pleasure to meet you, Dr. Walsh and Mrs. Walsh."

  Joshua's mother giggled and hugged me fiercely. I was taken aback for a moment but finally returning her hug. She leaned away from our embrace and looked at me.

>   "Hello, Abby. It's a pleasure to meet you, too. Please call me Farah and my husband William. Joshua is right, by the way. You are a very beautiful girl."

  I blushed. "Thank you."

  William also enveloped me with a hug. "Hello, Abby. It's nice to meet you, too." And then he looked at his son. "Finally!" Joshua grimaced, and I decided not to think about the inside joke.

  "Come now, let's have dinner," William said.

  We took our seats with me being between Farah and Josh.

  A waitress approached us and like I predicted she had her eyes on Joshua, but he ignored her and kept his eyes on me. After writing our order, the waitress left, and I internally felt calm. Suddenly, I felt my BlackBerry buzz, and I opened my purse to find I had a call from Stella. Joshua looked at me curiously, and I smiled.

  "It's Stella." I turned to Joshua's parents. "I'm sorry, but I have to take this."

  William nodded, and I rose from my seat. Joshua was watching me walked outside onto the restaurant porch.

  I pressed the answer button.

  "Hi, Stella."

  "Abby!" Stella's voice chirped from the other line. She seemed upset. "What took you so long to answer the phone?"

  I sighed. "Sorry, Stel..I'm in the middle of..." What? Dinner? "A meeting with my author." I grimaced, and I knew Stella could sense my lies.

  There was a pause.

  "Oh, really? Then why do I hear soft music playing? So, the meeting is using music now, too?"

  Oh, crap!


  "Tell me the truth, Abigail. Where are you?"

  Damn! She was using the full name treatment.

  I sighed. "I'm at a restaurant."

  "You WHAT?"

  I had to put a space between my phone and my ear. “Stella, you could make me deaf, you know."

  "Cut that out. What the hell are you doing at a restaurant?"

  I rolled my eyes. "Having dinner, silly."

  "Uh-huh. That is not what I'm asking. You can't be alone there, right?"

  Damn! She's good.


  "Tell me who he is, Abby."

  I rubbed my temple and grimaced. "Joshua Walsh."

  A high pitch voice screamed from the other line, and once again, I put a space between my phone and my ear. "Seriously, Stella. I still need my ear."

  "I knew it! I knew it! I knew he had a thing for you," Stella said happily, ignoring my earlier statement.

  I almost rolled my eyes. If only she knew it wasn't just a thing...for him, at least.

  "Yes, Stella. And now...if you don't mind, I'm in the middle of dinner with his parents."



  I sighed. "Please, Stella. It's just a dinner and please, don't spread the news."

  "Abby, Abby...dinner with parents is the next step from a relationship. You just meet up with Joshua again, after seven years; he already takes you to dinner with his parents. It took Evan nearly five years to finally take me to dinner with his parents."

  "Stella, please. I'll call you later, ok!"

  She snorted. "Yeah, right. You promised me you’d call me back on Thursday about our return to Long Beach, but you forgot."

  Huh? I nearly slapped my forehead. "Sorry, Stel...I'll call you again after dinner. Promise!"

  She sighed. "Alright. I forgive you. Say hi to Joshua and his parents for me, ok!"

  I smiled. "Ok! Bye, Stella."

  I pressed the end button and sighed. At any time today she could have called but she had to call me in the middle of dinner with Josh and his parents. I shook my head and walked back inside. The food was already on the table. I felt bad they waited for me.

  "I'm sorry to have kept you waiting," I said in remorse.

  William smiled warmly. "Please, Abby. It was nothing. So, what did Stella say? How is she?"

  "She's fine. She was just asking me about our plan to Long Beach this weekend. She said hi to all of you."

  Farah smiled. "Stella is a very energetic girl. So, Abby, are you coming to Long Beach this weekend?"

  I squirmed in my seat.

  Honestly, I didn't make up my mind yet. "Um...I don't know."

  "Please, Abby. I was hoping you’d come," Joshua pleaded.

  His hazel eyes pleaded and honestly, who could resist those eyes?

  "Er...well, all right. I just need to tell my dad and my mom, then."

  "One more thing, Abby, do you trust your car to make it to Long Beach?" Joshua asked, again. His parents talked quietly to amongst themselves, pretending not to hear our conversation.

  I rolled my eyes. "Yes, it will. Don't worry, Joshua."

  William smiled. "Well, let's eat then."

  We ate our dinner. The food was amazing. Joshua shoved a fork full of pasta into my plate, and I looked at him curiously.

  "It's good. You should try it," he said, seemed oblivious that his parents were in front of us.

  After eating the main course, the waitress appeared with dessert. I just finished my portion from Joshua's dessert. I wasn't very fond with desert.

  "Joshua, I think I left my wallet in my car. Would you like to get it for me?" William suddenly asked.

  Joshua looked at his dad for a moment and finally rose from his seat. William gave him the key.

  "I'll be right back," He whispered in my ear.

  I nodded slowly.

  William turned to me when Joshua was out of sight. "So, Abby, how are you?"

  I stared back at William, and I knew instantly why William sent Joshua out. He wanted to speak with me in private. "I'm fine."

  Farah smiled. "What do you think about our son, Abby?"

  Uh-oh, tricky question.

  I gulped. "He's...nice."

  William and Farah chuckled.

  "Joshua was right. You are not good in the lying business," Farah said.

  I gaped. "He did?"

  Farah nodded and sipped her wine. "Please, Abby. Joshua told us everything about you. Even before we met you, we knew you were a wonderful girl and apparently both William and I are right. You are amazing."

  I laughed nervously. "Joshua often speaks highly of me."

  William smiled. "Did he tell you about his proposal?"

  My body went one degree colder as my heart sped up.

  "Yes," I answered in a small voice.

  "And what do you think about that?" He asked, again.

  I sighed. "I'm sorry. I don't mean to offend your family, really. However, I had a bad memory of Joshua while we were in high school, and I was growing up to hate him. Suddenly, he appeared in front. Then my parents told me he asked them if he could marry me, and...I don't know."

  Farah smiled. "Joshua has has been in love with you every since he was six-year-old. We thought it was only a child crush that time would wipe away. Apparently, we were wrong. The older he got, the more he fell for you. He said there's no other girl for him but you."

  A shiver ran down my spine. It was romantic but also a bit scary. "But, we were apart..."

  "Yes," William interjected. "You both are. However, he still knows everything about you. He really cares for you."

  "If he really did care for me, why did he treat me the way he did when we were in high school?' I asked in a tight voice.

  Farah sighed and rubbed my arm. "We knew about that too, and we told Joshua it was the foolished thing he had ever done. We tried to tell him, but he was listening to his friend more than us."

  I didn't answer her.

  "Give Joshua a chance, Abby. He really loves you, with all his heart," William said, warmly.

  I slumped in my seat. "I'm afraid I'm not as perfect as he thinks I am."

  William chuckled. "Abby, a lot of girls tried to get his attention, but he didn't budge. All he sees is you. Just open your eyes a little."

  "If you feel that you need to talk, you could talk to us," Farah said, again.

  I smiled weakly. "Thank you."

  Just in time, Joshua appeared at the door, and William gave m
e a knowing smile. Even my in-laws supported their son. What could I do?


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