My Forbidden Date: A Brother’s Best Friend Romance

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My Forbidden Date: A Brother’s Best Friend Romance Page 6

by Tara Brent

  Vince hops out of the car as if his mission has been accomplished. “Even if you do touch her, it won’t last long. Not with you.” He shuts the door, and leaves me deep in thought.


  We had a date for dinner tomorrow night, and I’m planning on the works at Del Posto in the city, which has a Michelin star. But that conversation with Vince was digging into me. I was actually offended and outraged until it dawns on me that I was asked to do a publicity stunt that required dating thirty different women in a month. And no one thought that it was odd that I was doing it. I had to talk to Maya right now. I knock on the door to her office and walk in. I smile when I see her feet on the desk with her eyes closed. I must have worn my girl out.

  The other desk is empty. “Tiff isn’t here?” I ask.

  Startled, Maya’s swivel chair pitches her forward. She grips onto the desk as the chair totters and shakes. I stride over to her and grip the chair by the headrest, setting it back upright. She grips my arm to steady herself.

  “Piece of shit chair,” she mumbles.

  “Language, Princess,” I tease her.

  She looks up innocently with those big eyes as if she’s never uttered a curse before. That look always got to me even when we were kids. She’s impossible to be angry with. “Did my brother give you a hard time?”

  With my lips pressed hard together, I eye her sternly. Is that a rhetorical question?

  She grimaces a little. “Okay, so maybe that’s too obvious.”

  A sense of relief flows over me and smooths down the rough edges of doubt. Leaning down, I place my forehead against hers. I deeply inhale her scent pressing my nose against her soft hair. “How do you still manage to smell good this late in the day?” I whisper.

  Maya places her arms around my neck, and I gaze into her wide beautiful eyes. Her eyelashes flutter closed as she presses her lips against my jaw. I moan placing a firm hold on her waist. I lean into her again, and the chair starts going down. She gasps, and I pull her out of the chair and into my arms. Her soft curves press against my chest. The warm feeling makes me squeeze her tighter.

  I slide my hand strategically onto her ass and pull her next to me just so. “This feels right,” I nod my approval.

  Maya’s smile widens. “Are we going to pick up where we left off?”

  There’s a look of hope in her eyes, and I freeze. Vince’s words repeat in my mind. Do I really use women? Maya’s smile starts to fade and her brow creases.

  “Did something happen with Vince?” she asks in a small voice.

  “Not important enough to repeat,” I scoff.

  Maya lifts up on her toes and brushes her soft lips along my jaw. “My brother has nothing to do with this.”

  “And what’s this?” I ask her.

  Her brow smooths and she pins me down with her large eyes. “My dreams and my fantasies,” she replies.

  I grin moving my hand lower to the curve in her bottom. “Aren’t they the same thing?”

  She shakes her head. “Having my own business is a dream.” She slides her hand along my thigh and rests it on my growing bulge. “What I want to do with you are fantasies.” Maya nuzzles against my neck pulling me toward her. “And what are you wishing for?”

  My grip stiffens, and I pull her back slightly. “This isn’t one of your cute meets,” I whisper, “I’m not using you.”

  Her lips press against my neck. “And I’m not using you, Jackson.”

  I flinch a little when she says that. I need to confront the feeling that Vince and I haven’t been tight since I decided I was too good to launder stacks of money for Derrick. Again I want to ask Maya about Vince. What would make him continue? But I can’t ask now. Not when I should be focusing on the woman in my arms. I lift Maya up and place her on the desk.

  “We’re dumping the chair.” I kick it away. “You’re going to break your neck sitting in that thing.” I look over. “Does that door lock?”

  She shakes her head. “It does, but Tiff has a key. She pays half the rent, so she can come in at any time. But isn’t that a part of the fun—the chance of being caught?”

  I look at Maya, but her expression shows no signs of irony. I check my watch. It’s almost one. “Maybe she’ll take a long lunch.”

  Maya moves closer, placing her legs on the other side of mine. She tilts her head and parts her lips, willing me to kiss her. I pull her into me, lost in her touch, the feel of having her warmth pressing against me. I deepen the kiss, touching my tongue against her lips until they part. She moans as I sweep my tongue into her mouth and tug her tight against my body. My fantasy is to be with only her, and I didn’t know it until now.

  Maya reaches down, not ending the kiss, as she unfastens my pants. My belt buckle clanks heavily against the desk as she unzips my fly. Her hand slides down along my boxers, and she stops kissing me. Her hand travels up and down my length as her eyes widen. Maya’s cheeks turn pink as she bites her lips. I’ve seen some surprising reactions, but hers is the cutest. I want to tease her, but I don’t want her to stop. I shove my pants down to the floor.

  Maya hops off the desk, without a word, and spins me around, so I’m against the desk. She gives me the wickedest wink, and then she’s kneeling in front of me on the floor. I close my eyes as I feel her mouth on the tip of my cock. The loving touch makes me harder as her mouth closes around me and her tongue explores every inch. I suck in air as she pulls back and then forward, taking me in gradually. I don’t want to push her, so I grip the edge of the desk with both hands and ease into the sweet feeling that she’s giving me.

  “Maya,” I whisper as I roll my head back. “Baby that’s incredible.” It is indescribable as she licks and sucks me rock hard. I can’t resist touching her anymore, and I push my fingers into her wavy hair. Her tongue strokes the underside of my cock, and I see flashes of light in my vision. I had wanted her on the couch, and I would have taken her then, but waiting is better...this is so much better. Her mouth pulls back, her soft lips firmly around me as she pulls back and pushes forward. I grip her head as my body tenses up. The sucking is sending me quickly over the edge.

  Sighing, I open my eyes and look down. Maya is watching me, and our gazes lock. It’s the sexiest thing I’ve ever seen, her watching me savor my pleasure, and I let out a loud groan when I let go. She holds onto me, taking it all. I close my eyes again as her head bobs, and the sensations intensify, drawing out another groan deep in my throat. I lean back, spent as she releases me from her lips. My head is floating, and I’ve never felt this connection before, something more than physical. I grab Maya by the shoulders, pull her onto her feet, and I kiss her deeply. I run my hands through her silky hair while I bruise her lips. She’s breathless when I lean away.

  “Baby, that was great,” I hug her into me.

  She smiles sweetly. “I’m glad you liked it.”

  I don’t say anything while I gaze upon her pretty face. I’ve been a fool not to notice before how much Maya wanted me.

  Her phone chimes on her desk, and Maya sighs, moving away from me to answer it. “It’s Tiff,” she explains. I give her space as I straighten my clothes.

  “Oh, boy.” She blinks as she listens to a rush of words on the other end of the conversation. “Okay, I’m coming.” Maya’s eyes widen as she looks over at me. “I’ll be there soon,” she stammers.

  I lift my brow. “Trouble?” I ask.

  “An intervention is needed. Some neckbeard cornered his date and thinks coffee equals sex.” She grabs her purse out of her desk drawer. “Sorry.”

  I grab hold of her and tug her back into my arms. “I’ll give you a call later,” I tell her, and her smile fades. “I mean it,” I repeat.

  “No Sable on the table then?” she asks.

  I frown, not understanding the phrase at all.

  Maya grimaces a little. “Never mind.” She starts to turn, but I pull her back and hold her tight. “One, can you handle that guy?”

  She scoffs, “Certainly. Un
fortunately, we’ve done it before.”

  I nod. “And two, we are going out. I want to talk.”

  The smile slides back onto her face. “I’m looking forward to it.” She pecks me on the lips then we hurry out the door.

  Heading to my car, I remember Sable from the club. I wince, and I’m surprised my past hasn’t shown up for coffee yet.

  Chapter 5


  “We made it to the end of the month.” I pat Jackson’s hard shoulder, letting my hand linger. I could pick him out blindfolded in a room full of men just by touching their shoulders. Jackson grins, and then I walk off to talk to the crew.

  I couldn’t stop thinking about our date in the city two weeks ago, but I have to while working. I need to focus on the task ahead. But that date. Jackson took me to a fantastic Italian restaurant on the West Side. The hostess sat us at a table in a secluded corner, and the waiter only appeared when he was needed. We talked about old times and new. The conversation never slowed, and that was nice having a connection that takes a month to build with a date. And after dinner. I moan as I think about the toe-curling sex. But I pull it together fast when I notice Tiff staring at me.

  “Maya, are you okay?” she asks.

  I nod. “Today’s the big day.”

  Tiffany smiles. She’s here at the café for the big reveal, the day Jackson will pick one lucky woman for a second date. Tiffany holds up her phone. “Almost 500 people waiting to join.” She looks at her phone again. “Sorry, I meant 750. The number keeps going up.”

  I should be happy, but I feel nauseous. Vince was in a wicked mood this morning. I’ve been threatening to move out for weeks. And I finally asked him to help me find a place. Immediately, he started to shoot my plan down over his orange juice. I argued that it wasn’t my original plan to move back home after graduation. I had used my savings to rent office space. If I had remained in Manhattan, forget it. I’d have to commute from home, but living and working in Bridgetown, I could afford a one-bedroom in an up-and-coming area. I just wanted some leads.

  I glance over at Jackson, who catches my eye. No matter how many times I see him watching me, I grin like a fool and want to blush.

  But I let out a sigh of frustration—my gaze shifts over to Vince, who insisted upon coming. I wonder if he has a life outside of work and following me. I don’t know why he’s anxious to learn who Jackson will pick. We all know he’s not going to choose me. At least not on camera. I shrug my shoulders. So much for exclusivity. Despite growing closer, there’s still something between us. I eye Vince with a withering look. It doesn’t matter. What I’m doing with Jackson is barely dating. We see each other late at night and usually end up in bed, which is great but not really a relationship.

  Lost in thought, I don’t come out of it until I feel a hand brush mine. Jackson is standing beside me, and I tilt my chin to meet his gaze.

  “Big day for you.” My voice doesn’t crack, but my knees tremble.

  “Bigger one for you. It’s almost at 1K.” He nudges me. “You okay?”

  “It’s just nerves,” I smile halfheartedly.

  Tiff is standing by the crew and motions to me. “We’re almost ready to start,” she whispers loudly.

  As the commentator, I join Jackson at the table, and we wait for the live stream to start. Harris has graciously allowed us to use his café again. The earlier video helped business instead of hurting it. He pours a cup of coffee and places a yummy breakfast tart on the table in front of me. I sense Jackson contemplating my profile. His scrutiny is interfering with my calm.

  “Good luck, Maya,” he whispers.

  Smiling, I nod. I hope I don’t scream when Jackson says another woman’s name. Alex points at me, and we’re live. “Today’s the day we will find out who will go on a second date with Jackson Hayes.” I give my spiel without a hitch until the very end when I turn to look at Jackson. I clear my throat, “And who will it be, Jackson? Who will get a second date?”

  Jackson smiles and then replies, “You, Maya.”

  If I had been actually drinking my coffee, I’d have spat it out. Instead, I start coughing so severely that Jackson grabs the glass of water from the waiter to give to me. I hear someone mutter, “Well that wasn’t staged.” I don’t dare turn my head. I don’t need to. I can feel Vince’s glare boring holes into me.

  Gradually, my composure returns as I wipe the spit off my chin. Laughing, I tap Jackson’s hand on the table. “Oh Jackson, you’re silly with your jokes.”

  The smirk on his face stiffens. “I’m not joking. I want you to be my second date. I want to make it official.”

  I try to laugh, but it sounds like a sob. I can’t keep myself from looking over at Vince, and he’s livid. His face is contorted into a grimace that would terrify a gargoyle. Tiff has placed herself beside him, no doubt ready to hold him back if necessary.

  “I’m truly flattered, but that’s not how we play the game,” I tell Jackson earnestly.

  “I’m not playing a game. If I were, I wouldn’t have kissed you, Maya.”

  The room must have wheels because it is spinning. There’s a shout from the back as the shit hits the fan, flying right at me. Of course, Tiff can’t hold Vince back, and he rushes toward the table. Jackson is on his feet, and in a split second, they’re holding each other in a wrestler’s hug while Vince’s face turns fifty shades of red. Tiff runs toward me, screaming, and pulls me away before the café table tips over.

  Eddie continues to film while Alex gives me the thumbs-up.

  “The numbers are climbing,” he shouts over the ruckus.

  “Break them up, and stop filming, you idiot,” I scream at him. Alex shakes his head, but two guys from the kitchen rush over. One grabs Jackson and the other Vince. Lowering his arms, Jackson steps away, but Vince is trying his best to throw a punch. All he’s doing is striking the air.

  Eddie sidles up to me. “We have twenty more minutes.”

  I glare death daggers at him, but Tiff grabs hold of Alex, and they make sure she’s in the frame with Vince flaying behind her.

  “Men will fight to meet you,” she says, smiling brightly to the camera, “so sign up for CuteMeet. Free to join, and premium memberships are available. Meet the love of your life over a cup of coffee.” As cool as ice, she reaches out, takes the phone from Alex, and disconnects the stream.

  By his thrashing arms, Vince is dragged into the kitchen by the two men while Jackson glowers from a distance. Vince struggles to break free, and it takes both men to push him through the kitchen doorway. Vince isn’t a small guy. He and Jackson are eye to eye, and the two men grunt and curse as they grab at him. I stare in amazement at my brother’s ape-shit crazy reaction. This can’t be only about Jackson kissing me.

  “I warned you,” Vince shouts, “not to touch Maya. You’ve been with every woman in the fucking state. I told you not my sister, you bastard.”

  I wince and look at Tiff. “That’s off, isn’t it?”

  Tiff nods as she hands it back to Alex. “And it stays off,” she warns him.

  I sigh. “I’ll deal with the loud one, and you take care of the quiet one.”

  Vince knew it was a lie when I told him nothing happened that day I had coffee with Jackson. I guess it was my brother’s intuition. I’d been coming home late several nights with a look of satisfaction plastered on my beaming face. It wasn’t hard to figure out why.

  Tiff was busy getting Jackson out of here while I prepared myself to confess the truth to my brother. The staff in the kitchen watch bug-eyed as I march toward a sweaty Vince who’s seated at a small table drinking from a water bottle. The intense look he gives me makes me lose my courage instantly. Not because he’s angry but because he’s deeply hurt.

  “Maybe we should step outside, so we’re not in the way?” I ask sheepishly.

  Vince gets up, and I smile stiffly at Harris, who’s scowling at the overturned table as we head for the door. Another restaurant I won’t be eating in ever again. Standin
g outside, I square my shoulders and brace myself. But before I can say anything, Vince speaks.

  “I’m sorry,” he says, “I overreacted.”

  I blink in amazement. Vince only apologizes when he has to, and he rarely looks sincere when doing it. Right now, he seems genuinely sad for his shameful behavior—my mind whirls into confusion.

  “What are you sorry for?” My voice is barely audible, but somehow he hears me.

  He shakes his head. “This is your business, and I had a public freak-out.”

  I sigh heavily, “Yeah, you’ll be trending by lunch. What is it with Jackson and you? Or would you be this daft with any man I want to be with?”

  Vince gets a look on his face that chills me in the warm breeze. Placing his hand on my shoulder, he says, “Maya, you wouldn’t understand.”

  I sigh. “That you both did something shady?”

  Vince freezes, and a resolve harder than steel settles over his expression.

  I rush to explain before he shuts me out. “After dad died, you managed somehow to keep us all in that house without help. I’m younger than you, not dumber than you. I knew what went on in our neighborhood.”

  Vince remains silent as his mind races to find the right words. “I don’t do whatever you may think I did anymore.”

  My hands are on my hips before I know it. “I don’t really know what you did, and I’m glad you’re not doing it anymore. But I really don’t get the anger you have toward Jackson.”

  Vince rubs his face with his hand. “It’s not anger toward him. It’s love for you,” he explains, “Jackson and I have been through a shitstorm together growing up. I’ve been with him through every year of our lives. He’s like a brother who grew up in a different house.” Vince pauses and puts his hand on my shoulders. “But the way he treats women, Maya. I don’t want him treating you like that.”

  I stare at Vince, glimpsing a little more understanding of him and resenting my brother less for caring so much. I smile sadly, “Vince, he’s changed.”


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