Men in Control: Special pack: The Smith Brothers Series

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Men in Control: Special pack: The Smith Brothers Series Page 18

by Brenda Ford

“Fuck, fuck, fuck!” I don’t think Maria notices the knife slipping from her fingers, but I see it. It clatters to the floor and slides underneath the table out of her sight. This is good. If she doesn’t have anything to attack me with then I have a chance of taking her down. Even in this state. “Fucking hell, why can’t you just… just…”

  My eyes dart everywhere, I’m searching for something to work with. I don’t think right now I can do it alone. My next move needs to be a careful one though, because Maria is getting worse and I don’t want to set her off.

  “Brad, why are you…” More stuff smashes. Poor Tami won’t have much of a home left after this. “Why do you still want to hurt me, huh? Why can’t you just be with me? What is your problem?”

  She pulls out her cell phone and stares directly at me, her eyes flickering with madness. She dials a number, one that I half hope is the cops because she’s lost her damn mind and she might think that she needs them now, but then it quickly becomes clear that she’s called either Hayley or Tawny. One of the other girls who has been directly involved in this. One of them who gave Maria Tami’s number and sparked all of this.

  God damn it, I hope that I get out of here for long enough to see what happens to them after all of this. I want a detailed account of who did what and why. Then they will be long gone. Locked up too, maybe. In my fantasy, I would love them all locked away, facing a few years in jail to punish them. To make them think about their actions in the future. I don’t want anyone to ever have to go through anything like this.

  “Get here now!” Maria yells into the hand set. “I don’t know what to do now. I need you.”

  It becomes very clear that the person on the other end of the line isn’t comfortable with this, but that doesn’t make me feel any better. Maybe the others didn’t know how far Maria would go, but that doesn’t make it any better. They shouldn’t have played with fire, it’s as simple as that.

  “I can’t do this by myself anymore. You can’t all abandon me like this. It isn’t right. You all wanted this…”

  She’s interrupted by a loud knocking sound at the door. Maria spins, half panicked, half elated that everything is going her way after all. If this is one of her friends, this could get worse. But then a movement behind me catches my focus and makes me turn my eyes. Tami is sitting up, recovering from her injures.

  “Ruby,” she mouths to me, nodding like this knocking is good news.

  Ruby. That’s her friend. Maybe somehow in all of the chaos, Tami found a way to contact her friend and now we might be saved… maybe. Or it might be another person in danger. I really don’t want someone else dragged in to this damn mess. It’s messy enough as it is. I don’t know what to do, whether to go and answer the door or to just ignore it, to attempt to save another person’s life. I feel all frozen and stuck.

  “Police!” That word being yelled through the apartment stops everything. “We know of an incident…”

  I flicker my eyes between Tami and Maria. Maria is in full panic mode now, obviously having not considered that as a possibility, and Tami looks relieved. But no one moves. So, I take control. I push past Maria and I swing the door open. The police man outside catches sight of my wound and immediately knows that this is serious. His whole demeanor changes as I step aside to let them in.

  Him and his colleague move past me and I step aside to let them go. As I do, a strange sense of numbness over comes me. I don’t really feel anything. I’m just frozen in this moment in time.

  It’s over. I try to process this. To come to terms with the fact that this is finally done after what feels like forever. It’s over. Maria is done for. Me and Tami are going to be okay…

  “The window,” I hear Tami gasp out desperately, pain evident in her tone. “The window.”

  I don’t know what this means, so I unfreeze, and I head towards the front room to see what’s going on. There, I find Tami pointing towards the open window. There isn’t anyone else in the room with her aside from the cops.

  “Where is Maria?” I demand, irritated. “What the hell is going on?”

  “She got out,” Tami tells me with sadness to her voice. “I tried to stop her, but she was too fast for me.”

  My heart sinks. If this is true and Maria is still out there, then it isn’t over yet. It can’t be until she is locked away and unable to hurt anyone again. My eyes flutter, a blackness threatens to come for me, I can feel my knees giving way. I held everything together when I needed to, but now I can’t any longer. All the glue that was sealing me upright is peeling apart and I can’t keep fighting.

  This isn’t over… my brain keeps telling me over and over again. Anything could happen next.

  Chapter 25 – Tami – Saturday

  “The ambulance will be here soon,” I whisper to Brad, holding desperately on to his hand. “I want to move you, to put you somewhere more comfortable, but they said that I can’t yet. They need paramedics to check you over before they move you in case you’re really injured. But you aren’t, are you?”

  I don’t know why I said that as if he’s going to answer me when I already know that he can’t. He passed out a little while ago, tumbling to the ground as soon as he heard that Maria got away. I hated that as well. Watching her go after everything she had put us through, just before any justice could get her, was heart breaking. But I was also a little glad to see the back of her. I’m just done with that bitch. I never want to see her again.

  “They will get her,” I try to reassure Brad, just in case there is any way in which he can hear me. “Don’t worry. They already have people out there searching for her. There’s no way she will get away.”

  My heart hammers hard, my brain spins, I feel a little sick. It’s scary to know that someone so dangerous is still out there, wanting to attack us, but I suppose at least in the hospital there is protection. We will be fine. We have to be. There’s no way that we can go through all of that and get in danger again.

  “It was Ruby,” I tell Brad with tears in my eyes. “She got my message at last and called the police. I will have to contact her soon and let her know that she saved our lives. Without her… well, I don’t know what was going to happen. She was calling someone, wasn’t she? One of the others to come and help her.”

  It makes me all cold and sad to think of the people I work with coming here to assist with the torment. I know that they don’t like me, but to go this far, well, it’s insane, isn’t it? I can’t believe that any of the mean girls would go this far. But I suppose I will never find out now. We didn’t get to stick around for long enough to find out. Perhaps that is a good thing, maybe not. I haven’t quite decided yet.

  “I wasn’t actually knocked out,” I tell him. “I was just pretending, so she didn’t come after me again. She kept hitting me. I’m sorry I didn’t help you. I was ready if she did anything though.”

  I sigh loudly, unable to stop thinking what way this could have gone. There are so many worse ways this could have ended up. It’s annoying to know which way it did go, but it could have been so much worse. Neither of us could have made it out of this. And from what I can make out, all over a one night stand or a short fling. I haven’t quite worked out the details of this yet, I don’t know what exactly happened with Brad and Maria other than the snippets I have heard tonight, and I don’t know if I want to. It’s just insane.

  “Tami.” All of a sudden, Brad’s soft voice grabs my focus. I lean in knowing that he needs me to get closer to him, so he doesn’t need to speak so loudly. “Tami, are you okay?”

  Tears spill down my cheeks as an intense wave of emotion hits me. “I’m fine. I’m okay. My head hurts a bit, but generally I’m fine. Are you okay? You’re the one who is hurt. I’m worried.”

  “I meant what I said,” he replies, worryingly ignoring my questions about his wellbeing. “I do love you.”

  I did hear him say that, but I forced myself to dismiss it. I knew that it was just a heat of the moment comment to shut Maria up. A bit like
the way that I told him the same thing. It was just the fear of dying… wasn’t it? I mean, we can’t really love each other already, can we? Admittedly, I don’t think I have any experience, I’m not sure that what me and Daniel shared was ever love, but just because this is better, doesn’t mean it is…

  “Brad, it hasn’t been long.” I squeeze his hand hard, probably a bit too hard because I’m all freaked out. “We probably haven’t been in one another’s lives long enough for love. Plus, it’s all been really stressful, hasn’t it? We haven’t exactly had it easy. Maybe we should just be for a while first.”

  But he doesn’t say anything. I don’t know if I have upset him or if he merely doesn’t have the strength anymore, but his silence causes a thick ball of emotion to lodge in my throat making it damn near impossible to even breathe. I glance my eyes around my apartment just to find something else to focus on to calm me down. But it’s all destroyed. Maria went on a fucking rampage and destroyed it all like a toddler not getting her own way. It might just be stuff, but it pisses me off. I’m here alone, my family aren’t around me anymore with my father gone and my mother moved away. She had no right to break the few things I have.

  Sirens blast out in the distance which means Brad will be taken away soon. I know that they want me to go to the hospital too, to get checked out, but I don’t think that I will be there long. I really feel okay. My head aches a bit but that’s it. However, once we leave here now, this situation will be over and there is no telling what will happen. This could be the last conversation that I ever have with Brad about all of this.

  “Oh, screw it.” I squeeze his hand once more. “I love you too, Brad. Even if it is nuts and far too soon. I do. I haven’t ever felt this way about anyone, and I know that I never will again. You are everything to me. My world. This time with you has been the best of my life. Even with all the drama. I wouldn’t give it up for anything.”

  Then it’s time to step aside because the paramedics are here, and they need to get him in the ambulance. I hate wrenching myself away from Brad, but he has needed to see a medical professional for far too long. He needs this. I just hope that when he gets to the hospital, they can help him. It hasn’t been too long.

  “You need to go to the hospital too,” the police officer reminds me kindly. “There is a car for you as well.”

  “I just need to contact everyone first. I need them all to know. My friend. Brad’s family…”

  “I would advise you to do that when you get there. Take care of yourself first.”

  “But you don’t understand. Brad has a lot of brothers. They will be worried…”

  “Then do it on your way. You really need to get checked out. I think you’re more hurt than you think.”

  His words do the trick. They worry me enough for me to follow his command. I suppose I am in shock and focusing more on Brad which could mean that I’m not feeling the agony that is definitely there.

  “Okay, fine.” I nod. “I will do it on the way.”

  I set up a group message to all of Brad’s brothers, so I can contact them all at once. It will make my phone blow up for sure as they all freak out at once, but it’s all I can do. I hate having to share this news with people who have already lost their parents and could risk losing their parental figure, but I’m sure that Brad will make them proud by pulling through. He has to. I don’t know what I will do otherwise.

  Tami: I just wanted to let you all know that Brad has been taken to the hospital. He is okay but he has been stabbed by an ex of his. Maria. I’m sure that name means more to you than me. She came after me and he wanted to protect me. He was conscious when they took him a moment ago but I’m sure you want to see him.

  Wesley: What the fuck? That’s who it was all this time? Shit, she’s crazy. I’m on the way.

  Angelo: I hope you are okay too. I’m on the way as well. See you there.

  Alex: Shit, I am supposed to have a show tonight. I will sort out cancelling. See you soon.

  Nelson: Oh my God, I tried to warn him about her. I will be there soon.

  Oliver: That’s terrible. I am going to join you all there. What happened to Maria?

  The smile that was sitting firmly on my lips as I watched Brad’s brothers rally around him, glad that at least he has an incredible family, fades away. I don’t want to think about what happened to Maria. That’s something I would rather push to the back of my mind, but they deserve to know. After all, she could even think about going after them, couldn’t she? If she wants to target someone that Brad cares about… well, his brothers are perfect. The fact that she managed to take Brad down so he couldn’t stop her shows how bad she is.

  Tami: She got away. She ran when the police turned up. They are looking for her though.

  Nelson: Bitch! Can’t even face up to what she has done.

  Wesley: I will see if I can see any online presence of her.

  Alex: Fuck. We should all keep a look out. There’s no telling where she will turn up.

  Oliver: That’s bad. Who knows what she will do next?

  Angelo: You be careful too, Tami. I will come and check on you at the hospital.

  That’s good. I will be able to talk to Angelo about the mean girls who were involved in this to see what he thinks I should do about it. They need to hold some responsibility for this as well. Angelo will help me while Brad is out of action, I just know it. It’s nice to have him care about me. It almost makes me feel like I am part of the family as well. Which maybe, one day if our relationship keeps going forward, I will be.

  But for now, I have someone else that I need to message. Someone to thank.

  Tami: Thank you for contacting the police. They broke the whole mess up.

  Seconds later, Ruby calls me. I should have guessed that messaging wouldn’t be enough for her.

  “Oh my God,” she gasps the moment I pick up. “What happened? You didn’t give me any details.”

  “I know,” I groan regretfully. “I didn’t really have the time, but thanks for helping anyway.”

  “Of course! I wanted to come myself, but I was a bit freaked out. I didn’t know what you were doing.”

  “It was Brad’s ex. The person who has been messaging me. She came to my home. I thought that it was you, so I accidently let her in. Anyway, she went all crazy at me. Brad too when he came in. He got stabbed and she hit me around the head a few times. It was nuts. I don’t know what she would have done if you hadn’t helped.”

  “Oh my God, that’s even worse than I thought it was going to be! I don’t even know what to say. I just hope she’s all locked up now for scaring you and hurting you like that.”

  Uh oh, the idea of telling Ruby that she’s free is even scarier than telling the Smith brothers. She might really lose her mind…

  Chapter 26 – Brad – Sunday

  Everything is white and far too bright. It’s almost inhuman. As a pain radiates through my body, I find it impossible to open my eyes, to figure out what the hell is going on. There must be something, I wouldn’t be in this unfamiliar place if not. I don’t even know how I can be so sure that it’s unfamiliar… I just am. I just know it. There’s also a strong sense that I am or have been in danger, and I don’t know why.

  “Was that his eyes?” Was that Wesley? “I seriously hope he is waking up now. For real this time.”

  I try to say Wesley’s name but only a groan comes out. It’s like my vocal chords haven’t been used for such a long time and because of that, they’re broken. Why would I have needed to be silent for ages?

  “Oh my God, that was him. We need to get a nurse in here now.” Why is Oliver talking about nurses? “Don’t you remember? That doctor said we need to contact someone as soon as there is any sign of life.”

  Life? What the fuck is… oh my God. All of a sudden, something hits me hard. Maria. She was there… it’s hard for me to remember why but I know that she’s around or she was for some reason.

  “Go on then,” Alex snaps. “Go and get so
meone, Oliver. We don’t have time for this.”

  “Alex, stop getting so angry.” As Angelo’s voice tries to soothe him, I can’t help but wonder if I must be dreaming. Me and my brothers are only in the same place at the same time for big events. There are just too many of us to make it happen regularly. “We all just need to be calm and collected. For Brad’s sake.”

  “Urgh,” I moan again. “Nurgh.” There are so many things that I want to say, but it’s hard. “Eurgh.”

  “Brad, it’s Nelson here. The only one of your brothers with his head screwed on apparently.” I want to laugh at his sarcasm. “So, while the rest of the other guys are arguing, why don’t you wake up for me? We can have a sensible chat about what the fuck happened because seriously… what a shit storm!”

  Maria. I just know that this is linked to her somehow. Her appearance in my life can only be bad news. We had a short fling and then she wouldn’t let it go… but that was a while ago now. Things have been different since.

  I try to open my eyes yet again, but the brightness of the light makes my head want to explode. It’s agony. If this isn’t just some nightmare then how the hell are my brothers acting like this light isn’t odd? Tears even stream down my face because the whiteness affects my eyes so much. It’s damn near impossible.

  “Let me sit you up,” Nelson says quietly as noise bursts around us both. I think the rest of my brothers are still arguing like crazy. “That way, the light won’t be in your eyes so much. It must be killing you.”

  My muscles ache as he pulls me up in to a sitting position, but I go with it because I do find it easier to open my eyes as I’m looking forwards. It’s still very white and bright though, not somewhere I would normally be.

  “What’s going on?” I groan, the pain of the words stinging in my throat. “Where am I?”

  “Don’t you remember anything?” Oliver demands. “Don’t you recall Maria attacking…?”

  “Maria,” I gasp out. “Maria and Tami. She hurt Tami.” The memories come racing back at a million miles an hour. “She hurt Tami, didn’t she? Is Tami okay? Is she in the hospital? Am I?”


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