Men in Control: Special pack: The Smith Brothers Series

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Men in Control: Special pack: The Smith Brothers Series Page 26

by Brenda Ford

  The intense wave of pleasure consumes me, causing me to explode with lust. I fall apart, practically tumbling to my knees as everything flows from me. I have this wonderful woman back in my life again and I’m so happy.

  As we collapse next to one another on the bed, breathless and swarming in glorious post orgasmic bliss, that joy continues to fill me up. This day started so badly, just like the rest of this week has, and I thought that it would end the same. I assumed I would be in that bar, drinking until I puke, waiting for the hang over to kick in…

  Instead, I actually have a future with the woman that I love. How lucky am I?

  “What now?” I ask with a chuckle. “What did you want to do now?”

  She curls her body in to me and rests her head on my chest. “I don’t want to do anything. I want to stay here with you. Unless you want to go to the party downstairs, that is…”

  “No, no.” I tug her closer to me. “No, I’m good here with you thank you very much.”

  “Is that what you meant?” she asks suddenly. “Or are you talking long term?”

  “I didn’t mean that… but we can discuss it if you want to?”

  I kinda hope that she does. I think that after everything we have been through, it’s a conversation that needs to happen. Communication hasn’t always been my strongest point, or so it seems, so I don’t ever want to make that mistake again. Much as I am sure Tami knows I want her; a plan couldn’t hurt.

  “Well, I want to come back to work,” she says quietly, almost shyly. “If I can. I’m sorry that I haven’t been here this week. I know that was wrong of me. I just couldn’t face everything. I didn’t realize that everyone had been fired. Oliver filled me in with that. But I couldn’t face seeing you either. Not while I needed to clear my mind. I was too scared that I would get all mixed up again.”

  “Hey, you are more than welcome to come back,” I insist. “Not only because I don’t have any employees at the moment. I can’t afford to lose anymore.” Thankfully, she laughs at my joke. “But seriously, I want you back. The office hasn’t been the same without you. I love having you there.”

  She breathes out with relief. “Well, that’s ne issue sorted. At least I don’t need to look for a new job.”

  “What’s your other issue?” I didn’t miss that. If there is anything that I can help her with, I will.

  “My home, actually,” she admits. “I don’t know how safe I feel there anymore. I know that dumb with Maria locked away and everything, but it just has some… not so nice memories.”

  Guilt flows through me like an ice cold shock wave. I didn’t even realize that she felt that way. “I’m sorry.”

  “No, it isn’t your fault. It’s just me and my paranoia. It can’t be helped. I just think that it’s for the best…”

  “Move in here,” I blurt out like it’s the most obvious solution. “You could move in here with me.”

  “Are you serious?” she giggles. “You have lost your mind, haven’t you? I can’t move in with you.”

  “And why not?” I sit upright and stare down at her. “Why shouldn’t you move in with me? We both know that we are going to stay together, right? There’s no reason we shouldn’t take this step.”

  “It feels a bit much though, doesn’t it?”

  “No way. Not to me anyway.” I can see in her face that she isn’t certain, so I come up with another plan. “Okay, how about this? You stay here for a while, not permanently, just as a trial. It won’t really be like living together because my brothers are here too. Then if it works out, we can move somewhere else.”

  “You would want to leave this massive, beautiful house?” Tami gasps, stunned.

  “I don’t mind where I am, as long as I am with you.”

  She pauses thoughtfully for a while, just considering this. As challenging as it is, I keep myself quiet to let her just decide. I have learned through all of this to give Tami space when she needs it because good things come from it. Having to calm myself down and compromise is just one of the ways love has taught me to be a better person. Now that Tami has agreed to have me back, that can continue.

  “Okay,” she finally agrees, making my heart skip a beat with joy. “I will give it a try. I will feel much safer being with you all the time anyway. It isn’t like anything can happen with you next to me.”

  I cheer and yank her towards me to hold her tight. “That’s amazing news. Thank you so much. And no, nothing bad will ever happen to you again. I can assure you of that.”

  I make a silent promise to myself that I will do whatever I can to make sure that happens. That nothing will get to her again. Maria was a mistake, she slipped through the cracks because I wasn’t ready for it, but I will always be on alert when it comes to Tami in the future. She will be taken care of for life.

  She is the first person that I have ever fallen in love with, and she’s going to be the last as well. This woman is my future now and I will make sure that nothing ever tears up apart again.

  “I love you, Tami,” I murmur as we cuddle up next to one another in the bed. I don’t even know what the time is, but I don’t think we’re moving until the morning now. “I love that you’re all mine.”

  “I love you too,” she replies quietly. “And I look forward to seeing what our future holds.”

  To think I once thought that this woman was too young for me… now I know that she’s the most mature person I know.

  Chapter 39 – Tami

  Six Months Later…

  “Oh my God,” I gasp as I stare, half in sheer joy, half in terror at the results in front of my eyes. I don’t quite know whether to believe it or not. “I wasn’t expecting this; I don’t know what to do. What do I do?”

  “Why is it an issue?” Chelsea laughs while running her hands excitedly over her big bump. “This is good news, isn’t it? I’m sure this is what you want. I want it too, so I won’t be alone in this.”

  “You’re not going to be! Ruby is having a baby as well, remember?” I laugh.

  “Yeah, and now you can join us! Three friends from college, all having a baby at the same time. Who would have thought it? I never would have. I assumed we were all going to be in high powered careers first.”

  “Hey, I don’t know what you’re talking about. I am in a high powered career. I’m a marketing exec.”

  “And now you’re going to juggle that with parenthood. Won’t that be fun for you?”

  I laugh again and nod while grabbing my cell phone. “I’m going to message Ruby now and tell her. I know that she is on her honeymoon right now, but this she will want to know.”

  Tami: Well, you were right. The test was positive! I’m joining the mommy club! Xx

  Ruby: Yay! That’s such good news. I’m so excited for you xx

  “You don’t look happy,” Chelsea notes. “That worries me. Why aren’t you happy?”

  “I am. I’m just a bit freaked out. It’s quite soon, isn’t it? Me and Brad haven’t been together that long.”

  “Oh, don’t be silly. Brad completely adores you. He worships the ground that you walk on. He will be so happy about this. Plus, he’s a little older anyway, isn’t he? I’m sure that he’s more than ready for a family. He looked after his kid brother’s growing up as well, didn’t he? So, you already know that he has great fathering skills. You really are in the perfect boat. Better than any of the rest of us,” Chelsea laughs. “Plus, don’t forget you have been through more together in a short time than most people do in a life time. You are strong.”

  I glance down at the results again, this time grinning at the little blue cross. Chelsea is right. It might not have exactly been planned as such, more a couple of slip ups in the heat of the moment – which is hardly surprising considering how hot it gets between us – but Brad isn’t going to be mad about it. We’re deeply in love!

  “I guess this means we can raise our babies together, huh? All of us. That’ll be a laugh.”

  “I guess so.” Chelsea pouts. “Bu
t does it mean I have to wait until you have your baby too before I can get married? I suppose you don’t want to be a pregnant bridesmaid.”

  Where Ruby wasted no time and got hitched before her pregnancy was showing, Chelsea has other ideas. She has a different outlook on life and really wants the perfect wedding.

  “I don’t mind,” I laugh back. “Like I said to you once before, I’m not getting in the way of your bridezilla craziness. I will do whatever it takes to keep you happy. If that means waiting longer, then so be it.”

  “And that is why I love you.” Chelsea blows me a kiss. “Because you love me just the way that I am. But you better get back to work now. Your lunch break is over, and I hear your boss is a real asshole.”

  We share a laugh before we say our goodbyes and head our separate ways. There is almost a skip in my step as I go, I can hardly contain myself. If I’d known what my sickness was, then I wouldn’t have got so mad about it. I’ll admit, I’ve done a lot of moaning, but that’s because Brad makes it totally okay for me to just be myself, even the parts of me that I don’t like so much. Our relationship has truly brought me out of my shell in the best way possible. I couldn’t be happier. Taking things to the next level and having a baby with him will just be exciting. Actually, the more that I think about it, the more thrilled I become.

  I run past everyone else as I get into the office. I have no interest in any of them right now, there’s only one person I want to see. I’m thrilled by the prospect of the look in his eyes and to tell him everything…

  “Brad?” I ask confused as I step into his office which looks different. “What’s going on?”

  Soft music plays. Daydreams About Night Things by Roy Milsap, which reminds me of when we first started opening up to one another. When I first realized that my feelings were real. Red roses sit on the edge of his desk, right where we first had sex… a secret that should have been just for us, but unfortunately a few people found out about. Not that I’m bothered anymore. The lighting is dimmed, everything looks oddly beautiful. The whole setting is strangely romantic, which is a bit too much for a typical Friday afternoon at work.

  “Tami Johnson.” I spin rapidly as I hear him calling my name. “You’re here. At last. Back from lunch.”

  “Brad, what is happening here? This is all…?” I don’t know how to finish that sentence.

  He silently drops to one knee and pulls something from his pocket. A little blue box. My brain takes a couple of moments to catch up, to work on what’s going on here, and as soon as it does, I’m stunned. There was me worrying that this commitment might freak him out, that having a baby might be a bit much, and here he is planning to commit himself to me fully in every single way.

  The timing couldn’t be more perfect. I almost fall apart at the seams already.

  “Angelo told me that you were perfect for me,” he starts, his voice already thick with emotion. “He tried to help me see that there is someone out there for me, I just needed to open up and see it. I resisted at first, you know I did. I gave myself all kinds of excuses of why it wouldn’t work, but then when I nearly lost you, I realized that you’re all I want. Even if people might not see us as the best match, we know that we are.”

  Shit, tears are running down my cheeks already. I’m an emotional mess. At least I can blame the hormones though. How am I supposed to take all of this on board with a baby in my belly and not cry?

  “Tami, you are the light of my life. Ever since you became a part of me and shook everything up, making me much less selfless and less of a workaholic as well…”

  I have to laugh at this one. He says it like it’s easy, but we both know how hard it’s been for him to let go even the tiniest bit. But he’s done it for me because he seems to think that I’m worth it. He’s taken a small step back from his work to make time for me, and in my opinion he’s a better happier man for it.

  “Well, it might only have been a short love affair, but when you know, you know, and with you I know. Every time I look at you, I see our future. The wonderful life that we’re going to have together, and I want it to start officially today. I want you to be all mine forever. I want the world to know how much we love one another.” As he sobs, so do I. We’re a damn crazy mess together and it’s lovely. “So, will you make me the happiest man alive and agree to be my wife? I would absolutely love to call you Mrs. Smith.”

  Mrs. Smith. Wow, I love the sound of that. This is my fairy tale coming true right before my eyes. I don’t know what I did to get so lucky, but I’m so damn happy about it. The hard road has all been totally worth it.

  “Oh my God, Brad, are you sure?” I gush, clapping my hands to my mouth as I do. I don’t know why, but I feel like I need to check first. “Do you really want to marry me?”

  “How can you even ask that? Of course I want to marry you. You must know how much I love you by now.”

  I join him on the floor, getting to my knees as well, and there’s a moment where his eyes fill with sheer terror. He’s utterly petrified that I’m going to say no, which was never my intention at all.

  “Oh no, don’t worry, I just have something to share with you as well.” I take his free hand in mine and squeeze it reassuringly. “I just found out that I’m having a baby, Brad. That we are having a baby. Isn’t that amazing?”

  “Oh my God, really?” He pulls me to him for a hug. “A child? A family of our own? Are you serious? That’s all I’ve ever wanted, and with you… well, it just feels perfect. All of it. It’s going to be perfect.”

  “I will be your wife,” I whisper gently in to his ear. “I would love nothing more.”

  He slides the ring on my finger, happiness shining in his gaze. I can’t believe I ever thought that Brad was grumpy, talk about judging a book before looking inside. Now, I know that he’s the warmest man around. A caring person who hasn’t ever thought of himself. He tries, bless him, but I know it’s difficult for him, which is why he’s perfect for me. I love him and no one will ever get in the way of us again.

  “All mine.” Tears form in the corners of his eyes. “You’re all mine forever.”

  I take his hand and press it to my belly, allowing him to feel the life form growing there. The shared bond between me and him that will last forever. I never would have thought that my perfect job would have also led me to the perfect man… but life is funny like that. Everything has somehow worked out.

  I wrap my hands possessively around the back of Brad’s neck and drag him to me. I want to kiss him to finally seal the deal. But before that happens, he groans loudly, sounding in pain. Like a horrid realization has hit him.

  “What’s going on?” I hope he doesn’t regret asking already. My heart leaps up into my throat, panic sets in.

  “You’ve met Angelo.” I narrow my eyes in confusion. “And the rest of my brothers. You know better than anyone that I’m never going to hear the end of this. You know what? I might take the ring back and call the whole thing off. The ribbing will be too much. I don’t know if I can handle it.”

  “No way!” I snatch the ring box off him and take the gorgeous diamond out. As I slip it onto my finger, a part of me feels whole. “You don’t get to take it back now! It’s tough, you’ll just have to take all the ribbing.”

  The brothers will only tease him for a while. Brad will survive it. I’m not worried about it.

  “I suppose it’ll be worth it,” he laughs. “If I get to have you at the end.”

  Finally, he grabs me, and we seal our love with the kiss, heading straight towards our happy ever after together. Not only do I have the man, I have the baby as well. I have it all.

  Epilogue – Brad

  One Year Later…

  “Hello, my little baby girl.” I stare down at Lola with my heart swelling with love. “How are you feeling, sweetie? I hope that you’re going to be a good girl for us today because it’s a big one, isn’t it? The day your mommy and daddy finally get married.” God, I love saying those words aloud. It feel
s like I have been waiting forever for this moment. “So, do you think maybe you could not make a scene until afterwards?”

  I chuckle to myself, knowing full well that she can’t understand me. But I keep on talking to her like she’s my friend anyway. One day, my daughter will be, and I honestly can’t wait until then.

  “I have wanted to marry your wonderful mother for a very long time,” I tell Lola. “But she made me wait until she had you because she wanted you to be here. She wanted you in all the pictures. And I do too actually. I think it’s going to be lovely to have your gorgeous little face in all the pictures. As long as you aren’t crying… which will work as long as you aren’t hungry or tired, grumpy or needing a diaper change…”

  I chuckle to myself again. She’s a little diva, but I adore her for it. Being a father is amazing. Everything that I could have wanted and more. Hard, obviously, but I wasn’t expecting it to be the easiest thing in the world. It’s certainly the most rewarding though. There isn’t anything like it in the world.

  Tami has become a brilliant mother as well, not that I had any doubts she would. I think she was afraid that she would struggle more than me because I basically brought up my brothers, but I wasn’t frightened for her and she has proven me right. She’s a natural. Like she was always meant to be Lola’s mother.

  “Hey, buddy.” Angelo pokes his head around the door to my bedroom and smiles at me. “Best man number one here. I just about managed to ditch the other four for a moment to see how you are doing.”

  He holds out his arms to hold his niece with a giant smile on his face. He adores Lola as if she’s his own which is adorable. I really think she will grow up adoring him too.

  “I’m good, Angelo,” I reply happily. “Great, actually. I’m excited to get married.”

  “I know. This has been a long time coming, hasn’t it? With you and Tami. We’re all glad that you finally made it to this point after all this time. You’re finally locking her down.”

  I toss my head back and laugh. “It doesn’t feel like locking her down though. It feels like we’re finally going to be free. We spent a lot of our relationship trapped and suffocated by other people. Not anymore though.”


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