Thea Stilton and the Mystery on the Orient Express (Thea Stilton Graphic Novels Book 13)

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Thea Stilton and the Mystery on the Orient Express (Thea Stilton Graphic Novels Book 13) Page 5

by Thea Stilton


  “You’re right,

  Colette,” her friend

  agreed. “Her pearls

  almost seem fake.”

  Colette nodded.

  “I’m going in for a

  closer look!” She

  danced close to

  the heiress and then

  returned to her


  friend’s side. “It’s true — they’re faker

  than fat-free cheese!”



  ” Paulina replied. “But she’s

  supposed to be a millionaire! How weird . . .”

  Colette glanced over at Peggy again. “Are

  we sure that she’s really a millionaire?

  What if it’s all an act to deflect suspicion?”

  “I just can’t see Peggy as the Cat Burglar,”

  Paulina replied.

  “Her, non, but Pablo, oui!” Colette said.

  “He’s so full of himself! Playing the part of

  the thief would make him feel important.

  And they could be working together. Think

  back to last night. Maybe Pablo distracted

  the inspector and the other passengers by

  making that scene with Dimitri while

  Peggy went into the compartment to steal

  the precious gown!”

  “But that can’t be. After all, she was the

  one who sounded the ALARM!” Paulina


  “What are you two plotting?” Claude

  interrupted. “Don’t tell me you’re already out

  of breath!”

  Without waiting for a response, he took

  Colette and Paulina by the paws and pulled

  them out to the middle of the floor to dance

  the Charleston!



  Colette was busy dancing when she

  found herself facing Dimitri. Her gaze fell on

  the ratlet’s paw. Suddenly, she



  “Time for a break,” Paulina suggested,

  offering her a cool drink. “You’re really

  letting your fur down tonight.”

  Colette took her friend aside. “Look at

  Dimitri’s paw,” she whispered. “His burn is




  . “Relax, Colette, I’m sure

  he knows you didn’t do it on purpose.”

  Colette shook her snout. “No, you

  don’t understand. This morning the


  was gone! I was so

  happy that it had healed, but now it’s

  back. Isn’t that strange?”

  Paulina STARED at Dimitri. He realized

  he was being watched, and smiled.

  “Oops! He saw us!”



  Paulina tried to act natural. She


  back onto the dance floor. Colette followed

  her reluctantly, murmuring, “If the burn was


  this morning, how could it be there

  now . . . ?”

  But soon, the rhythm of the music won her

  The burn on the back of Dimitri’s paw has reappeared!

  How could the same paw be healed in the morning and

  injured again in the evening?







  over, and she forgot all about Dimitri and his

  burned paw. “Shake those tails, mouselets!”

  she called to her friends.

  The party continued late into the

  night, and Zelda Mitoff didn’t sit down for

  a single dance. It was as if she were a

  young mouselet

  again! Violet

  watched her with admiration — until a

  strange suspicion crossed her mind. Staying

  in such good shape would make it easy to do

  all kinds of acrobatics, she thought. What if

  Zelda is the Cat Burglar?

  Violet was shaken by the thought that

  the great ballerina could be involved in

  something so shady — until she recalled

  one of her grandpa Chen’s favorite sayings:

  “In the dark, all rats are black.” Now she

  could see the wisdom of his words: Without

  clear proof, anyone could appear GUILTY!

  Late that night, the mouselets returned to

  the large bedroom where they’d be sleeping

  during their stay in the



  “The Cat Burglar could strike at any

  moment, and we still have so far to go!”

  Violet commented.

  “Yeah,” Paulina agreed. “The thief could

  be anyone, and for all we know, he or she

  could have a


  ! Let’s review

  our suspects.”

  There’s Peggy, the heiress

  who wears fake pearls.

  What if she’s actually

  broke? One big score as

  the Cat Burglar could

  make her rich again!

  There’s Pablo, the painter,

  a conceited rodent who

  loves to be the center of

  attention. Stealing the Veil of

  Light would make him feel

  like the star of the show!

  There’s Zelda, the legendary

  ballet dancer. She trains

  every day and keeps to her

  cabin . . . but why?

  There’s Jack, the golf

  star. He loves danger and

  adventure, just like the

  Cat Burglar!

  There’s Raty, the pop

  star. She and Jack are

  the ultimate power

  couple. But is that just

  in romance, or also in


  There’s Dimitri, Zelda’s

  assistant. One minute his

  paw looks burned, and

  the next it’s healed. But














  The Cat Burglar could be any one of the

  passengers. Who do you think is the thief?







  “Whew! Seems like everyone’s a suspect!”

  Pam joked. She fell back onto the bed,


  “Can’t we rule out Dimitri and Pablo

  Picamouse?” Paulina asked. “Those two

  were in the corridor arguing during

  the attempted robbery.”

  “But what if their argument was part of

  the plan?” Nicky objected.

  Colette sighed as she removed the

  shoes from her aching paws. “



  too tired to think, mouselets.”

  “You’re right, Colette,” Violet agreed.

  “What we need now is a good night’s sleep.

  Let’s continue our investigation



  The next day, the passengers all returned to

  the train, and the mouselings headed straight

  for the café car. As soon as they’d boarded,

  the conductor announced that they would

  skip their planned stop in Bucharest to

  make up the time they had lost.

  The Thea Sisters deci
ded to review what

  they knew about their traveling

  companions over breakfast.

  They were more determined

  than ever to discover the


  of the Cat


  As Dimitri passed by their

  table, Colette shot a worried




  look at his paw. It was still red and swollen.

  I must have been dreaming yesterday

  morning, she thought. She was both annoyed

  and reassured to see the familiar burn on

  Zelda’s assistant’s paw. I was so sure that it

  was healed!

  At that moment, the conductor burst into

  the café car with some disturbing news:

  “Mr. Picamouse’s painting has been stolen!”

  “What???” Pablo thundered. He

  turned pale as a

  slice of mozzarella.

  Then he staggered

  and fell into Peggy’s


  A moment later,

  he had recovered.

  He leaped up

  and scurried out of


  the compartment. Almost everyone followed

  him. The journalists didn’t want to miss this

  chance to hear what the HOT-BLOODED

  painter would squeak next!

  The passengers


  down the

  corridor of the train and jammed into the

  conductor’s office. The safe was wide open,

  but not a single piece of jewelry had been

  taken. Only the painting was missing!

  “I told you not to let it out of your sight!”

  Pablo barked. “This thief knows the value

  of great works of art.”

  Chief Inspector Ratt was as green as

  mold on aged cheddar. This theft was truly a


  “I was so focused on the Veil of Light

  that the thief took the opportunity to break

  into the safe,” he muttered to himself.

  “Well, the painting must still be

  on board the train,” Violet guessed. “So

  there’s a good chance we can find it.”

  Inspector Ratt stared at her, surprised that

  someone had heard him. “What did you say,


  “When we got back on the train this

  morning, the painting was in its place,” Violet

  observed. “Otherwise the conductor

  would have noticed it was missing when he

  placed the jewelry in the safe.

  The train hasn’t



  then, so . . .”

  “So the thief

  is still on

  board, and the

  painting is

  with him!” Pam



  “Right!” the inspector said. “No one could

  get off the moving train without setting

  off the security alarm on the doors.”

  “There’s a sophisticated security system on

  the Orient Express?” Paulina marveled.

  “This train is faithful to the original

  in almost every single way,” Inspector Ratt

  explained. “But it does have modern

  security systems built in.”

  The inspector invited everyone to gather in

  the café car. Each passenger would have to

  account for his or her whereabouts from the

  time the train departed until the discovery

  of the theft. If the painting was still on

  board, Inspector Ratt would find it!

  “I feel like we’re living in an Agatha Christie

  novel,” Violet murmured. “He wants to

  collect our alibis!”



  Inspector Ratt spent the next half hour

  meeting with each passenger, collecting

  testimonies. As soon as he’d finished, he

  cleared his throat. “It seems,” he began

  seriously, “that at the moment of the

  theft, everyone was seen in a place


  from the safe. Everyone, that is, except . . .”

  Everyone held his or her breath. All EYES

  were on the chief inspector. It was so quiet

  you could hear a cheese slice drop.

  After a moment of suspense, the inspector

  declared, “. . . except you, Miss Rattfeller!”

  Everyone turned and looked in disbelief at

  the heiress, who seemed to


  into her fur. Peggy stuttered, “I — I stayed in

  my cabin to rest. When I left for a moment, I

  smacked into Mr. Dimitri! I stepped on his

  paw, right, Mr. Dimitri?”

  “That is ridiculous!” Zelda cried.

  “My assistant was with me the entire time! I



  my autobiography.”

  Peggy’s whiskers trembled. The heiress

  mumbled for a moment and then fell


  Pablo Picamouse’s painting is missing, but whoever stole it didn’t

  hide it very well. In fact, it can be found in the very train car

  where all the passengers are assembled! Can you spot it?






  Hint: Look in the window, behind Pam and Violet!


  “Miss Rattfeller,” Inspector Ratt said,

  “your alibi doesn’t hold up. I must search

  your cabin! Please come with me.”

  Peggy nodded and followed him.

  “I can’t believe it! Peggy Rattfeller, a thief?”

  Pam said in disbelief.

  “Yeah! I can’t imagine her sneaking into

  the conductor’s office and breaking into

  the safe,” Nicky agreed.

  “I’m with you, Nicky,” Violet said. “It just

  doesn’t make sense! She said that she

  bumped into Dimitri outside her cabin.

  But he was with Zelda, and he couldn’t have

  been in


  places at the same time!”

  Nicky nodded. “THAT’S RIGHT!

  Although . . .”

  “Although . . . ?” asked Colette, who still

  felt a bit nervous whenever Dimitri’s

  name came up.

  “He was late this morning, remember?”

  Nicky continued. “I was going to the café car

  when I passed Dimitri going in the opposite

  direction. He was in a big hurry, with his

  necktie undone and his fur all ruffled — and

  he was limping!”

  “As if someone

  had stepped on

  his paw . . . ,” Paulina

  said slowly.

  “That’s right!”

  Nicky nodded seriously.

  “And there’s more: I

  reached the café a

  moment later, and in

  came Dimitri, looking

  perfectly put

  together. He was

  wearing a different


  suit and walking normally!”

  “But his cabin is far

  from the café car,” Violet

  protested. “How could he

  change so



  “Now that I think of it,”

  Pam interrupted, “I

  noticed something strange,

  too! At the castle, Dimitri
  turned down Chef

  Fromage’s dessert. He said

  he’s alLergic to chocolate. But during the

  first dinner here on the train, I saw

  him drink a big chocolate shake!”

  “What about the burn on his paw?”

  exclaimed Colette. “Today it was



  again, but yesterday . . .” Her squeak

  trailed off. “Nicky, when you ran into him,

  did you notice if it was red or not?”

  Nicky squinted, trying to remember,

  then responded confidently. “His paw was

  completely healed!”

  The mouselets fell silent. They were

  deep in thought.


  How could Dimitri be in two different places at the

  same time? Let's review the clues:

  On the day the Orient Express departed, Dimitri

  counted five trunks in Zeld's luggage, but there were

  actually six

  The young assistant's paw was burned by a cup

  of boiling tea ... but the burn on the paw keeps

  disappearing adn then reappearing!

  Peggy Rattfeller said she saw Dimitri just before the

  painting was stolen, but Madame Zelda claims that he

  was in her cabin the whole time.

  Dimitri acts very strangely: One moment he

  says he's allergic to chocalate, then

  later he eats it. One moment his

  clothes are disheveled, and a few

  minutes later he's put together and

  wearing a completely different outfit!


  The Thea Sisters were stunned into

  squeaklessness. What a strange set of


  “There’s only one explanation for a paw

  that’s red one moment and not the next,”

  Colette concluded solemnly. “There are two

  right paws, and therefore two Dimitris!”

  “Two Dimitris?” Pam asked. “Do you

  mean . . . identical twins?”

  Colette nodded. “Maybe! Or at least two

  rodents who look similar enough that they

  appear to be the same mouse, as long as

  they’re seen separately!”

  Paulina smacked a paw against her

  forehead, surprised that she hadn’t thought

  of it sooner. “Of course!” she exclaimed. “So



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