The Last Line Series One

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The Last Line Series One Page 65

by David Elias Jenkins

  “He’s also not formally on the payroll and hopefully won’t show up on the radar of this fucking oversight committee they have investigating us.”

  Usher glanced over at his men, busying themselves and preparing for whatever call was about to come in.

  “They’re still breathing down your neck?”

  “More than that. They’re a ball hair away from shutting us down.”

  Usher chewed his lip. “That would be bad, sir, now more than ever. Things like this Jack fellow have been surfacing all over the place. Now we know why. Cornelius Fortune is here in London. And he’s brought the Bones of Lilith with him. On some kind of sick pilgrimage.”

  Greystone sighed.

  “Well then let’s hope that this contact you’ve had with Ariel is of use to us. Debruler, spit that wine out, you’re on.”

  Debruler looked sheepishly at the colonel and then slowly dribbled his mouthful of wine back into the glass. He cleared his throat and straightened his suit. With one hand he tried to smooth down his unruly hair.

  “Ahem, may I have everyone’s attention please.”

  The assembled soldiers of Empire One began to throw scrunched up paper and empty plastic cups at him.

  “Don’t tell us Debruler, stocks in Nazi war gold have plummeted.”

  “Your racehorse has chipped a hoof.”

  “You could only get the Bugatti in green.”

  Debruler did his best to fend off the barrage of polystyrene and paper.

  “Ah, no, I actually have a briefing to give. It’s quite important.”

  Stromberg grinned.

  “So how’d you land this job Edward? Was it a few fancy handshakes with the guys in the acapella group?”

  Debruler straightened his shoulders and did his best to look authoritive. He wasn’t accustomed to being hazed by soldiers.

  “Alright chaps I get it, I’m from a rich family. But if you recall I also saved all your lives in rather spectacular fashion in Carnival. Did Ariel have to put up with this sort of jibbing?”

  Charlie shook his square head.

  “Nah with him it was more hey Ariel why so glum did your Warcraft guild kick you out?”

  “Or hey Ariel I saw a creature last night that you probably couldn’t identify.”

  “A girl.”

  High fives from Brock and Santiago.

  Debruler’s face became serious and there was suddenly a hint of real authority in his bearing.

  “Look, I can see through all this army humour shtick. I know you are all as worried about him as I am. Particularly in light of Major Usher’s recent interconnected phased event presented as archetypes and dream logic.”

  “His what?”

  Usher took a sip of his coffee and sighed.

  “Spirit world.”

  Charlie shrugged at Usher.

  “Why didn’t he just say that?”

  Jeter raised a sharp eyebrow.

  “So what exactly did you see Major? Greystone gave us the report but I couldn’t quite understand the implications. Ariel is alive?”

  Usher tried to find the words.

  “Looks that way. He managed to communicate with me on some level, but it was like a dream. I don’t know how much was real and how much was just my imagination filling in the blanks.”

  Stromberg opened his hands to the group.

  “So let’s go get him. Slot whoever took him and bring him back. Hazing him is much more fun than doing it to this guy.”

  Debruler coughed.

  “Erm, if I may, the information that Major Usher has brought to light is of great significance to your current mission, and mine.”

  Santiago tapped the desk until the others quietened down and then turned to Debruler.

  “Ok amigo. Shoot.”

  Debruler tapped a SmartScreen on the wall and an old pencil sketch of an unusual looking knife appeared. The vellum it was written on was yellowed and cracked and spidery Latin script dotted the page.

  “This is what I believe Ariel was referring to in his telepathic union with the Major.”

  Charlie shivered.

  “Eeew you make that sound a bit kinky.”

  Brock punched him in the shoulder.

  “Focus, boy.”

  Debruler pointed to the wavy shaped blade.

  “It is possible that Ariel discovered the First Knife. It’s an artefact we in the Black Star believed destroyed. This was the reason we kept the Bones hidden and protected for so long. We didn’t believe that there was a means to destroy them. Even if we had managed to locate her temple and destroy the thaumaturgic shield that protects her, the Bones themselves are nigh on invulnerable to earthly weapons.”

  “So she’s one tough bitch. But this thing can hurt her?”

  “If one of our watch stations manages to locate her temple and destroy it, this knife could in theory completely destroy her.”

  “So what are we waiting on? Let’s get kitted up and get on it.”

  Colonel Greystone stepped forward with an awkward grimace.

  “I’m afraid the Unseelie aren’t the only ones trying to put us out of business.”

  Stromberg looked around at the team.

  “What do you mean Colonel?”

  Greystone was about to speak when two men suddenly appeared on the walkway that overlooked their ops room. They wore dark pin stripe suits and carried briefcases. A harassed soldier rushed in after them and stood to attention. One of the suited men gazed over the room until his eyes settled on the Colonel.

  “Colonel Greystone. Your men told us that you were busy with an interrogation and could not see us.”

  The stressed sentry was tight lipped and immobile. His worried eyes peered straight ahead.

  “I’m sorry Colonel, they do have all the right paperwork.”

  Greystone regarded them for a moment. Usher was unsure which way it would go. Then the Colonel broke into a polite grin and stood at ease.

  “Of course they do. What can I do for you gentlemen?”

  One of the suits was tall and bony, the other short with a portly gut. The lanky one spoke.

  “We’re here on behalf of the investigative committee headed by Lord Bramley. Following your review with the board, we’re here to audit your operation.”

  Usher nearly spat out his coffee.

  “Audit us? What the fuck do you think this place is?”

  The portly one fixed his beady eyes on Usher.

  “That’s what we’re here to find out. Major Usher I presume? You’re as described.”

  Usher put down his cup and stepped forward. His blood was up. These two were in danger of seeing the real him.

  “Pretty and shy?”

  “Not quite.”

  “Oh really? Well let me describe a few-”

  Greystone put a hand in front of Usher and calmed him down.

  “It’s alright Major Usher. I was wondering when these boys would show up. Come down gentlemen.”

  The two civil servants pattered down the stairs in their shiny black shoes.

  “I’m Mr Tibbs, this is Mr Sharp. Here is our paperwork, as you can see signed by your own commanding officer and several junior ministers, as well as Lord Bramley who requested this audit.”

  Usher waved the form away as if it were nothing. He was determined to play along with this charade until he could call in a few favours with the ministers that really mattered.

  “Yes, yes I’m sure it’s all in order. We are compelled to offer you total transparency, and I am at your service. What would you like to see first?”

  The taller man stopped outside the holding cell and looked inside. He did his best to disguise the expression of horror but not well enough. Greystone reckoned they had been well briefed and prepared but guessed that all their knowledge of Unseelie was gained in a classroom.

  “Well we can start with this…thing.”

  “The prisoner? He hasn’t been properly processed yet.”

  “Transparency Colonel.”
  “Of course. Let me open the door. Then you can go in and speak to him.”

  The tall man took an awkward step back.

  “Go inside?”

  Usher grinned at him.

  “Yes. Be my guest.”

  “It’s…one of them…yes?”

  Greystone glanced in at the thrashing Unseelie, thick froth dripping from its countless fangs.

  “Is that a serious question? Not the worst we’ve seen, but not the most benign either. Shall I open the door?”

  The two civil servants glanced at one another and came to a silent agreement.

  “No. No Colonel, we shall focus on the paperwork initially.”

  “Very wise Mr Tibbs.”

  “I’m Mr Sharp.”

  “Of course you are.”

  Across the room, Stromberg was whittling a piece of wood with his knife. His feet were up on his desk and he called across in his relaxed drawl.

  “Hey when you boys are finished, I’d love to hear some war stories. Always wondered what life was like at the sharp end of civil service auditing.”

  The portly suit seemed somewhere between offended and pleased that someone had asked.

  “Why I think you’d find it’s more exciting than one might-”

  Greystone stood between them and ushered the men back up the steps to the door and the patient sentry.

  “Now gentlemen, if you’d like to follow corporal Stanzig here, he will take you to where we keep the files, such as they are, and show you a few of the more unusual artefacts we have collected over the years.”

  The shorter man turned around and took a sheaf of papers from his briefcase.

  “Yes. Of course. Oh we forgot to give you this Colonel.”

  “What is it?”

  “It’s essentially an injunction. The committee has frozen all STG operations effective immediately, until we can report our findings.”

  Greystone’s façade finally melted.

  “You fucking what?”

  The taller suit took the papers and handed them across.

  “Effective immediately Colonel.”

  Greystone cast his eyes across the forms, his face growing scarlet.

  “Do you imbiciles know how many live surveillance operations we currently have ongoing? How if we take our eyes off this threat for an instant we might never pick up the thread again? Do you two even have any idea what is actually at stake here?”

  “That’s what we’re here to establish Colonel. If you’re not happy to comply then you can be replaced by someone who can.”

  Greystone stood tall and squared his shoulders.

  “Whatever the consequences of this, they’re on your head.”

  “We will keep you informed of our findings Colonel.”

  Mr Tibbs and Mr Sharp turned heel and were escorted out to begin their audit of the facility. When the doors swung shut there was a moment’s silence in the room as everyone absorbed what had just happened.

  Santiago sat on the corner of his desk and broke the silence.

  “So that’s what a pair of pricks looks like. You rarely see them in the wild.”

  Usher shook his head up at the still swinging door.

  “Colonel this is serious. Isaac’s out there in the field, he hasn’t called in for his safety check since his recce into the interior. We can’t pull resources now, lives are at stake. Our people’s lives.”

  Greystone seemed to be fighting some inner battle. His mouth worked and brows furrowed.

  “Rules are rules Major Usher. We live to serve. No matter how inadequate the masters.”

  Even the perpetually cool Jeter tutted and could not hide his disgust.

  “Those idiots. Colonel I don’t think any of us can deny it now. They’re trying to shut us down and have been for some time. If we needed more evidence then there it is.”

  Brock was half way through a foot long baguette. He pointed the remainder up at the door and spoke, spattering salt beef across his desk.

  “No doubt boys. The Unseelie have someone on their books that’s high up in government. If they can’t beat us with fangs and magic, they’re going to try and beat us with politics and budget cuts.”

  Usher glanced over at the one empty desk.

  “I take it we don’t want those two clowns anywhere near Ariel’s lab or computer terminal? The stuff he was working on wasn’t exactly official procedure.”

  Greystone looked at it then nodded.

  “Agreed. Get a couple of the boys to store his kit away.”

  Greystone turned to leave but Usher stepped up behind.

  “Colonel. I wanted to keep investigating his disappearance on my own. He’s one of us, we don’t leave people behind.”

  Greystone shook his head.

  “Absolutely not Usher. All operations are frozen until further notice. You and your team are on enforced leave until this matter is resolved.”

  Usher glanced at his team and then consciously lowered his voice.

  “That’s insane sir. At a time like this? You need us operational.”

  “I need you to and your boys to get disarmed, put your civvy clothes on, and go get a few well-earned beers until I sort this clusterfuck out.”

  “With respect, sir-”

  Greystone fixed Usher’s gaze and held up his hand.

  “No more on the matter. Stromberg, get your fucking feet off that desk, you’re not waiting for a wave to come in.”

  Stromberg put down his feet like a chastised schoolboy.

  “Apologies, sir.”

  Usher turned to his men and opened his hands wide. He blew out in exasperation.

  “Well, if any of you grunts remember how to have a normal day, now would be the time to go practise.”

  Stromberg looked thoughtful.

  “Normal day huh?”

  Santiago punched him on the shoulder.

  “Yeah you know, friends, meeting women, PlayStation, going on holiday…and a total lack of supernatural evil.”

  Charlie slapped his forehead in a eureka moment.

  “Oh yeah. I remember all that mate. I’ll just do what any well-adjusted Special Forces soldier does when he isn’t battling the forces of darkness.”

  Brock flicked a piece of beef at his friend.

  “You can’t just watch porn all day, Charlie.”

  “Oh yes I can.”

  Stromberg leaned back in his chair to regard his German colleague.

  “Hey, you remember that day last year?”

  Jeter shrugged.

  “Which one was that?”

  “The one where something wasn’t trying to eat us.”

  “Oh yes a wonderful day out that, Daniel. We should do that again sometime.”

  Santiago stopped polishing his knife for a moment.

  “What about our missing hombres, Ariel and Isaac?”

  Stromberg shrugged.

  “Them? Oh fuck them they’ll be fine, we’re not the sorts to show loyalty to friends.”

  Stromberg turned his eyes to Greystone.

  “What about you sir? Are you?”

  Greystone had watched this exchange with ever reddening cheeks. Usher thought that perhaps the boys had gone too far and their leader was about to blow a gasket with them. After a few tense moments the Colonel’s shoulder’s sagged and he sighed.

  “You might want to hit that point one more time, Corporal, you haven’t quite driven it fully home into my rectum yet.”

  Charlie spoke softly, imploringly to his leader.

  “Our point is that we can all take a day off when we’ve won, sir.”

  Greystone looked at him for a long moment.

  “You heard me. You’re all on leave and no official operations will continue until further notice.”

  Charlie shook his head, totally at a loss.

  “What are we expected to do?”

  Greystone glanced up at the door to the ops room, making sure no one was there.

  “I hear our old friend Lord Debru
ler has some fancy townhouse in Mayfair, beautiful place. I forgot to mention that he’s invited you all round for dinner. You know these aristos, they love a good piss up. Black ties gentlemen.”


  Debruler looked around, utterly befuddled.

  “I er…I am? Well, I’d better go get some good wine in then…”

  “Yes. It’s the sort of place you can have a relaxed private conversation about nothing at all. You can really let your guard down with no one looking over your shoulder.”

  Each member of Empire One had sat up that little bit straighter in their chair. Business was on.

  “Yes sir. We’ll be suited and booted.”

  Greystone turned to leave. Half way up the stairs he stopped and turned back.

  “Oh and Major Usher.”


  “If you weren’t available for that and were planning a mini-break, there is this charming little bed and breakfast I could recommend up in Yorkshire. I believe Ariel stayed there once, said it was very oldie-worldy. Perhaps if you visit you could let me know if it’s nice?”

  Usher was already reaching for his civvy jacket.

  “Oh I’m quite the hotel reviewer sir. You’ll have a full report.”

  Greystone grinned.

  “Good. Well I hope you all enjoy your time off, while I deal with these useless tools.”


  In a dim back room in SoHo, the kind of room where only a shady deal could be forged, two men negotiated.

  “Look Malik I have overheads. I can’t keep peddling the rip off grimoires and cursed coins you keep selling me.”

  The lanky Moroccan opposite leaned back in his chair and sucked on the hose of his hookah pipe. The green liquid bubbled within. His dark eyes never left the young man sat across the table. Eventually he sighed and spoke.

  “Laszlo I resent that. I sold you a map of all the Thinspots in Britain less than a year ago. Do you know how valuable that was? How many people would kill for that map? It practically screamed treasure buried here!”

  Laszlo Mozolowski shrugged and then sagged in his chair. It wasn’t going his way.

  Does it ever?

  “I used it, it was out of date Malik. By god knows how many years.”

  Malik nearly choked on his pipe.

  “Hah! It was mapped by Sir Roderick Smythe in nineteen twenty three. One of the foremost authorities on Unseelie in his day. That map was legit. If you’d put the work in you could be sitting pretty by now. You’re a talented guy Laz, but you’re a waster.”


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