Every Wrong You Right: A Redeeming Love Novel (Book 6)

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Every Wrong You Right: A Redeeming Love Novel (Book 6) Page 21

by Parker, J. E.

  It was the same one I felt whenever he was near.

  I froze mid-step, my eyes frantically searching for the man who made my heart pound without trying.

  “Where is—”

  The whispered words died on my tongue when Ty stepped into my view.

  I sucked in an audible breath at the sight of him.

  Dressed in dark jeans that hugged his thighs, a moss-colored t-shirt that outlined every muscle he possessed, and a pair of clean, black boots, he looked mouth-watering. But despite those things, it was the smile that he wore, one which crinkled his eyes and made his dimples pop, that sent my heart into overdrive.

  Every cell in my body demanded I run into his waiting arms.

  It was a demand I gladly obliged.

  Clutching my purse tight, I took off running, completely uncaring that I probably looked like an idiot in the process. Wearing sandals made my steps uncoordinated, and being a chunky butt made my movements slow.

  Did that bother me? Not one bit.

  A squeal slipped past my lips as I slammed my body into his, knocking him back a step or two. His chest vibrated from laughter against the cheek I’d pressed to his pec after twining my arms around his back. “Oh my God,” I said, hugging him tight. “I missed the crap out of you.”

  He said something in return, but I had no clue what it was. His voice was garbled, his words indecipherable.

  It didn’t matter though because a moment later, he pressed his lips to the crown of my head and slid his hands into the back pockets of my jean shorts, making my mind blank.

  My eyes slid closed, and I took a deep breath, pulling his scent deep into my lungs. It both comforted and tortured me. He was close, but not close enough and the thought of having to pull my body from his, putting unwanted space between us, made my chest ache.

  Quite literally.

  Removing his hands from my shorts, he slipped a lone finger beneath my chin and lifted my face, forcing our gazes to meet. I missed his warmth against my cheek immediately, but looking into his eyes was worth it.

  “Your ears irritated again?” he asked, his lips moving slowly.

  I nodded in reply. “Tinnitus started again, so I took them out.”

  His smile dropped. “Come Monday, I’ll call your Audiologist and see if they can get you in earlier.”

  “You don’t need to do that,” I said, knowing full well that he’d show his behind until they gave me an earlier appointment, which possibly meant rescheduling someone else. I wasn’t okay with that. “I can wait.”


  “Casanova, I’m fine. Trust me. I just won’t wear them unless I have to.” Unease unfurled inside me; self-doubt quickly followed. “I mean, if that’s okay with you.”

  “What?” he asked, his brows knitted. “Why would you need my permission not to wear your hearing aids?”

  It wasn’t that I needed his permission. “I just...”

  Ty dropped his hand from my chin and palmed the side of my neck, cradling the base of my skull with his fingers. “Tell me, Angel.”

  “I don’t want you to be embarrassed.” The words tumbled out of me before I had a chance to stop them. “At home it’s one thing, but if we go out in public, you’ll have to sign. Then people will look at us and—”

  I yelped when he suddenly took a step back, bent at the waist, and tossed me over his shoulder without saying a single word. “Ty!” I hollered in vain. “Put me down!”

  I grasped the back of his shirt as he carried me to his truck, opened the passenger side door and plopped me down sideways on the seat in a move that made the words Deja vu repeat on a loop in my half-fried, sleep-deprived brain.

  Placing a hand on each side of me, he leaned forward. Eyes full of fire, he licked his lower lip, drawing my attention to his mouth. “I love you, Heidi,” he said, knowing I was ready to read his words. “And that means that I love every part of you. From you being deaf, to you having a sassy mouth that constantly tempts me to put you over my knee and turn your ass rosy, I love every single thing about you.”


  “And I will not sit here and listen to you say some bullshit that not only questions how proud I am to call you mine but also tears yourself down in the process.”

  “I didn’t tear me down,” I lied.

  “The hell you didn’t,” he retorted. “I may not be as good at reading faces as you, but I saw your expression when you said that shit, and I know it hurt you.” Grabbing my hands, he laced our fingers together. “And I will be damned if I let you destroy one of the most beautiful things about you.”


  “There are no buts. Your deafness is beautiful. Your unique voice is beautiful. And the way your hands move when you sign? That’s beautiful too.”

  My heart soared. “So you’re not embarrassed by me?” Nervous laughter mixed with the urge to cry tears of joy bubbled up and out of me.

  He gave my hands a slight squeeze. “As soon as I get done doing what I’m about to do, I’m going to prove to you how unembarrassed I am.”

  My brow crinkled. “What do you mean?”

  “What I mean is that I’m going to find the most crowded place I can and then take you there for supper. Once there, you and I are going to sign all night long, right there in front of God and everybody.”

  “People are going to stare,” I warned him.

  “I don’t give two shits.”

  “Someone may say something.”

  “Let them.”

  “People can be mean, Ty. You don’t—”

  A vicious smile curved his lips. “I can be meaner, especially when it comes to protecting you from whatever ignorant fool is stupid enough to interject themselves into a situation they have no business in.”

  My insecurities waned, sinking back into the abyss from which they came. “Okay,” I said, nodding. “We’ll sign then.”

  His smile transformed, becoming warmer. “Good girl.” Releasing my hands, he cupped my cheeks. “We’ll figure out where to go in just a minute, but there’s something I need from you first.” Once again, his tongue peeked out from his mouth, wetting his bottom lip as it slid from one side to the next.

  My belly dipped in response.

  Resting my hands on his tensed forearms, I lifted my face closer to his. “What is it?’

  Without hesitating, he answered, “This.”

  Before I realized what he meant, he slammed his lips down on mine, taking possession of my mouth, and searing me with a kiss that stole my breath and made my legs quake.

  I moaned, and he responded by sliding his hands into my hair and twining my locks around his fists in a move he knew drove me crazy. Pulling on the strands, he forced my head back, giving him better access.

  My nails dug into his skin as he pushed his hips between my legs, forcing my thighs to part. His denim covered cock bumped my center, and my entire body jolted as I ripped my lips free from his and gasped, feeling my head grow light.

  He looked seconds away from losing the control I knew he was barely hanging on to. Dropping his hands, he took a step back. Gripping the back of his neck with one hand, he used the other to adjust the hardness lining his jeans.

  I couldn’t help but giggle.

  Pointing at his lips, he shook his head.

  When my gaze dropped to his mouth, he said, “Keep laughing, and see what happens.” I laughed again, this time on purpose.

  He smiled again, and I swear my insides melted. “Remember that tonight when I take you home and fuck you so hard that you can’t walk come morning, I bet you won’t be laughing then.”

  “Hey, Ty,” I whispered, lifting my chin in the air.


  “Can you at least feed me first?”

  He smirked, stepped forward, and cupped my cheeks once more. “Told you I’d always take care of you, didn’t I?” I nodded. “That’s what I’m about to do.”

  After placing one last kiss on my lips, he moved back and slamme
d my door.

  Buckling my seatbelt, I watched as he rounded the front of the truck.

  My skin tingled when he climbed inside seconds later. Looking over at me one last time, he asked, “Ready, Angel?”

  I’m ready, Casanova."

  Turning back to face the windshield, he slid the key into the ignition, started the truck, and shifted the transmission into drive.

  Then, we took off.



  Ty took me to my favorite restaurant for supper.

  Well, more like he chased it down, following it through the streets of downtown Toluca until it finally stopped near a busy intersection by the Watering Hole, the same bar where he and I had first met.

  It was perfect, especially once I found a beautiful spot in the park across the street to have an impromptu picnic.

  At least it was perfect to me.

  Ty though, he had a different opinion.

  Seated on the lush grass-covered round in front of me, he stared my way, a look of disbelief on his handsome face. With a roll of my eyes, I glanced at the random groups of people that surrounded us, various food items in their hands and quickly signed, What?

  Shaking his head, he raised his hands just like I had. I can't believe you made me chase the Taco Truck. He paused, a look of frustration on his face. I would have taken you anywhere, bought anything you wanted.

  I shrugged. I like Mexican food. After pointing at the cardboard box, Manny, the truck's main cook, had placed our order in, I continued. But you didn't have to buy everything on the menu. I can eat, but not that much.

  It was his turn to shrug. Chase will eat what we don't, he signed back. I've never seen him turn down food before. Doubt he's going to start anytime soon.

  He had a point.

  Lifting a taco from my Styrofoam plate, I nudged his knee with my foot, pulling his attention from the fajitas he was busy covering in sauce. When our eyes locked, I took a breath. "Can we talk now?" I asked, using my voice. "It's kinda hard to eat and sign."

  I expected him to smile.

  Maybe even make a smart comment.

  He did neither.

  Instead, he studied my face, his eyes searching for something. "Depends," he finally answered after what felt like forever. "You still believe I'm embarrassed by you?"

  "No," I answered truthfully.

  "Alright," he replied, nodding. "Then let's talk." The smile I'd been expecting appeared, and I shot him one of my own. "I missed hearing your beautiful voice anyway."

  No matter how many times he said it, I'd never tire of him telling me that my voice, the one I'd hated ever since I realized it sounded different than everyone else’s, was beautiful.

  "I missed hearing yours too, even if I can't understand a thing you're saying."

  He smirked. "Eat, Angel. I know you're starving after working all day."

  I didn't need him to repeat himself.

  Having skipped lunch earlier in the day, I was indeed starving.

  Not wasting another second, I lifted the taco to my mouth and took a bite. The flavor exploded on my tongue, and my eyes nearly rolled back in my head.

  It was downright orgasmic, and I couldn’t stop myself from closing my eyes and moaning as I took a second bite, ignoring everyone around me, and the questioning looks I had no doubt they were slinging my way.

  This is what Heaven tastes like…

  I jumped when Ty touched my leg, once again stealing my attention for himself. “What?” I asked, shielding my mouth with my hand. “Can’t you see I’m busy?”

  My guy smirked at the sass that rolled off my tongue. “I can see that,” he replied, enunciating each word. “In fact, I’m fairly damn certain that what I’m looking at now has been burned into my head forever.”

  “Is that a good thing or a bad thing?”

  Remaining silent, he dropped his gaze to his lap. I followed his line of sight and burst into laughter when I saw the pipe-shaped form lining the front of his jeans.

  A whole lot frustrated, Ty snapped his fingers in front of me, wanting my eyes back on his lips. It was a wish I granted. “You were worried about me being embarrassed by you,” he snarled, “but baby, I’m about to humiliate my-damn-self. Or worse, Anthony is going to show up and arrest both our asses for public indecency when I bend you over right here in front of everyone.”

  I rolled my eyes. “Anthony is a homicide detective, dummy, so as long as you don’t kill me with your cock, we should be fine.”

  His mouth fell open. “You’re as twisted as me,” he stated, wide-eyed. “Either that or I’ve corrupted you already. Christ almighty, if only your sister could hear you now.”

  My chest ached from the force of my laughs.

  “Stop laughing,” he snapped, looking from his left to his right. “This situation isn’t funny. I’m not going to be able to stand up. That means you’re gonna have to go get my truck, drive it over here, hop the curb, and pick me up.”

  “What is wrong with you?” I asked, clutching my belly with my free hand. “It’s just food!”

  His eyes bulged. “Just food? I’m not the one about to have an orgasm from a taco.” I opened my mouth to reply, but he kept talking, not giving me the chance. “Fuck me, if I’d known you’d react like this, I would’ve taken you for Mexican a lot sooner.” He shook his head. “Hell, I would’ve bought the fucking taco truck!”

  “Ty,” I said around a bout of laughter. “You’re crazy.”

  He grinned. “I may be crazy, but you love me. Just admit it already.”

  He was joking.

  I knew that.

  But my reply wasn’t.

  “Want to know something?” I asked, feeling my skin heat.

  “Always,” he replied, a goofy expression on his face.

  “I think you’re right.”

  The moment the meaning of my words hit him, he dropped the steak fajita he held and clenched his hand into a tight fist, something he did whenever he was angry or on edge. I knew he wasn’t angry, but I had zero doubt the statement I’d just made had him dangling from tenterhooks. “Tell me, Heidi,” he demanded. “Baby, I need to hear you—”

  “All my life, I’ve hidden behind walls that were meant to keep my vulnerability hidden and my emotions in check,” I whispered, feeling a softball form in the base of my throat as a flood of tears poured down my face. “When you came along, I knew you were going to be what tested my resolve, so I fortified each one, making them stronger, thicker. But somehow you broke past them anyway and stole my heart right out of my chest. Now I feel everything, and it’s all because of you.”

  He gave me no warning before lunging for me.

  Diving over the food and smashing the takeout box in the process, he wrapped his arms around me, knocking me to the ground with his formidable weight. A second later, his torso covered mine as I laid on the grass, my bare heels digging into the freshly cut blades.

  I could feel more than one pair of eyes on us, but I didn’t care.

  My focus was on Ty, and the way his heartbeat bled into my chest, eradicating all of my lingering fear while healing the cracks that marred my heart.

  “Say it,” he growled, sending vibrations from his body into mine.

  “I love you,” I repeated, not bothering to try to suppress the sob that tore from my chest. It would’ve been pointless. “I love you so much that it hurts to breathe when you’re not by my side.” Just like he wanted. “And so help me God, I’m going to love you until my dying breath.”

  His hands palmed each side my face as a tear fell from his eye and landed on my cheek, mixing with my own. “And so the Angel fell in love with the son of the Devil.”

  “No,” I whispered, not wanting his mind to go there. “She fell in love with a beautifully scarred man who possessed a heart of gold.” More tears—his and mine—fell. “A heart that he gave to her; a heart that she plans to keep forever.”

  “Heidi…” Ty’s eyes slid closed when the words he
sought didn’t come.

  “Take me home,” I whispered, tracing my fingertips up and down his sides. “I’m ready to have you all to myself now.”

  He lifted his head and opened his eyes.

  “Under one condition,” he said, repeating the words I’d spoken to him when I still had my head stuck three feet up my rear end.

  “Yeah? And what condition is that?”

  “You have to swear to keep me forever,” he said, “Cause I sure as hell need eternity with you.”

  Looping my arms around his neck, I held him tight. “You are mine, and I am yours. Until our dying breaths, remember?”



  “I’m about to kiss the hell out of you.”

  I lifted my head, closing the space between our lips. “Take me to heaven, Casanova.”

  A moment later, he did precisely that.



  Ty didn’t take me back to the apartment.

  Instead, he drove us down a familiar dirt road and parked next to a line of weeds I’d seen once before. Despite the silence that had stretched between us the whole ride over, excitement raced through me, blocking the sirens that wailed in my head, warning me that something wasn’t right.

  Ignoring the shitstorm that brewed around me, I turned to face Ty, ready to ask him what we were doing back at Peace Lake. Before I had the chance to speak the words, he climbed out of the truck, jogged over to my side, and popped open my door.

  After unlatching my seatbelt and pulling me out, he tossed me over his shoulder—because of course he did—and carried me through the waist-high weeds toward the lake without uttering a single word.

  Once we reached the dirt shore, he gently lowered me to the ground.

  Hands on my hips, he held me steady, ensuring I found my footing. The move was sweet and should’ve sent my heart soaring, but it didn’t. Instead, my hackles rose as I looked up to find his brows pinched in worry, and his hard eyes boring into the ground beside me.

  Something is wrong…


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