Chosen: A Paranormal Romance Academy Series (Black Water Academy Book 2)

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Chosen: A Paranormal Romance Academy Series (Black Water Academy Book 2) Page 8

by Sloane Murphy



  I’ve been pouring over books for weeks since Eden was released and Laney told me about who she was, trying to make up for how I betrayed her. I’ve been going round in circles. It’s driving me insane. Then last night, it hit me. I knew someone who was around when the last trials happened.

  I wake up before the sun starts to rise and jump in my car, heading out. The drive is about seven hours, but I can make it there and back today as long as I focus. I can forego a little sleep for this.

  I’ve been driving for what feels like forever when the sign appears, almost hidden by the overgrowth at the side of the road. Thank God for Vampire speed and reflexes. I turn the car at the last second, straightening out before making my way down the bumpy country road.

  I reach the end and pull into the drive of the country estate and find my grandfather sat on the porch with a newspaper, sipping from the mug I made him when I was about six. He smiles when he sees me, and I climb out of the car.

  “Ethan, my boy! I didn’t expect to see you today.”

  “Hey, Pops. Sorry to just drop by.” I walk up to him and he hugs me in the way only a grandfather can.

  “Don’t be silly, you know you’re welcome anytime. Your grandmother will be over the moon that you’re here. She’s just popped into town to grab some bits for dinner. You’ll join us?”

  “I’d love to.” I smile at him and join him at his table. I remember playing out here as a kid while he sat in that chair for hours. I have so many memories from this place, good and bad, from before and after the Uprising.

  “Now then, what brings you all the way out here on a school day? Don’t you have studies?” He asks, looking me over with loving concern.

  “I’m ahead in all my classes, Pops. No worries there. I came to ask you about the last Fae Trials.”

  “The trials? I’m not sure how much help I can be, but I’ll do my best. My word that feels like two lifetimes ago.”

  “Thanks, Pops. Anything you can tell me might help. Do you remember what the trials were?”

  “Sorry my boy, but no. The trials are a secret, even while they happen. Unless someone makes it through successfully, the only people that know exactly what happens are the Fae Council.”

  “But the trials are broadcast across the lands, right?” I plead and I can tell he’s skeptical.

  “Why do you want to know this, son?”

  “I can’t tell you,” I plead with him. “I would if I could,” I strain to tell him and I think he realizes that I physically can’t discuss it all with him and then understands.

  “Okay, well what I can tell you isn’t much, but I’ll tell you what I can. Your gran will probably be able to fill in some of my blanks too. Let’s wait till she’s back and we’ll go through it together. If there’s anything I can do to help you, Ethan, just ask. However you can.”

  “Thanks, Pops. I appreciate it.”

  “Now then, how about you help me with some of the farm chores until your gran gets back, hey?”

  “Sure thing, Pops.” I agree and follow him back to the fields behind the estate.

  Chapter Twelve


  I walk into the cafeteria with Ruby at my side who’s babbling on about the latest gossip about people I’ve never and have no inclination to meet. As we step into the room, a hush descends as Amberley stands and saunters over to us.

  “I don’t remember saying you had permission to eat here.” She says shooting me a death glare. I look at Ruby who shrugs. I guess she has no idea what this is about either.

  “Well I don’t remember anyone making you queen, so get the hell out of my way.” I face off with her, even if her heels give her the slight edge on height, I let her see some of the darkness that lives inside of me. Her eyes widen, but she schools her features almost instantly.

  “I was queen here long before you arrived, trash. You’re not welcome here.” She crosses her arms and I feel the prickle of everyone’s eyes on us.

  “I suppose you’re going to be the one to stop me being here?” I roll my eyes, over this drama already.

  “You and all of your little pathetic friends.” She says and I bark out a laugh.

  “Bitch, please. You couldn’t keep me from here, let alone all of us. Now get the hell out of my way.” I step forward into her space, crowding her. She takes a small step backward, before she throws a fist toward my face. I duck and use her projection against her, shoving my shoulder into her stomach and flipping her over my shoulder. A gasp rings out as she hits the floor. She jumps to her feet with a scream and dives at me and my training kicks in. I let the darkness and memories wash over me and she takes me to the floor, pulling my hair, using her nails to claw at my face, but I wrap my legs around her and pull her down so she’s underneath me, punching her in the face, one, two, three times, before I feel someone lifting me from behind. Strong arms wrap around me and I feel my fangs descend as I hiss at whoever pulled me from her.

  “Calm down, little one. I think your point came across.” Cam’s calm voice filters through and I pull my fangs back and shake off the anger, pushing it back down. He feels me relax and puts me back on my feet. I look down at Amberley, who’s still lying on the floor groaning, blood covering her, and definitely sporting a broken nose.

  “Next time you want to get in my face, make sure you have the fucking balls to fight properly. You’re a disgrace to your kind.” I storm away from her, and the chatter starts up again as her lackeys rush over to her and over themselves to help her up.

  “Dude, I officially love you.” Ruby squeaks as she links arms with me, a grin plastered on her face as if she just met a fucking unicorn. “I hate that bitch.”

  I laugh at her and head into the lunch area to grab some food, with Cam trailing quietly behind us. I grab what I want and head back to the table we’ve been sat at since the year started. People are still staring at me; some in awe, some in fear, but right now, I could give less of a fuck. Amberley has been a douche since I started here, and I fucking hate bitches who think they’re better than everyone else.

  I look up as Cam and Ruby sit opposite me. We eat in a comfortable silence until Ziniyah arrives and takes the seat to my left. Ruby looks at me, eyes wide, darting between Cam and Z.

  “Hey.” I say with a smile as he takes a sip of his drink.

  “Hey, yourself,” he leans in and kisses my cheek and I hear Ruby gasp as Cam growls under his breath. “I hear you’ve had an eventful day already,” he chuckles, running a finger down the scratches on my face. I feel a small burst of heat, and he withdraws his hand.

  “Holy crap. Dude, he healed you.” Ruby exclaims as Z blushes a little. “I didn’t know third-years could do that.”

  “They can’t,” he winks at her and she sighs, kicking me under the table.

  “Lucky bitch,” she says, then giggles before finishing her lunch. I finish mine as Z and Cam chat amicably, taking the silence from the table as Ruby hangs onto their every word. A shadow descends upon the table, and I look up to see Ethan’s piercing blue eyes staring back at me.

  “Keeping some interesting company, Eden.” He says, eyeing Ziniyah, menace written all over him.

  “Keep your dick in your pants, Ethan. You’ve been MIA for weeks.” Ruby sighs, rolling her eyes and making me smile.

  “Where have you been?” I ask, raising an eyebrow at him as he sits down next to Ruby, his eyes still bouncing between me and Z, who sits suspiciously silent next to me, despite seeming completely relaxed.

  “I’ve been busy.” Ethan says sharply. “But we need to talk. Alone.”

  “We can talk here, Ethan. These people are my friends. Whatever you want to say can be said in front of them.” I frown. I still haven’t completely gotten over what he did, and I don’t know that I trust him enough, if I ever will, to be alone with him again.

  “Eden,” Cam says gently. “Maybe you should go with him. I’m sure it won’t take long.”

�You trust him?” I ask. “After everything?”

  “I wouldn’t trust him as far as I could throw him.” Ziniyah says, shooting daggers over at Ethan.

  “I’ve trusted him my entire life. We all make mistakes, Eden. That’s what second chances are all about. You telling me no one’s ever given you a second chance?” He says and he knows he has me. Stupid bear.

  “Fine, but not now, I have an appointment in a few minutes. Come to mine later and we’ll talk?”

  He nods tightly, standing to leave. “I’m watching you, Piedmont.” He looks at Ziniyah, flexing his hands before turning and leaving the room, taking the tension with him.

  “What the hell was that about?” Ruby asks, mirroring my thoughts.

  “Ethan and I, we have history.” Ziniyah offers with a small shrug.

  “You could say that.” Cam chuckles, before tearing back into the huge plate of food before him.

  “He dated my twin sister.” Z grinds out.

  “I thought your sister was a little sister?” I ask, completely confused.

  “That’s Alayah. He dated Luna. Then she killed herself.”

  “What the…?” Ruby whispers.

  “That wasn’t his fault, Z, and you know it.” Cam says softly. “He loved her, and it broke him too.” My head spins at this new information and I realize I still know almost nothing about the people in my life, when they’ve known each other most of their lives.

  “When?” I ask quietly.

  “A year ago. They started dating before we started here. She was so happy before, but once we started here, it was like she lost her light. Like the spark inside her just went out. He couldn’t handle it, or her mood swings, and so he called it off. I found her in her bathtub, floating in her own blood.”

  “I am so sorry, Ziniyah.” I say, reaching out and squeezing his hand.

  “Thanks. It feels like a lifetime ago, but just seeing that dick makes me think of her. Of what I lost.”

  “Luna was a friend of all of us, Z. We all mourned her loss.” Cam adds quietly. “It wasn’t his fault, and you’re going to need to deal with it, and quickly. Ethan might be a dick sometimes, but he’s our friend.” I huff at his statement. Ethan was my friend, or so I thought. But apparently, I don’t know much of anything. I get up from the table and grab my backpack.

  “Well, this has been a fun lunch-break, but I’ve got a meeting with Laney. This should be real fun. Catch you all later.”


  Laney paces in front of me. I’ve sat here in silence for about fifteen minutes while she’s started and stopped what she was going to say at least a dozen times. She stops and stares at me before starting to pace again.

  “I am going to try to help you as much as I can here, Eden. For Dannika and for your mother, but there’s only so much I can do. Lucius forced the information, chasing an update on what was going on here, and now he’s chomping at the bit to start the trials. I’ve told him we’ll host them here, but it will have to wait until the school year is over, which gives you plenty of chance to try to get to grips with your powers. It’s not as long as I’d like, but a few months is all we have. Are you sure this is what you want to do? They can’t force you to do the trials.”

  “No, of course I’m not sure! But everyone else seems to be, and I don’t know a thing about this craziness. Why do we have to go through the trials? Why can’t I just show my extra powers and stop the chance of others dying?”

  “It is not our way. Just because you have power, doesn’t mean you’re the Chosen. It is the way you use that power, how you wield it, that proves your worth. The trials are the old ways, and our people love a good tradition.”

  “This is so stupid.” I grumble. “What even are the trials?”

  “If I could tell you I would, but they’re a secret known only by the Fae Elders. Designed not to give anyone the upper hand in winning. No one has ever survived the trials, Eden. No one. And anyone who wishes to enter can. They love the bloodshed as much as my brutal ancestors did. It is our way.” She shrugs.

  “That doesn’t mean it’s right.” I sigh.

  “I didn’t say it was.”

  “So how do I prepare for this, train for this, if I have no idea what’s coming?”

  “That’s kind of the whole point. A champion enters the trials at their own risk. Even if you think you are the Chosen one, without true knowledge and a more than decent grasp on ALL of your powers, you could still die.”

  “Well isn’t that just fucking fabulous. I assume that’s why I have the bonds?” I sigh deeply, this is all just insanity.

  “You bonded already?” She asks, her eyes wide as saucers.

  “It would seem so.”

  “If you have bonded already, I will warn you, though I’m sure you’re already aware, your emotions, even those not linked to those you’ve bonded with, will be heightened. This means it’s more important than ever that you get ahold of your powers. Your heart is going to run wild and free; it is both the gift and the curse of the Chosen and their bonded. Just remember to think with your head, not your heart. That doesn’t mean don’t follow it, just weigh things up before you storm in.”

  “Yes, it’s been… interesting.” I sigh and she coughs to stifle a laugh.

  “Well yes, I can very well imagine. Who have you bonded with? Boys? Girls? A mix?”

  “Creed, Kane, Cam, and Ziniyah.”

  “Oh my. That’s definitely some line up. Not Ethan?” She questions, her disappointment evident.

  “Not unless I get more than four, no. Why?”

  “It’s nothing. It’s silly really. When you were children, Ethan and yourself, your parents had an agreement in place. I’m sure they wouldn’t have forced it, but his parents and yours. They were close.”

  “I didn’t know.” I say quietly. I was robbed of so much by the Uprising, which is turning out to be even more unnecessary than it originally seemed. I never had the chance to get to know my parents, their hopes and dreams, what they saw my life to be like. Mine and my brother’s. A small tear escapes, but I push down the well of emotion that threatens to spill over and look back up at Laney.

  “Dear girl, just know they loved you more than life itself. You hung the moon as far as your father was concerned. Don’t get me wrong, he loved your brother, but the way he lit up when you were around was something, I thought impossible. Never doubt that you were loved. That you still are. As for the bonding, you need to be a little careful. As I’m sure you know, Vampires are very possessive creatures. It’s why most tend to not commit unless they’re one hundred percent in. A bond like that is almost always forever. The bonds you have with the four of them will be similar, except you will have to walk a fine line with them all. Both Shifters and Vampires are extremely possessive. You will need to make sure you draw very clear lines with them,” she says with a smirk.

  “I don’t know how to do this. It’s all so much. Juggling the bond, the powers, the fear, the trials… I don’t know if I can do this.”

  “Sweet girl, we are never given more than we can handle. It might seem like a lot, but you don’t have to struggle with all of this on your own. You just need to remember that. I know you’re used to hiding away, relying on yourself, because that’s the hand you were dealt, but that isn’t the way it has to be anymore. You have people now who love you, who will go to the ends of this earth and beyond for you. You just need to trust them, trust yourself. You are more than you think you are, and I have no doubt at all that your parents would be beyond proud with who you’ve grown to be. That they’d be cheering you on, pushing you to be all that you can be. You are not alone anymore, Eden.” She clasps my hands and squeezes, and the emotions I tried to push down overwhelm me and I can’t stop the sob that rips through me. She sits beside me and pulls me close, hugging me tight while I cry out all of the hurt, the loneliness, and the fear.

  Chapter Thirteen


  This week has flown past, and I feel like I’m float
ing through everything. There but not really present. I’ve been sat here on my sofa, watching the view outside as the seasons change from winter to spring, trying to stop the whiny bitch in my head. I’ve never been this girl, and it’s driving me insane. I don’t do the ‘woe is me’ bit, but since I broke down on Laney at the beginning of the week, this whiny bitch has clung to me like a bad smell, and I’ve just about had enough of it. Of only being half here. I swallow down the last dregs of my coffee and decide enough is enough. It’s time to get over myself. No one is coming to save me, and I never needed a white knight. My daddy taught me to be my own white knight, to not need any man but him. Once he was gone, Dannika fed me the same lines. No one was going to save me except myself. Except, I didn’t need saving. I just needed to stop feeling sorry for myself. While I don’t have control of some of the shit being thrown at me, I do have control of how I deal with it.

  Today, I begin.

  I throw off the blanket I had wrapped around my shoulders and smile as the sun climbs in the sky before I jump in the shower. I turn the water up so hot I scald myself, but the water feels amazing, like it’s burning off a little of the crazy I’ve been wrapped up in. I linger under the water until it starts to cool, then quickly wash, before shutting it off and jumping out, drying off and dressing in my workout gear. I grab my cell and send a message to the guys, creating a group chat.

  Me: I’m heading out for a run, then we need to work out a training schedule. Z, you’re up first. I’ve got the whole day free, so I’m game if you are…

  Kane: Why is Z first? I thought we’d start off since we’re already working together.

  Me: Because I said so. Problem?

  Kane: I guess not…

  Cam: Welcome back to the fierce, warrior princess we all know and adore. Just let me know when you want me, and I’ll pop up. Just make sure your fridge is stocked ;)


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