Chosen: A Paranormal Romance Academy Series (Black Water Academy Book 2)

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Chosen: A Paranormal Romance Academy Series (Black Water Academy Book 2) Page 12

by Sloane Murphy

  “I do. If you need me, I’m here, Eden. For anything, okay?” He pulls me into a hug and I sigh, relaxing into him.

  “Thanks, Z.” I say as I pull back.

  “Everything okay?” Kane asks as he comes round the corner to find us.

  “Yeah, all good.” Z tells him and ushers me through to the lounge where the others are sat. Creed is sat talking to Ruby, while Kane goes over to sit by Ava. Cam is sat chatting with Ethan, who I didn’t expect to see here, and Z sits down and pulls me down to sit with him on the chair. A warm feeling spreads through me as I realise these guys are my people, and I never really had people before. I let it sink in for a minute when I realise everyone’s stopped talking.

  “So what’s the meeting for?” I ask and all eyes turn to me.

  “We thought it would be good to catch everyone up all at once. So much has been going on that we’ve not had a full, ‘lay it all out there’ session in weeks. It’s been four weeks since the assembly, and we’ve been ramping things up. Plus, Ava, Ethan, and Ruby are as much a part of this as the rest of us, so we figured we should bring them up to speed too.” Kane tells me with a small smile.

  “Okay, so I guess I’ll start, and you guys can fill stuff in where I miss it?” I suggest and everyone nods. I start by explaining everything I’ve learned about the bonds, and how I’m linked to the four guys. I try not to focus on the wince from Ethan as I explain what it means. Ava looks shocked and looks between the guys, but they’re all just smiling at me. I explain how Kane helped me with my powers and the amulets thanks to Ethan’s help. How Cam helped me find my wolf, how Z showed me my Mer powers, and how Creed showed me how to hone my Vampire powers.

  “So yeah, it’s been a busy few weeks.” The looks around the room vary from relaxed to shocked to amused.

  “Holy fucking shit, dude. That is some few weeks. I can’t even. Are you feeling ready?” Ruby asks.

  “Pretty much. I’ve got to survive the ball first, and find out who the other champions are, but as for the actual trials. Yeah. The guys have been amazing.”

  “Oh I bet they have,” Ava says with a sour note.

  “Do you have a problem?” Creed says, instantly on edge, which sets off Cam, Kane, and Z.

  “It doesn’t really matter if I do, does it? Little Miss ‘Save the World’ over here is untouchable. I can’t even complain about how much it’s affecting the rest of us without risking having my throat torn out by one of you four.”

  “Ava,” Kane sighs. “I know I’ve not been about as much, but I’m trying. We all are. This isn’t Eden’s fault.”

  “I get it. I don’t have to like it though. Eden has barely spoken to me recently, and yet I’m here, indoctrinated into your little club because I dared to complain to you about not being about. About how our whole house has suffered, and it’s not even as big as the others. God knows how the rest of them are doing with you four falling over yourselves over one girl. Eden, it’s nothing personal, but I really wish I didn’t know any of this. I was told about it before the assembly which is the only reason I have any idea about what’s going on. While I know you can’t do anything about who you are, I think it’s really selfish taking as much of their time as you have been.”

  “Are you kidding me?” Ruby roars and I’m a little shocked. Ava triggered guilt in me because I hadn’t thought about any of that. “After everything she’s been through, you’re whining because you have to work a little bit harder. Do you have any idea what she must be going through? Not only is she having to learn about her Vampire powers, but she has to hone Shifter, Fae and Mer magic too, and control it all without obliterating the entire school. On top of that, she also needs to stay on top of her classes and make sure she’s ready for exams. She has to make sure she’s ready to basically run the gauntlet of death, but be able to keep her life going for if she survives. You call her selfish? I don’t think so, Ava. You’re the selfish bitch here. You maybe need to step outside of your fucking bubble for a minute and think about someone other than yourself.”

  Ava sits a little stunned while the rest of the room is immobile, except Ruby who gets up and comes and sits by my feet.

  “Thanks, Rubes.” I whisper and she squeezes my ankle.

  “Well, if that’s that cleared up,” Ethan says, clearing his throat. “I found something out about the trials I think you guys should know about.”


  “We need to get you fitted for your outfit for the ball.” Laney tells me as Ruby and I enter her office. With just two weeks left of the semester and exams about to start, that was not what I expected to come out of her mouth after she sent for me.

  “I mean, okay. Can’t I just buy a dress or something? I have a few things already…”

  “Don’t be absurd!” She gasps. “My friend Daniel is on his way here. I’ve already spoken to him about things I had in mind, but he is an artist, a genius with fabric. He will make you look every part the champion you are.” She claps her hands and I can honestly say I’ve never seen her so excited.

  “Now then, sit, girls. Tell me, how has your training been coming? How has the bond progressed? Has the power sharing worked? And don’t think I missed the amulet of Aeynera. I had hoped I’d pushed Ethan in the right direction to find that little piece of information.”

  I look at her like she’s lost her mind. “Why couldn’t you just tell me yourself?”

  “Because I’m not allowed to interfere. I’m meant to be an impartial party in all of this. Outside of Lucius, no one knows that you and I are close, and no one outside of us knows why,” she replies, and I see Ruby’s eyes widen. I shake my head, realising I haven’t really told her or the guys about that little piece of information. I guess we all need to talk properly before this stupid ball and make sure that we’re ready. “Regardless, each of your bonded will also be fitted by Daniel, but I wanted him to get started on you first. They will each be escorting you to the ball of course.”

  I groan. I haven’t really had chance to think about this ball. I’ve been too busy with school, exams, and the guys to pay it much attention. Let alone think about a dress or who will be going with me. “Can’t I just take Ruby?”

  Ruby giggles and Laney looks horrified. “I’m joking.”

  “I mean, that’s a pretty amazing idea.” Ruby tags on and Laney shoots her a glare.

  “Absolutely not. We are announcing you as our official champion. While others from the school may have put themselves forward, we as a school are backing you. But I was serious about the power sharing thing. How has that been going? It may be important for the trials.” She looks at me intently and I almost shrink under her gaze.

  “We’ve been training, but since I got the amulets, power sharing hasn’t been necessary.” I tell her and she sighs.

  “Those silly boys.” She takes a breath and then thinks twice about what she was going to say.

  “Okay, well, regardless, Daniel is on his way here. He should be here any minute, so let’s move some bits around, shall we?” She says with a tight smile, and I can’t help but feel like I’ve messed up.

  “Okay, fine, but if I’ve got to wear this dress, can Ruby get one too? She can be part of my harem.” I laugh and Ruby joins in.

  “I don’t see why not. He’s dressing me too, so what’s one more.” Laney smiles.

  “I’m down with that, have you seen those boys?” She fans herself and her eyes sparkle, but I can’t help the shot of jealousy that runs through me. I know she’s joking, but everything in me boils. I close my eyes and take a breath while Laney and Ruby start organising the office to settle it down. Once I feel the fire settle, and my wolf curls back up inside my chest, I open my eyes and find the two of them laughing and gossiping about the ball. I’m glad that they can enjoy this. God knows they’ve both supported me enough, and given me way more than I’ve been able to give back to them. I relax a little more. While I might have the trials to worry about, I need today. A day of nothing more than worrying a
bout the cut of a dress, the colours, and our accessories. The last few weeks have taken their toll, so a carefree day is just what I need.


  We leave Laney’s office a little giggly and a little tipsy from the bubbles Daniel brought with him for the fitting. I may have only spent a few hours with him, but I think I might love him just a little; I’ve never felt so carefree and girly. I trust him implicitly to get my gown for the ball spot on. He told me he’s going for the fierce warrior look, and I believe he will wholeheartedly nail it. He seemed so enthusiastic, like he loved his work more than anything in the world, like it gave him true joy. I envy him that, but I can’t begrudge him it. Behind that bright spark was a little bit of broken but aren’t we all?

  “You want to do a movie night?” Ruby asks as we work our way back to the dorms.

  “I’d love to, but…”

  “But you have a date with one of your beautiful men. Oh, to date four guys at once, what’s a girl got to do to get that life.” She laughs and I shrug.

  “Sorry.” I’m not sure what else to say.

  “Dude, do not be sorry. If you’re chasing tail tonight, I’m going to do the same thing.” She lets out a howl and my wolf joins. She looks at me with wide eyes before looking away. “No offence or whatever, but my wolf was totally digging that.”

  I laugh at her and she shakes off her unease. “What can I say? I’m irresistible.”

  “Seriously though, dude, my wolf just wanted to submit and curl up under you.” She laughs and we keep walking.

  “We should go for a run with the next moon.” I suggest and she grins.

  “Hell, yes! The other Shifters are going to lose their minds. There is nothing like running with a pack.”

  “I don’t know if I can do that yet. People don’t know I’m a wolf.” I shrug.

  “You’ll be fine. There’s so much excitement and fuckery, one extra wolf won’t be obvious.”

  “Not even a white wolf?”

  “Holy fucking shit, you’re a white wolf?” She exclaims, rooted to the spot, and I nod. “Well damn, no wonder my wolf wanted to submit.” She laughs and takes my arm.

  “Maybe we should just run without the others?” I suggest.

  “No fucking way. People won’t know who you are, and it will drive them nuts. I can’t wait to run with you,” she tells me as we reach her door. “Three nights until the moon. We’ll run then. Have you had a full moon since you woke your wolf?”

  “Not yet.” I tell her honestly.

  “Maybe you’ll have to shift just like the rest of us. I guess we’ll see. Have fun with your guys. I’ll catch you tomorrow?”

  “I’ll be about, I’m sure. Exam hell.”

  “Ain’t that the truth. See you then.” She waves and closes the door. I make my way down the hall and enter my own room and find Creed stood in the room, his back to me, hands in his pockets, just staring out the glass over the water.

  “Hey,” I call out to him and turn on a lamp. “You okay?”

  “Just thinking.” He says without turning. I approach him and wrap my arms around him from behind, nuzzling into his back. He holds my hands and squeezes them.

  “Anything I can help with?”

  “No, just my sister, and these fucking trials. I’m so terrified I’m going to lose one or both of you, but I keep just pushing through and hoping that somehow you both make it out of this alive. I can’t lose you, Eden. I won’t survive it.” He turns and cups my cheek. “Just you going in there without me kills me. No matter how much we train, how prepared you are, we have no idea what’s coming, and I’ve never been more afraid in my entire life.”

  “Oh, Creed.” I sigh and pull him close and hug him as tight as I can. “I’m scared too, but I have faith I can do this. I might not agree with all of this carry on, but after everything we’ve been through, after what you guys have taught me, I’m ready. I’m scared, but I also just have this feeling that I’m going to make it through. Hope. Hope that I will see you all again, and that we’ll survive anything that’s thrown at us.” He leans down and kisses me softly before leading me to the sofa. He lies down and brings me to lay in front of him, wrapped up in him, turning on the TV.

  “Let’s just have a normal night, like the rest of the world gets to. A night without training, and trials. We could just be normal students worrying about exams, just enjoying each other.” He whispers.

  “I can’t think of anything better,” I sigh, and he kisses the top of my head, holding me tighter.

  Chapter Seventeen


  The last two weeks have been a blur of normalcy. I’ve barely trained while we’ve all been wrapped up in exams, and I’ve barely seen my guys other than for fittings with Daniel. We made sure to eat breakfast together every morning, and Ruby and Ethan have been with us. Ava has popped up once or twice after apologising to me about what she said, but like I told her, I’ve got bigger things to worry about. One of them being tonight.

  The ball.

  I’ve never been so fucking nervous in my life, and that’s saying something. Tonight, all of my secrets I’ve worked so hard to keep will be revealed. Everyone will know who I really am, and if it’s possible, my life will be in even more danger. Then tomorrow, the trials begin.

  I’m pacing in my room when Ruby pops her head around the door with a squeal.

  “Tonight’s the night!” She bounces into the room followed by Daniel and two other women who could easily be his sisters.

  “Eden, sweetheart. How are you feeling?” He asks, embracing me gently. “This is Sienna and Shannon. They’re my sisters, twins, and wizards with hair and makeup. They’re here to make sure the finishing touches to you are exquisite and you’re ready for tonight.”

  I smile at him and feel nauseous all at once.

  He takes my hand and one of Ruby’s and pulls us to the center of the room, and more people appear, putting chairs and makeup stations in the center of my living room. I’m pushed into one of the chairs gently and I fall back.

  “Just relax, sweetie. We’ve got you. You have absolutely nothing to worry about. We’re going to make you look as fierce as you are on the inside.” He tells me and his sister, Shannon I think, comes to my side.

  “I’ve seen your gown. Believe me, fierce doesn’t even cover it. You’re going to be unforgettable. Now close your eyes and let me pop this mask on you. Just lay back and relax. We’ve got you covered.” I relax into the chair and music starts up softly as they chatter amongst themselves. I feel someone massaging my hands, then my head, and feet. After that, I feel like I’m floating. The face mask is taken away, and Daniel stands behind me and starts to cut and style my hair, while Shannon paints my nails as Sienna works on Ruby.

  “You okay, Eden?” Ruby asks softly, almost as if she’s drifting off to sleep. I hum back to her as Shannon starts to work on my makeup. Daniel sighs behind me and Shannon smiles up at him, before he moves over to Ruby.

  Shannon finishes my face and claps her hands. “I am a master and you are my masterpiece. You can thank me when we’re done. Come on.” She holds out her hand and I take it. She leads me behind a screen and ushers me to undress.

  “Bra too, sugar. This dress isn’t going to need that.” She smiles at me and I do as she asks. “Now close your eyes, while I get you into it. Don’t want you to see if without the full effect!”

  I close my eyes and lift my feet as she tells me, lifting my arms. It’s beyond weird when she rearranges my boobs, but I go with it because that is the theme of this entire day. I’m just going to go with it, come what may. I feel her hands all over me as she puts the dress pieces into place, and then she adds something to my hair.

  “Oh my,” she sighs wistfully. “Come on, sugar. Let’s go.” I keep my eyes closed and follow her lead as she pulls me along.

  “Holy crap,” I hear Ruby gush. “Eden, you look…”

  “Open your eyes, honey.” Daniel whispers close by and I open them and find myself in
front of a full-length mirror.

  Holy fucking shit.

  I don’t even recognise myself. My hair is pulled back from my face, curls clipped up and then cascading down my back, topped with a gleaming white crown. My eyes are edged in charcoal, so the green almost glows against it and the paleness of my skin, set off by deep red lips. White fur cover my shoulders, attached to silver straps, which cascade to a sweetheart neckline. The bodice is a white corset, lined with jewels that make me look as if I sparkle.

  The corset stops halfway down my hips to a sheer white with strategic glittering jewels which ensure I’m decent but continue to make me seem as if I’m covered in snow. My silver amulet chain is pulled back to form a choker of sorts, the the amulet glows and matches the dress to perfection.

  I raise a hand to my face but pause before I touch it, afraid to ruin their work.

  “I don’t even know what to say,” I gasp. Unable to look away from the mirror. “Thank you so much.”

  I smile and realise that he was right. This is the perfect armour for the vultures tonight.

  “You look fabulous, sweetheart. Your boys are going to want to eat you up! Not one person isn’t going to be jealous of you tonight.”

  I turn and hug him gently. “Thank you, Daniel. It’s perfect.”

  “You’re more than welcome, sweetheart. You go and knock ‘em dead. For reals.” He winks at me and turns to start packing up. I turn and see Ruby, all dressed in black with silver accents.

  “Ruby, you look amazing.” I tell her, and she just grins.

  “Oh girl, I know. But you, I’ve never seen someone look so exquisite. Daniel is right, the guys are going to absolutely lose their minds.” She laughs and tips back a glass of champagne Sienna handed to her. I decline a glass knowing that tonight is just another trial for me, and I’m going to need a clear head.

  “Let’s go knock ‘em dead.” She grins and heads to the door.

  “Do you guys need any help?” I ask before I join her and slip on the heels Sienna holds out for me.


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