Immortal's Eden

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Immortal's Eden Page 3

by Lori Perry

  Propping herself up on her elbows she scanned the horizon; the rhythmic waves like a lullaby coaxing her to forget her problems for the day and just relax. She needed the rest; her sleep hadn’t been terribly restful of late. Slowly she gave in, laying back and letting her eyes flutter shut.

  “You!” Ana growled as Michael sauntered from the shadows on the balcony.

  “Me it is. Joy to see me isn’t it?” he shrugged off his long coat and strolled to the twitching vampire draped across the bed; blood dripping from the sockets once containing his fangs. “You didn’t wait for me. I’m disappointed.”

  Ana looked forward to twisting the fangs from Michael’s jaw as well. Almost.

  “Come to donate?” Swiping the blade against her thigh, she never took her eyes from Michael. Why did he have to be so beautiful? She wondered who his sire had been, was it a woman who wanted to preserve such a perfect specimen forever? Hatred of the one that turned him took her by surprise.

  “I’ll gladly give you my fangs sweetling.”

  His grin would melt any woman’s bones to mush, but not Ana, she’d seen what his kind did to helpless people. She reminded herself for the thousandth time that he was a vampire; an evil creature of the night. Vampire. Vampire. Vampire…was that a dimple? VAMPIRE!

  “You’ll remove them for me then?” She smirked circling the beast. When their eyes met she faltered in her pursuit. They were the color of emeralds with flecks of gold rimming the pupil; if he had only been human. As if in a trance she lowered her weapon slightly and watched as his hand lifted to her neck, the tips of his fingers soothing her. The instant they touched her skin, Ana wanted more; wanted to feel his lean body and every inch of his bare flesh against her own. His body promised pleasure and passion, something which she had never known.

  “Your neck would be very pleasurable for you.” He traced her jugular. “But I have to admit, the inner thigh promises the most pleasure.” His eyes dropped to the juncture between her legs and instantly she was on fire for him. The ache between her thighs intensified as the back of his fingers brushed her bare stomach, slowly dipping beneath the band of her breeches toward her sex. How he had lifted her tunic without her feeling it, she didn’t know nor did she care. At that moment she only wanted this, wanted to feel that tingle his touch caused.

  With a slow smile, Michael pulled his hand free before reaching the place where she so desperately craved his touch. She bit back a moan of frustration as he slid his palm over her hip, then rested it on her behind. Gently he squeezed the mound and groaned into her hair.

  “I want to taste you Ana.” Her eyes snapped open.

  She realized in horror that this seduction was a ploy to get at her neck, to destroy one of the beings that knew about immortals, the one that protected humans. Pushing him away she wiped at the skin of her throat and stomach, trying to rid herself of the feelings he had roused in her.

  Michael moved away with a sigh, allowing her the pretense of disliking him for another night. He crossed to the young vampire and bent to see his identity.

  “You did well with this one.” He said nonchalantly.

  “You repulse me!” She lunged at Michael, dagger aimed at his heart, but he was too fast. Her wrist was trapped, encircled by his massive hand. He plucked the blade from her palm with ease.

  “Tsk, Tsk, that isn’t very kind.” Michael spun her around pinning her against him with one arm. He pulled her hair away from her neck then lightly kissed her skin. “Your scent is from the heavens.” He breathed.

  “I’ve seen what your kind does. I want no part in it” Ana squirmed in his arms, which only pressed her body harder against his - making his arms tighten around her. He hissed with pleasure as her backside struggled against his swollen shaft.

  “You compare me unfairly beautiful. Yes, we are similar in what we eat, but the way we obtain our food is much different,” he kept her close, methodically stroking her flesh, “as is the way we love.” He rocked his hips rhythmically against her as if seeking entry and groaned. The rumble from his chest at the pleasure he was feeling made Ana push harder against him, letting him thrust into her. His hand trailed down her abdomen and beneath her breeches as she matched his thrusts with her own. When the tips of his fingers brushed her cleft she froze.

  “You are a monster.” Her voice was a broken whisper. She felt shame for wanting him for those short moments.

  “I need not kill to feed, these young have no guidance. Turned carelessly and left to their own devices, of course they will destroy. The hunger is near impossible to control.” His tone bristled with disappointment.

  “Don’t you dare bite me!” She was weak; her father had always known it to be true. It’s why he had always been so hard on her, so adamant about her deadening her passion for anything but killing. She was a failure, not always, just whenever this certain bloodsucker arrived.

  Michael crouched next to her and stared at Orlando’s picture peaking from beneath her thigh. Why did this human have a photo of him? He gripped the edge of the glossy paper and was about to pull it free.

  “If you bite me, it will be the last thing you ever do!” He let the photo go and leaned around to see her face. Could she know what he was?

  “Miss?” he cleared his throat. As she stirred Michael stood and moved back a few paces then returned to his crouch not wanting to frighten her. Her eyes snapped open and she looked around quickly. He noted that she had scanned his hands hips and feet as well as the full periphery behind him. She was a professional; possibly a player in Orlando’s design. “Hi.” He tried to sound as cheerful and non-threatening as possible.

  “Hi.” Her voice was weary as she sat up, subtly shifting her leg around and freeing the hand closest to him.

  “Are you all right?”

  “Yes, why do you ask?” She gathered her papers and Orlando’s photo, tucking them under her arm as she stood.

  “Forgive me; you were threatening someone, in a dream perhaps?” He cleared his throat again. “I think they were about to bite you.” With his senses open, he studied her face for any clue that she may know what he was. He found nothing but the automatic defenses of a person used to taking care of herself, though at the moment she was a bit flustered at being discovered talking in her sleep.

  “Oh, god. How embarrassing.” Her hand rested over her eyes. “I’ve just been having these weird dreams lately; probably watching too many scary movies or something.” Shaking out the sand from her towel Danielle tried to avoid eye contact with the stranger.

  “No need to be embarrassed.” He stepped into the least threatening and most defendable position possible to put her at ease. “What are your dreams?”

  “They’re silly.” She waved her hand brushing away the question then stumbled in the waning light. With unnatural speed he caught her elbow to steady her and felt a tingle at their touch.

  “Are you all right?” He repeated as he leaned around trying to see her face, but she turned making her hair tumble across her cheek. After years of searching for his beloved, he tried not to rule any woman out as being her reincarnated, yet letting his wall down to a woman that wasn’t her he would never let happen. Making finding her that much harder.

  “Fine, I’m fine thank you. Sorry, I gotta get going.”

  “We’ll meet again perhaps?” The file may not contain any useful information, but the woman might. If she was searching for Orlando as well, they could possibly help each other. What other reason could she have to possess his photo? Unless she was stalking him…not likely.

  “Maybe, I’m here on business so…” the implication that she would be too busy for a casual meeting was heavy in her voice.

  “Of course.” He tried to sound disappointed. He would be, of course, following her every move. It would have been easier if she had wanted to see him, but that was of little consequence. “What is it you do?” It would be simple to take her file and learn for himself why she was there, but he was enjoying the sound of her voice a
nd wanted to keep her talking.

  Danielle struggled to keep steady in the sand as she rushed away from the guy on the beach. “I, uh find people.” She muttered distractedly over her shoulder, wondering why he was following her. His voice was deep and seductive and being foggy from sleep, she found she’d gladly sit and listen to him ask her how she was all night. But she wasn’t going to get into the details of her job with this stranger. Maybe a bit paranoid, but this guy might know her mark and then suddenly the hunter becomes the hunted. Not going to work for Danielle.

  “Ah, I’m in the same line of work.” Quickly he stepped beside her, steadying her with a light touch at her elbow. Any normal woman should be thinking this guy was trying to take advantage of a lone girl on the beach; not Danielle, she could hold her own.

  She felt a tingle; like a familiar caress she didn’t care to brush off which made her pause. How long had it been since she’d been touched and actually felt something – if ever?

  “Are you?” she tried to peer through the darkness at this stranger, but only saw his silhouette.

  “Yes, private investigator; sounds more glamorous than it is, mostly trailing after cheating spouses and runaway rich kids.” He sounded like any other businessman hitting on a beautiful woman. She had subtly relaxed during his story. “I’m sorry, I don’t mean to be nosy, but I noticed the photo you have.” She immediately grew tense again and withdrew her arm from his palm.

  The trees rustled in the wind and sent goose bumps up the length of her body. This place was heaven, a hideaway from reality; she could be anyone she wanted, but flirtatious banter with the opposite sex took skill, a skill she didn’t possess. Now this guy had brought up her mark sending her crashing back to reality. Throw a wanted fugitive in her path and she was tough, almost ruthless in gaining the upper hand and taking them into custody. But a handsome, debonair stranger and she was a bumbling tool. He was obviously homing in on her gig. Duh, Danielle.

  “Why, are you looking for him too?” For a moment, she had thought she was getting picked up. Now she just wanted to get on with the game and this guy was a glitch in the plan that she didn’t need.

  When he took more than a second to respond she interjected, “This is me.” Nodding her head toward the little bungalow, she padded up the steps leading to the door. “Thank you for walking me home.” Great, now he knew where she was staying. It didn’t really bother her the way she knew it should and reassured herself that she could – and had taken care of herself on several occasions.

  “I recognized the man in the picture. Not sure where I saw him, but if I remember I could let you know. Why are you following him?” who the hell did he think he was? Now, she was almost positive he had been hired by another agency to find the missing duo. Boy, she couldn’t wait to call and bitch out whoever authorized the tag team. She forced her face to lose all expression as she watched the stranger try to reel her back in.

  “That’s confidential I’m afraid.” She gave him her Mona Lisa smile and waited for his response.

  “If you change your mind and would like to have dinner, or crack the seal on that confidential case, I’m right down the beach.” As he motioned in the direction of his own cottage, he turned fully into the glow of the porch light. You. Her breath caught in her throat as she stared at the face of the stranger. How could this be possible? The very beast she had threatened in her dreams was standing in the sand at her cottage steps.

  “Are you all right? Wow…” he laughed shaking his head and with a boyish charm kicked his toe in the sand “I sound like a broken record.”

  The color drained from her face as their eyes locked. “I, um, thank you again.” She muttered then spun on her heel and rushed through her entrance, quickly shutting him outside and bolting the door. He must have been at the airport in Sydney. It was the only rational explanation for her bizarre dreams with him in it.

  “Good-night.” His voice was quiet and confused as she stood, heart pounding with her back against the door.

  “Night.” She called back. For a full minute she stood there reliving her dream with his lips at her neck, then the reality of his hand on her arm. It was the same feeling, the same pleasant zing from her dream. “I’m going insane.” She whispered clutching her file to her chest, then she flipped the switch, shutting the light off on the little wraparound porch. A good night’s sleep and some really strong coffee would hopefully get her mind in the right place for work and she’d stop having visions of ripping out fangs and dark strangers on the beach.

  There was something very familiar about her blue eyes that had Michael nearly stumbling toward his own rented bungalow. It seemed as though she saw it too, the way her expression changed so quickly. Could she be his beloved Ana? No, impossible…he’d felt at least the slightest tug of his heart the other times he’d found her; hadn’t he? He forced himself to remember the reason he was on that beach in the first place. Orlando knew things he was prepared to kill to find out. For now, he’d have to push her haunting blue eyes from his mind.

  Chapter Three

  “I’ve been waiting forever for you.” The longing in his voice was unmistakable, but she was positive she had never seen this man before. Someone like him, anyone would remember. His hair lay in thick chunks across his forehead in charming disarray, with pale skin and black lashes framing the most beautiful emerald eyes.

  He towered over her in the alleyway as frustration bubbled in her chest. This love struck fool just cost her a pouch full of gold for her latest bounty.

  “You have me mistaken, now run along.”

  “Ana.” He breathed stepping closer to her.

  “As I said,” she ground her teeth together to keep her voice down and her anger controlled, “you have me mistaken.”

  “What is your name this time?”

  “This time?” She questioned the babbling idiot. “Have you damage to your head sir?” He chuckled, revealing sharp white fangs that instantly had her on edge. “You’re one of them.” A trap she was sure.

  “Ah, still a huntress I see; a destiny that has followed you through incarnations.” He pushed aside his long coat and untied a leather bag hanging at his hip. “Do you remember this?” Pulling a bobble out of the bag, he dangled it on its leather band over his fingers, gently swaying it in front of her as if to hypnotize her.

  “Should I?” Keeping her senses open to her surroundings and waiting for the attack from the others, she held the fool in her vision.

  “I gave it to you Ana; before you were taken from me. You only need to place it around your neck and you will remember.” He stepped toward her holding the leather band in both hands readying it for her neck. But the tip of her dagger was held between them and it pricked his skin forcing him to step back. “You’re not ready I see.” His once loving expression fell into one of sadness and acceptance. Feeding the necklace back into the little bag, he retreated. “I shall find you when you are.”

  The sun filtered through the bamboo shade, warming her cheek. Last night’s dream wasn’t violent the way they usually were and she held the image of the pendant hanging from his thick fingers in her mind. It was beautiful, with intricate silver lace embracing a blood red jewel that sparkled in the candlelight; she wanted to feel the heavy necklace against her chest and felt as though that’s where it belonged. Touching her fingertips to her breastbone, she could almost remember the feeling of it lying there; the coolness against her skin.

  Rolling over, Danielle squinted against the sun’s rays and realized with regret that she hadn’t learned the stranger’s name. She reached for her stash of lemon drops on the nightstand and popped one in her mouth; she had to start the day with one rolling over her tongue. She smirked at the already half-emptied pack and was thankful it wasn’t cigarettes she was addicted to.

  Relaxing against her pillows she closed her eyes to see his face again; in her dream he was Michael and as beautiful as she imagined the angel would be, though much sexier she was sure. She ran over hi
s stats in her mind as if she were looking at his file. Black hair, emerald green eyes, full lips, well over six and a half feet tall with a nice muscular build. Of course, the file wouldn’t embellish on the glint of gold in his eyes or the pout of his perfect mouth.

  For the first time since the dreams started she didn’t want it to end; didn’t want to wake up to reality and stop staring into his eyes or lose the closeness of his body. She wanted to be the sexy, strong woman in her dreams; the one that used wit and her body to get attention, his attention.

  The dreams had started as nightmares, with blood and violence that she was thrust into the center of; in fact, in the dreams she sought the violence. It was her calling, like that was the only thing that could make her happy; if you could call it happiness. She felt a kinship to the huntress in her dreams; it seemed her entire life revolved around hunting evil. The dreams must have been some manifestation of how Danielle felt about herself.

  Groaning against her responsibilities, Danielle sat up in bed and grabbed Mr. Danube’s file, immersing herself into his world would be the only way to gain the upper hand. She flipped through the facts of the case and found inconsistencies, like Mr. Danube’s lack of a criminal record. Normally the scumbags she went after had a rap sheet a mile long, but not him. The only thing he had against him was a stalking charge filed by the parents of a girl who really didn’t seem to mind being stalked. Friends of the girl who had been interviewed were excited to be a part of Danielle’s investigation; spilling information on the many times the girl snuck out with the guy, and how he was the topic of most of their conversations.

  With a case like this one Danielle usually did her homework on all the people involved, which led her to the young girl who had gone missing. With the Intel from everyone, except the parents, the missing girl had been more than willing to disappear with Orlando. The choice she made to get into this business was easy for Danielle. She loved uncovering mystery, craved the intrigue; though lately she was so tired, tired of jumping from town to town and country to country, living a life on the road. She didn’t like the idea of a boring nine to five position in a boring company working for some boring boss, but she desperately wanted a break from reality, and normal fit the bill just right.


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