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Immortal's Eden

Page 7

by Lori Perry

  “What the hell is going on?” She swiped her tangled hair from her face then pressed her palms to the wall at her sides demanding an explanation. Orlando stepped forward.

  “Don’t.” Michael growled, his lip curling back to reveal glistening white fangs. Fangs? She now knew she had gone completely insane. Flashes of her dream mingled with reality, she was dizzy and swore she’d been drugged. One second she was in the warehouse and the next her hotel room; with a snarling vampire.

  “Danielle…” Michael stepped around the end of the bed toward her, palms out.

  “Stay the hell away from me.” She lifted a shaky hand to stay him. “You can explain this shit from there.”

  “I need to show you Danielle. You wouldn’t believe my explanation.”

  “The hell you do! What kind of sick shit are you guys into? Tell me what the hell is going on!” She was trapped in some horror/psychological flick, and she’d be damned if she would be the bimbo on the floor, scooting along on her ass to get away from the monsters.

  “I’m a vampire Danielle, and you are my mate.” A hysterical laugh came burbling up.

  “A vampire? And what are you,” She looked at Orlando, “are you a vampire too?”

  He exchanged a worried glance with Michael. “Werewolf.”

  “Ah, I see. Of course you are.” She scrubbed her face with her hands then pushed away from the wall and straightened her T-shirt. Getting caught up in their bullshit was not about to happen. “I need to go, keep the bounty. I don’t give a crap anymore.”

  “It’s not about a bounty Danielle. We are what we say we are.” Orlando moved to stand behind Michael. “You need to trust us.”

  “Oh! Well, since you say so…” What a bunch of freaks. She rushed to the door, wrapping her palm around the handle then paused. “Ok, if you’re a vampire, prove it.” She spun slowly to face him then leaned against the door, keeping her hand on the lever.

  “We don’t have the time to play show-and-tell; she’ll see when you take us to Diviana.” Orlando spoke as if Danielle weren’t there, which really pissed her off.

  “What is Diviana?”

  “She deserves to know.” Finally, Cassie joined their conversation.

  “I’m still here people.” Michael turned to reply but Danielle cut him off. “So how did you become a vampire?” She kept her voice laden with sarcasm.

  “It was,” He paused reflectively, “probably how you’d imagine it.” Skirting around the question was irritating beyond measure, especially when she really wanted to know the answer.

  “Does sunlight kill you?” She tried a different approach; that was an easy enough question to answer.

  “It depends.” Damn it!

  “Is there anything you can answer definitively?”

  “I am a vampire, and I need to protect you, get you somewhere safe; now.” He stepped closer to her.

  “Protect me from what?” The only thing she knew for sure was that she didn’t know anything. Her world had been turned upside down; everything she was certain of hours ago had been blown out the window. As she waited for him to respond, she soaked in his appearance from head to toe; the contrast of his black hair against pale skin, sharp white fangs, strength to destroy six men alone. And then there were her dreams, where he was the immortal star.

  “There are others of my kind that want to take you from me. Please Danielle, let me protect you.” He broke the silence.

  “I’m not going anywhere until you start talking, vamp.” She eyed him again from head to toe, making sure he saw the disbelief on her face. “Or perhaps you wolfy; would you like to hurry things along by enlightening me?” She almost wanted to tap her foot impatiently as the so-called immortals exchanged glances, probably contemplating what to do with her body now that she could identify them in a line-up.

  “Danielle,” Cassie said calmly as she stepped around her puffed up boyfriend, “I promise you, they are telling the truth and we really need to get out of here.” As the three inched closer to her, survival mode clicked in her mind and she pressed the door handle then spun as she flung the door wide, slamming right into the chest of yet another giant man. Shit! It’s never ending!

  “Deacon will be quite pleased when I bring in the lot of you.” The newcomer smelled like the dumpster behind her favorite Chinese restaurant back home; three day old sweat mingled with the strange metallic flavor of her previous attacker and rotting dim sum had her stomach turning.

  When she took a step back, his hand cinched around her wrist like a vice, a metal ring on his finger biting into her skin. This had gotten out of control; no cash was worth all this. She looked up at Michael to confirm his plan was going the way he wanted but what she saw made her muscles freeze painfully around her spine. His once emerald eyes had gone a deep crimson; the fangs she had glimpsed were longer behind his snarling lips. He obviously didn’t care for the slimy man now pinning her to his chest.

  “Darius, you will release her.” His growl rumbled through her chest and she felt her captor’s torso bouncing with laughter.

  “Oh please almighty Michael, don’t hurt me.” He joked stupidly. Cassie was slowly pushed behind Orlando protectively as he began to grow. Orlando’s muscles seemed to expand in front of her; hands that were already huge doubled in size as he stepped beside Michael.

  “He may not hurt you,” it was Orlando’s turn to growl his threat, “but I will rip you apart if you don’t release her.”

  Michael relived her death yet again as he watched her squirm in Darius’s grip. He would chew his own arm off to save her.

  “Release her Darius.”

  “Or what Michael? You can’t win, her many deaths should have proved that to you by now.”

  “Danielle, I won’t let anything happen to you. You have my word.” This forced an explosive laugh from Darius then he moved his hand around her neck.

  “I should kill her now, but that would displease Deacon.” His hand lay loosely against her throat as he spun the sharp ring around his knuckle. Michael’s heart twisted at the panicked look she was now stricken with. When Orlando took a careless step toward them, Michael threw his arm out, blocking him from getting any closer.

  “Danielle,” she refused to look at any of them. Her gaze was glued to a far corner of the room. “Rhamah,” her stare glided to his, “close your eyes.” Her tears began to glisten and when she followed his order letting her lids flutter shut, they slid down her cheeks. Michael was much older that Darius, which gave quite an advantage in speed and accuracy. But Darius kept that ring too close not to assume there was a poison held within. In the past, his opponents were far more skilled than Darius forcing Michael to hesitate, sealing her fate time and again. He needed to act now; needed to attack with such precision so that ring didn’t accidentally pierce her skin.

  Michael turned toward Orlando then traced behind Darius just as Danielle’s knees buckled. Before Darius could react, Michael crushed the bones of his hand then locked his jaws over his neck, severing his jugular.

  “Orlando.” Blood covered his face and shirt as Darius twitched mere inches from his mate. Orlando rushed to her side lifting her easily away from the carnage.

  “Keep her safe.” He stared longingly at Danielle who now lay curled on the bed, her blood splattered cheek being wiped clean by Cassie. Placing his hand on Darius, he traced them away to finish what he’d started then quickly returned to the hotel. He traced to the bathroom and scrubbed the blood from his face and hands then tore the shirt from his back replacing it with a clean T-shirt. Once his teeth were scoured clean, he opened the door to face her. Danielle was now sitting with her back against the headboard with Cassie by her side. He was relieved to see the flush of her cheeks with no trace of tears.

  “We must go.” He stood at the foot of the bed trying to decipher her expression.

  “You’re a vampire.” Her voice was soft but sure.

  “I am.” He replied, and then moved to sit next to her. “And you are my mate.

  “What does that mean? You want me to be a vampire too?” Her brows furrowed slightly as if she were hearing herself ask the question without thinking it.

  “Yes, I want you for eternity.”

  “Eternity.” She whispered then reached out to touch his face. He closed his eyes reveling in the feeling of her skin against his as she traced the planes of his jaw and cheekbones. When her fingertips reached his lips he opened his eyes and leaned closer to her.

  “Let me see.” He lifted his lip slightly. “Will it hurt?”

  “No Rhamah, quite the opposite.” He smiled. “I’ll answer every question you have, but we must go.” She took a deep breath and nodded.

  “Ok, I’m ready.” He lifted her into his lap then Orlando laid his hand on Michael’s shoulder and they traced to Diviana.

  Danielle blinked and was being cradled in Michael’s arms at the crest of lush green hillside. Looking down, she swore the view was Eden. Waterfalls roared into a cloud of mist, vine covered trees of the darkest green scattered across the landscape and a towering monument in the center; glowing gold in the sunlight.

  “Where are we?” She was in awe. “The sun is shining? You’re a vampire.”

  “Diviana.” He smiled holding her tightly. “We’re safe here Rhamah.” Danielle stood and wrapped her arms around her waist. “This place is for immortals of all realms, to live and enjoy eternal life.” He continued as she soaked in the view, the war of emotions obvious in her features.

  “Am I dead?”

  “No…” The burst of laughter made her turn to look at him.

  “Well, look at this place. Should I believe this isn’t a figment of my imagination? Two seconds ago we were in London in my hotel room. And now here we are.” She caught movement at the base of the hill and realized it was Orlando and Cassie, hand in hand walking toward the temple. “Is he going to turn her into a werewolf?” She asked

  “Yes, very soon I would say.” His smile was seductive as he answered her.

  “I don’t know what to believe, Michael. How can this all be real? How can you be a vampire, and Orlando a werewolf? Those are mythical beings, not guys running around on islands and back streets of London. Well at least not in real life.”

  “I assure you, Rhamah, we are real. And we’re not the only ones.”

  “What else is there?” The skepticism was back in her voice.

  “Witches, valkyries, demons, guardians. Among others.”

  “So we’re in a special land where all things mythical exist?” She opened her mouth to speak again but Michael held up his hand with the pendant dangling from his fingers.

  “Turn around.” She hesitated a moment before turning, allowing him to fasten the necklace around her neck. “This will make you remember everything.” When she turned back to face him, he steadied her as a white haze drifted over her eyes.

  The pub was full of them tonight, lurking about, acting as if they belonged; all manner of immortals milling about. Ana sat shrouded in darkness toward the back watching them, senses fully engaged then he walked in. Perfect. One by one the crowd turned to face him but he saw only her.

  “Ana, you’re looking deadly tonight, as usual.” His cool seductive tone heated her. Their last encounter had been a mess of seduction and escape. She knew it was his game; dizzy her senses with lust then disappear before she could relieve him of his fangs. Tonight she’d try to keep her head and finish the job. Though there was no bounty on his head, she needed him dead nonetheless. He had an effect on her that no one ever had; made her question her destiny. Immortals were an abomination that needed to be eradicated at any cost, this seductive vampire was no exception; spending her own gold to make that happen was worth it.

  “As do you.” She replied then took a swig of her ale.

  “I have a trinket for you.” Pulling the pouch from his belt he retrieved a necklace, displaying the large red jewel in his palm. It was beautiful and she glanced around quickly to see if anyone else had caught the glimmer of candlelight shining in its depths.

  “No thank you.” She wanted the necklace but to accept a gift from a monster was accepting their kind, something she would never do.

  “Come with me.” He stood then drained her ale in one gulp.

  “I’m waiting for someone.” She lied, somewhat. In truth she had been waiting for him.

  “It will only be a moment. I vow it.”

  “A vampire’s vow… hmm, what to do…” she tapped her slender finger against her chin as if contemplating her next move. “Again, no thank you.”

  “You need to come with me now, Ana. It isn’t safe for you here.” Placing both palms on the table he leaned in close to her. The day she went willingly with a bloodsucker would be the day she died.

  Michael knew she wouldn’t heed his request no matter how he tried to persuade her. Slipping into the seat beside her, he lifted his arm draping it across her shoulders.

  “Unfortunately, you don’t have a choice.” He leaned in and took her lips with his own, penetrating her warm mouth with his tongue exploring the sweetness. She tensed for a moment but as his lips moved over hers and his tongue stroked deeply, she softened to him. When he broke the kiss they were on his bed.

  “Bastard!” His head still swimming from their kiss, he watched her try to find the way out but couldn’t. He needed to finish what he’d started, needed to explore her entire body with his tongue, needed to stroke cries of pure pleasure from her.

  “Ana, you’re safe.”

  “Ha! Safe with a vampire. I’d rather die.”

  “You would have died had I not taken you from that place. Did you not know you were in an immortal’s pub?” He stood now slowly walking toward her.

  “Of course I knew! I hunt and kill immortals. What better place to do my work?” His shaft was pulsing as he watched her slide her hands along walls and bookshelves, standing on her toes to reach ledges and jutting stones. He would claim her tonight.

  “Ana.” His tone was gentle. As she turned, he noticed the hatred that had been blazing in her eyes had dimmed. “Forget your duties, just for tonight. I promise I’ll not keep you from them again.”

  “What are you asking of me?”

  “Let me please you.” The hatred in her eyes was gone replaced by a lustful smolder.

  “I want nothing to do with you. You’re not human.” He could see she lied, and the scent of her passion filled the air. He pulled his shirt off then stepped back toward the bed and slowly sat on the edge.

  “You lie Ana.” She stepped closer to him as he spoke until his legs were on either side of her.

  “You mean to turn me into what you are.”

  “I vow, I will not. I’ll not touch you if you fear it. Though I have to be honest, that will be a very difficult feat.” His hand lifted to stroke her hip, but before it did he paused, “Do you wish it?”

  “I, I…” pressing her palms against his bare chest Ana lay him back against the bed then shed her own shirt. She leaned forward to take his lips again; as her breasts grazed his bared chest his hissed with pleasure.

  “Oh Ana.” Many times he raised his hands to take hold of her hips, to grind her heated core into his swollen shaft but he had vowed not to touch her. Instead, he lifted his hips slowly making circles, stroking himself with her body. Her mouth covered his hungrily as her tongue plunged deep, matching the thrust of his hips. She broke the kiss then buried her face in his neck nibbling the skin there.

  The feel of his mate taking pleasure from his body couldn’t be compared. She matched each thrust of his hips with her own as she trailed kisses down his chest. When her hands began to explore the planes of his body he had to wrap his fist tightly in the satin sheets for fear that he may break his promise to her. Losing her trust was not something he would ever do.

  A sense of urgency drove her into motion. She needed to have him, needed to fill herself with his shaft and sate the hunger she’d had for him. As she moved down further on his body, she no
ticed his hands gripping the sheets at his sides as his hips rolled to keep contact with her. Slowly, deliberately she ran her fingers under the waist of his breeches dipping her fingertips toward his pulsing sex.

  “Yes Ana.” He groaned throwing his had back against the bed. “I want to touch you Ana.” He pulled at the material balled in his fist.

  “Soon vampire.” She teased. Letting go of the sheet he grabbed hold of his breeches and yanked them down, his shaft bouncing free. She was in awe, how she didn’t graze the tip when she was teasing him before she didn’t know.

  “Touch me.” His voice was hoarse with passion. As she stared and the vulnerable immortal laying beneath her, she knew she couldn’t resist him. Tracing her fingers across his hard abdomen she glanced up to see him studying her intently. “Please.” He breathed as he waited. Gently she let her fingernails scrape the flesh near his large shaft making it jerk with anticipation.

  She teased and tormented him, kissing and licking the sensitive skin surrounding the place he ached for her to touch the most. Slowly she grazed his cock with her palm and it jumped into her hand. She wrapped her fingers around its girth then slowly stroked up and down.

  “Let me touch you Ana.” He begged, propping himself up on his elbows. She kept milking him forcing him to wait. When she finally nodded her head he pulled her roughly to him crushing their bodies together. Thoughts of enemies vanished completely from her mind as she lay encircled in his arms. Gently he rocked her up and down across his body plundering her mouth, stroking her bared flesh. His hands locked against her hips, she had no desire to leave his embrace.

  In one fluid motion he rolled her to her back then stripped her of her breeches revealing skin sprinkled with scars. She wanted to hide them; she didn’t want him to see her battle wounds, the wounds she got killing his kind. For a moment, her body stiffened but when he didn’t seem to notice or care about her scarred flesh her body softened to his touch once more.

  His body moved to partially cover hers, leaving her breast exposed to him. Nudging her knees apart he nestled his hips against her core, sliding his shaft between her folds.


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