The Only Way To Live

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The Only Way To Live Page 13

by M. A. Innes

  He trailed one finger over my tight ring of muscles. “If you’re good this time, I’ll think about it.”

  I started to whine, but as one finger breached my hole it turned into a low moan. Daddy chuckled again and the dark laughter sent a shiver up my spine. “If you want to come, you need to behave.”

  Would he really fuck me and not let me come?

  Just the threat was enough to have me shaking and precum dripping on the bed.

  I was beyond the ability to speak, but I widened my legs and arched up higher, hoping he understood the unspoken promise as well as the need that was rushing through me. He must have because his finger slipped deeper into me before inching back in a slow imitation of lovemaking.

  Shoving myself back on his finger flashed through my head, but I knew he needed to take his time. I wasn’t going to take this away from him no matter how much he turned me on. When he finally eased out completely, I held my breath until I heard the snap of the lube cap.


  When his slicked fingers came back to my opening, I sighed as one and then two slipped deep inside of me. It was just enough of a burn that pleasure rushed through me as his fingers slowly stretched me.

  The rhythmic feel of the motion and my focus on keeping hold of the bars had subspace hovering at the corner of my mind. It would have been so easy to lose myself in the slow touch and let everything go, but I needed to be in the moment with him. I didn’t want to forget a single thing about our first time.

  When he slid in a third and started the careful stretching all over again, I thought I’d go out of my mind. “Please, Daddy…please…I don’t need more. I promise.”

  I knew he didn’t want to hurt me, but there was a real possibility of me coming without him if he kept it up. I needed a cock ring and some restraints before we played Let’s Tease Derek.

  Daddy didn’t seem to take offense at my begging. He chuckled and thrust his fingers deep, ripping a moan from me. “Are you ready for more? I don’t want to hurt my boy.”

  My whine must have been enough for him because he removed his fingers and I could hear the condom package finally tearing. It was the most beautiful sound I’d ever heard. Even better than the lube squirting out.

  I knew I’d break if I looked back, so I pressed my face into his pillow and focused on his scent as his fingers gripped my hips, holding me tight. The waiting was almost too much. When he pressed his cock against my opening, I was barely hanging on.

  As he eased into me, I was back to planning my taxes as my dick bobbed and ached. When he finally bottomed out, my breath seemed stuck in my chest and I couldn’t even beg. Since words weren’t going to work, I rocked, slowly fucking myself on his cock.

  Daddy got the hint.

  He moaned softly as I tightened the muscles around his cock, but when he started fucking me, quickly building up a pounding rhythm, it was me who was moaning again. Instead of worrying and taking it too easy on me, he seemed to listen to what I needed because with every gasp and shiver he fucked me harder.

  It was like he was inside me and knew exactly what I needed.

  When it was all too much and we both started to shake, he reached under me and grabbed my dick before I could even start to beg. “Now.”

  Two more rough thrusts had me obeying and my orgasm ripped through me. As the waves of pleasure rolled over me, I felt his thrusts finally start to falter and I knew that without the condom I’d have felt him shoot deep inside me.

  That beautifully dirty image kept my orgasm pulsing through me even longer until he stilled and wrapped his body around me, cradling me tight. We collapsed down onto the bed. I wanted the weight of him pressing me down to the bed, but he braced himself against the mattress as he pulled out of me.

  I whined, making my feeling on that very clear, but Sean just chuckled as he got rid of the condom in the trash can by the bed. When he was done, he tried to lie down beside me, but I grabbed one hand and kept tugging until he was draped over me again. “Yes. This.”

  That was as good as I could do word-wise, but I held him tight as he stretched out over me, kissing my head. “Oh, Pest, that was…Derek…”

  Daddy didn’t seem to know what to say, but I didn’t need the words. The sound of his voice and the emotion drenching the words was enough for me.

  Chapter 14


  He was almost too cute to wake up. But cute wouldn’t get him back to his vehicle and I had no idea what time he needed to be at work. “Wake-up time.”

  When Derek groaned and buried his head under my pillow, I knew more devious methods of persuasion would be necessary. Sliding one hand under the covers, I found his ass and tickled the area right under his balls.

  Yep, that woke him up.

  His head popped out of the covers as he gave me a frustrated scowl. “That’s just mean.”

  Chuckling, I shrugged. “Nice wasn’t working.”

  Derek didn’t like that idea, but he sat up as he huffed and stretched. “It’s too early.”

  “Possibly, but I have a meeting this morning I can’t rearrange and I have no idea what time you need to be at work. Then there’s also the fact that your car is at the store.” I smiled and kissed his forehead as he whined.

  “Ugh, being a grown-up sucks.” He didn’t look much like a grown-up as he flopped back and wiggled under the covers again.

  “You can go back to sleep and stay here if that fits your schedule, but I can’t come back to take you to your car until almost noon.” And if we were going to his car, we needed to leave soon.

  When he’d slept through my alarm and me getting ready for the day, I’d known he was tired. There wasn’t another option, though, because neither of us had thought to talk about practical things after we’d made love last night. I had a vague memory of cleaning up and cuddling with him, then that was it.

  “No, I need to be in before I open because I promised to meet someone early and I have to get clothes.” He groaned, pushing the covers down. This time he was smiling and pulled me down into a hug. “But it was worth it.”

  I gave him a kiss as I pulled back, cupping his face. “You sure? I know we didn’t talk about everything beforehand.”

  He immediately shook his head and sat up, basically curling into my lap. “It was perfect. The spanking was great and everything after was perfect. But dude, the next time you edge me like that, you have to tie me down.”

  Derek made it sound like he wanted ice cream on his cake next time we had dessert. I loved the information, but it still made me smile. “Tie you down?”

  “Oh yeah.” He nearly moaned the words, tightening things low in my body. “Then I don’t have to think or be good or do anything but feel. It’s the best way to find subspace.”

  Logically, I knew what he meant, but the desire and emotions pouring out of him weren’t something I could connect to yet. I was just going to have to take him at his word. “Do you want to be tied to the bed or just restrained so you can’t move?”

  I’d been a Scout.

  I could tie knots.

  I’d just never thought of using them in that fashion. But the more I thought about it, the more I warmed to the idea. “I think I’d like to tie you to the bed. What do you think?”

  Derek shivered and gave a low hum of pleasure. Shifting, he straddled my lap and pushed me down so I was lying on the bed. I was going to show up at work looking homeless or like I’d just had sex.

  But it would be worth it.

  Derek grinned and rolled his hips so his naked erection stroked mine over my clothes. “Yes, you’ve got a great fuck-me bed. I don’t want to be able to move and I want you to drive me out of my mind.”

  I could do that.

  Sliding my hands up his legs, I trailed my fingers over his cock before stroking the sensitive joint where his thigh met his torso. Derek shivered, but the pleasure seemed to push the dominant side of him even higher. We might have been talking about him submitting, but he wasn’t feeling sub

  “You were squirming and begging last night when I was getting you ready. You were even pushing for more in the shower.” Nothing in his behavior said he wanted me to drive him crazy again.

  “But that’s the fun part. I get to demand more and lose my mind and let you just play with me.” He rolled his hips again and sighed when I took his cock and slowly jerked him off. “You’re going to be so good at that.”

  His fantasy was getting us both worked up, but the clock was counting down. “You’ve got time for an orgasm or for me to make you coffee. Choose quickly.”

  He slumped down and huffed at me. “That’s just mean. I’ve got a long day and I need both.”

  Laughing, I sat up, wrapping my arms around him to keep him from falling off the bed. “Then you shouldn’t have made me drag you out of bed.”

  That earned me another huff, but he gave me a quick peck and his expression turned wicked. “Coffee. I want to take my time with you the next time we make love.”

  Then something must have occurred to him because he got a nervous look and gave me a manipulative little pout.

  “What?” I wasn’t particularly worried because he’d aimed that expression at me numerous times in the past, but I was curious to know what it would mean now. Sex might change some things but not his devious nature.

  “Um, you know how I said I had to meet someone early?” He leaned in closer and laid his head on my shoulder.

  “Pest, what did you do?” When he stilled, I knew I’d hit on something.

  I knew I wasn’t going to have to apologize for losing someone’s keys, but for the life of me I couldn’t figure out what had him so worked up. “What do you need to confess, Pest?”

  He sighed but kept his face tucked against my neck. “Well, in the past, sometimes a few special customers come in and I give them a bit of personal help.”

  I didn’t know exactly what he was talking about, but I was smart enough to see something interesting forming in the road in front of us. “How much personal help? And would these be people you’re dating?”

  He’d said he was single and I believed that, but this was confusing.

  His head popped up. “No, they’re couples who come in together to look at things like cock cages or clothes. They’re usually in the lifestyle and it’s a bit of an exhibitionist teasing thing. I’m not dating either one of them, but I might tease a sub or help fit the cage on.”


  Okay, less confused but still…confused.

  “All right, I’ve come across scenes like that online.” I cleared my throat, trying not to look like an old fart who didn’t understand the modern world. “I just didn’t realize things like that happened in real life.”

  Derek giggled, some of the stress leaving him. “Real life can be just as much fun as the internet.”

  That was frightening.

  Some of his teasing fell away, but he was still relaxed, so my own stress levels started to fade as he continued to speak. “But no sex. Just teasing and stuff.”

  I wasn’t so naïve it shocked me, but it was still an odd conversation to have before I’d even had coffee. “And you’re bringing this up…”

  I had too many interesting images running amuck through my head to really follow along. Derek’s grin was back, so he must have guessed some of that. “The look on your face, Daddy.”

  Rolling my eyes, I tickled his side. As he squirmed, I held him tight. “No driving me crazy, Pest. Don’t make me guess.”

  Because I’d probably end up looking stupid.

  When he caught his breath, he curled into me. “I don’t know what the rules are now that we’re dating. It hasn’t come up lately because I had to reschedule the last time they were going to come in, but I don’t want anything to come between us and fuck this up.”

  Cupping his face, I kissed him gently. “You were the one who said communication was key. We’re not going to fuck this up by talking about something.”

  As calm as I seemed, I was desperately racking my brain to figure out what I knew about these kinds of scenarios. “This isn’t like a ménage or open relationship.”

  There were too many words that didn’t quite fit floating around in my mind.

  He shook his head. “No, I don’t want an open relationship, but if you wanted to play with someone together at some point we could talk about it. In this case, it’s just me teasing someone else while their Dom is there pushing them out of their comfort zone.”

  “You know, this honestly sounds like the most interesting sales technique I’ve ever heard.” I wasn’t sure if I was serious or teasing, but Derek started laughing.

  “It’s for friends, Daddy.” He kept giggling as I rolled my eyes.

  “Forgive me if I’ve never played with friends like that.” I really had grown up sheltered if friends did things like that in real life.

  Derek’s smile was wicked as he rocked against me. “I’ll help you find friends, Daddy. Don’t worry.”

  I wasn’t worried…just a bit confused.

  “I have no idea how to respond to that.” I sighed when he started giggling again. This was not turning out to be the morning I expected when I’d woken him up.

  Not having enough dating experience to pull from, I had to look at it logically. “So you’re not asking to date anyone else or have sex, you just want to make sure I’m okay with you flirting and…getting handsy with your friends?”

  “Getting handsy.” He giggled again but nodded. “Yes, Daddy.”

  “And it doesn’t have any effect on our relationship except for the fact that you’ll touch other people?” Did that make me uncomfortable?

  Should it make me uncomfortable?

  “What are you thinking?” Derek curled back into me.

  “How I feel about that.” I just wasn’t sure.

  No matter how big my business had grown, I always made sure to sit in on every new-hire interview. Thankfully we had a very low turnover so it didn’t happen that often, but it let me get to know everyone and understand their situations.

  Most people came to us because we were known to be open-minded. I never asked anyone about their sexuality, but when they were afraid of something blowing up later, it generally came out in the interview.

  Every once in a while I got an interesting surprise, like Mike over at the Cross Roads garage that seemed very open-minded but boring in his interview. Six months after he was hired I’d had to fight with our insurance carrier to figure out how to add his partners to the policy because one just lost his job and the other was pregnant.

  What would I tell Ethan or one of the employees if I was giving them advice?

  Would anyone get hurt?

  No, he wouldn’t lie about something that happened and I wasn’t a terribly jealous person.

  Would it change how I saw him or how he saw me?

  When he’d talked about the cock cage example, I’d been confused but not horrified. He’d always been a free spirit. I couldn’t expect him to change all that just because we were dating, could I? I could almost hear Shelly’s tinkling laughter floating through the room. She’d roll her eyes and tease me about the crazy situations I was ending up in.

  “Your expressions keep going back and forth between logical and weird.” Derek poked me when I didn’t respond fast enough. “What are you thinking?”

  “Honestly?” When he nodded, I shrugged. “That Shelly would find this hilarious.”

  That stumped him for a moment before he smiled and shook his head. “But would Shelly say it’s a deal-breaker or just an interesting quirk?”

  I loved how he boiled things down.

  “Interesting quirk.” Saying it out loud felt weird but right.

  It was the same feeling I’d gotten when I really understood I wasn’t straight, so I was leaning toward it being the right decision. “Just no sex and I don’t want to be surprised about something, so I’d like to know when those situations come up.”

  Derek’s smile turne
d wicked again. “Oh, Daddy, I can’t wait to tell you all about any fun I have.” Then his eyes started to twinkle. “But I don’t think you’re going to want all the details on the one today. I promise it won’t get out of hand, though.”

  I knew I shouldn’t ask.

  I really knew it from the bottom of my soul.

  But I clearly had impulse control issues.

  “Why don’t I want to know?” Was it someone who worked for me?

  He giggled. “Because I’m meeting Christopher and Ethan at the shop in about two hours.”

  Dear God, when was I going to learn? “I don’t want to know any more details.”

  I was not going to survive this relationship.

  He just gave me another wicked smile and shrugged like he wasn’t going to make any promises. I attempted to put on a stern expression. “If you want to be tied up at some point, you will not tell me anything about my son’s sex life.”

  That earned me another one of his my halo is shining bright smiles, and I shook my head. “I’m not going to fall for that. There are some things I just don’t need to know, Pest.”

  He must have realized I was serious because he kept the innocent smile going and started rocking his dick against mine. “I’ll be good, Daddy.”

  I shouldn’t let him distract me with sex, that was just setting a bad precedent, but he was so good at it. “Evil little brat.”

  He gave me a big grin and a smacky kiss. “I’m your pest. You love it.”

  As long as it didn’t give me a heart attack.

  I spanked his ass and scowled. “We are leaving here in minutes. Don’t make me take the coffee away from you.”

  His sweet pout was at odds with the crazy things his wiggling was doing to me. “But, Daddy.”

  I couldn’t go into the office horny, so fantasies and teasing pouts would have to wait. “I am not going into work with an erection. Behave.”

  Derek gave me a kiss and a wicked grin before hopping off my lap and bounding toward the bathroom. “I make no promises.”

  He was a terrible brat.

  But since that was one of the things I liked best about him, I wasn’t going to discourage it.


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