Game Changer

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by Amelia Whitmore

  Game Changer

  Does Love always Triumph?

  Amelia Whitmore


  Orlando, FL

  Copyright © 2016 by Amelia Whitmore

  All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed or transmitted in any form or by any means, without prior written permission.


  P O Box 540735

  Orlando, FL 32854

  Publisher’s Note: This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents are a product of the author’s imagination. Locales and public names are sometimes used for atmospheric purposes. Any resemblance to actual people, living or dead, or to businesses, companies, events, institutions, or locales is completely coincidental.

  Game Changer/ Amelia Whitmore. -- 1st ed.



  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13

  Chapter 14

  Chapter 15

  Chapter 16

  Chapter 17

  Chapter 18

  Chapter 19

  Chapter 20

  Chapter 21

  Chapter 22

  Chapter 23

  Chapter 24

  Chapter 25

  Chapter 1

  Last year while my sister, Erica, was in Mexico she found her Mr. Right. She said the last thing she ever expected was to meet the love of her life while she was on spring break.

  “Love just has a way of finding you when you aren’t expecting it,” she said.

  Of course that’s really funny coming from my sister, considering I don’t ever recall a time in our lives that she’d ever really been single. She was one of those girls who always had to be in a relationship.

  So now I was stuck. I had to fly to Cancún and take part in her destination wedding.

  In most families, the baby was the spoiled one. But not in mine. In my family that honor fell to my older sister Erica, the beautiful one, the family princess.

  I’m the smart one. The good ole’ dependable, always do the right thing, smart one. But apparently, not smart enough to get out of Erica’s spur of the moment, destination wedding in Cancún.

  My brother, Ethan, and I made our way through the terminal at the busy Houston airport. With barely a minute to spare, we got on the plane. I looked down at my ticket and then at the assigned seat numbers. It turned out, we weren’t sitting together. He was going to be sitting in the row in front of me.

  "Are you freaking kidding me?"

  He laughed and rubbed my head before moving to his seat. At least we both got to sit by the window. I slid into my seat and took a deep breath. I wasn’t exactly afraid of flying, but I was a nervous flyer. That’s why I wanted to sit next to my brother in the first place. It helped to have him as a distraction.

  "You'll be fine Emm Emm," Ethan taunted from his seat in front of me.

  "Do you have a piece of paper?" He asked, turning around to look at me, sticking out his bottom lip in a pout.

  Sometimes I seriously wondered how he could possibly be the older of us two.

  I rolled my eyes and bent down to grab the bag I'd brought with me. "Here, use this." I handed him my Android tablet.

  "Thanks Emi," he grinned before facing forward. I scrunched my nose at him. He knew I hated when he called me that. My name was Emily, not Emi, Emm Emm or Eminem!

  Before I had the chance to kick his seat, I felt the presence of somebody sit down next to me. I turned to look at them and almost stopped breathing. The man standing before me had shaggy brown hair, and ice blue eyes. He was tall, really tall and extremely well built. I had to look up to see his beautiful face and as I did he glanced at me and smiled kindly.

  "Hey, I'm Aiden." He put his hand out and I shook it.

  "I'm Emily." I smiled, hoping I didn’t sound too uneasy.

  "Nice to meet you."

  I nodded. "You too."

  Ethan spun around, looking like an over-excited child on Christmas. "Emi, I wrote you a letter!" He waved the tablet in my face and I smacked his hand away, grabbing the tablet at the same time.

  "Thank you," I said pointedly. "Now sit back down dork."

  I shook my head and glanced down at the note he wrote on my tablet.

  Was that a giggle I just heard?! He must be hot. I'm going to check him out for you when I turn around. It's been a while since you got some. You really need to get some sis, seriously...

  I scoffed as I read his letter to me. Ethan was never a normal brother to me. He was more of a charismatic best friend, but sometimes he didn’t know when to quit.

  "You're such a loser," I said lightheartedly, not letting him know that his comments embarrassed me. If he knew that he would never let up.

  I handed the tablet back to him and sat back in my chair, crossing my right leg over the left and bobbing my leg, something I did when I was anxious.

  "You okay?" Aiden asked.

  I looked quickly at my hands, which I had subconsciously begun twisting, and back up towards him.

  "Just a little nervous, I suppose."

  "What about?"

  I scoffed, not at the question, but at all of the possible answers. "Well, my brother ended up sitting in front of me, instead of beside me, no offense." I said quickly, realizing that he had the seat my brother would have had.

  "So that's your brother, not your boyfriend?"

  I heard Ethan start laughing, but he tried to cover it with a cough.

  "Oh hell no. I have way better taste than that."

  Ethan spun around. "Yeah, she digs the more masculine type. You know, somebody like you actually," he said to Aiden.

  My eyes got wide and I felt my cheeks burning before I slammed my foot into the back of his seat.

  "Don't mind him, he was dropped on his head as a baby."

  I couldn't believe how badly I was blushing.

  Aiden smirked. "So you think I'm hot?"

  I scoffed, refusing to admit to anything. The plane finally took off as Aiden and I fell into a comfortable conversation.

  "So, why are you going to Cancún?" He asked.

  "My sister is getting married and apparently needs to prove that she's a pretty, pretty princess and wants her moment in the spotlight," I growled, then grinned in slight embarrassment.

  "Sorry. In case you didn't notice, I'm not overly excited about going to Mexico for this wedding."

  He laughed. "Come on, it's Cancún, shouldn't you be thinking about the beautiful beaches and getting a tan?"

  I scoffed. "I don't do beaches or tanning."

  Ethan cut in. "Yeah, Emi thinks she's too fat to walk around in her swimsuit, despite how many of my friends hit on her."

  "Ethan, if you don't turn around right now, I'm going to tell the flight attendant, who you're trying to hook up with, that the last man you slept with gave you herpes."

  I glared at him and he started pouting.

  "Emi? Why so mean?"

  He always freaking did this to me, made me feel bad the one time I put my foot down.

  "Just turn around Ethan." I sighed. He did as he was told and I turned my attention back to Aiden.

  "Sorry about that," I said, embarrassed at the maturity level of my brother.

  "He wasn't serious, was he?"

  I shrugged and looked out the window. "He may have exaggerated a bit."

  "Seriously?" Aiden asked in astonishment.

  Ethan turned arou
nd again. "I know, right? I mean, obviously I'm her brother so there isn't any attraction there, but I know enough to give credit where credit is due. She thinks that because she's not a size zero that she's not beautiful."

  "Ethan Scott Smith, if you don't sit forward this instant, I'm never talking to you again and you're going to be stuck with Erica all week," I warned, knowing that Erica, our sister, drove him as crazy as she drove me.

  "Emi, you just need to admit that you're hot and move on. And you didn't need to use my full name." He glared at me before flopping back down in his seat like an insolent child.

  "You really think that about your body?" Aiden asked softly.

  I sighed and looked at him. "If you saw my sister, you'd understand."

  "God damn it Emily!" Ethan hissed.

  He hated it when I compared myself to Erica. She was barely five foot tall, and had a tiny body without an ounce of fat. She had long flowing auburn hair and beautiful amber colored eyes. She also had milky skin that seemed to make men fall over themselves just to please her.

  "Not another word," I warned him.

  I looked back at Aiden. "I mean, I know that I'm not ugly by any means, but I also know I have flaws," I told him, not wanting to tell a practical stranger that I hated various parts of my body like my way too curvy hips and my fat ass. Okay, it wasn’t exactly in the Kim Kardashian realm, but it wasn’t tiny and perky like a Brazilian supermodel either.

  I also hated that I was tall, well, for a girl. I guess compared to Aiden I was a dwarf. How tall was he anyway? He had to be six foot five if not more. On him it was hot but being tall as a girl just sucked. It made me stand out and not in a good way. Girls are supposed to be short and petite, not tall and curvaceous. Growing up, it always made me feel like a freak.

  "I don't see any flaws." Aiden whispered so Ethan couldn't hear him. I blushed scarlet.

  "That's really nice of you to say, but..." He cut me off.

  "I wasn't being polite." I blushed even harder, forcing myself not to giggle and to just keep breathing.

  "Thank you," I said, not sure how else to respond.

  "Anyways, what brings you to Cancún?" I asked, desperate for a change to the current topic.

  "An old teammate of mine is tying the knot with the girl of his dreams, and for some ridiculous reason, wanted me to be one of his groomsmen."

  I smiled.

  "Guess Cancún is a popular place for weddings.”

  “It would seem so.”

  “What do you mean, 'teammate'?"

  He paused for just a moment, as though he was debating whether or not to tell me. "I play for Houston."

  My eyes got wide.

  "You play football for Houston? As in the NFL?"

  He nodded and I giggled. I’ve never met a professional football player before. Don’t get me wrong, I’ve watched many games in my life, but to see one up close and personal was something else.

  "So tell me more about yourself, I mean besides the whole football thing."

  He took a deep breath. "Well, I was born and raised in Wisconsin. I got drafted into the NFL about five years ago, that was for Oakland. Then I got traded to Houston the next year, where I’ve been ever since. I don't really know what else to say."

  "How old are you?" I asked. I knew he was older than me, but I wondered just how much.

  "Twenty six, and you?"

  I smiled. I couldn’t help it. Twenty six was older than me, but still not so old that it would be a big problem.

  "Nineteen, almost twenty."

  He nodded, then smirked. "Your turn."

  "I was born and raised in a small town in West Texas. When I was ten we moved to Houston and it was the end of the world." I smiled fondly, remembering how dramatic everything was back then.

  “Actually we live in The Woodlands, just north of the city but I guess you know that. I’m taking some classes at Lone Star College. I’m not really studying anything in particular. I got my associates in liberal arts last year and now I’m just taking a few business classes, and I don’t really even know why. It’s not like I have some overwhelming desire to do anything in particular in the business world, but it just sounded like a good idea and I wasn’t sure what else I wanted to study."

  I couldn’t think of anything thrilling to share with him and I caught myself beginning to ramble so I decided it would be best to just shut up.

  "The exciting life of an average teenager," he teased.

  "Ha, I'm not average and I’m not exactly a teenager anymore either."

  I heard Ethan snicker in front of us so I nudged the back of his seat. He ignored that and turned to entertain the little boy sitting next to him.

  "Oh really? Why's that? What makes you not so average?" Aiden asked with a curious, flirting, grin.

  I scoffed. "I can't just label everything that makes me not average."

  "Why not? I can. I love peanut butter and banana sandwiches." I wrinkled my nose, but refused to interrupt him. "I hate to untie my shoes, I prefer to just slip them off. If I hear somebody laugh, I smile like an idiot, which gets awkward when you're in a group of strangers."

  I chuckled. "Okay, okay, I get it. I love to dance in the rain. I love eating pickles for breakfast. I think like a man."

  He interrupted. "What does that mean?"

  Ethan spun towards us, making it obvious that he'd been eavesdropping. "She's the most perverted person ever. She doesn't get insulted by the things other girls are insulted or offended by,” Ethan said proudly.

  I rolled my eyes and then turned my attention back to Aiden.

  "I'm not sure what else though." I said.

  "Did you know that you're currently sitting next to the girl who got the highest SAT score ever, in the history of our high school? She even graduated a year early."

  I blushed. "He makes it sound way more impressive than it is." I said, rolling my eyes.

  Aiden looked surprised. "That’s incredible."

  "So is being a professional football player," I countered.

  "Wait, you play football?" Ethan asked. Of course he would have missed that part of the conversation.

  Aiden nodded bashfully. "Oh my god, you're Aiden Swift, aren't you?" Ethan exclaimed. Aiden looked fairly uncomfortable.

  "Ethan, sit back down and stop making a fool of yourself." I scolded. He sat down awkwardly, with an uncomfortable smile on his face.

  "Sorry about that. My brother just gets over excited sometimes."

  "It's not a problem, I'm used to it," Aiden assured me.

  The captain's voice filled the plane and soon enough, we were bouncing down the runway. I couldn’t believe two hours had already passed. Talking with Aiden made time just fly by.

  "It was really great to meet you."

  "You too Emily," he said before following me off the plane. Outside of the terminal, Ethan was waiting for me and I took one fleeting look at Aiden before he walked away and into the unknown.

  "Why did you let him walk away?" Ethan asked me, like I was crazy or something.

  "Because I've only known him for a few hours."

  "Like that matters. I've had sex with women I've known for less time and you couldn't even ask him for his number." Ethan tasked at me.

  "Shut up you horn dog." I punched him playfully in the arm. “Let’s go find our luggage.”

  Chapter 2

  "So, where they picking us up at?" Ethan asked, grabbing our bags from the carousel. "Just outside of baggage claim, I assume?"

  "I don't know Ethan, we'll find them eventually. It's not exactly a very big airport."

  Just then, I saw Erica and her fiancé. We didn’t know much about him, other than his name was Kane. I had seen pictures of him before, but those pictures didn’t do him any justice, that’s for sure. He was hot, really hot. You go, Erica.

  "Oh My God!!" Erica screamed. I held my tongue and resisted rolling my eyes. Ethan nudged me and we both burst out laughing.

  "Hey Erica." Ethan said, wrapping his arms
around her when we got closer. He dwarfed her by nearly a foot. I gave her a hug after him and she immediately went into talking about her wedding plans.

  "So, we already picked out the perfect beach location for the wedding, and then we rented a hall at the hotel for the reception. You need to get your dress fitting done, but we can do that tomorrow with the other girls."

  I felt my stomach sinking. "Okay." I grumbled. I looked around us, we were still at the airport. "Why are we just standing around like idiots?" I asked.

  Erica rolled her eyes. "First of all, I never look like an idiot. Secondly, a couple of the groomsmen are getting in right about now and we need to wait for them."

  "Oh joy." I mumbled. Ethan laughed and tried to put me in a headlock like we were ten years old or something.

  "You're such a Debbie downer Emm Emm."

  "Ethan, knock it off, now," I demanded. Not that he stopped or anything, so I stomped on his foot, causing him to start hopping around like a fool.

  I started laughing hysterically, imagining how we must look to everybody walking by us. That caused Ethan to start laughing too and I was eventually able to push him away from me.

  "You're such a dumb ass," I told him, but he didn’t seem to care what I called him. He never did.

  I turned around to see where Erica was headed to and froze. There stood three insanely hot guys next to Kane. I wasn’t sure where they had come from but they didn’t seem to be walking away. Were these the groomsmen my sister was talking about? I blushed, and Ethan laughed at my reaction.

  "Well, these are my immature siblings, Emily and Ethan," Erica said to the men.

  "Ethan" - "Emily" We both said at the same time.

  Erica rolled her eyes. "Anyways, these are three of Kane's groomsmen; Adam, Kirk, and Ross."

  Ethan and I waved.

  "How many groomsmen are there exactly?" I asked.

  Erica smiled proudly. "Our wedding party has ten people, not including us. I get four bridesmaids plus my maid of honor and he gets four groomsmen plus his best man."

  I struggled not to laugh.

  "Isn't that a bit much? I mean ..." I cleared my throat. "Never mind. Sorry."

  I didn’t get my sister. Wasn’t the whole point of a beach wedding that it was supposed to be low key? If they were going to go so over the top, why not just have a big formal church wedding back home?


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