Worst Valentine's Day Ever: A Lonely Hearts Romance Anthology

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Worst Valentine's Day Ever: A Lonely Hearts Romance Anthology Page 8

by Kilby Blades


  “We used to do it all the time.”

  “Yeah, but I wasn’t a brontosaurus back then.”

  “The most beautiful brontosaurus in the universe.” He kissed my cheek and took in a deep breath, his nose in my hair. “My memories of you were what got me through the night.”

  “We might not fit in the shower.” I couldn’t look at him.

  “I want to be with you, however you’re comfortable. Say no, and I won’t touch you. Tell me what feels good, what you want, what you need. I’m here for you, Rach.”

  “Will you give me a… a massage after the shower? My back hurts sometimes.”

  “A very gentle one.”


  We took our time undressing each other, and she was more beautiful than I’d remembered in my lonely dreams on that hard floor. The softness and scent of her skin, her pink nipples and full lips calling to my mouth. I was painfully hard, but I was here for Rachel. I washed quickly, then took my time washing her, making sure to bring her only pleasure as I did. To take away her apprehension and replace it with her usual confidence.

  I kissed her and she yanked on my hair. “Touch me… Please…”

  I knelt as the water pelted my back, her belly heavy with life, her pussy shining with need for me. I lifted her leg and placed in on my shoulder, then brought her hands to my shoulders so she could stay steady.

  “You okay?”

  “God, yes. Don’t stop.” I rubbed my cheek against her sex. “Yes, there. Oooh, that beard is never getting shaved off.”

  I laughed against her skin, enjoying each sweet whimper and breathy gasp I brought with my tongue and my lips. I held her legs to keep her steady and drew it out as much as I thought she could bear.

  “Marley… Mar… yes… I’m… Oooooh…”

  I sucked on her sex, easing her down until I heard the best sound on earth: Rachel Abercrombie’s giggles, my cue to kiss her.

  She rested against the wall and I lowered her leg, rising to kiss her hard, nipping at her lip, ravaging her mouth. She gave back as good as she got, what I’d always adored about my love. She was a fighter. Someone who’d tell me off in no uncertain terms when I’d fucked up, who’d argue a point until we were either growling at each other or rolling around on the floor, our bodies entangled in passion.

  She poked me in the chest. “Have you been practicing?”

  “I didn’t have an Ambrose.”

  She laughed as I helped her out of the shower and we dried off, her gaze aimed at my erection. I wrapped a towel around my waist, then made a quick call as she used the bathroom.

  “Who were you talking to?”

  “My sister. My family needs to know I’m back.”

  “I’m sure they’ll be shooting off fireworks any minute.”

  “More likely they’ll be pouring martinis.”

  “How is Sarah? She’s the only one from your family who kept in touch.”

  “I’m not surprised. She says she’s doing fine. Has another one on the way.”

  “That makes three.”

  “Yes. She gave me some advice.” I lost the towel and pumped my cock. “Did you miss him?”

  “Mister Man? Maybe.” She giggled. “Don’t tell me you asked your sister.”

  “Who else would I ask? I guess I could have looked for a You Tube video.”

  “What if I don’t want it?”

  “You silly ass. I would never force you. I’ll be happy just holding you. But maybe we could try.”

  “You and your puppy dog eyes.”

  “You still love me?”

  “What do you think?” She pulled me toward the bed. “The succubus is quiet tonight.”

  I kissed her belly and whispered. “Daddy’s here. I’ll take good care of Mommy. You rest.”

  We kissed deeply, exploring our bodies with hands and lips, and tongues, whispering words of love I thought I might never hear again. I urged her into a spoon position and massaged her back as well as some more sensitive areas. When she was ready, I slipped inside her sweet body from behind with a comfortable ease. She gasped, her sex tightening, her slick heat almost pulling me over. After a few deep breaths I regained control and moved in a gentle rhythm, making it last, until finally we peaked in release and slept, skin to skin.

  I dreamed of Valentine’s Day, of how we met and how our lives had quickly fit together the same perfect way our bodies did. Tomorrow would be a new beginning.

  I kissed his hairy cheek and left him sleeping. It was early yet, but I was determined to get to work before he woke. I didn’t want an argument after such a perfect night and I was sure he’d make an appearance at some point. If they knew what was good for them, Damien and Victor would back me up.

  I sighed as I got into the back seat of my usual ride share. My body still floated and buzzed and tingled with the memory of each touch and kiss and gentle word. My regular driver grinned at me.

  “You’re looking happy, Ms. Abercrombie.”

  “I had a good night, Samson.”

  “I’m glad. My Kendra says it’s important to rest in the last stages.”

  “I slept better than I have in months.”

  “Glad to hear it.”

  Samson switched on News radio 55.5, because I liked to keep up with the local news during the twenty minute drive.

  “And that’s it for sports. Something just hit my desk. We have an alert out for dangerous wind conditions in the Bay Area for late this morning, beginning at around eleven. The storm is driving toward San Francisco at around ten miles per hour and is in the San Jose area as we speak. You can expect downed power lines, trees, and cell towers, so charge up your devices while you can and stay indoors.”

  “Rain is also expected, along with possible lightning strikes. This is definitely a day to stay in with your loved ones.”

  “The last big wind storm was in ’95. I’ll never forget the mess it left. Do you want me to turn around and bring you home? I’m sure your boss will understand.”

  “I’m feeling great today. Victor and Damien are in, so if there’s a problem, I’m sure they can get me home safe and sound. But thanks, Samson.”

  The Gate Club was on the western side of Marin County, right near the water. Damien, being who he was, had redesigned the club to withstand the apocalypse, so I was safer there than in my apartment building. The club would still be standing at the end of days.

  I thought of Marley probably still sleeping. If the weather was bad he could watch TV or something. Damien or Victor would get me home this evening.

  The day seemed a perfect one, with a bright blue sky and a beautiful view. As we drove through the wide club gate I peered up at my favorite tree, an enormous California Black Oak. The club itself loomed ahead, a stately building designed by Victor’s great-great-grandfather and renovated to some extent by the partner owners in each following generation. A lot of the original brick and stone work had survived earthquakes, hurricanes, floods and fires. The grounds were spectacular as well, with a golf course, eight tennis courts, two full basketball courts, an archery range, and more recently, an outdoor pool.

  To me, the Gate Club added a sense of history to the constantly-changing San Francisco area. I loved working here.

  Samson opened the car door and helped me out. “Here you are, Rachel. You take care, and Happy Valentine’s Day!”

  My jaw dropped as Samson drove away. It was Valentine’s Day and Marley had planned something special for us to do. I’d call him and apologize. Ask him to pick me up. It wasn’t too late. I trudged inside, trying to make my feet move faster without over-balancing and ending up sprawled on the ground.

  Miracle of miracles. Victor already had the coffee going. “I heard about Marley’s arrival. Should I punch him?”


  “Are you okay?”

  “Yes.” My grin told the tale.

  “Ah. Well, okay then. I’m happy for you, Rachel. He always seemed a decent guy.
I suppose he had a reason for not getting in touch?”

  “Yes. A good one. In fact, I have to call him. I didn’t realize it was Valentine’s Day.”

  “Sloane and I were going to take the boat out but the forecast sucks. What are you two doing?”

  “Marley made plans but didn’t tell me what they were.”

  “You should have stayed home.”

  “I should have.”

  Victor frowned. “Are you feeling okay? Because you’re looking a little pale and you never agree with me.”

  I was feeling a little queasy. But then I hadn’t eaten. “I’m fine. Really. I just feel guilty about not remembering it was Valentine’s Day.”

  Damien’s door opened. “I thought I heard your voice. Why are you here? You should be snuggled up with Marley on Valentine’s Day. Is everything all right between you?” Damien downed the dregs in his mug then glanced at the pot.

  “I’m calling him now.” He’d picked up a temporary phone at the airport and given me the number. “No answer.” I left a message and decided to try again in a few. He might be in the shower.

  Damien filled his cup and took a sip. “Are you trying another new blend?”

  “We finished the good stuff. I made decaf for Rach.”

  “I’m drinking decaf?” Damien shifted his gaze in my direction. “I thought I suggested you order another pot.”

  “Yeah. Yesterday. Only I kinda had other things on my mind.”

  Victor had poured me a mug and left it on my desk. I took a sip. Perfection.

  “You’re my favorite boss.”

  “Hear that?” He smirked at Damien.

  “It’s the hormones.”

  “Order a coffee pot with a timer,” I said, as Damien walked back into his office.

  The alert sign flashed on my phone. “Shit. I hope it isn’t a kidnapped kid.”

  Victor checked. “Nah, it’s the weather. Storm’s getting closer. Moving fast. You can see the dark clouds.” He moved toward the window in his office.

  Clouds skimmed across the sky, looking ominous. “It was clear when I got here fifteen minutes ago.” I walked closer.

  An open patio umbrella flew past the window.

  Victor stepped between me and the window, but I pulled away to look. Dirt and leaves whipped around tornado-style. Broken branches and other debris flew across the driveway, some of it crashing into the main building. Another umbrella moved along the ground, this one dragging a table behind it.

  “Wind’s picking up.” Victor was trying to make light of it but his tone had lowered.

  I tried my phone, but I had no service. “I can’t make a call.” I was surprised by how shaky I sounded.

  Damien was back. “I’m sure it’s a temporary situation. If it’s a cell tower, they’ll have it up and running in an hour or so.”

  The long handled net the pool boy used to clean the pool crashed into the window but didn’t do any damage. I jumped back, almost losing my balance. Victor caught me in time. My lower belly tightened, only this time I was pretty sure it wasn’t indigestion.

  Victor led me to his desk and I sat. “We’ll secure the windows and close the curtains.” They were a heavy brocade which should offer some protection if the glass shattered. “Please call security.”

  “Boss, we got problems.” Steven, the club’s head security guard carried a man into the room. His head was bleeding and he looked to be unconscious.

  I took a closer look. “That’s… That’s… That’s…”

  Damien scooped Marley up and laid him on the couch in Victor’s enormous office. Victor ran to get the first aid kit and Steven wet a rag with cold water. I snatched it out of his hand and, after a lot of huffing, knelt beside Marley.

  “Baby, wake up. You’re okay. Please, wake up. Call a doctor!”

  “Phones are out. Internet too,” Steven said, scowling.


  “Electric will be next.”

  “Enough.” Damien shut Steven up, but the damage was done.

  “No, no, no, no. Marley needs a doctor.”

  Another twinge, this one stronger.

  Damien took charge, rising to his feet and speaking with authority. We have an emergency procedure manual and we will follow it to the letter. If the electric goes out, our emergency generator will kick in. Steven check the sign-in sheet to find out if we have any doctors, nurses, or EMTs in the building. Also make sure our emergency staff has their handsets.”

  “Handsets are already set, boss. This guy was hit with an umbrella. The blue striped one.”

  “I think we saw it fly by.” Victor said, returning with the kit.

  I cleaned the wound and bandaged it, but Marley didn’t wake up. “He’s breathing steadily and his color is good.” I’d done a lot of babysitting.

  “We’ll have someone keep an eye on him. Who’s available?”

  “How about the pool boy? Victor’s nephew, Chad,” Steven suggested.

  “Perfect. We can’t use him for anything else today,” Damien said.

  Chad Gabrielli was summoned to the office. He wore cut-off shorts and the club logo tee shirt, and usually looked bored or irritated by having to work at all. Today his eyes were wide as he rubbed his arms and shifted from foot to foot, his dark hair electric outlet wild.

  “Damien… I mean, Mr. Granger. I had the shed open, was trying to put some of the chair cushions away, and…and the pool net went flying off. I didn’t have a chance to catch it. I got as m-much locked away as I c-could. B-barely made it back.”

  The poor kid’s teeth were chattering. “Someone get him a jacket.”

  Victor grabbed his favorite leather jacket off the hook by the door and tossed it to the sixteen year old. Chad’s eyes glazed over as he slid it on. Victor was our resident superstar, and most of the member’s kids and grandkids were huge fans. He’d written some of my favorite songs.

  “Was anyone on the archery range, the golf course or the courts?” Damien asked Chad.

  “Not that I saw, sir.”

  “We got everyone off the grounds when the forecast sent out a warning,” Steven said.

  “Good work, Steven.”

  “How many members are in the building?”

  “I’d say around forty. Most of them are milling around near the door.”

  “We can’t let them leave in this weather. Rachel, can you help organize things? You can do it right here from Victor’s desk so you won’t be far from Marley.”

  “Okay.” I swallowed down my fear and the growing discomfort I was not going to mention. “Okay, sure.”

  “You know how to work the console?”

  “I know what to say.” I leaned into the microphone as my voice was broadcast throughout the building and over the grounds. “Attention, all members. This is Rachel Abercrombie. For your safety and the safety of all concerned, please stay away from windows and doors and make yourselves comfortable in one of the following rooms: The spa lounge, the interior dining room, the gym, the locker room, the dance studio, or the auditorium. We will be checking on you shortly and will be bringing around refreshments and anything else you may need.

  “The Gate Club is secure and safe, so as long as you stay in the rooms I’ve mentioned and away from windows, you will be fine. Please do not attempt to get to your car or leave the property. The flying debris might strike you down. If anyone has been injured or is feeling ill, please see one of the security staff and they’ll see that you get help. Every one of them is equipped with a walkie talkie. Unfortunately, phone and internet services are down. However, you can trust that Damien and Victor have everything under control. Thank you. Signing off.”

  When I turned the dial on the control panel, I was met with a room full of grinning men. “You are a treasure, Ms. Abercrombie. Thank you. Please turn it to channel three.” Damien leaned over and spoke into the microphone. “This is Damien Granger. There will be an emergency staff meeting in the staff lounge in ten minutes beginning with Group A and co
ntinuing ten minutes later with Group B. If you’re not at the meeting, I ask that you help our members to one of the designated rooms in a calm and professional manner. The storm is forecast to last only a few hours. Please do your best to convince them not to take their lives into their own hands by leaving the building. Thank you.”

  I covered Marley with a blanket I found folded over the couch, then sat beside him. Damien placed a hand on my shoulder and squeezed. “You’re exempt from the meeting. I’ll get you something to eat and perhaps some tea? The gas stove should still work.

  “Herbal. Tisane.”

  He laughed. “Of course.”

  “You can take Chad with you to the meeting.”

  “He’ll be back in fifteen minutes.”

  “No rush.”

  When they left, I got up and closed the office door, rubbing my belly as I walked. The pain was worse now, the contractions coming closer together as if the ozone in the air and the howling wind were making baby anxious to see what all the fuss was about.

  Lifting Marley’s hand, I kissed his palm. “You have to wake up, daddy. Junior’s on his way.”

  I would try to stay quiet and not say anything until Damien and Victor had everything settled at the club. Then, all bets were off.

  I winced when the next contraction hit. It lasted a little longer than the last one. I rose and paced for a few minutes, then leaned over and kissed Marley’s cheek. “If you don’t wake up in time to see our baby born, I’m going to…”

  Oh, shit!

  I stumbled to the console and clicked it on, not realizing I was talking to the entire building. “One of our members had better be a fucking doctor, because my water just broke.”

  Two minutes later, Victor burst into the room, wild-eyed and dragging a man behind him. I’d seen him once or twice but didn’t know his name.

  “Don’t cry, Rach. I brought help.” Victor looked as scared as I felt.

  I wiped at my cheeks, just as the lights went out.

  The sound of Rachel crying and yelling at someone cleared my hazy mind and brought me back to consciousness. I rose and attempted to swing my legs over to the side so I could stand, only to be stabbed between the eyes by a very sharp dagger.


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