Cherish and Simon- the First Year

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Cherish and Simon- the First Year Page 6

by Eva Morian

  Having the distraction he desperately needed, Simon put on a nice face for Cherish. Although he smiled, she stared at him before she held her arms out and returned the same smile he lent her, “I’ll take her.” She said. There was no way he felt the way he portrayed, and she could see the deception in his eyes. But, if he didn’t want to talk about what happened, then he didn’t have to.

  Handing Jasmine over, he gave her one of the baby bags before he grabbed Jr.’s carrier and set the alarm. Opening the side door for her, he followed Cherish towards the garage and pressed the button to lift the door. He placed Jr. into the backseat, and she paused, “Is he okay back there?” She questioned peering in through the window.

  Simon stopped and looked at her, “I guess he is.” He answered opening her door.

  Backing away, she stepped towards the back seat, “Oh, if you don’t mind. I think I’ll sit with Jr., I don’t feel right leaving him alone back there.” She said.

  Simon lifted his eyebrows while shutting that door and opening the other, “Oh alright, thanks.” He replied watching her climb into the back.

  Cherish smiled at the sight of Jr. His head was tilted to one side and bubbles popped along his lips, “Oh, he’s going to be out for a while.” She whispered with a laugh.

  Sitting in the driver’s seat, he turned the car on and looked at her through the rearview mirror. If she felt how he did, she was more than likely hungry, “We can pick up breakfast on the way. Are you alright with that?” He asked.

  Cherish blinked up at Simon for a long moment before she answered, “O-oh. Y-yes, I would like that. Thank you…” Going silent, she didn’t want to bring up the fact of not having money. Especially since saying he wanted her there. So instead of announcing her plans, she told herself no matter what, she would pay him back for everything. She didn’t deserve this type of treatment. She had been told she didn’t deserve a lot by her mother when growing up, and Todd into early adulthood.

  Cherish sat quietly with Jr. and watched the houses pass them by. Jr. and Jasmine slept peacefully, which was a first. Now how could they get that back at the house? There wasn’t a whine or a struggle which blew her mind. Pulling up to a McDonalds, she was very well acquainted with the selection. Todd would order from the dollar menu every day over the last few months, for himself. Then he would share his spoils with Cherish if he didn’t feel completely heartless.

  Simon rolled down his window and ordered a breakfast sandwich with a hash brown and coffee, “What are you getting?” He asked looking towards the back seat.

  Cherish blinked up at him before blowing out, “I…don’t have any money so, just a hash brown will be alright.” She said with a nod and smile.

  Simon’s expression blanked for a second before what she said sank in. She expected him to ask for money? He arched an eyebrow with a sarcastic expression before he leaned out of the window, “And can I get a number two meal, with orange juice and ketchup in the bag?” He called. Being given a total, he drove around the loop, tapped his debit card against the scanner, and stopped to the pickup window.

  Cherish sank back into the seat in reaction to his gaze. After the fiasco with Emily’s parents the previous morning and this whole ordeal, she didn’t know what she could and couldn’t do. She knew he reassured her everything would be alright, but she interpreted his look as though she’d done something wrong; all thanks to Todd’s abuse. Falling silent, she looked down at the floor, “Thank you, Simon.” She whispered quietly.

  Handing the bag of food back to her, Cherish purposefully avoided his gaze and nodded. Simon reached for the orange juice before he caught a second look at her; doing a double take, “Never a problem.” He replied. He took his order, rolled up the window, and made his way to the doctor’s office.

  He eyed Cherish when he could before he spoke up and explained what he felt was wrong with her, “Don’t worry about things like food. I really don’t mind. You’ve been through enough.” He stated.

  Silence rested in the car as she unraveled and balanced the bag on her knees. Eating quietly, the bottle of juice would have to come last. There was no way she could open it and pull the protective layer off without disturbing the kids.

  Simon once again flicked his glance back when they stopped. For a long time, Emily would go out of her way to help the community and its people. He learned a lot from her and changed, as a result, into a better person, “Is it good?” he asked.

  A thumb nail ran across her forehead before she looked forward and saw Simon’s blue eyes meet with hers. Clearing her throat, she swallowed what she had in her mouth, “Yes, thanks.” She replied.

  Coming up to a building that looked like a home, Cherish didn’t realize they’d arrived at the pediatricians until she saw the sign. “Cline Pediatrics”. Her eyebrows tucked together because not only was the outside beautifully decorated with bright flowers, a fountain, and shrubbery, but the fancy cars, which matched Simon’s, were in abundance. Suddenly, she was very aware about her appearance.

  Simon sat there for a few minutes and forced the food into his mouth. He sucked down on the coffee as though it would give him life before he brushed the crumbs from his shirt, “Ready?” He asked climbing out of the car.

  She ran her fingers through her hair and tried to make her hair presentable; at least. Simon walked around to pull Jr.’s carrier out of the car and Cherish exited with Jasmine, “Yeah.” She answered.

  He opened the door to the office first and she passed him by with a nod. The inside was better than the outside. The chairs weren’t cracked or stained, they were a nice pale blue complimenting the light tan walls. There was a flat screen television playing the news on mute, a play area and mat for the children within a gated portion of the room. A tiny bookshelf and chairs for the older ones to sit and entertain themselves.

  They both approached the front desk and Simon spoke first, “My name is Simon Gabot, I’m here for an appointment with my son at nine. But, my friend here…” He looked back at Cherish and back towards the receptionist, “…she doesn’t have an appointment for her daughter, and I wanted to have her join us on our visit. Is there any way we can work that out?” He questioned.

  Cherish slowly looked to the receptionist who nodded, “Yes, of course Mr. Gabot. Since this is your first time here, I’ll need you both to fill out some paperwork.” She said clipping the packets of paper on vibrant, translucent clipboards while holding out pens with fake flowers glued on the ends.

  Cherish took a step forward and awkwardly shifted Jasmine in her arms. Simon had it easy with Jr. in a car seat, “O-oh. Thank you.” She said taking the clipboard and following Simon to a seat by the window.

  Simon looked the pages over and quickly filled out his and Jr.’s information. Cherish flicked her tongue across her upper lip and looked at a couple of other mothers who held their babies contently. These women were dressed up compared to her. Their clothes were clean, and they even wore makeup so soon after bringing a child into the world.

  They looked like they belonged there.

  Finishing quickly, Simon placed the clipboard down and took Jasmine from Cherish’s arms. As she read over the paper, she soon realize half of the questions she didn’t know how or what to answer with, “It says insurance. I…we don’t have that.” She whispered.

  Simon looked down at Jasmine’s sleepy face, “Oh. That’s fine.” He said.

  Cherish leaned into him, “H-how much is this going to cost?” She asked him seriously.

  Simon didn’t want to make it a big deal. Cherish didn’t have a job and wasn’t on her feet so he’d already expected she wouldn’t have insurance. For him, it was a no brainer and he could handle the costs. She and Jasmine needed to be taken care of and he brought that responsibility knowingly onto his shoulders. Wetting his lips, he calculated that each visit was well over a hundred dollars. At least seven visits in a year and the costs of immunizations. He blinked at her for a moment and the look on her face told him not to say a word,
“I’ll handle it, Cherish.” He answered.

  Cherish took one scan over the room and thought that him handling it was unfair. She didn’t want to cause a scene or look as though she was ungrateful, she was far from that, she was genuinely concerned, “Can you afford all of this?” She asked.

  Simon didn’t understand what it was like to be in Cherish’s position. He also didn’t know there could be a negative effect generosity could have on a person. True, he had a fair bit of money because of his career as a successful firm lawyer. He came from a line of lawyers, so his parents also had a play in his education and start up. There was extra cash he and Emily put away from Jr. just as his father did for him. But, he knew Emily would have helped Cherish without another bat of her eyes. He would take care of her because she deserved it, “I can. Jasmine needs care.” He said as he met eyes with her, “And so do you.” He added with a nod.

  “I…” A couple of mothers look in their direction, “…I understand we need care but there are programs that can help us, and you’ve already spent enough and…” With a sigh, Cherish shook her head and started to fill out Jasmine's paperwork.

  Simon could tell he’d struck a nerve and felt a bit guilty. Yes, she could get government assistance but, that would take time and effort. For now, he wanted both girls checked up on and healthy.

  Signing Jasmine’s last name off as “Montgomery” just as the first nurse in the hospital told her. Todd wasn’t mentioned anywhere on Jasmine’s birth certificate and she would keep it that way. Once she finished, half of Jasmine’s paperwork was blank. There wasn’t an address because she didn’t have one nor did she know Simon’s. There wasn’t a phone number, no emergency contact, or insurance. All that was written was Jasmine and Cherish’s name. She looked it over for a long moment before handing the clipboard to Simon, “Here.”

  Taking the clipboard and swapping Jasmine, he read over the details and noticed every single gap. Taking the pen, he arched an eyebrow before he began to fill out the rest, “For now, I’m going to write my address and number since you’re staying with us alright?” He asked lifting his gaze for her approval.

  Cherish nodded, “Alright.” She whispered giving in. She watched over his shoulder and pulled back when he was finished. As he left to return the paperwork to the receptionist, she caught sight of another mother staring at them. Her breath vanished because she expected a crude gesture to be thrown her way. Instead, the woman smiled at her and returned her gaze to the television taking her completely by surprise.

  Simon handed the clipboard to the receptionist, returned, sat down, and waited to be called on. After a few moments passed, he sat forward and rested his elbows on his knees, “Are you as tired as I am?” He questioned staring down at Jr. With a weakened smile, he leaned over and dusted his wispy black hairs over his round head. He was so pudgy and cute that Simon wanted to pick him up.

  He knew better.

  Cherish broke her gaze from the news and blinked at him. She smiled a bit and nodded, “After you fell asleep last night, Jasmine woke up. As soon as I put her down, Jr. decided he wanted to feed more. But...I enjoy it. It’s better than...nothing. So yeah, I'm tired as hell.” She answered with a small chuckle.

  Simon smiled a bit. Experiencing parenthood with another person felt nicer than he originally thought. They understood each other’s struggle and he was glad she decided to stay. He knew he would’ve been worse off if he was truly alone.

  Cherish abruptly stopped, rolled her lips in, and cleared her throat, “Sorry.” She muttered.

  She did it again which caused Simon’s eyebrows to tuck together, “Sorry?” He asked. Truly he didn’t understand because he enjoyed her laughter. He didn’t feel joy in himself. In fact, he was numb inside. At least one of them was happy and that was enough for him. But, now he wasn’t so sure.

  Cherish wet her lips, “I didn't mean to laugh so much.” She replied. Unfortunately, she’d hardly laughed ever in her life. Even though Todd never laid a hand on her, the verbal abuse and constant degradation took its toll on her. Even though she was free of him, Todd’s conditioning made her believe she was subpar to Simon. Those habits were hard to break.

  Before Simon had a chance to respond, the door to the back opened and a nurse entered, “Simon and Jasmine!” Cherish stood and approached with Simon behind her. The nurse smiled at them, “Let’s go back to room seven.”

  Being brought into a large, standard pediatrics room. Cherish sat in the chair with Jasmine in her arms while the nurse shut the door behind them. She smiled though when met eyes with Simon, there was an unsaid sympathy behind her gaze, “Alright, you guys my name is Shelby and I’ll be taking the babies measurements.” She said looking between them once again. She then flicked through the paperwork, “Let’s get little Simon up here first on the scale. So, take him out dad and rest him down there.” Shelby said pointing to the scale with her pen. Simon placed Jr. on and she laughed a bit, “Oh. He’s a chunky little guy, isn’t he?” She asked.

  Simon smiled as Jr. stirred on the smooth, white surface, “I was a chubby baby too.” He said proudly.

  The nurse chuckled lightly as she leaned in and read the digital screen, “Eight pounds and fourteen ounces. He’s right on schedule. Don't worry dad, he will gain his weight back quickly. It says here that he had dietary issues. Has that been resolved?” Asking this, she took Jr.’s length and measured the circumference of his head.

  Simon nodded, “Yes, we’ve found a solution.” He answered.

  Once finished, she waved Cherish over who stood. Lifting his boy into his arm, Simon held him and rubbed his back staring down at him. This was Emily and his baby. All that he had left of her and he loved him more because of the fact.

  With Jasmine on the scale, Shelby smiled, “Seven pounds, twelve ounces. So cute!” she said. She measured Jasmine’s length and head before she handing her back to Cherish, “Now, are they wetting at least three diapers a day? Sleeping enough? Eating every three hours?” She asked.

  Cherish and Simon met gazes and her nod assured him, “Yeah. They’re sleeping, eating, and pooping a lot.” He answered.

  The nurse looked between them. Honestly, she was expecting two different answers but...only Simon did. This man just lost his wife, Jasmine was obviously biracial. Who was she to judge? Shelby instead nodded and checked off the boxes, “Alright then. I will be back with Doctor Cline soon. Make yourselves comfortable.” She said walking out of the room and shutting the door behind her.

  Simon nodded to Shelby, “Thank you.”

  Cherish rubbed the spot between her eyes before she lifted Jasmine and stood with him, “Do you think the babies are alright? What if we aren’t answering the questions right?” She asked.

  Simon could tell she was distressed, “They seem fine.” He said running a hand over Jasmine’s balding head, “New parents probably mess up answers all the time. They’re probably used to it. I’m sure it’s okay.” He reassured her but felt anxious to the contrary of his words because of her concerns.

  Cherish rocked from side to side and thought about what Shelby said before. She looked up at Simon, “You didn’t tell me Jr. has issues with eating.” She said. With how straight forward she was, Simon felt defensive for a moment causing her to catch herself. Pausing, she rethought her tone, “I mean, you didn’t have to. I just hope he’s eating enough. Jasmine is eating well with you but…” She glanced down at Jr. and brushed her finger against his small hand, “…I just want him to be well.” She said worriedly. “I don’t even know what to ask the doctors. Do you think they could tell us where the WIC office is?” She questioned.

  To Simon, Cherish clearly cared for his son and wanted the best for him, “I don’t really know what do ask or to expect either. I know they have a routine where they check the babies and review their tests so, I trust them to do a good job. There’s no harm in asking.” He encouraged as his gaze traveled down to Jasmine who was well and awake now.

  Yawning openly,
her little eyes blinked several times and stared off. Cherish followed his gaze and was instantly smacked with a smile, “Hello gorgeous.” She whispered to her while the doctor knocked on the door and entered.

  He was a middle-aged man and shorter than both Simon and Cherish. Which was normal. Cherish stood at 5'10 and Simon was 6'2. The doctor went and shook both of their hands with Shelby behind him, “Good morning, good morning to the four of you. I’m Doctor Cline. How are the parents feeling? Tired? Overwhelmed?” He asked.

  Simon did his best to be put together and smiled, “Good morning. We’re…Alright.”

  “ about you? Any intense feelings going through you right now?” Dr. Cline asked seriously.

  Cherish blinked several times awkwardly and shook her head, “N-no I feel fine.” She answered.

  Doctor Cline took her answer in stride before he nodded and patted the exam table, “Ladies first.” He said looking at them.

  Simon looked to Cherish because he knew it had been a rough few days. He sat down and placed Jr. in his lap. He stifled a deep yawn while playing with his son’s chubby hands. Jr. took a firm hold of his father’s finger and squeezed in his sleep. Staring down at his first born again, he felt a warmed sensation fall over his shoulders.

  He loved every inch of his boy.

  Cherish had to undress Jasmine, who was cold and less than pleased. She made it known. As he checked her hips, diaper, and vitals Jasmine cried out. Her arms and legs kicked erratically, and the doctor checked around her umbilical stub, “That should fall off in a couple of weeks. No baths, for either of them, until it does. Keep them dry. I called the hospital to fax over her test screenings. Everything looks good mom, keep up the good work.” He said. Cherish nodded silently as she redressed Jasmine and soothed her.

  Doctor Cline then looked to Simon, “Alright big guy! Come on down.” He exclaimed.


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