Dragon Blood 3: Surety

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Dragon Blood 3: Surety Page 18

by Avril Sabine

  Amber crushed Maira to her, not caring about the blood that coated her friend, relief almost overwhelming her. “Stay there. Don’t you dare move.” She pulled away, rising to her feet, turning towards the battle in time to see Ronan, in dragon form, reappear and drop Gair’s body into the middle of the courtyard. Above them a dragon roared and Ronan streaked higher into the skies.

  “They’ve got reinforcements coming in from the rear,” Flinn warned. “We’re outnumbered. We need to retreat.”

  “No,” Ronan said.

  “You’re not going to get us killed,” Charles warned.

  Amber stared at the dragon Ronan fought. The dragon who’d roared when he’d seen Gair’s body dumped in the courtyard. “Jay. Meet me in the courtyard.” She turned into a goshawk and flew upwards.

  “I’m coming too,” Crystal said.

  “You’ll stay here,” Flinn ordered.

  “Not likely,” Crystal said.

  Amber said to Crystal and Jasper who joined her, “The dragon Ronan’s fighting, take out his wings.”

  “Are you sure?” Crystal asked. “He’s not a wyvern. He’s a person too.”

  She thought of Maira who’d nearly died. There’d been too many close calls. “They nearly killed Maira. There was a moment when I didn’t think I could heal her. We take that dragon out and I believe there’s only one more to get rid of and we’ve won.”

  “Our army at the rear of the castle is being slaughtered,” Flinn warned.

  “Let’s do it,” Crystal said to Amber and Jasper.

  The three of them flew towards Ronan who was still fighting the same dragon. Other dragons tried to join in, but they were engaged by the warriors who’d flown to help Ronan. Amber struck at the wings of the dragon, swooping away when flames came at her. Again she attacked, barely making any difference. It was going to take them forever.

  Her heart lurched as she though of what she needed to do. “I’m going to burn his wing,” Amber told Crystal and Jasper.

  “Are you crazy?” Crystal demanded.

  “What’s she planning on doing?” Kade asked.

  “Sorry,” Crystal said to Amber. “I forgot not to broadcast. But the question is still the same.”

  “I’ll take the left wing,” Jasper said.

  “Done.” Amber ignored Crystal’s question, flying at the dragon, turning human to cling to his back near his right wing. She hurled a fireball at his wing, managing to throw a second one before she was launched from his back. Falling through the sky, she tried to ignore the pain that hit her as a dragon clawed at her, forcing herself to become a goshawk again. The pain was nearly overwhelming. She struggled to concentrate on her flying.

  “You did it,” Crystal said. “He’s on the ground and Ronan’s tearing him to shreds.

  “The army vanished from the rear of the castle. What’s going on?” Flinn demanded.

  “Cowards,” Ronan said.

  Amber landed on the ground, pain making it hard for her to become human again. She stumbled as she turned human, looking at the blood oozing from her side. The wound was worse than she’d thought. Hands held her, lowering her to the ground and she met Ronan’s gaze.

  “Heal yourself, kitten. Hurry up.”

  She nodded, trying to follow Ronan’s instructions. It was nearly impossible. She frowned when he held up her other hand, then realised he was telling her to draw power from her bracelets.

  Arms wrapped around her shoulders. “Amber.”

  She smiled when Kade spoke her name against her cheek, leaning back against him. She felt so tired.


  Her eyes snapped open and she wondered when she’d shut them. She felt her hand pressed against her side, damp with blood. Then she remembered she was meant to be healing herself. As her wound knitted together, she became more aware of what was going on around her. She was surrounded by worried faces, surprised to see that one of them was her grandmother.

  “Did we win?” Her eyes were drawn to Ronan when he chuckled.

  “For now, but they’ll be back. They’ll want revenge,” Ronan said.

  “That’s not our problem,” Flinn said.

  Ronan held her gaze. “Maybe not.”

  Amber looked away. She should never have told him that she’d protect him. But what could she have done? He’d known something was wrong. She struggled to stand. “Let me up. I’m fine.” She swayed on her feet, glaring at Kade when he put an arm around her waist. “I’m fine,” she muttered.

  “Come into my castle and sit down,” Ronan said.

  She was beginning to get used to his predatory smile. That wasn’t good. “Why did they run?”

  “It would have been because of Laren. He’s the weakest of the three brothers. None of his allies would stay and fight if he wasn’t going to.” Ronan led the way inside.

  “So we won,” Amber said.

  Ronan gave a half shrug. “For now. I’m sure he’ll send assassins. That’s his style. I’ll be ready for them. Eventually I’ll get him, but that isn’t important right now. I need to install my warriors, deal with the dead and get repairs started.”

  Amber sat on the wooden bench in the foyer. It was a dark timber, the legs carved in the shape of nightmare-like creatures, their prey dead at their feet. “Whose seat?”

  Ronan grinned. “Mine.”

  Amber rolled her eyes. Typical dragon response. “I meant who put it here.”

  “It’s as old as the castle,” Ronan said.

  She leaned against Kade as he sat beside her. “That doesn’t surprise me. I guess your family have always been a little odd. And bloodthirsty.”

  Crystal reached out to take Amber’s hand. “Are you okay now? You still look pale.”

  “I’m fine.”

  “Maybe I shouldn’t be having my party tomorrow night. So many people died. So many of our warriors.”

  “Of course you’ll have your party,” Ronan said.

  “Why?” Crystal asked.

  “To celebrate your victory and show your enemies that you’re as strong as ever,” Ronan said.

  “They were only dragons,” Charles said.

  “Shut up, old man,” Flinn growled.

  “Time for you to go back in your cage.” Ronan grabbed Charles by the arm and they vanished.

  When Helen started to complain about high handed dragons, Amber rose to her feet, crossing the space between her and her grandmother. “Did you get hurt?”

  “Not a scratch. What were you thinking? I saw what you and your brother did. What would Donna say?”

  That’s just what she needed, but she wasn’t about to let her grandmother hold it over her. She raised her chin. “Tell her, see if I care.”

  “Amber,” Jasper said in warning.

  Ronan arrived back and took Helen’s arm.

  “Wait.” Amber grabbed his arm, her gaze on Helen. “I’m glad you’re okay. You and Grandad.”

  “Yes well, it’s good you survived too. Donna would never have stopped crying and I would have had to put up with her carrying on for years.”

  Amber was surprised at how much the words hurt. She stared at her grandmother a moment longer before she let go of Ronan and he vanished, taking Helen with him.

  “She didn’t really mean that,” Jasper said.

  Amber met her brother’s eyes. “I think she actually did.” She turned away, watching as warriors bustled around them, cleaning up signs of the battle. At least now she knew why her grandmother had never liked them much. “We’re not Knights, Jay. In her eyes, that makes us weak and unworthy of her attention.” And they never would be Knights. Not true Knights.

  Chapter Twenty-Six

  “Is it very big?” Donna asked

  “Of course it’s big. It’s a castle.” She couldn’t believe her mother had asked such a stupid question.

  “Will I get to see it one day?”

  “How many times do I have to tell you no one can know you’re here?” Her mother was driving her crazy. If
her uncle didn’t hurry up and arrive shortly she’d ditch the entire plan.

  Kade drew out his phone and looked at the screen. “Gary said she’s nervous. Let her talk.”

  Amber glanced towards Gary who was returning his phone to his pocket. Was he right?

  “I know I can’t go out there tonight, but later. You’ll bring me back here later, won’t you?”

  Amber eyed her mother. Was she nervous? Maybe. “Sure. Of course I will. And I’ll even get Rian to give you the full tour.”

  “Why can’t you give me one?”

  “Because I don’t know this place like he does.” And if her mother asked her as many stupid questions as she had tonight, she’d more than likely lose patience with her and end up in an argument.

  “It is your castle, isn’t it?” Donna looked at her suspiciously.

  “Yes, I’m one of the owners, but so is Rian. He’s also my first warrior so it’s his job to know this place better than anyone. It’s his job to know all my environments.”

  The door of the planning room opened and Crystal stood in the doorway, a grin on her face. Behind her was Rian and the man from the photo. Roger. Crystal stepped to the side, letting Roger in. Rian remained in the hallway. “The Void is still clear.” She closed the door and Roger was left standing with his back against it.

  Donna burst into tears. “You look so young.”

  “Donna?” Roger looked around the room. “I thought I was to meet Amber.” His gaze arrowed in on her. “You’re Amber?”

  She nodded, stepping forward. This wasn’t going exactly like she’d planned. “There are no Golds hiding in the Void. No one will know you ever saw your sister. Kade will take her home and everyone will think I wanted our first meeting to be private.”

  “So she’s safe? And my parents? They’re all safe?”


  He came towards her, wrapping his arms around her, Kade standing away from the wall watching him warily. Then he turned to Donna, a grin on his face. “I never thought I’d get to see you again.” Then he was hugging his sister and both of them were crying and speaking at once.

  Amber joined Kade who was leaning against the wall again. “How long do you think we can give them before people start to wonder?”

  He shrugged. “Ten minutes?”

  “She’s not going to be happy to go.”

  “I’ll take Gary back first. Then she can cry on his shoulder instead of mine.”

  Amber laughed. “Good plan.” She looked him up and down. “We don’t want to ruin your outfit when you look so good in it.” He wore a suit coat and buttoned shirt with his dragon-leather pants.

  With a grin, Kade took Gary into the Void, returning a couple of minutes later. He stared at Donna who was still crying and talking quickly, clutching at her brother. “She’s your mother. You’re the one who has to break the news it’s time for her to go.”

  Amber sighed heavily. She better get it over and done with. “Mum.” She stepped closer. “Mum.”

  “What?” Donna continued to hold onto Roger, staring up at him.

  “It’s time to go.”

  “But we’ve barely spoken.”

  “Come on, Mum. You promised. We can’t risk anyone finding out you were here.”

  Roger held her from him. “Amber is right. I won’t risk you after all these years of protecting you. We’ll find another time to meet.”

  Donna nodded, backing away. “I can’t believe how young you look.”

  “Just say goodbye already,” Amber said impatiently.

  “Goodbye, Roger.” She turned to her daughter. “And you need to be back before the end of the school holidays. I’ve accepted a dinner invite from Wayne Smith and his daughter for last day of the holidays.”


  “No arguments.” With a last look at her brother, Donna let Kade take her into the Void. He returned while Roger was still thanking Amber for setting up the meeting.

  “Are you both ready to join the celebrations?” Kade looked from one to the other.

  Amber nodded. “Yeah. Crystal will be annoyed if we don’t put in an appearance at her party. But seriously, how many balls are we going to have to throw in a year?”

  Kade slid an arm around her waist. “You’ll get used to them.”

  “I doubt it,” Amber muttered. She walked beside Kade, a glance over her shoulder towards her uncle who followed them to the ballroom. There were so many things in her life that needed dealing with.

  Her grandparents were demanding to be let go now Ronan’s lands had been captured and wouldn’t stop telling her about the Knights. Cooper needed somewhere more permanent to stay, Roger had to be released from his promise before her mother risked her life trying to see him and Miles hadn’t shown any improvement. There was still another Dragon Mage out there somewhere and an Elder they needed to take down. At least Ronan was happy for the moment, busy taking over his lands. Hopefully that would help slow down his plotting. Although she doubted it.

  Crystal pushed through the crowd, tugging Amber away from Kade. “Come and dance with me. I’m seventeen, we own a castle and life is perfect. We have to celebrate.”

  Amber let Crystal pull her into the dancing crowd, wishing she could feel the same way about everything. She was seventeen and was also an owner of the castle, but life was far from perfect. Crystal threw her head back and laughed, spinning on the spot, arms stretched out, light catching on the diamond necklace they’d recently captured, having begged to borrow it for the ball. Amber grinned. Tomorrow she’d go back to worrying about everything. Tonight Crystal deserved a celebration.


  As always, thanks to the usual crew.

  About The Author

  Avril is an Australian fiction writer who lives with her family on acreage in South East Queensland. She writes mostly young adult speculative fiction, but has been known to dabble in other genres. You can find more information about her at her website www.avrilsabine.com where you can also sign up for her newsletter to be kept informed about new releases, current projects, blog posts and exclusive news.

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  Also By Avril Sabine


  Dragon Blood- Young Adult Urban Fantasy (with elements of romance)

  Book 1: Pliethin

  Book 2: Wyvern

  Book 3: Surety

  Book 4: Knight

  Book 5: Mage


  Demon Hunters- Young Adult Urban Fantasy/Horror (with elements of romance)

  Book 1: Blood Sacrifice

  Book 2: Retribution

  Book 3: Tainted

  Plea Of The Damned- Young Adult Urban Fantasy/Paranormal

  Book 1: Forgive Me Lucy

  Fairytales Retold (Short Stories)

  Snow-White And Rose-Red

  The Twelve Brothers

  The Light Princess

  Beauty And The Beast

  Sleeping Beauty



  Young Adult Fantasy (with elements of romance)

  Elf Sight

  Earth Bound

  Young Adult Urban Fantasy

  Stone Warrior (with elements of romance)

  The Jungle Inside

  Young Adult Contemporary (with elements of romance)

  Through Your Eyes

  The Ugly Stepsister

  Young Adult Contemporary/Paranormal

  Whispers In The Dark (with elements of romance and same sex relationships)


  Dragon Lord (Preteen/early teens) (Fantasy)

  The Irish Wizard (Upper middle grade) (Urban Fantasy)


  Urban Fantasy

  Eternally Late

  Dealings With Joe


  This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, businesses, places, events and incidents are either the products of the author’s imagination or used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental.




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