Nicu (The Dark Shadows Book 5)

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Nicu (The Dark Shadows Book 5) Page 13

by Ariel Marie

  “On me?” she asked, her hand slowly rubbing her belly. The movement of the babies provided her with a small comfort. Why would she choose to die?

  “Are you are willing to erase the future that was meant for you and pave a new path in the stars for yourself?”

  “Where am I, and who are you?” Doubt began to fill her as she looked at him. Change her future? Who was this person?

  “You, my child, are in heaven. And as to the question of who I am? My name is Adros, and I am the God of all deities.”

  “Heaven? A God?” Her voice caught in her throat as her heart plummeted. Her knees gave way and she landed with a solid plop onto the chaise behind her. “If I’m in Heaven, then that means I must be dead?” she whispered, unable to believe her ears. She had died. She didn’t feel any different than before.

  “My daughter has prayed for you to return to the Terra realm. For what, I don’t know—”

  “Your daughter?” Her eyes flew to him. Who would pray for her to return to her life?

  “Arabella Kaldana is my daughter. She walks the Earth with her mate, who is the brother of your mate.”

  Samara closed her eyes at the mention of Nicu. She wished that she could return to him. There was so much that she needed to say to him, but she had run out of time. If only she could go back.

  “My children—” she began.

  “If you go back, so do your children.” Adros interrupted her as he knelt before her. “There hasn’t been a time before since Arabella became a Goddess that she has came to me to plead the case of a mortal. Sending you back will alter the future. You and your children dying were written in the stars since the beginning of time. But, ultimately, it is up to you. Do you want to leave paradise and go back to the harsh Terra realm?”


  * * *

  “I’ve done what I can, Nicu,” Bella’s soft voice appeared behind him. He turned slightly to his sister-in-law and gave her a brief nod. “I have pleaded my case to my father. He is the God of all deities, and he has the last say. He usually doesn’t get involved with the deaths of mortals, but I hope he hears my prayers.”

  “Thank you, Bella,” he said. He turned back to Samara’s still form as Bella’s footsteps faded from the room.

  She remained in a coma. Nicu had placed her in his bed where she belonged. Her dark hair was spread out amongst the stark white pillows. Nadira and his sisters-in-law, Anika and Angel, had cleaned her up and dressed her in a white sleeping gown. She looked angelic as she laid in their bed. The bed she had yet to sleep in before she disappeared. The royal medical team had been providing care for her around the clock. They had turned the bedroom into a temporary hospital room.

  No change in her condition. His eyes turned to the IV poles with a bag of blood running. They were still unsure if her body would accept the transition. They would know for sure whenever she woke up. Nicu had demanded a full assessment of her and the babes.

  The babe’s heartbeats were slightly slower than normal, but had remained stable. Their survival depended on their mother. Nicu sighed and ran a tired hand through his hair as his thoughts drifted back to a few days ago, the night of the battle.

  After what seemed like hours, they had finally gotten her to take a few small sips of his blood. He was still unsure if she had consumed enough, though. Usually, when a mortal consumed vampire blood in the midst of a transition, they experienced pain and agony, but not Samara. She continued in her slumber.

  “Nicu, we need to go,” Toma snapped, stalking back into the room. “Grab your mate. We need to evacuate the building, now. The witches have started the spell and said that everyone needs to get out of the building.”

  Nicu didn’t hesitate as he snatched up his mate into his arms. Every vampire and Valkyrie scrambled and rushed from the throne room, jumping out of the hole that was created in the side wall. They rushed off into the night, fleeing the building.

  Nicu turned and paused at the edge of the woods, just in time to see a massive portal appear. It hung over the building in midair. The shimmery power from the portal cast a bright light in the sky. They all paused to watch as bodies flew instantly into the portal.

  The reasoning behind the witches needing the powerful necromancer’s blood came to light. The spell was dragging every necromancer in the realm into the portal.

  “Holy shit,” Teague breathed next to Nicu. “Where was this spell fifty years ago?”

  “We cannot change the past,” Nicu murmured as they all stood frozen in place and watched as necromancers’ bodies continued to fly through the air and be thrust into the magnificent hole. Yes, it would have been nice to have the witches cast this spell then. But, had they, all their futures would have turned out differently. It was fate who brought the witches to them now.

  They watched as necromancers tried to fight the spell, but lost the battle and flew into the portal.

  He held Samara’s still form closer to his chest. The sound of thunder filled the air as the portal began to shrink. It snapped shut and a blanket of silence fell upon them.

  “The war is finally over,” Nicu said, turning to his brothers. “I must get my mate home.”

  “My son.” Nicu turned to find his parents standing in the doorway. Concern lined both their faces as they stepped into the room.

  “Father. Mother.” He stood. His mother came into the room and wrapped her arms around his waist. He returned her hug as his father stood back, but laid a comforting hand on his shoulder.

  “How is she?” his mother asked, patting him on the chest, her eyes on Samara.

  “The same. There hasn’t been any change,” he answered.

  “She will pull through this. The Gods will see that her and the babes will survive. I’m sure of it,” the queen said fiercely. “You must remain strong for them. Talk to her and the babes. Let them know that you are here. Let your voice guide them to you.”

  “The rest of the family is out in your living quarters,” the king said. “We’re all here for you. Call us if you need us.”

  Nicu nodded as his parents closed the bedroom door. He glanced back down at Samara and slid into the bed beside her. He pushed her hair away from her face and couldn’t take his eyes off her beautiful profile.

  He laid a gentle kiss on her cheek and began to speak to her.

  “Samara, I need you.”

  Chapter Thirty-Four


  An hour had passed since he had climbed in the bed with Samara. He’d gotten everything off his chest that he had been holding back. Everything that he felt for her, he laid it out on the table. He wasn’t sure if she heard a word he said, but at least he had put his true feelings out in the atmosphere about her.

  He ran his fingers along the side of her cheeks, memorizing the beauty of his mate. He leaned in and placed a kiss on her cheek, and jumped back as she gasped for air.

  “Samara,” he exclaimed as he watched her eyes flutter open. She let loose a moan as her head turned to him. “Can you hear me?”

  His breath caught in his throat as her eyes fluttered and finally opened.

  Crimson eyes stared back at him.

  She had transitioned.

  “I heard every word you said,” she whispered around her tiny fangs that peeked through underneath her lips.

  “My mother figured my voice would bring you back to me,” he said. His hand shook slightly as he palmed her swollen belly. A kick greeted him and caused a small smile to play on his lips. He moved his hand and another kick pushed his hand off her belly.

  “She’s a smart woman.” She smiled, displaying her sexy fangs. “And just so you know, I love you too,” she said as a lone tear slid down her cheek, disappearing into her thick dark hair.

  He gently gathered her to him, careful of the tubing attached to her arm. “I’m sorry—” he started, but she shook her head as she gazed up at him.

  “No, it is I who should be apologizing. When I was speaking to Adros—”

  “Who? Bel
la’s father? The God?”

  “Yes. I had crossed over and made it to Heaven. I knew my dying was a mistake. I had so much to say to you that I couldn’t make that decision.”

  “It was your decision to come back?” he asked, searching her eyes for the truth. Even with her newly turned eyes, he could see it. She wanted to be with him. A rough, dangerous vampire like himself and this sweet empath with a heart the size of the moon, wanted to spend her life with him.

  “Adros said that Bella pleaded with him for my life, and this was the first time that he would leave it up to a mortal on whether or not to continue their journey in Heaven or come back to Earth. I knew that the boys and my destiny was not in Heaven, but here on Earth with you.”

  “I had to change you,” he said.

  “So, I’m a vampire now?” she asked as she struggled to sit up beside him. He helped her get into a better position against the pillows.

  “Yes.” He paused and waited for her reaction.

  He watched as she reached up and gently touched the tip of her fingers to her newly developed incisors. He waited patiently as she explored her changed teeth.

  “Is anything else different about me?” she asked, turning to him.

  “Your eyes.” He reached for her hand and brought it to his lips. “They are crimson right now. It was the only way I knew that I could try to save you and the babes.”

  “It’s all right. I knew there was really only one way I could escape death; take advantage of you trying to change me or stay in Heaven. Adros told me that should I stay on Earth, the transition to vampire would be smooth since the babies are vampire. They will be powerful vampires, being that I am an empath.”

  “You’re okay with this? Being a vampire?” He remembered the look of horror on her face when he fed from the rogue.

  She reached her free hand up to his face, cupping his cheek gently. He breathed in her scent, loving the warmth of her hand and the feel of her belly, their children pressing up against him.

  “I was willing to do anything to get back to you.”

  The commander of the Dark Shadows, a fierce warrior, leader of the deadliest warriors who had sworn to give their lives for the good of vampires everywhere, was literally left speechless.

  He had almost lost this.

  His woman, his heirs.

  His future.

  Now, here he was, given a second chance to have a fulfilled life. He would take full advantage of having his mate by his side and raise the future of the vampire nation.

  He leaned in, unable to resist taking his mate’s mouth in a deep kiss.

  Reminding her that she was his and he was hers.

  For all eternity.


  King Vladimir Olaru

  Six months later

  * * *

  Vlad glanced around the room and a wave of pride filled his chest as he looked around at his family. Alin beamed with joy as she held one of the twins in her arms. Matei Anton Olaru had his grandmother twisted around his little finger, while his older brother, Marku Stefan Olaru, had his father wrapped just as tight around his.

  Vlad loved that his son, his eldest heir, had finally found love. Nicu and Samara sat together on the loveseat while they both stared down at Marku. Nicu even had a small smile on his lips as he stared down at the eldest future king.

  Samara and the boys were just what Nicu needed. Vlad felt nothing but love in the air. Nadira and Cooper, Toma and Anika, Teague and Bella, and Adrian and Angel completed the family.

  Standing together through all the hard times, they had secured the future of vampires everywhere. The necromancers were now gone from the face of the Earth, banished for all eternity to a realm unknown.

  Vlad casually strolled to Alin and smiled as he watched her coo to the baby. It was amazing how the fierce queen of the vampires could be brought to the level of making baby noises to her beloved grandchild.

  “How is the future king doing?” he asked, resting a hand on his mate’s shoulder.

  “He’s going to be a strong leader to his people,” she said with a warm smile.

  She lifted Matei up to her shoulder, bringing him closer to Vlad. He became just as captivated by the crimson eyes of the small infant who looked identical to Nicu. Matei’s eyes slowly morphed back to the same ice blue eyes that reminding him so much of Alin’s that she shared with all their children.

  “Are you happy, my dear?” he asked, unable to resist taking his grandson from his wife. He laid a gentle kiss to Matei’s forehead.

  “I am,” she answered, clasping her hands to her chest as she gazed around the room. “Our family is finally complete.”

  “Mom?” Nadira spoke up from her side of the sunroom. “Cooper and I have an announcement to make.”

  “So do we,” Angel said with a shy smile on her face, as Adrian wrapped his arms around her. “But you go first, Nadira.”

  “Oh, no.” Nadira shook her head. “Go ahead, Angel.”

  “Please—” Angel started, but Alin cut her off.

  “Out with it!” Alin laughed. “We don’t have all day. The council will be here shortly to meet the future kings.”

  Angel and Nadira shared a look before turning to Alin.

  “I’m pregnant!” they both exclaimed at the same time.

  Squeals echoed around the room. Vlad’s smile grew as he watched his wife fly out of her chair, running over to the girls as they celebrated.

  This was what they had been fighting for.

  Their future.

  * * *

  The End


  There are so many people I would like to acknowledge. My family, I love you to the moon and back. I want to thank you for allowing me to follow a dream. It means so much to me.

  To my editor, Dana, you rock girlie! Thanks so much for making me look good! To Natasha, my cover designer, where would I be without you? My books would be naked! You are amazing to work with and your work just blows me away.

  To my street team, Ariel’s Sirens and my beta readers, thank you for taking the time to support me. Thank you for taking the time to share my work. It means so much that you enjoy my work enough to keep coming back for more.

  To all of the bloggers who constantly share my work, thank you!! It means a lot that you take the time out of your busy schedules to sign up for all of my cover reveals, sales and releases!

  To my readers— THANK YOU, for choosing my book. Out of all the books in the world, you didn’t have to choose my book but you did and it means so much to me.

  Last year, I held a contest to name the heroine in Nicu’s book. So many people entered the contest to name Nicu’s love interest. Elisa Panjang won the contest and she named Samara! Congratulations on winning the contest! Your name totally shaped up the heroine who had to be strong enough to handle Nicu!

  I hope you have enjoyed the Dark Shadows series as I know I have. From communications, I know some of you are sad to see it end. But don’t worry, I will have plenty of other characters for you to fall in love with! So stay tuned!

  Until next time,

  Ariel Marie

  About the Author

  Ariel Marie is a an author who loves the paranormal, action and hot steamy romance. She combines all three in each and every one of her stories. For as long as she can remember, she has loved vampires, shifters and every creature you can think of. This even rolls over into her favorite movies! She loves a good action packed thriller! Throw a touch of the supernatural world in it and she’s hooked!

  She grew up in Cleveland, Ohio where she currently resides with her husband and three beautiful children.

  Connect with Ariel Marie online!



  Also by Ariel Marie

  An Erotic Vampire Novella Series

  Summer’s Destiny

  Emely’s Destiny

  Ilena’s Destiny (TBD)

* *

  The Dark Shadows Series







  * * *

  The Mirrored Prophecy Series

  Power of the Fae

  Fight for the Fae

  Future of the Fae (TBD)

  * * *

  Stand Alone Book

  Dani’s Return

  A Faery’s Kiss

  Fourteen Shades of F*cked Up: An Anthology

  Claiming My Valentine: An Anthology

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