CHAPTERS I,II,III. Report of a Select Committee [ut supra], 1838. Evidence of John Barnes, Esq., pp.37-49. Also Appendix to above Report, I., No.56,B.
"Tasmanian Journal of Natural Science", etc., vol. ii. Account of Macquarie Harbour, by T. G. Lempriere, Esq., A.D.C.G., pp.17, 107, 200. Tasmania: Henry Dowling. London: John Murray, 1846.
"Van Diemen's Land Anniversary and Hobart Town Almanac, 1831." Account of Macquarie Harbour, by James Ross, p.262. Hobart Town: James Ross, 1832.
"Meliora", April, 1861--"Our Convict System": case of Charles Anderson, chained to a rock for two years in irons. See also "Our Convicts", p.233, vol.i., Mary Carpenter. Longmans, 1864.
"Backhouse's Narrative" [ut supra] chapters iii., iv. Files of Hobart Town Courier, 1827-8, more especially October 23 and December 7, 1827, and February 2, 1828.
CHAPTERS IV. and VIII. Report of a Select Committee [ut supra], 1838, pp. 353, 354, 355.
CHAPTERS IX., XV., XVII. "Tasmanian Journal" [ut supra], vol.i.: Account of Macquarie Harbour, by T. G. Lempriere, Esq. [ut supra]. The seizure of the Cypress (sic.), pp.366-7. Escape of Morgan and Popjoy, p.369. The seizure of the Frederick, pp.371-375.
"Van Diemen's Land Annual", 1838: Narrative of the Sufferings and Adventures of certain of Ten Convicts, etc., pp.1-11. Hobart Town: James Ross, 1838.
"Old Tales of a Young Country", by Marcus Clarke: The Last of Macquarie Harbour, pp. 141-146. The Seizure of the Cyprus, pp.133-140. Melbourne: George Robertson, 1871.
For the Term of His Natural Life Page 102