Shades of Pleasure: Five Stories of Domination and Submission

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Shades of Pleasure: Five Stories of Domination and Submission Page 28

by Tawny Taylor

  “Don’t leave.”

  The tiniest spark of hope ignited inside Trey’s cold heart. “Why?” he asked, still staring straight ahead, at the door. He knew if he stepped through that door that would be the end for them. He was not ready to face that possibility.

  “Because I love you.”

  Oh God. If ever there’d been a time when he’d needed to hear those words, it was now. Finally, he found the strength to turn around. Immediately, he saw the dark desperation carved into Damon’s features, and the tension pulling at his body, making the ropey sinew of his shoulders and arms that much more noticeable.

  Trey swallowed, attempting to clear away whatever hard substance had coalesced in his throat. Didn’t work. “What’s happening to us, Damon?” He shook his head. “Things are going to hell between us. I’d rather talk about this in private, not in front of Blair.”

  “No, she stays. I won’t have her feeling like she’s not a part of this, of us.”

  Dammit, Damon was going to force him to do this with her there, hearing things she didn’t deserve to hear. She wasn’t going to walk away from today without some hurt and regret. Didn’t Damon realize that?

  “I think you’re making a mistake,” Trey said.

  “I’d be happy to go.” Once again, Blair started toward the door. “In fact, I need to run an errand…”

  Again Damon stopped her. “Stay here.”

  Blair stole a glance at Trey before turning pleading eyes at Damon. “But this is between the two of you, and it’s important.”

  Damon smoothed a hand down the side of her face. “It’s between the three of us.”

  What the hell did that mean? Did Damon want to make this threesome more permanent than they’d talked about?

  Blair gaped but didn’t say another word.

  “What are you thinking?” Trey asked, bracing himself for what he knew in his gut would be bad news. Or at least a huge surprise.

  “I’m thinking you need to stop being so fucking jealous. You knew what these two weeks were all about. So why are you being like this?”

  Great, so now this was all his fault. He was the one who was acting like an ass.

  It was always that way. Every problem they had was because of something he’d said, done, didn’t do, whatever. Not this fucking time. Hell no!

  These two weeks hadn’t gone the way they’d talked about. Something was off. Way off.

  His heart banged hard against his breastbone, sending liquid fire through his veins. “Fuck you, Damon. If you can’t see what a prick you’re being, then there’s nothing to talk about.” This time he made it to the door, had his fingers curled around the knob, before Damon tried to stop him again.

  “Trey, dammit!”

  Trey jerked the knob and pushed open the door.

  This time, Damon literally broke into a run, slammed into him from behind and sent him hurling into the carpeted reception area. Somehow, Trey managed to stay on his feet. He shoved Damon back. Damon grabbed Trey’s arm. “Dammit, listen.”

  “If you’re just going to give me more of that ‘it’s all your fault’ shit, I don’t need to listen. I’ve heard enough for a lifetime.”

  They stood staring at each other for a handful of agonizing seconds, nostrils flaring, faces flushed, bodies tight. Trey refused to say another word. He’d be wasting his breath.

  Damon stared at the floor, crossed his arms over his chest, nervously rocked his weight from one leg to another, the way he always did when he was struggling with something. “I don’t know how to explain.”

  “Try. Or you know what’s going to happen.”

  “Yeah,” Damon said on a heavy sigh. “I know.”


  “So…” Damon’s brows knit together. The guy was your typical male, didn’t know how to talk about things that mattered. Ask him about last night’s game, and he wouldn’t shut up. Ask him what he was feeling, and he shut down.

  Trey wasn’t going to let him get away with that anymore. He couldn’t. It was too one-sided now.

  This thing with Blair hadn’t started their troubles. He could be objective enough to see now that they’d been having problems for a long time. He shared the fault for one very important reason—he’d been the one to let it go on this way for so long. Too long.

  “I didn’t know it would be like this,” Damon admitted, lifting his gaze but still avoiding Trey’s face. He glanced over his shoulder, back into the warehouse where Blair was waiting, quietly, patiently for them to sort this shit out. “I mean, I knew I still loved her. But I had no idea I’d feel so…” He dragged his fingers through his hair, finally making eye contact. “So fucking desperate to be with her, to touch her, fuck her, to have her all to myself. We’ve shared so many women. It’s never been like this.”

  “Yeah, I noticed. I might as well not be here.”

  “Shit, Trey. I still love you. That hasn’t changed.”

  “Are you sure?”

  “Positive. I can’t lose you.”

  “Then you better start showing me. Today. Now. Because otherwise…” Trey couldn’t say the words. Didn’t want to hear them spoken, because then he knew it could really happen. They might say goodbye, and he’d lose the one human being on the planet whom he’d ever trusted completely.

  Damon hesitantly stepped forward, reaching for him, but Trey didn’t step into his embrace. He wasn’t ready to pretend it was all better. Damon’s arms dropped to his sides. “What more do you need?”

  “We haven’t fucked since the first night with Blair. What do I need? I need you. I need to feel like I’m not just another accessory in your bondage arsenal. Or your competition for Blair. I’m your best friend. Soul mate. Lover. Or I’m nothing. Only you know what I am to you.”

  “You are everything to me. The air I breathe. Don’t ever doubt that.” Damon didn’t wait for him to accept his embrace. Damon just yanked him against his body, tangled his fingers in Trey’s hair, tugged back and kissed him. Hard.

  Trey’s body, of course, responded to every stab of Damon’s tongue. His already racing heart did its damnedest to kick its way out of his chest. With mouth and hands, Damon said all the things he’d struggled to say with words. With kisses, he said, I love you more than anything. And with his grappling hands, he said, I need you more than I can ever say.

  It had been a long time since they’d had this kind of erotic tension between them. Damon’s touches weren’t sensual, or even erotic like usual. They were possessive, demanding, urgent. Damon moaned into their joined mouths, the sound vibrating in Trey’s head, buzzing through his body. He pulled Damon’s tongue into his mouth, suckling, drinking Damon’s spicy flavor.

  Trey gathered Damon’s hair into his fist and pulled sharply, forcing his head back. Against the salty-sweet skin at the base of Damon’s throat, Trey muttered, “Let’s go give Blair what she asked for. Let’s let her be a witness to our hunger, our love.” Reaching down, Trey caressed the hard bulge between Damon’s legs.

  “Yessss,” Damon murmured.

  They walked into the warehouse, finding Blair sitting on the bed in the dungeon, her eyes teary and face blotchy. “I’m so sorry,” she mumbled, sounding as miserable as she looked. She sniffled, dabbed her nose with a tissue. “I hate that you two were fighting because of me.”

  “It’s okay.” Damon sat beside her on the bed but didn’t release Trey’s hand. He rested the free one on Blair’s knee. “We talked. Things are better now.”

  She turned those misery-filled eyes to Trey. “Are they?”

  “I didn’t leave,” Trey answered. He couldn’t tell her a lie, that everything was perfect and they’d solved their problems with just a short, albeit heated, argument. But things were on the right track.

  “We want to give you what you asked for,” Damon said, dragging his hand up her thigh. “We’re going to fuck, Trey and I. And then we’re going to fuck you, both of us, like we talked about.”

  Her smile was shaky but sweet and
sexy too. “Thank you.”

  “No, we should thank you. You’re the one who helped us see we had—have—problems.” Damon gave Trey a guilty smile. “Or rather, you helped me see we have problems. I think Trey here’s pretty in touch with things. I have a harder time. But if it means making sure this man is in my life for another fifteen years, then I’ll do whatever it takes. I’ll talk about my fucking feelings until he screams enough.” He chuckled.

  Trey sat beside him, laughing. “If that day ever comes, I’ll eat an entire pan of squid, just for you.”


  Blair giggled nervously. “What’s that all about?”

  “This guy has never tasted seafood of any kind. Not even tuna,” Damon explained.


  Scowling, Trey nodded. “It’s a thing from when I was a kid. And it’s just something I never bothered to try to overcome.”

  “Looks like we’re all dodging the skeletons from our past,” Blair commented, looking guilty.

  “Does that mean you’re still hiding a few?” Trey said, turning some dark eyes on her.

  Blair smiled, shook her head. “We’re talking about you, not me.”

  “Nice dodge,” Damon said, sliding Blair a grin. “We’ll get back to that later.”

  “Yes, we will.” Trey was all too happy to divert their collective attention from him back to Blair.

  Unfortunately, it seemed Blair had her own gift for diversions.

  Standing on the mattress, she clapped her hands and scrubbed them together. “So about this sex thing, do I have to just sit here and watch, or can I participate in some way?”

  “What way would you like to participate?” Damon looked surprised, shocked.

  “Well, one thing that drives me absolutely crazy when we’re together is the way you talk to each other, tell each other how I taste, smell, what you want to do. I want to be in charge this time.”

  “Oh no, we’re not switches.” Damon shook his head. “Sex between us is strictly sex. No power play, no submission.”

  “Okay, maybe I misspoke. I like how you dominate me. I don’t want to lose that. I’m thinking more like, ‘Damon, will you please stroke Trey’s balls?’ That kind of thing.”

  Trey liked the sound of that. Both Blair’s suggestion itself and the idea of her being something of an active participant and asking them to perform for her.

  A blade of heat speared his insides. His balls tightened. Yes, that sounded like fun.

  Damon and Trey exchanged a heated glance and then both barked, “Sure!”

  This was bound to be a new, thrilling experience for both of them. Maybe, just maybe, they’d found a way to bring Blair into their lives in a more balanced way. That made Trey feel tons better and made the still uncertain future look a little less dim.

  “But before we start, our sweet girl needs to agree to a few terms,” Damon announced.

  “What kind of terms,” she asked, knowing they were going to be naughty and delicious and oh-so wicked.

  “First, we want you naked. Everything comes off,” Damon began, looking at her like she was a scrumptious treat.

  Yes, naughty.

  Damon crossed his arms over his chest. “But you’re not permitted to touch yourself. Not your nipples and definitely not your pussy.”

  And yes, delicious.

  “And you have to sit right here, next to us, close enough to touch us, to hear every gasp and sigh.”

  And oh yeah, very wicked.

  “Okay,” she agreed, hoping she’d have the strength to keep up her end of the bargain. Sit next to two beautiful men, as they fucked, and not masturbate? Was that possible?

  They both looked at her expectantly, and she realized they were waiting for her to strip.

  She promptly, gladly, peeled off every scrap of clothing she had on, even the cute lace thong. Then she fluffed some pillows, stacked them at the head of the bed and leaned back, ready to watch the show of a lifetime. “Damon, will you undress Trey for me? Slowly.”

  Damon gave her an evil smile, let his gaze wander over her body for a super-heated moment and then licked his lips. “You bet I will.” He positioned Trey so they were both kneeling profile to her and she could see them both. Trey lifted his arms, and Damon dragged Trey’s shirt up, revealing his gloriously sculpted upper body one tasty inch at a time. Damon tossed the shirt and then unzipped Trey’s snug jeans, uncovering a wedge of tanned temptation.

  A huge knot formed in Blair’s throat. She gulped. Gulped again. Lifted a hand to her forehead to sweep aside a piece of hair that was falling over her face.

  Trey glanced at her for a moment, and a buzzing, zapping connection charged through the air between them. She could almost feel the need gathering in his body, swirling and churning like storm clouds.

  Down the pants went. No underwear. Trey’s thick rod sprang free, his tight balls snug against the base. The sight took Blair’s breath away for a split second. She gasped to reinflate her lungs.

  In the next instant, Trey was naked, his glorious body there for her to admire. So perfect. Tanned skin smooth and velvety over hard, rippling muscles and sinew. Strong. Powerful, sleek.

  “Now, Trey, will you please undress Damon.”

  Trey gave her a look of raw hunger then turned to Damon. His hands deftly worked as he removed Damon’s shirt, his pants. His fingertips skimmed over Damon’s skin as he worked, teasing him and Blair.

  And Damon reacted so visibly, it increased Blair’s thrill a hundred times. His eyelids fell closed and his head dropped back. His mouth pursed in a semi-pout, and the muscles of his neck and shoulder tightened until she could see the lines separating each one. Until he looked like a hard, sweaty warrior, preparing for battle.

  Perfect. They were both so perfect.

  Her hands skimmed up her stomach, stopping before they reached her tingling nipples. A twitchy tightness was pulling between her legs. She wanted to rub it away.

  Can’t. Oh this is torture.

  “Now kiss, please. I’m burning up. I need to see you touch each other the way you do without me, when I’m not here.”

  They tipped their heads and their mouths met in an open-mouthed, mind-blowing kiss. She could see their tongues stroking and stabbing, almost like a battle for possession. Very masculine. And very sexy. They stroked each others’ chests, shoulders, stomachs. Their touches weren’t soft and gentle but strong, hard, possessive. Damon curled his fingers slightly, raking them down Trey’s tight chest, leaving red stripes. Trey groaned, the sound somewhat swallowed up in their kiss, and did the same to Damon.

  Someone moaned. It was her. Her hands crept higher until her fingers rested just below her hard nipples.

  This was impossible. Cruel. Her legs fell open a little and she glanced down, not surprised to see her folds shimmering with her juices.

  “Don’t touch,” Damon growled, his voice gritty and raw.

  Her eyes snapped up to meet his, and she licked her dry lips, nodding. She might be telling her two guys what to do, but they were still very much in charge. And oh yes, that was the way she wanted it. Needed it. Had to have it.

  “I’m so hot,” she said, her voice reflecting the bone-deep desperation she felt. “This is so good, it’s torture.”

  They both smiled at her.

  “Good,” Trey said, reaching out and closing a hand around Damon’s cock to give it a slow, yummy pump.

  Blair watched his hand inch up to the base then glide back down to the flared head. Her mouth watered at the sight, and she could imagine dropping her head, licking away the pearl of pre-cum gathering on the center slit, tasting, devouring, begging for more.

  “Who do you want to see fucked?” Damon asked, his eyes still closed. “Whose ass do you want to see get crammed full of hard cock?”

  Once again, the air slammed from her lungs, like she’d been socked in the chest. Those words? Holy smokes! So sexy.

  She gulped in a shallow breath. Did it matter who was fucked and w
ho did the fucking? Yes. And no.

  She wanted to see Damon give the pleasure, Trey receive, to witness that dynamic and discover what vulnerability he’d reveal when he was giving pleasure to Trey.

  “Damon, will you fuck Trey? Will you fuck him with all the love you have for him?”

  “Yes, I will.” He went to the cabinet, returning less than a minute later with some lube. No rubber. He smoothed some on his cock, working it around the head, over the tip and down his full length. It felt so right watching him, watching them together. She held her breath as he applied more over Trey’s anus then tested his puckered opening with two fingers.

  Blair’s heart started pounding so hard and fast she could hear it.

  Then he turned Trey around, so he was on his knees, facing Blair, his head close enough to rest on Blair’s bent knees if she drew them together. Close enough to smell the scent of her pleasure, which hung heavy in the air. Trey’s nostrils flared slightly as he inhaled, his lips curling into a half-smile, his eyes gleaming with raw male wanting.

  “I love the way you smell,” he murmured, sending a quake racing down her spine.

  As much as she’d wanted this, to witness the intimacy between these two men, to understand their relationship better, she was in agony. There was no more erotic a sight than a pair of perfect men touching each other this way. Both strong and powerful. Damon held Trey’s hips as he drove his cock in and out of Trey’s anus. And Trey tipped his head back and rocked on his hands and knees, taking each thrust hard. The depth of their pleasure was plain on both their faces and in the taut muscles of their shoulders and chests.

  Within minutes the room was filled with the scent and sounds of sex. The sensations whirled around in the air, seeped into her body and charged through her veins until she was lost in them. Her hands slid down her torso, skimmed over her pubic bone and out to her thighs.

  Don’t touch myself. Can’t touch myself.

  How much longer would they make her wait?

  She could hear Trey’s breathing speed up, grow shallow. A deep rosy flush was spreading up his chest, his neck. She checked Damon. His gaze tangled with hers, dark eyes full of raw sexual power. His lips parted, as if he was about to speak, but no sound came out. His jaw tight, he surged his hips forward harder, faster.


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