Dirty Sexy Furry (Southern Shifters Book 1)

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Dirty Sexy Furry (Southern Shifters Book 1) Page 13

by Eliza Gayle

  “No, baby, I’m not coming yet. I have to taste you. Your new scent is about to make me fucking crazy.”

  “New scent?”

  “Oh, yeah. You’re marked now and every cat around will know it. You carry my scent as well as yours. It calls to me.” Flipping her onto her back, right there on the soft throw rug, he spread her legs wide and stared down at her. “Look at you, so beautiful and hot. Making me crazy with need.”

  Slowly, way too slowly, he licked her slit from her opening straight up to her protruding sensitive knot of nerves.

  “God, Lucas, you’re torturing me.” She tried to wiggle harder against his tongue but his hands held her legs tight enough to keep her in place. He wasn’t about to give her the control she so desperately wanted.

  Her need began to border on pain as he delved one finger inside her. More. She wanted more. She wanted him to fill her and make her scream. She grabbed his hair and pulled hard. “Lucas, if you don’t fuck me right this second I am going to kick your ass!” In retaliation for her outburst, he bit at her sensitive nub and added a second finger to the first, further stretching her tight channel. Her eyes rolled back in her head.

  “Maybe that’s just what you need, sweetheart. A little ass whipping. And I’m just the man to give it to you.” Withdrawing his fingers from her clenching sex, he flipped her onto her stomach and pulled her up onto her knees. Before she even had a chance to respond, she received a hard, stinging smack right on her ass.

  Too stunned by his actions to speak, her body flamed from the pleasurable sting. With each subsequent blow, the heat made her nerves pulse harder. “Lucas, please I need you so bad,” she begged. She couldn’t help it. Her body was in control, not her mind. The only thing she wanted was him filling her right now. She reached for her aching flesh, desperate for relief, but he pushed her hand away.

  “No, only I get to touch it now.” He smacked her ass again, simultaneously filling her sex with his hard, thick length.

  She screamed out. Oh God. The stinging of her ass combined with him stretching her blew her mind. Her body shook.

  Before she could take another breath, his hands grabbed her cheeks and spread them wide.

  “Kira, I’m going to take you here, too, baby.” The words were spoken as a given not a choice. No one had ever taken her that way, but here in this moment she didn’t care. Caution and worry were gone, replaced by a driving, frenzied need as she pushed harder against him, striving for deeper penetration. She belonged to Lucas heart and soul and would give him whatever he wanted.

  “Yes, Lucas—” Before she finished her plea for more, he pressed the tip of his finger into the ultra tight hole. Dark spots waved in her vision as she instinctively pushed back driving both his hard cock and long finger deep inside her. The intense sensations sizzled through her blood as her muscles clenched around him in an explosive and unstoppable release.

  He roared his satisfaction, pumping hard inside her body. He added a second finger to her ass, further stretching her opening. Just when she was sure he was nearing his orgasm, he pulled completely from her body. The shock of his sudden departure made her legs tremble, too weak to look back to see what he was doing.

  But she didn’t need to see, she knew what was coming.

  His fingers delved into her, dipping in and out and covering them with her juices. Like in her dreams, those fingers moved up to her ass, pushing into the tight hole and rubbing them around.

  He was lubricating her. Preparing her for his cock. She shuddered, somewhat frightened by how much she wanted it.

  Then he was at the opening, prodding her to open and then pushing past her tight ring of muscles, forcing it gently in. Her body tensed when it started to burn, a soft cry escaping her lips.

  “Relax, Kira, trust me, baby. It will hurt less if you relax. In a minute you’re going to be so surprised.” As he pushed ruthlessly inside, he sparked against unexplored pleasure points. He pressed further and the combination of pleasure and pain threatened to throw her headlong into another abyss.

  Finally seated, he bent across her backside whispering into her ear. “Do not come, Kira. Not until I say so. Do you hear me? A little delayed release is going to make this even better.” Her heart raced and her body shook as she tried to control the flash of heat building within. “Kira?”

  “Yes, okay, I’m trying.” Her words were breathless from the struggle.

  “If you come before I say so, I’ll be forced to punish you and start all over again.” She didn’t have time to heed his warning. He slowly pulled back, swamping her with a dark pleasure that burned out of control.

  “Oh God, Lucas, it’s too much, I—I can’t take it.” Sweat beaded on her body as she continued the fight, holding back the explosion.

  “No! Not yet.” Lucas slammed in and out of her ass harder, forcing her orgasm to the surface.

  “Please—please,” she begged. Her words died as she lost the fight for control.

  “Come now, mate.”

  One more drag and her body splintered, flying apart. Her screams filled the room, long and loud. The climax hit her so hard and strong all she heard was the blood roaring in her head.

  “Yes, baby. You’re mine now, Kira. I’m coming.” Heat flooded her backside, pushing her farther than she thought possible. More screams filled the room.

  Time passed as they bucked and thrashed against each other, unable to quell the sensations. Pleasure, warmth, and most of all love flowed between them as their bodies stilled.

  Lucas collapsed over her as he slipped from her. He mumbled something to her but she didn’t hear what he said. He’d worn her out, and she needed more sleep. Her last thought before succumbing was despite everything she had put him through she couldn’t give him up. He belonged to her now.


  While Kira lay sleeping, Lucas caressed her hip, marveling at the beauty of her shape. It still amazed him how every curve of her body fit perfect against his.

  She’d passed out after sex and he worried if he’d gone too far with her. He couldn’t bear it if she looked at him differently when she woke. Still possessed by anger, he’d wanted to claim her in his own way as well as punish her for what she’d done to him. Would she understand that had soothed his soul as well as satisfied the cat?

  She’d been incredible. Not only had she submitted to his darker desires and needs, she’d embraced them with a wanton desire of her own.

  Instead of trying to stop his invasion, she had prodded him to succumb to his aggressive nature. Remembering her fervent responses, his body stirred to life again. Unbelievably, he wanted to roll her over and take her again.

  Shaking his head to clear his mind, he gently got up from the bed. This time he’d go out for a run instead. Shifting would free his mind of his problems, giving him a clear shot at deciding the best course of action from here.

  Despite everything they had been through together, she still thought to leave him. Maybe he’d just tie her to the bedposts and sexually torment her until she admitted she had feelings for him.

  She won’t leave me. I won’t allow it. Satisfied that they’d work it out, he left the room with quite the wicked grin spreading across his face.

  The crisp mountain air ruffled Lucas’ fur as he sprang across the stream. The freedom and power he experienced in his animal form exhilarated him. Due to the harsh terrain of the Dragon, there were few humans who ventured off the nearby mountain road, leaving Lucas and his clan free to roam the land as they saw fit. It was rare anyone from outside his clan tried to harm any of them. But occasionally one of their kind would be spotted and reported, but with no evidence it got chalked up to the smaller native bobcat.

  Mountain lions, cougars and panthers were all considered extinct east of the Mississippi except in a small region of Florida. Little did they know. The other two clans living in the Dragon, while only separated by a few miles from each other, kept to themselves as much as possible. Although the wolves had a thing for stirring
up trouble.

  In the two decades Lucas had served his clan as Guardian, only a handful of its members had tried to break the laws and mate outside. All who did were banished. Once gone from the clan, their psychic powers would diminish until after about three years they would completely disappear. Leaving them to live out the rest of their extended lives as humans.

  Just like—

  Lucas stopped in his tracks. The wind carried a familiar scent to his nostrils. One he hadn’t scented in these woods in a very long time. A low growl reverberated in his chest. Adrenalin coursed through his veins and his hair stood on end. Snarling, he turned to face the intruder.

  “Hello, Lucas.” The man chuckled, a harsh sound that didn’t come across as humor at all. “Surprised to see me?”

  Lucas quickly shifted back to human form. Startled confusion gave way to white hot anger as he looked upon his older brother, Malcolm, for the first time in five long years.

  “What the hell are you doing here? You know I have the authority to kill you no questions asked for returning here without permission,” he spat.

  “Careful, brother. Considering what you’ve been up to the past twenty-four hours, I don’t think you’ve got the right to judge me any longer. You’ve become quite the rule breaker.”

  Shit, he was right. Mating with Kira was just as bad as Malcolm’s crimes, at least according to the Council. In Lucas’ eyes there were shades of gray not simply black and white.

  Still, he and Kira weren’t going to be risking clan exposure to mortals anytime soon. Unlike Malcolm, they honored those rules and traditions and were willing to put their lives on the line for those beliefs.

  “What do you hope to accomplish by coming here today? Haven’t you done enough damage already?” Lucas had no evidence that Mal was responsible for his kidnapping, but his showing up here seemed like questionable timing at best and he wasn’t sure how to handle it.

  “I want my abilities back. No longer being able to shift has long term repercussions I don’t think anyone here was aware of. Unless of course you’ve turned into a sadist bastard who enjoys seeing others suffer.”

  Lucas snorted. “Fancy talk from someone always working his next scheme no matter who suffers for it. Besides, you look perfectly healthy to me.” In fact he looked remarkably just like the day he had left the Dragon. Big, strong, and cocky.

  “You don’t get it do you?”

  “What the hell are you talking about, Mal? We didn’t do anything to your abilities. There’s no psychic link anymore, big deal. You don’t need telepathic power to live out a normal life.”

  For some weird reason, that made Malcolm laugh. An evil sound that scraped along his spine, but a laugh nonetheless. “Still a blind slave to the Council, huh? Guess you’re never going to learn.”

  Malcolm’s mocking tone raked over his skin. Lucas’ arm shot out and grasped Malcolm by the neck, choking him. Mal grabbed his hand but didn’t pull himself free.

  “What’s wrong, Mal, Cat got your tongue?” His brother had some nerve showing up here and insulting him. Lucas was spoiling for a fight and as far as he was concerned, Malcolm had arrived just in time to give him one. “Have you come to try and take the big bad Guardian down? Fine. Let’s go.”

  Still Malcolm didn’t pull free from Lucas’ grasp. He was pulling at Lucas’ hand but not hard enough to break free.

  “I—I can’t. You’re choking me.” Malcolm’s face turned a nice shade of red as if he actually struggled from Lucas’ grip.

  Lucas let go of Malcolm and turned his back, walking away. His brother had changed and it wasn’t for the better. Malcolm disgusted him.

  “Lucas, for God’s sake, listen to what I am telling you. My animal strength is gone, I can’t shift anymore and I think I might be dying.”

  Lucas stopped dead in his tracks. That made no sense.

  “Don’t bullshit me, Mal. What do you really want?” he replied in a low, frustrated voice. He’d had enough with the lies. And as much as he wanted to make Malcolm suffer for everything he’d done, he couldn’t bring himself to do it. The family bond between them ran deeper than he cared to admit.

  “Look, I need your help. You can help me get back what I’ve lost and in return I will help you save your mate. But we have to hurry or it’ll be too late.”

  Lucas’ blood ran cold at the distinct scent of truth coming out of his brother’s mouth. “What have you done?”

  Malcolm shook his head. “This time it’s not me, I swear. There is another. And apparently your mate is quite valuable to him.”


  Kira leaned back in her chair, relaxing and soaking up the sun. She had awoken to an empty cabin again and, after a quick shower, decided she needed some fresh air.

  Mulling over all the events of the last few days, Kira couldn’t believe that she was mated and in love. What a mess she’d gotten herself into. What had Lucas meant about what happens when his race mates? Would something happen to either of them when she went home? When she left, would she be able to adjust to the loss of her powers?

  So wrapped up in her own personal demons, Kira failed to sense someone approaching until a deck board creak behind her.

  She twisted around and found Lara looming over her. The smile sitting on the woman's face twisted Kira’s stomach into knots. Before she was able to say or do anything, Lara flung an energy ball straight for Kira’s head.

  Fighting panic, Kira dove to the ground, barely evading the deadly strike. Her heart raced. Fortunately, she’d been trained to handle this kind of attack and instinctively went into offensive mode. Kira mentally pushed Lara across the deck into the rear wall of the cabin, momentarily knocking the wind out of the other woman.

  “What exactly is your fucking problem? You're supposed to be dead and this is getting so old.” She was sick and tired of this witch popping up to cause trouble over and over. “What do you want from me?” Her jaw clenched, her eyes narrowed slightly as she stared down at the prone witch.

  “I don’t care one way or another about you. I have a job to complete here and you happen to fall smack in the middle. Then at least one of the Gunn Guardians can pay for what they did to me.”

  Her lips were twisted in a nasty, angry snarl, but something else wavered in her eyes for a split second. Sadness maybe? As quickly as it came it disappeared. Replaced by the blood red color of rage.

  “What exactly did they do to you? And what does it have to do with me?” Kira scanned the surrounding area for her options. The deck was flat and open but if she could make it to the ground without being blown to pieces she could take cover in the tree line surrounding the cabin.

  Before she got a chance to make a run for it, three more energy balls whizzed by her head.

  Fuck! So close!

  Lucas I hope you can hear me. The witch is back and one way or another this bitch is going down. Just as soon as I shove one of those energy balls down her goddamn throat.

  Kira mentally pushed again at Lara but nothing happened. After the last psychic push the bitch had erected a shield around herself. Now Kira’s only option really was to get the hell off the deck and make a run for it.

  The next ball of energy Lara threw, Kira mentally pushed it to a nearby wooden table. On impact the table burst into flames, distracting Lara for a split second. Kira ran, her feet pounding against the wood and off the deck where she practically dove into the nearby tree line.

  Lucas! Where the hell are you? I’m on the run from her and headed in a south, southwesterly direction from the back of the cabin. She frantically tried to touch Lucas’ mind with all they power she had.

  I’m almost there, baby. Just a few miles away. There’s an unmarked densely covered path that will lead you straight toward the river. Follow it. We’ll meet you there. Hurry.

  Unbelievably, having him in her head soothed and centered her. Her focus seemed sharper and her body surged with power as she ran as hard as she could, her feet pounding the ground as fast as her hear
t raced.

  Kira. Stay safe, baby. I can't lose you.

  She ran, enjoying the flow of power through her when suddenly she was jerked from the path. Someone had grabbed her arm and yanked her down as she passed. Stubby fingers dug into the flesh of her arm, pushing her into the grass face first.

  The sheer force of being grabbed from a dead run and then flung to the ground caused a sharp wave of nausea to rise in her throat. Gasping for breath, she took in deep gulps of air in the hopes of finding her equilibrium fast. She yanked her arm free, swiveling quickly onto her back to get a good look at who had grabbed her.

  Realization dawned as the true betrayal in this scenario began to sink in. “Lawrence, what the fuck are you doing here?”

  Hell, was there any chance she was wrong about him and he'd just tried to save her? She rubbed her arms furiously, trying to ease the ache from his surprisingly strong grip. “You could have hurt me.” Despite the nausea threatening to take her down again, she sprang up ready to run. “We’ve got to get out of here now. There’s a crazy assed black witch trying to kill me. We have got to hide from—” the words froze in her throat as she spotted his weapon.

  “You’re not going anywhere.” He leveled a gun at her chest to make his point abundantly clear. “I’ve had enough of this bullshit. I should have known that if you want something done right, you have to do it yourself.”

  Something clicked in Kira’s mind. Her stepfather stood before her holding a gun on her, not the least bit surprised to hear about Lara pursuing her. For years he’d made her skin crawl and now she truly knew why.

  Pure evil could only hide so long before revealing itself. All along he had wanted her out of the way one way or another. He’d pushed for the council to end her ‘suffering’, then she’d gotten mated and stopped her decline. Apparently, the cold and loveless way he had treated her mother all these years wasn’t enough. He had finally come for her too.


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