Dirty Sexy Furry (Southern Shifters Book 1)

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Dirty Sexy Furry (Southern Shifters Book 1) Page 15

by Eliza Gayle

  “Then tell me, Kira. Tell me exactly what you want me to do to you and I’ll do it.” His tongue gently caressed and nibbled against her lips as he waited for her to tell him. The little nips shot sensations straight to her sensitive girl parts.

  “I want you in my mouth so I can taste you again.” Her hands roamed across his back and down to his muscled ass. Nails digging in, she encouraged him to rub harder. She so desperately wanted to be naked she was tempted to rip the clothes away from both their writhing bodies.

  “I want you thrusting deep and hard inside me, filling me, taking me.” She added, knowing he loved it when she talked dirty.

  Winding her hands around the front of his lightly furred chest, she pushed him with all her strength, rolling him off of her and onto his back. Jumping off the bed, she frantically removed her shirt and pants, her taut nipples protruding through the thin lace of her bra, begging for freedom.

  Lucas tossed his own clothes across the room as she stripped off the last scraps of lace. “Come on, baby. Get back on this bed so I can taste those gorgeous nipples.”

  Her body shivered at his words. She had a thing for the dirty talk too. The more he talked about what he wanted to do to her, the more heat flowed from her sex.

  Slowly, she crawled up his body, positioning herself between his legs. She brought her mouth within an inch of his thick, glorious rod, but instead of taking him into her mouth, she gently blew on him. He bounced against her lips in reaction.

  “No teasing today,” he said, growling. “Suck it.” His voice was hoarse with need and she responded by flicking out her tongue and licking him from root to tip against the bulging vein and swirling around the deep, now plum colored head.

  She was rewarded with a small bead of cum she greedily lapped at. The salty taste of his essence sparked an intense, driving need in her as she swallowed his length as far as she could. With his strangled moan, she got a strong mental push from him, lighting a fire inside her. Her nipples tingled from the onslaught. Hell, her whole body tingled. As she eased her mouth back, his hips bucked, trying to keep him in deep. She moaned around him.

  “Suck it. Kira. Suck it harder.”

  With her methodic rhythm, his cock swelled and his blood raced through his veins underneath her tongue. Kira knew if she kept this up much longer he would come soon. As much as she loved it when he came in her mouth, she wanted to feel him inside her, stretching her to the limits of pleasurable pain.

  It didn’t surprise her when he read her thoughts, pulled her off him and lifted her up into his lap. The broad head of his erection rubbed her wet folds, spreading her moisture, from top to bottom, further preparing her for the coming invasion.

  She couldn’t take it anymore. So much need formed a hazy cloud of lust around them. She trembled. She’d go crazy if he kept this up.

  “What happened to no teasing?” she asked, gasping for breath.

  His only response was to position against her entrance, giving her the chance to push down and draw him into her on one hard thrust.

  Her vision wavered as him stretching and filling her momentarily robbed her of air. Yes, that was it.

  The intensity of the pleasure mixed with the slight pain of her body trying to accommodate his width blew her mind. His moans mingled with hers as they both fought to hold onto a thread of control.

  “God, Kira. You’re so fucking tight and hot around my dick,” he panted.

  Again his words stoked the flames within her. She bucked against him, trying to force him deeper still. The pleasure in her womb was building to an impossible level and she was close to her own release.

  Without warning, Lucas grasped her around the waist and lifted her off of him. Twisting to the side. he her down on her hands and knees, before quickly moving behind her. There, he pulled her ass tight against his hips, and began the torturously slow but pleasure filled first slide inside her. By the time he was fully seated he’d already ignited an explosive orgasm.

  As she convulsed around him, he drove in and out of her hard, slamming deeper each time. His magical touch extended her orgasm out beyond anything she’d ever experienced before.

  His fingers stroked the back of her neck where he’d marked her, forcing a moan to slip past her lips. Her skin was on fire.

  Leaning over her back, he whispered in her ear. “This time it’s for real. Nature may have pushed us together, but today I freely give you my heart, Kira MacDonald.” With those words racing through her mind, and her muscles milking him for all he had, he sank his canines into the sacred spot on her shoulder.

  The quick surge of white-hot pain from his bite quickly subsided to pleasure as heat from her mate filled her.

  Mindless to the pleasure now, she barely noticed him release her shoulder as he continued to thrust through his own orgasm. All of which pushed her into another earth shattering explosion.

  His rumble of pleasure turned into a full-blown roar as he claimed her as his woman. Forever.


  Hours later, she lazily watched Lucas prepare them dinner. She admired the aura of the handsome man who now belonged to her. He had put on a pair of jeans to come to the kitchen but had left his chest and feet bare. She gazed at his skin that had been bronzed by the sun, her fingers itching to caress his back as he’d done hers.

  The depth of emotion that had poured from him and into her when he had mated with her again shook her. She had known that he cared for her, and God knew they both lusted after each other constantly, but when he bit her mark again, everything he felt had flowed into her in that white hot flash.

  He had opened his soul to her and shared his innermost thoughts with her. Memories of him and his brothers through the years, including the anguish he had suffered when he had been forced to banish his own brother. The loneliness he often felt as an isolated Guardian. Even the pain and fear he had experienced from all of her recent actions.

  All of his actions thus far had proven him the man she could trust with her heart. She wanted to give him everything and see what happened. She needed to take the risk. If he ever tried to manipulate her, well, she’d just find a way to kick his ass.

  She scooted towards him all the while watching the muscles in his back and arms flex with his movements. Her mouth watered. She wanted to taste his flesh again. But first she had to tell him how she felt.

  Sliding their omelets on plates, Lucas turned towards the table nearly stumbling into Kira.

  “Damn, woman. How do you manage to sneak up on me? No one else can come within fifty feet of me without my knowing.” She merely stared, tongue-tied. “Let’s eat, I’m starving.” Still she didn’t move or speak instead she was frozen by unfounded fear.

  Snap out of it, Kira.

  Her heart was racing, her palms sweating. “Kira, what’s wrong, baby?” He set the plates down and looked at her with clear concern shining from his eyes. His genuine concern filled her with warmth, which she used to calm her racing heart. Once again his presence centered her.

  “Lucas, I need to tell you something.” She drew in a deep breath and forbade herself from trembling anymore. He looked at her patiently, waiting for her to say her peace.

  “I love you,” she whispered hastily.

  He exhaled a long sigh of relief. “Is that all? Damn, you scared me to death there for a minute. By the look on your face I was expecting bad news.” He gathered her in his arms pressing her cheek to his chest stroking her hair. “I love you, too.” She gloried in the shared moment.

  “I don’t know how we are going to work through our problems with the Council or our unusual living situations, but I’m confident we can find some happy medium for everyone.” She turned and pressed her lips to his nipple.

  “We’ll figure something out, darling. Now sit and eat before it gets cold.” She eagerly bounced over to the table to check out his handiwork. “Since you keep making a habit of scaring the crap out me, I think it’s high time I gave you a lesson in what to expect when you scare some
one like me.”

  Part of her wanted to roll her eyes and mock his words. But there was something about the sexy drawl he used that had the implications of what he said making her grow hot. She’d probably let him do whatever he wanted as long as he kept looking at her like she was more important than his next breath.

  That thought made her squirm. With as much innocence as she could muster, she turned back to him.

  “Lesson? What kind of lesson?” she teased.

  “Hurry up and eat and I’ll show you.” He sat across from her with a grin a mile wide. “I can’t wait to get my hands on that fine ass again.”


  The next morning, Lucas stood on the deck with Kane, watching Malcolm approach the house, backpack slung over his shoulder.

  “You leaving now?” He and Kane had been working their way to goodbye as Kira made last minute decisions on what to pack for California. With his banishment from the clan there was no reason for her not to return to her job in the Marines.

  “The sooner the better, I think.” Lucas regretted the separation between him and his brother, and didn’t relish leaving Kane alone to protect the Dragon. It was a lot of pressure to put on all of them, let alone only one.

  “I still can’t believe the Council is forcing you and Kira to leave the Dragon. I’m getting tired of their ancient ways. It’s past time for them to move into this century and face the fact we aren’t out here alone anymore.” Malcolm’s voice held a note of resignation despite the heat in his tone.

  Kane nodded his head. “This place has been the heart and soul for Lucas since he was a cub. We need him here.”

  “I’m not the only one.” Lucas looked between both brothers then and the pain he felt was mirrored in their gazes as well. He couldn't lie and say all was forgiven between him and Malcolm, but their family ties ran too deep to ignore. He believed time would heal the wounds. Or at least that's what Kira kept trying to tell him.

  “We’ll be back. The Council promised to study all of the old mating laws over the next twelve months and then schedule an appeal for us at that time.”

  “I still say it’s bullshit. Something has to be done.” Kane’s angry outburst troubled Lucas, but this time there wasn’t a damn thing he could do to help. His brother would have to deal with the council on his own.

  “It will all depend on how you focus your combined powers during that time. It’s just a stupid test, which I have no doubt you will both pass.”

  “What about you, Mal, what will you do? The Council was really pissed about your part in this whole mess. You keep managing to find the worst kind of trouble. One of these days it’s going to be your downfall.”

  “Damn it, Lucas, you know what I went through. I really thought I was dying. Being unable to shift caused unbearable physical pain. I lived with it for a very long time, but after a while it began to mess with my head.”

  “Well, now you have your abilities back and you can go back to your carefree lifestyle.”

  Malcolm visibly winced at Kane’s obvious insult. “You’re right, little brother, I only care about myself. Always have and always will.” Turning on his heel, he stalked back into the woods and out of their life once again.

  Lucas looked over at Kane. “If it wasn’t for him, Kira would be dead. No matter what he has done, I will never forget that.”

  Kane nodded. “I get that. But I still can’t wrap my head around what he did and how he’s suddenly better.”

  “I’m not so sure he is. Something happened out there that made him able to shift, but it wasn’t the same. He’s not the same. I think he’s still hiding something.”

  “Would that surprise you? It wouldn’t me.” Kane dropped onto a bench and stared into the distance. “I wish I could leave, too. In fact I want nothing more than to hop on my Harley and ride out of the Dragon right along with you. It’s what the council deserves.”

  “You can’t." He grabbed his brother by the shoulder and squeezed. "Everyone is counting on you now.” Lucas knew Kane’s sense of right and wrong was so deeply ingrained they both knew he would stay and serve as the last Guardian of their family line. Push come to shove, he believed any of them would. Even Malcolm.

  “Have you given any thought to the Council’s warning?" he asked Kane. "The urgency in them expecting you to find a mate and start a family?”

  Guardianship could only be passed on through family bloodlines and in order to do that, Kane would have to father a child soon.

  “Yeah, right. First I need to get laid.”

  Lucas laughed out loud at the screwed up look of frustration on his brother’s face. “Since when do you have problems in that department?”

  He hesitated. “Boredom, I guess. Most of the damn she­ cats I’ve been fucking are hell bent on something serious and I don’t have that kind of interest in any of them.”

  Not since she touched me. Her wild violet eyes searing straight to my soul.

  Lucas' eyes widened at the sudden outburst from Kane in his head. “I heard that,” he said, turning to Kane. You’ve met someone.” It wasn’t so much of a question as it was a statement. He could hear his brother arguing with himself, yearning to take the woman who occupied his thoughts.

  “Get out of my head, asshole. You picking up that psychic shit from Kira is unnerving.”

  “Then tell me.”

  “I don’t want to think about it. It’s way wrong and I’ll fight it to my last breath.” Kane shook his head and looked away, but it was too late. Lucas had heard him think her name.

  “Please tell me you aren’t serious.”

  “Abso­fucking­lutely not! If I ever see her again, I’m planning to kill her for what she’s done, not take her to bed. Let alone mate her.”

  A roar tore from Kane’s throat, piercing the night as he shoved Lucas out of his head and walked into the woods on the same path Malcolm had taken.

  Lucas didn’t know what to think or do. It wasn’t easy to see his brother in so much anguish. But that woman—No it had to be a mistake. She was definitely not the one.

  Kane was the Guardian now. He had to hand out justice to all who earned it. But if he was already torn between duty and desire…

  Goddess help them all if he runs across that woman again.


  Two days later...

  Lucas clutched Kira's fingers with one hand and the steering wheel of his rumbling muscle car with the other. It apparently didn't matter to him that a bright blue classic Charger might be a cop magnet like she'd suggested before they left the safety of the dragon. He'd insisted that a cross-country trek required an appropriate vehicle and her economical compact apparently wasn't it.

  Watching him as she drove, she got it though. Lucas was hardly compact material. Quite the opposite actually. With well over two hundred pounds of muscle packed on his frame, her big man needed room to stretch. Him driving his car also gave her all the time to study him.

  Since they'd met there had only been rare moments of quiet where she could simply observe or attempt a normal conversation with him. However, despite the whirlwind of time, or maybe because of it, she'd learned something more important.

  How he reacted under pressure. Those reactions gave her more insight to the man than a thousand conversations ever could. He fought when he needed too, but he also took time to think before he reacted. She imagined years of meting out council justice had honed his responses to any number of high stress situations.

  All of which might have left another man broken.

  Now they were racing down the highway on their way to California, which might as well have been another world for their kind.

  However, duty called and she still had another eighteen months on her current contract with the Marines. And since they'd been banished from both their clans, returning to base became imminent.

  At least they had somewhere to go and somewhere to live--albeit far away from Lucas' home. A twinge of guilt had taken up residence in the back of her mind
, nagging at her that his loss was all because of her.

  "What is it?" he asked.

  "What's what?"

  "You've obviously got something on your mind, babe. You're frowning and that little wrinkle in your forehead is popping out. So go ahead and spit it out. What is it?"

  She yanked down the passenger side visor and flipped open the mirror to examine her face. "I do not have wrinkles."

  "You do when you scrunch up your face. That only happens when something is bothering you." He looked over at her and laughed. "Or when you frown at me apparently."

  "It's not what you think. I'm not upset..." She let her words trail off because it wasn't easy to admit, even to the man she loved, that she felt responsible for his loss. The council decision could have been worse, but that fact gave her little comfort.

  "Kira," he said, a clear tone of warning infused in his voice. "I thought we were past this."

  She shrugged. Clearly he knew her mind as well as she did. "I can't help it. I want to shake it, I really do, but it's still there in the back of my stupid head. You didn't deserve this to happen to you."

  "I don't deserve to wake up to the woman I love every single morning for the rest of my life?"

  Her heart stuttered and her belly flipped on his words. It still surprised her how easily he came up with the right thing to say in every situation.

  "Or maybe you think I don't deserve a beautiful, intelligent and sex starved woman in my bed."

  That gave her a tingle. He always managed to do that too. "That's not what I meant." She hesitated. "And I'm not sex starved."

  A low growl emanated through the cabin of the car and the vehicle began to slow until Lucas pulled to the side of the road and put the car in park. He swiveled toward her and had her grasped by the shoulders and pulled half way into his lap before she could gasp.

  "Listen to me Kira and listen good this time," he said on a deeper growl. "I got exactly what I wanted. And there is absolutely no where else in the world I'd rather be than here with you right now in this car," he paused. "Except maybe in a bed so I could punctuate my words with my hand on your ass. But, we'll revisit that when we get to California."


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