Dark King (Advantage Play Book 2)

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Dark King (Advantage Play Book 2) Page 6

by Kelsie Rae

  Chapter Eleven


  The email from Burlone is enough to snap the last of my restraint. It’s one week until the tournament, and I can’t believe he’d pull this shit. As I scan it for the thousandth time, my eyes glaze over the picture of my half-naked sister along with four other innocent girls. I pick up my phone and dial Lou.

  His voice crackles through my cell. “Yeah, Boss?”

  “Did you see the email?” I growl, my knuckles turning white.

  There’s a heavy silence for a split second before he murmurs, “Yeah.”

  “Have you tried tracking it so we can get a better idea of everyone who’s going?”

  The sound of fingers touching a keyboard greets me before it stops, and Lou answers, “Yeah. I’ll send you the list right now.”

  “Forward it to Diece too.”


  Pressing the end button on my phone with more force than necessary, I refresh my email and see the list pop up in my inbox. As I peruse the information, my mind searches for a possible solution to the shitstorm that’s brewing. I can’t get the image of my sister out of my head. A man was touching her. He was toying with her bra, and her eyes were glued to his giant hands. The stark comparison between the captor’s tattoos and my sister’s pale skin was enough to make my stomach roll. I have no idea if she’s okay. If she’s being hurt. I know nothing, and I can’t stand being out of control. Therefore, I need to find a way to change that.

  Picking the phone back up, I begin to dial D’s number when he appears in my doorway.

  “Speak of the devil. Did you check your email?” I ask him as he swaggers in and takes a seat across from me.

  “Yeah. Figured you’d want to talk face-to-face. Should we discuss the original email you forwarded to me or just get right down to the assholes who are attending?”

  “Burlone has never auctioned girls via email,” I start.

  “Yeah, and why the hell would he add a picture of your sister? I thought she wasn’t for sale?”

  I search for a possible explanation, but nothing feels concrete.

  “I don’t know. A silent threat, maybe? He could also be trying to squeeze an extra hundred grand out of his buyers by having someone else purchase her then use her for the buy-in only to lose when Burlone dominates the poker table like he’s expecting. Or he could be toying with me. He didn’t say who she is. He had her lined up with the rest of them as another Jane Doe.”

  D counters, “Yeah, but that could be because no one would buy her if they knew they’d be stepping into a war with the Romano family as soon as they did.”

  “That’s true,” I agree, leaning back into my chair and scratching the five o’clock shadow growing on my jaw. “And what the hell was that greeting for my debut participation in the body of the email? Who the fuck does he think he is?” I bristle at the knowledge that Burlone just screwed me over. Again. Yet, for some reason, I need to hear my right-hand man confirm it out loud.

  “He’s putting a target on your back, King. Not only will your enemies know your location in a week, but you’re now officially linked to Burlone and the underground gambling ring with a side of human trafficking. If any Feds come sniffing around and he gets caught, he now has incriminating evidence against you. He played you, King. And now you need to decide what you’re going to do about it.”

  “Yeah,” I sigh, squeezing the bridge of my nose. “I think you pretty much hit the nail on the head.”

  “So, what are you going to do about it?”

  “I have an idea. It’ll still be a gamble, but if it works, we’ll be able to make Burlone burn the way he deserves. Hell, if I could get my hands on him…”

  “Yeah, yeah. We know what the Dark King would do with an opportunity like that,” D smirks. “Do you think Regina’s okay?”

  “I don’t think I have a choice but to convince myself she’s surviving. She’s been through a lot of hard stuff in her life. She can overcome this too.”

  My sister might be a bitch sometimes, but she’s smart. And resourceful. She’ll do whatever needs to be done to survive until I can rescue her. And I won’t let her down.

  “She’s a tough little shit, isn’t she?” A slow smile spreads across D’s face as the memories of Regina filter through his mind, making me join in.

  “Yeah. I think that’s pretty much the perfect way to describe her. Did you see the other players?” I ask, bringing us back to the task at hand and the second email Lou had forwarded. Reminiscing is nothing but a waste of time, and right now, the clock is ticking.

  He catches my drift and clears his throat. “Yeah. Do you think it’s a coincidence the head distributor for the Eastern human trafficking ring is attending? Or that Dominic, the pussy who ratted out Regina’s identity will be going too?”

  “It was another slap in the face because there’s no way that bastard won’t be revealing Regina’s identity to the table as soon as we sit down. It’s a distraction tactic. Burlone is wanting to get me flustered—”

  “Is it working?” D interrupts, his gaze focused solely on me.

  With a swallow, I admit something I never would to another soul. “Yeah. I think it is.”

  “Don’t let it. Keep your head in the game. Keep practicing. Be ready to beat Burlone at his own game. At the felt-top table as well as off it.”

  “That’s why I want to get Plan B in place. Will you figure out as much information as you can on the other players along with everyone you suspect will be in the room during the tournament?”


  “Good. I think I need to send an email of my own.”

  “To Burlone?” D probes.

  “No, to his associates,” I reply as the wheels in my head start turning.

  “Then let’s get it done. Go see your girl. Let her put a smile on your face. You look too fucking serious, Kingston.”

  I laugh dryly while shaking my head. Count on D to make a smartass comment that would somehow make me smile when all I want to do is grab a torch and start burning things. D stands, tapping his knuckles against my oak desk then heads to the door.

  “One more thing,” I say, stopping him.

  He turns around. “Yeah?”

  “Have you heard anything else from our men?”

  “About…?” His voice trails off, showcasing his confusion.

  “About me taking over the Romano family.”

  Sighing, he shakes his head. “I’ve already told you, King. From what I can tell, Vince was the only guy who was distressed about the transition. Everyone else seems content. You’re a good leader. Don’t second guess yourself.”

  I’m not second-guessing myself, but there’s something that nags the back of my mind, hinting that someone else might be. My father always told me to trust my instincts, and even though there isn’t any proof, they’re blaring like a damn fog horn.

  With a single nod, I dismiss Diece. “Keep me updated.”

  “I will.”

  Chapter Twelve


  “What’s wrong?” I ask the shadow near the door to my bedroom. Under normal circumstances, I’d be scared out of my mind to have a stranger watching me in the shadows. But the presence is familiar, and I know that it’s Kingston with every fiber of my being. The situation reminds me of my apartment when I’d be anxiously waiting for him to visit me, and a fresh wave of butterflies assaults my stomach as I wait for him to answer me.

  His husky voice sends tingles racing down my spine. “Nothing.”

  “Lie,” I return, sensing his frustration. “Talk to me, Kingston. It’s almost two in the morning, and I heard shouting downstairs. Why don’t you come to bed?” He’s been sleeping with me here in the guest room across the hall. I’ve loved feeling his embrace in the middle of the night but wake up convinced it was all a dream. Why? Because he’s always missing by the time my eyes peek open in the morning.

  When his dark shadow doesn’t move, I threaten, “Don’t make me get o
ut of bed to come get you, Mister. It’s freezing. Come warm me up.”

  The teasing in my voice is enough to get him to edge closer. As he finally reaches me, his weight sinks into the mattress and makes me roll toward him. Lifting onto my elbow, I continue to watch him in the moonlight that’s filtering in through the window.

  “Talk to me, King. I’m right here.”


  “Please?” I beg. I can see his torment. The purple bags under his eyes. The pale skin. The scruffier beard that’s usually trimmed. Something is bothering him, and it kills me that he refuses to open up to me. I want to help him carry his burdens the same way he carries mine, but he needs to let me.

  “It’s family business.”

  “Is that supposed to mean something to me?” I laugh lightly as another blinding example of the different worlds we’ve been raised in comes to light. I’m not naïve. He’s made it apparent on multiple occasions that family business means it’s none of my business. But that doesn’t lessen the sting that accompanies it every time he makes it obvious that he can’t trust me.

  With a dry laugh, Kingston finally looks down at me and starts to play with my long strands of hair that are spread across the pillow like a messy web.

  “Family business means it’s for the men only. We can’t talk about it with anyone else.”


  “It’s not a lie,” he argues, but I interrupt him.

  “It is, Kingston. You can talk to me. You can talk to me about anything.”

  His fingers stop playing with my hair as if I’ve shocked him before he continues his exploration. The tender touch feels exquisite, and I close my eyes at the gentle tugging.

  “You want the truth?” His voice is hushed, vulnerable, and so freaking heartbreaking. “I’m scared, Ace.”

  When a big, brooding man like Kingston admits he’s scared, you know there’s trouble. And I also know there isn’t anything I can do about it but stand by his side as he faces whatever demons are haunting him. Haunting us.

  “Me too,” I breathe.

  Looking down at me, he continues to play with my hair, and the rhythmic action seems to calm me.

  “Why would you agree to be part of this insanity? Why would you let me use you to save my sister?”

  “You’re not using me—”

  “That’s exactly what I’m doing, Ace. And it guts me every time I think about it.”

  “I trust you.”

  “So?” A furious Kingston pushes off the bed and starts pacing the floor like a caged lion. I’d be scared if I didn’t know him like I do. “Your trust doesn’t mean I’m going to beat Burlone. It doesn’t counter the fact that I’ll likely get killed as soon as I step foot in there regardless of the rules set in place to prevent that. I just put a plan in motion that’s a huge risk, Ace. And if it turns bad, then I won’t be able to protect you. I won’t be able to save my sister.” He digs his fingers through the roots of his dark hair. “Sometimes, I feel like I should’ve never intervened with Burlone’s plans to frame the Romano family for human trafficking. I’d rather rot in prison for a crime I didn’t commit than let the people I care about get caught in the crosshairs.”

  “Kingston. You are not going to let this family down. You are not going to fail. And you sure as hell aren’t going to let Burlone touch your sister, or me, or even Gigi. I know you. And I know that whatever plan you’ve set into motion is going to work. It might be risky, but it’s going to knock Burlone on his ass. I guarantee it.”

  Looking down at me as I lay on the mattress, he remains silent, so I push a little harder. “I’m smart, King. You’ve said so yourself. Do you really think I’d put my life on the line if I didn’t know you’d be able to keep me safe?”

  The look in his eyes says it all, and I know without a doubt that I’m right. The man in front of me would do anything to protect the people he cares about. And that includes me.

  I slide out from beneath the sheets in nothing but a t-shirt and boy shorts like a woman on a mission as I approach him––the man who swept into my life unannounced and turned it upside down. His gaze eats me up as I saunter toward him with swaying hips. Slowly, my fingers begin unbuttoning his dress shirt from top to bottom, revealing inch after inch of tanned muscles I want to lick. Once his chest is bare before me, I peek up at him, dragging my hands against his warm skin then wrap my arms around his neck and whisper, “In fact, I think it’s about time I thank you for it.”

  “I haven’t saved you yet, Ace,” he growls, grabbing my wrists and preventing their pursuit.

  I run my lips against the scruff of his jaw. They pull into a smile when his facial hair tickles the sensitive skin, and I realize how happy this man makes me. How safe I feel, despite the shitty circumstances, when I’m with him.

  Sighing in contentment, I murmur, “That’s where you’re wrong. You have saved me. From a life full of loneliness, rules, and paranoia. You don’t know how often I used to look over my shoulder, wondering if I was being followed. If I was safe. If Burlone was going to hurt me again.”


  I tug my wrist from his grasp and rest my finger against his mouth as his lips pull into a thin line. “Shh…let me finish.”

  With a gasp, I feel his tongue swirl around the tip before he gives me a single nod that grants me permission to continue.

  I laugh. “So bossy. All I’m saying is that I know you’ll keep me safe. I know you’ll figure this shit out. I know that you can talk to me when you’re hurting or afraid. And I know that I’m starting to fall for––” My mouth snaps shut. Nope. I think that’s enough honesty for one day, and I sure as hell am not going to be the first to reveal my feelings in this relationship. He might’ve claimed me as his, but we haven’t said any words. And that won’t be changing anytime soon.

  With a growl, he wraps his arms around my waist and throws me onto the bed. I’m squealing as soon as my feet are lifted from the ground, but it’s quickly transformed into a laugh when my back hits the bed, and Kingston joins me by using his body weight to press me into the mattress.

  Caging me in with his arms while lying on top of me, he starts running his nose from my jaw up to my temple then whispers, “You’re pretty irresistible when you’re honest. Did you know that?”

  I keep my lips zipped.

  “Come on, Ace. You were doing so well. Maybe you could stroke my ego for just a little bit longer by finishing that statement.”

  “I can think of one thing I’d be willing to stroke,” I offer, batting my eyes innocently at him.

  With a chuckle, Kingston bites my earlobe enough to make me squeak. I wiggle beneath him in an attempt to get away from his delicious torture. But I don’t get very far before he stops teasing and starts playing me like a damn violin, making me hit every note he wants with ease.

  Moaning, I spread my legs and let him take the lead, pleasuring me in the way only he’s capable of. I watch as he drifts down my body before sticking his thumbs into the hem of my boyshorts and sliding them down my legs. Once I’m bare to him, he peppers kisses along my inner thighs, spreading me wide.

  I don’t fight it. I couldn’t if I wanted to.

  Again, he takes his time teasing me with a touch of his tongue and a flick of his fingers until my back is arching off the mattress, and my hands are tangled in the sheets.

  “Please, Kingston. Please. I need you,” I whimper as he continues his assault with his mouth.

  He shakes his head, and the scruff along his jaw tickles my skin. “Not until you stroke my ego.”

  “I already offered to stroke your dick if you’d just bring it up here!” I screech. His hot breath fans across my sensitive flesh teasingly.

  “No deal, Wild Card. Tell me what I need to hear.”

  I’m so freaking close it’s not even funny before I wrap my legs around his shoulders and buck toward him, desperately guiding him to the spot where I’m needing relief.

  “Uh-uh,” he tsks, pinning me
in place with his calloused hands on my lower stomach.

  A groan of frustration slips out of me before I drop my head back to my pillow and stare up at the ceiling.

  Nostrils flaring, I grit out, “Fine. I’m falling for you, Kingston Romano. I’m falling hard. Happy now?”

  Within seconds, he pushes me over the edge, making me scream and somehow tapping into my frustration and turning it into absolute bliss and euphoria. I’m panting like I’ve run a marathon as I look down to find his gaze glued to mine before he says with an arrogant smirk, “Yes. Now was that so hard?”

  “Asshole,” I mutter before pulling him up and wrapping my legs around his waist. “You owe me two of those for that.”


  He pushes into me with ease, and we both tumble over the edge minutes later before I tell him the truth. Willingly, this time. “I really am falling for you, Kingston, and I know you’ll take care of me. And your sister. And the entire Romano family. Even if it’s the last thing you do.”

  Nestling into my neck, he mutters one word.


  Chapter Thirteen


  “Good game, guys! Thanks for helping out tonight!” I tell Lou, Diece, and Stefan as they tuck in their chairs around the dining room table. We’ve just finished a couple rounds of poker in hopes of it helping Kingston get a better feel for the importance of table position and how to implement the strategy.

  He’s been kind of lackadaisical about the whole thing, and I can’t decide if it’s because he’s discouraged, or if he’s just counting on his new plan to work out and doesn’t need to put as much effort into learning the game. Regardless, I think tonight helped.

  As I gather the cards, I catch D stretching his arms over his head then tapping his knuckles against the table. It’s one of his familiar quirks, and the action makes me smile.

  “Thanks for having us, Ace. That was interesting as hell. We’re going to call it a night, though. You’re getting better, King. Ace is a good little teacher.” He winks at me then leaves the room. Lou and Stefan follow after, murmuring their goodbyes.


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