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Soulmates 2.5: A Christmas Novella

Page 7

by Sienna Grant

  “Taylor?” A hand rests on my shoulder, startled a little my head quickly turns to see Todd. “Can I sit down?” My head nods to agree.

  “Talk to me. What’s going through your head?”

  “I don’t know. What’s wrong with me Todd? It was like everything just stopped moving around me and the ground opened up. I should be happy he wanted to do this and I am really... I just don’t know how to show it. I’m such a selfish cow!”

  “No, you’re not. I’ve known you a long time Taylor and you’re one of the nicest, fiercest women I know. I know that Chris just wants to marry so it’s official, he just wants you by his side. Is this about the whole baby conversation?” I shrug. “I thought you said you were going to talk to him about that?!”

  “I did - kind of!” He turns to sit side on so he can see me properly.

  “Taylor. Listen to me. Chris, is Chris. He’s honest and he loves you with every piece of him. He wouldn’t do a thing to hurt you or cause you any pain, surely you know that?”

  “I do.” My head hangs in embarrassment.

  “Look around you right now. He wouldn’t have gone to this much trouble for just anyone.” I do look around me... the park is done in decorations, there’s a huge Christmas tree with lights on wrapped around it with a small fence placed around it… I’m lost to my surroundings. This place is stunning and he did this for me, to take stress from me.

  “Taylor? What you say then? You ready to become my sister in law officially?”

  “Todd what if he doesn’t want me anymore?”

  He scoffs. “Yeah right, he’s been in love with you for about three years I can’t see that changing anytime soon.”


  What the fuck, she walked away? Ryan walks towards me. “I hope you’ve got those bollocks of your well protected?” He laughs.

  “Fuck off, Ry. This shit ain’t funny!” I sit down on the bench that Taylor vacated not five minutes earlier and put my head in my hands then try to come to a conclusion as to why this has happened.

  Adam sits next to me and slaps me on the back. “She’ll come around dude.”

  “Yeah it better be within the next few hours then. I knew this wasn’t going to be easy but I never expected her to walk away from me.”

  “She’ll come around. If anyone can talk sense into someone it’s Todd.”

  “Yeah well, this is Taylor. She’s not just stubborn but pig headed too. Why didn’t I see this coming?!”

  “I think that maybe you did. Which is why big brother - you took over and did it yourself.”

  Looking at Adam with a grin… “when did you become so observant?”

  “I’m full of surprises!” He taps me on the back smiling before walking back over to Darcy.

  Movement from the side of eye catches my attention, I turn my head and see David, Taylor’s Dad, marching across the grass towards me - he doesn’t seem very happy though. “She’s a stubborn arse, that girl of mine. I’m sorry Chris, I’m not sure if I’ve made matters worse.” He sits beside me with a huff. “That girl wouldn’t know good if it smacked her on the arse. She doesn’t know when she’s on to a good thing.”

  “Be fair. She had the rough end of the stick, I just thought we were past all this shit.” Mum is next to come over.

  “Sweetheart she’ll come around I know she will. It’s just a shock that’s all.”

  I take Mum’s hand in mine. “I know. Thanks Mum. Do you think I should go over there?”

  “It’s entirely up to you.” Fuck this waiting around I’m going over. Standing from the bench I let them know what I’m doing and to go get coffee or something instead of standing around here - it’s too bloody cold.

  Making my way towards her I stop when I get ten yards away and see her with her chin resting on her knees. Todd stands and turns then sees me. He taps my shoulder and carries on walking. Taking a step forward, she seems so delicate. “Tay?” Her head turns to the side at the sound of my voice, I step closer to her around to the front of the bench. She glances up at me. “Can I sit”

  “Of course you can.”

  I sit right next to her thighs touching, as she drops her legs back down to the bench, just so she doesn’t think I’m angry - I’m not just maybe a little disappointed. “I’m sorry, babe. I should’ve told you what I was planning but if I had I would never have got you here.” Entwining our fingers, I carry on. “I want you to be honest with me, okay?” She nods but doesn’t look at me. “What’s the real reason you don’t want to get married yet because I know that’s not the reason for this.”

  “You want kids. I don’t.” She shrugs. “I won’t be good enough as a mother, I’ve tried to imagine myself with them and I can’t - all I see is my mother, I’m her. She was a shit parent and I’m going to be the same.” She answers quietly but at least she’s being honest.

  “Do you honestly think I only want to marry you so you can have my kids, am I that shallow...?”

  She cuts me off. “Chris, you have it all wrong.”

  “I don’t think I do.” I watch her closely for a reaction before I go on, “so, every time I tell you I love you, did I not mean it or did I say it because I have an ulterior motive?” Sliding from the bench, I move around to the front of her and squat down. She shrugs again, probably because she doesn’t want to answer. She turns her head to watch the branches from the trees blow in the breeze. Capturing her chin, I make her look at me.

  “Taylor this is called communicating... yeah? So, I’m going to say this once, I would like a child one day, but if that day never comes then so be it, because I’ll have the most important thing in my life right by my side and my love for you will never change. Kids or not! I don’t know how many times I need to say that before it sinks into that stubborn brain of yours. I just want you to be Mrs Taylor Willows - my wife. My partner.”

  A teary smile crosses her face so I go on. “So, what you say? You wanna marry me?” I move to one knee on the ground as she wipes the tears from her face and nods. I lift my knee from the wet grass and stand then pull her up to meet me so I can kiss her, pouring all my love into her. My hand pushes her head against my chest as I hold her close to me.

  “I’m sorry. I’m a selfish cow. My dad did take the pleasure in telling me that, not that I didn’t already know.” Her eyes roll and right there I know I have my girl again. My lips rest against the top of her head as the vanilla scent of her shampoo wafts up my nose, this is home. She’s my home.

  “You ready to go back?” Her head moves in an up and down motion against my chest. “Come on then.” Kissing her forehead, I then bend putting my shoulder against her tummy and lift. She squeals as I throw her over my shoulder and head back to the rest of them.

  Chapter Ten


  “So, is this wedding on then or what or have I driven eight hours for nothing?” My eyes narrow as they cut to Adam then smile as we walk through the door together.

  “This time tomorrow mister, I am going to officially be your sister in law so you’d better behave.”

  “YES! Finally!” He stands and is the first to hug and congratulate me followed by Darcy then in turn they all do the same. Dad hugs me and kisses my cheek telling me how proud he is of me which then causes the tears to fall.

  “Well, I think we need to go shopping, what do you say Taylor?” Ash asks with a grin.

  “I think you’re so right. Darce, can you manage a shopping day?” I look at her expectantly.

  “Pfft, can I? That’s a stupid question, of course I can.”

  “Right then, Mother’s get your comfies on because we’re going shopping.” I look across the room of the coffee shop they all piled into out of the cold while they waited for me to get my head on straight... “Oh Chris?” He’s laughing with Ryan and the rest of the guys.

  “Yeah sunshine.”

  “Remember what we were looking at the other day,” I drop my head an inch and look at him wickedly as I bite on my bottom lip. “I have a reque

  The smile falters slightly. “Anything for my girl.” Walking towards him I take him by the face and pull him to me, kissing him. “I have to go shopping. See you later. Don’t forget.”

  “Never. Love you babe.”

  Turning around, I kiss my fingers and blow him a kiss, then walk out with the girls.

  So, I think I’ve trailed through every wedding shop in Inverness and do you think I can find what I want? No.

  “Taylor, sweetheart, I’m not sure how many are left now?” Ash has google pulled up on her phone for all the bridal shops. “I don’t know why can’t I find what I want?” I pout.

  “Right okay, we have to go down this street here and it should be at the bottom and on the left according to maps... don’t build your hopes up though.” We start walking in the direction maps is telling us until we get to a big shop the dresses in the window are gorgeous but it’s whether they’ve got anything to fit me right now.

  The bell above the door rings as we open it and walk through. Glancing around on first sight, the dresses are stunning. “Afternoon ladies. How can I help?”

  “Hey, my friend here is getting married and needs a dress really quickly.” Ash speaks up.

  “How quickly are we talking?”

  “Erm, tomorrow.” I swing around and answer. The assistant is pretty, around fortyish, from what I can tell anyway, right now she’s standing there with her mouth hanging open like she’s catching flies. I smile at her as she slowly closes her mouth.

  “Right then, we have some work to do, I’m Charley. Would any of you ladies like a hot drink?” She pulls a chair over for Darcy to sit in and Ash leaves Alyssia by the side of her in her pram.

  “Thank you. I think she’s walked my feet off.” The assistant we now know as Charley smiles.

  “Will you be needing bridesmaid’s dresses too?”

  “Well, yeah if there’s something here that we like. To be honest you are my last hope without venturing to other towns.

  “To be honest I do have a bit of work on but it’s for next week and the week after, I could probably get things ready for in the morning if there’s adjustments that need making to the dresses. Obviously though it’ll have to be something from the racks but I can meet any deadline you need.”

  “Charley, you are a lifesaver. Don’t blame us by the way - blame Miss stubborn over there and her husband to be.” Ash says, she bobs her tongue out as she looks at me.

  Working our way through the rails I’m starting to lose all hope. At this rate, I’ll be getting married in a pair of jeans and a t-shirt for fucks sake. Darcy being the perceptive one as ever, sees the change in me. “Hey,” her hand rests on my shoulder, “don’t let it get you down, we’ll find something.” trying to resemble I smile I turn away and carry on tossing dresses to the other end.

  “Taylor, I found these upstairs they’re all your size.” Stepping away from the rail I palm through the one in front of me. I see the back of it first. A lace overlay covers the whole dress as the back drops into a deep V stopping at the middle of the back, three rows of beads which also drop into a V open part of the back. Moving it across I look at the front. Thick lace straps which look like they cover the shoulder with a scoop neck. The waist tucks in as the skirt sits A-line.

  “Oh my god. This is it!”


  Entering the shop where Taylor and I were just yesterday, the guys all turn to look at me. Adam pipes up first. “What are we doing in here?”

  “We need wedding outfit hire.” I look at him with a raised eyebrow…

  “Yeah, suits.”

  “Well. Taylor wants just one thing for her wedding and that’s Kilts.” My Dad and David look at me with open mouths. Todd and Ryan just shake their heads with a smile and Adam laughs.

  “I can rock a Kilt, have you seen these legs. Let’s do it!” He's more enthusiastic than me but hey, what my girl wants, she gets.

  Calling over the assistant, I tell him what we want and the colours I’m going for and he and another assistant start the measuring up process. Once I’m measured up I take all my stuff into the changing room and try everything on.

  Standing in front of the mirror in what may as well be a skirt - I look down and eye myself from head to toe. Nodding, I pull back the curtain and step out. “Hey Ry? Does my butt look big in this?!” My hands sit on my hips as I twirl for them.

  “Look at you big boy.” Todd and Adam are in the changing rooms trying their own on. I can’t wait to see them. The other three are going in after us to try theirs.

  “Dad, have you heard from Aidan? He hasn’t replied to my messages.”

  “Him and Stacey have split up. She was seeing someone else and apparently, it’s not his baby. She wouldn’t have come anyway she’s due in a few days. He didn’t want to come and be miserable…”

  “You’d never have noticed anyway. He’s always been miserable.” Adam shouts from behind the curtain.

  Ignoring Adam, he carries on. “So, he told me not to tell you until after the wedding.”

  “Of course, I wouldn’t ask or anything. Twat. Ok I’ll speak to him later. It would have been nice to have been told by him though.”

  “I know son, I’m sorry.”

  “Yeah, it’s not your fault though. Don’t worry.” I tell dad to ease his guilt a little.

  “Come on you two get your arses out here so I can see.” They both pull the curtains back at the same time. They look so cool and with everyone the same - this is going to be the best day ever!”

  With Kilts bought and last-minute arrangements with venue sorted and paid up, it’s time for a pint in the pub until the girls are back. I hope to fuck they got what they wanted otherwise I’m going to be up shit creek again.


  “Wow!” I’m stunned. I pull up the small zip which sits at the top of my bum up to the middle of my back and look at myself in the mirror. I’ve never thought I look bad in anything but this...this is absolutely beautiful. It fits like a glove. The tucked in waist enhances my curves and the scoop neck keeps my boobs in place, tucked away nicely with just a hint of cleavage. The skirt has beading around the edges, the only thing is it’s a bit long with no shoes on.

  “Come on let’s see Tays.” Shouts Michelle. I open the door to the room and step out hitching up the dress up a little so I don’t trip.

  Annemarie’s hands cover her mouth and Michelle stands stunned. While Darcy and Ash squeal with excitement. “You like?”

  “No not like, love! It’s beautiful. Do you like it?”

  “I adore it!”

  “Oh yes, that’s the one.” Says Charley as she reaches us. “Does it fit okay? Is it tight anywhere? I’ll be honest it doesn’t look it.”

  “No, it fits perfect.” I smile.

  “Good. What about the length? I could probably take it from the waist an inch if needed but it depends on your shoes, if you’re wearing heels you won’t need it.”

  “I probably will for the ceremony.”

  “Fantastic! You look gorgeous by the way, that man of yours will be blown away.”

  “He better be.” I laugh.

  With one last look in the mirror, I smile at myself and for the first time I’m looking forward to being Taylor Willows. Stepping from the dress which has pooled around my feet, I get dressed and place it back on the hanger. I hand over the dress to Charley and she hangs it up at the back of the counter while we wait for Ash and Darcy to try dresses on. Mum and Michelle, knowing all about it bought new outfits with them from home so we don’t need to worry about them.

  “Have you thought about how you’ll wear your hair and if you want a tiara, we have lots to choose from.” She walks over to a cabinet and pulls out an assortment. There’s tiara’s, a slide comb and a headband if you don’t like the tiara’s.” Picking up each one, I pick up the slide comb loaded with diamantes and beads with flowers and admire it then turn to the mirror. “I’ll steam clean this later, if you can pick it up in the mo

  “Yeah that’s great thank you.” I answer Charley as Ash speaks at the same time.

  “She won’t have a tiara she’s not girly enough.” Says Ash as she steps from the changing room in a deep red floor length strapless gown. Her dark hair sitting against the olive of her skin making her brown eyes shine.

  “Oh my god you look gorgeous. I love the colour!” Ash beams at the compliment.

  Darcy steps out next. “I look fat, look at me. You know what, just have Ash as a bridesmaid I look awful, I look frumpy.”

  “You look beautiful.” Her dress is a little different with her being pregnant and all. Her dress sits under her boobs and flares out A-line and sits on her knee in a kind of flouncy material. Ash eyes Darcy then turns to Charley and takes her to the side.

  “You look perfect. Adam will die when he sees you.”

  “Are you sure?”

  “Yes. I want you as a bridesmaid, that’s final.” She smiles at me as something takes her eye over my shoulder and a look of awe creeps on her face. I turn around and see Ash walking back towards us in a similar dress to Darcy’s but in a different style. Ash’s is more fitted but still strapless whereas Darcy needs the support with being pregnant.

  “You both look amazing.”

  “I thought if we both wore the same length Darcy may feel a bit better.” Ash puts an arm around Darcy’s shoulders and pulls her in, hugging her.

  “You all look amazing, my boys should be glad to have such beautiful women on their arms and Ash when I say ‘my’, that includes Ryan.”

  “I know it does and thank you.” At that point Alyssia cries. Annemarie takes her from the pram and cradles her. “It’s time for a feed.” Ash points out.


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