The Black Rose Chronicles: Deceit and Lies

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The Black Rose Chronicles: Deceit and Lies Page 17

by Michaels, A K

  “I’m not trying to make you feel ashamed. I need to know what’s going on between us and how you feel. To do that, I needed to know what he meant.”

  “Well, now you know.” She looked away as another tear ran down her cheek. “Don’t you feel all warm and fuzzy ‘bout us having this real good heart to heart? No? Neither do I. I feel mortified and humiliated, and let’s not even get started on how fucking good I felt earlier before this all went to hell.”

  “You lied to me.”

  “No, technically, I didn’t. My name is Marie O’Connell, I just kept out the Rose part. I am a tech whiz, and I was here for a job. It was just a different job to the one you gave me.”

  “Semantics, Rose.” Cassius wanted to embrace her, hold her tight, but he held himself in check, needing her to bare her very soul for him. “You allowed me to pleasure you. Why?”

  Rose flushed, again, even her ears now a shade of pink as she intently focused on her nails, picking one as she took a deep breath in.

  “I trusted you. I’ve never trusted anyone before.”

  Her words hit him like a blow to his chest. The enormity of her allowing herself to be vulnerable with him caused his heart to pound. He could hear hers beating wildly in her chest as she snuck a peak at him.

  “You, Cassius, are the first man I’ve allowed to do that. I don’t trust easily. Fuck, I don’t trust at all, ever.”

  As her eyes stayed locked on his, another stray tear escaped, and he saw her fight the urge to swipe it away. He reached forward, a finger gently removing the offending droplet before cupping her face.

  “Rose, do you think we can learn to trust one another? Get past this?”

  “I hope so.” Her eyes desolate as she looked at him solemnly. “I’ve never wanted anything so much in my life. I want you, Cassius. If you can forgive me?”

  “I think, for you, I can.” Gently rubbing his thumb across her cheek, he smiled. “Anyone else would be handed over to Valentine, but you, Rose, are staying right here with me.”

  “I’m afraid of what’s going to happen now.” She looked around them, as if expecting Razor to return.

  “That’s something else we need to discuss.” He scowled at her. “Don’t ever put yourself before me in a fight situation. I’m more than capable of looking after myself, and you, understand?”

  “That’s going to be difficult.” She gave him a small, cheeky grin. “I’m an assassin after all. It’s been bred into me to fight, and I have to say, I do it rather well.”

  “You do that.” Cassius cocked his head to the side, his tone dry as a bone. “However, if we truly are soul-mates, then it’s my job to protect you. Not the other way around.”

  “Sexist.” She giggled. “I never thought you were the kind of man to be a chauvinist.”

  “Ordinarily, I’m not. I have many females in my guards. However,” he chucked her chin, “you’re different, special, and I won’t chance you getting hurt again.”

  “I’m capable of looking after myself. I’ve done it long enough.”

  “That may be so, but now you can relax, take time to just enjoy life and let me look after you.”

  “I’ll try, but no promises.”

  “I’m curious about something.” Cassius cocked his head to the side. “I’ve heard of The Black Rose, but every person has a different description. Blonde hair, black hair, red hair, pale skin, hell, I’m sure I heard a description that said she was Japanese. How the hell did you manage that?”

  Rose smirked, looking at him wide-eyed. “Magic. I can be whatever I want to be. You want to see?”

  Cassius nodded, his eyes going wide as she mumbled quietly and changed right there in front of him. No longer did she have long, wavy, dark hair. In its place was a short cut of platinum blonde, her dark brown eyes now a light green staring back at him. Even her features changed, her small straight nose growing and spreading over her face as her mouth thinned and her lips were no longer pouty and plush.

  “Damn!” He gasped. “Change back, please, I much prefer you as yourself.”

  Rose changed back in the blink of an eye as Cassius frowned.

  “Shit, is this the real you? Or another facsimile?”

  “This is me.” Rose shrugged. “The original Rose is what you see now.”

  “Thank goodness, because I do like those delectable lips.” He saw her blush as he moved to sit next to her, his arm snaking around her shoulders as she snuggled into him. “Shall we talk about the enormous white elephant in the room?”

  “Huh?” She looked confused.

  “Who hired you to come here and assassinate me?” Cassius held his breath, hoping it wasn’t someone he thought of as a friend.

  “Can we do that later?” She looked up, lust taking over from the tears.

  “I suppose waiting a little while longer wouldn’t hurt.” Leaning down to kiss her delectable lips.

  “Just what I was thinking.” She almost purred into his mouth as he picked her up, carrying her through to the bed.

  “Strip,” he ordered as he placed her on her feet, his hands already removing his own clothing. Her eyes hooding as his body came into sight. “Now,” he said firmly as the last of his fell to the floor.

  Rose tore her jeans off, then her top and underwear. When she stood naked before him, he saw her blanch as doubt filled her eyes.

  “Look at me,” he coaxed. “I won’t hurt you, Rose. Never.”

  “Promise?” she asked in a small voice, barely a whisper.

  “Yes.” He fell to his knees, prying her thighs apart as his tongue started to lave at her sensitive nub. “Relax and let me do this, Rose.”

  He felt her fighting the urge to stop him as his fingers slipped within her folds and into her warm sheath. Her gasp of pleasure caused him immense satisfaction as he continued to suck, lick, and nibble her clit. Rose’s hands snaked into his hair, pulling him closer as she rode his face. His eyes sought hers, but her head lay back, her long, dark hair falling down her back as she neared her peak.

  “Come for me,” he whispered before sucking hard to take her nub inside his mouth. Her body quivered, shook, and her orgasm hit her fiercely. His arms held her tightly as she almost collapsed to the floor.

  “That’s just the beginning.” He grinned as he took her to bed, their bed, no longer his alone.

  Several hours later they’d gotten to know each other’s body even better, finding those areas that brought pleasure and release. Rose allowed Cassius to take the lead as she slowly relinquished total control. He still felt her stiffen at times, but he’d talk quietly to calm her fears as he brought her to heights she’d never reach on her own.

  Now they lay in each other’s arms, legs entwined, her arm across his stomach and gently tickled him. “You need food and we still have a conversation to finish.”

  “Do we have to?” She nestled closer to him, tightening her hold on his body.

  “Yes, we do, but first, I’d like to know your thoughts on what Seth said about us being soul-mates?”

  “Hell if I know. I’ve never even thought of anything like that. I’ve been pretty damn sure stuff like that was nothing more than a fairy tale. Happiness forever with one person seems kinda a stretch to me.”

  Cassius ran a finger down her face. “Really? Because I’ve seen soul-mated couples, and trust me, they are very happy. However, I never even dreamed it possible for me to find one.”

  “Guess the only thing we can do is see where this takes us.” Rose leaned into his hand, sighing.

  “I suppose so. We can talk about it more later, but, for now, we do need to get up.” Extricating himself, he made a call asking Sue to send up some food before pointing to the bathroom. “We have time for a quick shower.”

  “Hell, you’re such a spoilsport.” She giggled as she sat up in naked gloriousness in the middle of the bed.

  “Shower, now, then food, and then we talk.”

  Following him to the bathroom, he made sure the shower was indeed qui
ck. Cassius wanted nothing more than to sink deep inside her once more, but knew they would have to face the repercussions of her assignment and the fact she’d reneged on it. He only hoped he could deal with the fallout and keep any ramifications to a minimum. Hopefully, with Valentine’s help, they could deal with it quickly and efficiently.

  “Can’t we just go back to bed?” she cajoled as he wrapped a robe around her.

  “No.” Laughing, he went to answer a knock on the still broken door. “That’ll be the food.”

  “Darn.” She opened the robe, giving him a flash of her delectable body. “You sure?”

  A soft moan escaped as he fought to control his reaction. “Food, and if you carry on like that, I may just have to give that luscious ass of yours a good spanking later.”

  “Promises, promises.” Rose laughed, picking up a pillow and throwing it at him playfully.

  Once he’d retrieved the tray from Sue, he turned back, shouting, “Okay, come and eat, and then we can discuss who it was that hired you.”

  “I hope there’s fries. I love fries,” Rose said as she left the bedroom, dressed casually in jeans, a tight vest top that had his cock twitching, and her hair up in a loose knot, held in place by those darn silver sticks he’d burned his fingers on. He gave her a slow smile as she stopped, worry on her face.

  “I’m not sure what we can do about who hired me. He’s powerful, Cassius, very powerful, and deadly.”

  “Yes, I am.”

  Rose’s heart stopped as strong arms encircled her from behind, holding her in a vice so she couldn’t even move her arms. Cassius roared, his face a mask of hatred as he dropped the tray. “Let her go!”

  “No.” Basilius laughed and Rose felt herself disappear, her last sight being Cassius lurching to grab her as the Demon took her fuck knew where.

  “Shit,” she blurted, knowing she was in it right up to her fucking neck.

  Ready to find out what’s happened to Rose? Click HERE to continue the series in Torment and Treachery!

  Hell…I’m in Hell. Literally.

  I dishonored a contract to kill the Leader of the Vampires. For love. And now I’m paying the price. Locked up tight by the Demon King and his vicious minion. The way the Demon looks at me is sickening and leaves no doubt what his plans are where I’m concerned. I have to escape before it’s too late.

  All I have to hold onto is the belief that Cassius will come for me, that he will follow me into the pits of Hell. If anyone can do it. He can. I cling to visions of his eyes. The feel of his arms as he holds me. His love. It’s my only way to survive.

  Where are you, Cassius? I need you…

  If you loved Rose, check out A Vampire’s Thirst: Victor…

  Victor allowed the blood to flow over his tongue, savoring the taste as it filled his mouth and ran down his throat. Exquisite!

  His first taste of human blood in such a long time, and he wondered why he’d denied himself as he sank his fangs deeper into her soft skin, drinking deeply, while his hard length pounded inside her. Her moans of pleasure as she writhed beneath him spurred him on, taking him higher, her blood filling him with lust and longing for more . . . so much more.

  Her dark skin felt soft beneath his touch, her back bowed as another orgasm wracked her body as his bite took her over again and again. The blood he drank was addictive, glorious, and he wanted to drain her . . . Forcing his fangs from her skin, immediately feeling the pull to drink from her again, he retracted his teeth and pushed her away roughly.

  Without a word he disentangled their bodies, dressed quickly and left the private room, disgust coursing through him briefly before the damn thirst for her fucking blood reared its head again. He wasted no time in leaving the club, not even waiting on his bodyguard, rushing out and into his limo and ordering his driver to take him home as quickly as possible. Sitting back, he tried to sort through what the hell had happened . . . he’d drank human blood for the first time in over two centuries and he had no fucking clue why.

  When he arrived home, without acknowledging the doorman, he hurried to the elevator quickly inputting the security code. His only wish to gain access to his home. He slammed the door, almost tearing it from the hinges, his long legs stormed over to the window where he stopped to stare out the floor to ceiling window overlooking Central Park, his reflection glaring back at him accusingly. His ice blue eyes shielding the turmoil within from anyone that had the misfortune to look his way, only he knew the hell he was experiencing, the absolute and all-encompassing torture that his mind and body was forcing him to endure. And he had no idea what the blue blazes was going on.

  What the hell is happening to me? he thought for the hundredth time.

  He was one of the most powerful Vampires in existence. One who held knowledge that spanned centuries, ran businesses all over the damn world with ease, and yet here he was acting like a newly turned Vampling with no control over his bloodlust or his sexual demands.

  Leaning his forehead on the cool glass, inhaling deeply to still his madly beating heart, Victor fought to control his growing anger. He had to control it. If he lost it then his penthouse apartment would be in ruin in no time at all, but worse . . . his secret would be out. People would learn there was something very wrong with Victor Strong and that was something he couldn’t allow to happen. Not now, hell, not at any fucking time, but especially not now.

  He had a meeting tomorrow that was going to be worth hundreds of billions of dollars for one of his companies and he’d be a fool to mess that up. One thing he was not, was a fool. The only saving grace was that it was being done online. Thank fuck for technology. He’d already met with the people involved and everything had been ironed out . . . almost. This was the final deal breaker and he refused to allow whatever was going on inside him to muck up the months of hard work he’d put in getting everything in place of his ultimate goal to gain some lucrative acquisitions. They’d add enough to his portfolio to make him the richest man alive . . . or dead depending on your perception of Vampires. As he still had a heart, still breathed air, he never thought of himself as one of the undead, but that didn’t stop others from believing that were so.

  “Are you going to tell me what the fuck is going on?” Flint’s hard voice broke the silence, but he didn’t jump, merely turned around slowly and walked to the bar.

  “Want one?” he asked, pouring himself a shot of expensive whisky.

  “Sure.” Flint joined him, leaning his ass on a stool. His dark-as-night eyes never leaving Victor’s as he took the offered glass. “So, boss, what’s going on with you? You never take up the offer of girls at the club, yet tonight . . . you went through three of them. What’s up with that? And, that’s not all, is it?”

  Flint made a show of lifting his head and sniffing. Victor stiffened, his lips curling back in a snarl of warning. “Don’t say it.”

  “What? That I smell blood? Human blood. On the man that’s not fed on human blood for so long that I can’t even remember how far back it was.” Flint took a sip of his drink, before placing the glass down heavily. “What’s up, Victor?”

  “It’s not illegal, is it?” Victor snapped viciously. “I have done nothing wrong.”

  Flint frowned, rising from the stool and looking at him with a look of confusion on his hard face. “What the hell, boss? What’s gotten into you?”

  Victor shook his head, trying to clear it of the thoughts cascading through his brain. Mainly the ones of sinking his fangs into soft flesh and the taste of sweet blood as it dripped onto his tongue and trailed down his throat so damn nicely. He could still smell the heady aroma of one of the girls he’d drank from earlier, her unique blend that reminded him of a good merlot he’d tasted on his last trip to Paris. Fuck! He yearned to race back and sink himself inside her once more at the same time as his fangs tore into her pale skin to . . . no. He refused to allow himself to descend that route once again.

  He was strong not just in name but in everything. His steely control over
his entire life wasn’t limited to his Vampire cravings, but in his everyday business dealings and the way he ran his world-wide corporations with an iron fist. It was how he became one of, if not the richest man in the goddamn world. He would win this war against whatever it was that was eating away inside him. He was Victor Fucking Strong and nothing, absolutely nothing would make him weak, or bring him to his knees. Not a chance in hell would he allow that to happen. His hands bunched into fists at his sides, his nails digging into his palms, drawing blood with the ferocity and strength of his will to battle the demons raging inside him.

  “Victor?” Flint’s hand landed on his shoulder, surprising him out of his thoughts, causing him to jerk away angrily.


  “You’re worrying me. You were out of it then and you were definitely not yourself earlier. You need to talk to me. What’s happening?”

  “I’m fine.” Victor pushed past the man that wasn’t just his bodyguard and his right-hand-man, but someone who’d been at his side for more years than he could count. Flint was his best friend and they’d saved each other’s lives so many times over the centuries it was as if he’d slapped the man as he strode away from him to the window. “I need some air.”

  Opening the sliding door, he stepped out onto the large patio. He didn’t see the glorious New York skyline, his eyes closed as he took deep steadying breaths. Flint was next to him, he felt him, his friend nearby and worried. “I’ll be fine, Flint.”

  “Will you?” he asked skeptically.

  Victor turned to him, seeing the worry etched on his face brought a vision of when they’d first met…so many centuries ago when Flint was a new Vampling and been abandoned by his maker. Victor had found him in a backstreet in New Orleans, draining a young woman. He’d barely managed to save her in time, but he did and then took the young man under his wing and taught him how to control his urges. They’d been together ever since, and they were as close as brothers. To see him looking at him like this and talking to him with such a tone, well, it hurt.


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