Forgiven: a bully romance (An Academy Twin Rivalry Series Book 3)

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Forgiven: a bully romance (An Academy Twin Rivalry Series Book 3) Page 10

by Taylor Blaine

  “Just in time, would you both like to join us for dinner? Cook is serving up quail in a simmered cream sauce with peas and salad.” Mom smiled at me and shoved a small stack of paper back toward Trenton who tucked it discreetly into a manila folder.

  I sat down beside Jaxon and quirked my eyebrow pointedly while looking in the direction of the briefcase Trenton was trying to shove under his chair. “Too late, I already saw it. What’s going on?” I made a point to not reach for Jaxon’s hand. I’d been warned about dating either O’Donnell boy. There was no way our parents would understand that I’d slept with both of them and now loved one with a savagery I found disturbing.

  Loved. Holy shit. I loved Jaxon. I tamped the emotion down before I wore it in my expression. There was nothing to be done about it right then. I couldn’t tell him as I sat across from my mom. That just wouldn’t work anyway. Plus, I couldn’t tell him something like that, unless there was a chance he felt the same way.

  Was there a chance? I peeked at Jaxon from my seat. Could he care about me like I felt for him?

  Mom sighed and leaned her elbow on the table as she rested her chin in her hand. “You’re right. It wasn’t very sneaky of me. Okay.” She dropped her hand to her lap and straightened. “Truth time? We have the paperwork that you and Stephanie gave us, but it’s worthless unless we can get into a board meeting and see what they have planned. We aren’t sure when their next board meeting is because everything is being kept classified.”

  “I told you. I broke into their house with Stephanie.” My voice caught. Too many emotions rummaged their way through me, leaving small traces of hell here and there through my veins. I’d lost my best friend and, in more ways than just death. I couldn’t help looking at all of our memories with a scratched filter. She’d broken something in me and I would never get it back. It was as simple as that.

  “Your mother told me about your friend, Olivia. I’m sorry for your loss. From the things your mom told me, she seemed like the type of friend you wanted in your corner.” Trenton smiled sympathetically at me. He had no idea what had happened. Not really. Neither did Mom. They couldn’t understand because they didn’t have all the information they needed.

  Shit. I didn’t have all the information I needed.

  Neither of them knew what she’d done behind my back and I left it at that. They didn’t need to know. I didn’t want anyone to know. Her memory was tarnished for me, but that didn’t mean I needed to ruin who she was for others.

  “When is her funeral?” Mom leaned forward, claiming her wine glass again and sipping from it as she watched me for my answer.

  I shrugged, keeping my expression clear of the pain ripping through me. “I don’t know. I haven’t heard anything. I think her parents will cremate her. They’re never home, so I have no way to find out.” I didn’t want to know. Not anymore. I didn’t want that kind of pain to have any more control over my life.

  “When you were there, did you notice any calendars or anything that showed what they had coming up? You know how we used to have the whiteboard at the house? I mean, I left it there on the wall, but I don’t know if they use it or not.” Mom shifted, crossing one leg over the other.

  I blinked at her. “I… I don’t know. I hid behind the couch mostly before running back out of there.” I cast my gaze around like I could remember what I’d seen by scanning the kitchen and dining area of my new home. I shrugged and closed my eyes. “No. I don’t know.”

  “We need to get back in there.” Trenton leaned toward Mom. “I don’t know how else to get the information. The Vigil family is very tight-lipped. They have loyal people working for them and they pay people off with extreme prejudice. I can’t supersede that. No matter how much money I throw at the problem.” Trenton stared into Mom’s eyes as they both seemed to consider what their options were.

  “What do you need in their house? Why do you need to go to a board meeting?” I squinted at them as if the answers were suspended in the air around their heads. Then it dawned on me that they might ask me to go back into the house for them. My palms broke out in a cold sweat. I leaned back in the chair, shaking my head. “I can’t go back in there. They killed people in there. Who’s to say they wouldn’t do that to me?” There was a very real possibility they’d amped up security, too. An argument I would save until I needed it.

  “No one is suggesting that you break in, Liv. We just need to find that information out. It’s extremely important we get it. Your legacy depends on it.” Mom didn’t understand what she was asking. My legacy would be worthless, if they caught me. I’d be dead in no time.

  I shook my head. “Staci hates me. I don’t even know why, but I think she suspects who I am. There’s no way I’d be welcomed in that house by her or her mother.” I folded my arms. “I’m sorry. I can’t do what you want.”

  “I can get in without breaking any laws.” Jaxon rested his forearm on the table and glanced at me over his shoulder and then back at our parents. “Staci has a proclivity for… guys. Any guys. If I show any interest at all, I can get in that house. What exactly are you looking for?” He didn’t look back at me as what he said sank in.

  Staci would let him in. Especially if he promised sex and lots of it. He’d probably have to promise Braddox, too. Staci always wanted twins. Wasn’t that what she’d said numerous times?


  Jaxon would have to work with Braddox. For some reason that filled me with dread, pure unholy dread. I wished I could tell her that having twins wasn’t everything it was made out to be. One of the twins was hot as hell and made me wet just thinking about him while the other left me in a cold sweat from fear.

  Fear was not an aphrodisiac, no matter what Braddox said.

  Trenton’s lips curved in pride at Jaxon. “As long as you won’t do anything that will get you in trouble, we need information on the board meeting. That’s paramount to us fixing what Stabler broke before he died.” Trenton reached out and took Mom’s hand. “I want to fix this. I need to do this. Someone needs to get revenge from the things that have happened in their life. Why not Maria and Olivia?”

  Mom swallowed, blinking back tears as she squeezed Trenton’s hand in hers and stared at him.

  I wasn’t the only one seeking vengeance. But was I the only one who would lose her heart to the dangers? I couldn’t help looking at Jaxon with worry. He had no idea what Staci could do or what he was up against. I wasn’t sure how to tell him.

  Things weren’t getting easier. Instead, they were spiraling out of control and I wasn’t sure how much we would all survive. Under the table, I reached for Jaxon’s hand, uncaring who we were around or could see.

  I didn’t want him in any more danger than he had to be in. Yet there he was taking on the Stabler women without concern, even willing to do whatever it took.

  I swallowed my denial of him going into her house. I didn’t have a say in the matter and if I wanted to protect our parents from the emotions I had for Jaxon, I had to keep my mouth shut. They’d wonder why I cared so much and why I would try to stop him from doing what he wanted.

  He would do it, even if he didn’t really want to.

  As they made their plans, my heart sank. He really was going to do it and there was nothing I could do to stop him. I’d pretty much pushed him into it with my plea that he help protect me. I’d put him in that position. I didn’t have the right to renege on what I’d asked for when he was willing to step up and do it.

  One more thing I could add to my list to be guilty for.


  I turned from the closet, pulling on my favorite black hoodie and glancing again at the phone sitting on my dresser.

  “Are you sure you’re going to be okay?” Olivia paced back and forth in front of my bathroom door; her forehead wrinkled with worry.

  “I’ll be fine. She doesn’t want much from me. I think she’s just interested in what I can do to help her.” I picked up the cell as my sweatshirt settled around the top of my jeans
. I glanced back through the messages I’d been sending back and forth with Staci since my dad asked me to get information for him.

  Olivia was worried but she had no reason to be. I’d done far worse for information. Dad didn’t know and neither did she. I planned on keeping it that way.

  Me: You available?

  S: Most likely. Who is this?

  Me: The twin you didn’t screw.

  S: I’m available but I’m not interested.

  A game. I could play a game. I had reasons for going over there. She just didn’t know what they were. Those reasons were the only ones that kept me going with the charade.

  Me: I don’t blame you. He’s… meh. I’m bored. Know anyone who might fix that?

  S: Not interested.


  S: Although, if you could get him here with you. I might be. I’ve always wanted twins.

  Me: I might be able to get him there.

  S: Don’t you have a girlfriend? She boring you already?

  Me: Something like that. Time?

  S: Two hours. Don’t come without him.

  But I had to show up without him. There was no way he would do anything to help me. Or Olivia. He wouldn’t like that I was going to Staci’s and trespassing on his territory, even if he was through with her. Braddox was like a dog who pissed on a tree. That was his forever and always. He’d fight to keep his territory from being pissed on by competition.

  He didn’t care that Staci slept with other guys. What he would care about was if I slept with her.

  I had fifteen minutes to get to her house and convince her she didn’t want Braddox there.

  “Are you sure you want to do this?” Olivia stopped pacing in front of me and turned to grab my hands. She searched my face as if I was secretly dreading the mission and she could save me from it.

  I leaned down, brushing my lips across her forehead. “It’s going to be fine. I promise.” I tilted her chin up with my thumb. “You’re the one I want, do you understand? Not her.” I waited for her to nod that she understood before I pressed my lips to hers. Heat flooded my limbs and I almost considered skipping Staci’s to spend the rest of the night in Olivia’s arms. “I’ll be back before you know it.”

  She gazed up at me, something I didn’t recognize in her eyes, but that I longed to see again. She waved me off as I turned and walked from the room.

  Getting to Staci’s was faster than I’d planned. I pulled up in front of her house, certain she would know I was up to something. Climbing from the car, I glanced around at the dark night. Clouds and wind whipped through the trees that had the audacity to surround the home and line the property. Even though the sun was down, the moon gave off enough light through the clouds that I could see the layout of Staci’s place.

  At the front door, I knocked, fully prepared to run into the mother or one of the guys Olivia had reportedly seen there. Instead, Staci answered in a shiny silk robe. She glanced past me and then back at me, her eyes narrowed. She moved to shut the door.

  I put my booted foot in the way. “What’s wrong?”

  She raised her eyebrows. “I told you to bring Braddox and not to come without him.”

  I laughed, shaking my head. “Yeah, I’m not riding in the same car as that cock. We’ll screw you, but that’s as far as it goes. I’m not talking to him. He’ll be here in a little bit. He’s at Donnie’s.” I lied through my teeth, at least about Donnie and where Braddox was. I had no idea. I just made sure he wasn’t home before I pulled out. Olivia had locked herself in her room until she would check on me later when she saw I’d gotten home.

  Something I couldn’t wait to do.

  As Staci opened the door more fully, letting light spill onto her appearance and allowing me through the door, I got a clearer look at her. Her pupils were wide and unfocused and her hair was hastily pulled back in a loose bun. What I thought was hastily applied makeup was actually smudged remnants. Her lips were swollen and dark. The look wasn’t from lipstick.

  She shut the door behind me and turned, folding her arms across her chest as she nodded toward the couch. “Go ahead. We can wait there.”

  I looked at her in concern. I wasn’t interested in Staci in any manner, but I didn’t see the point in anyone hurting. I sat on the couch and studied her, folding my hands and letting them dangle between my knees. I waited for her to sit across from me, with her robe suggestively gaping at the chest before asking, “Hey, are you okay?”

  She lifted her eyes to mine then shot her gaze around the room, lighting on me every few spins around before finally stopping for good and shifting back to my face. “I’m fine. Why would you ask that?”

  I motioned toward her, encompassing her appearance with one sweeping motion. ‘Because my mom went on benders every few days and you look like you’re starting one.”

  She snort-laughed as she wiped at her nose and rolled her eyes. But I could see it. She was either waiting for the drugs to hit or she was coming off of a high. Either way, she wasn’t doing well.

  I stood, shaking my head and moving toward the door. “Nah, never mind. I’ll let Braddox know it’s off. I don’t screw stoned or drunk chicks.” I moved to the door, shaking my head and pulling out my phone as if I was going to text Braddox right there.

  In less than a second, Staci was on me, pulling my arm and screaming for me to stay.

  I jerked from her hold, “Hey, I don’t know what’s going on, but I don’t need this craziness. Do you understand? I don’t need it. I just need to clear my head. This isn’t doing that.”

  Staci let me pull from her grasp and she untied her robe, dropping the clothing to the floor. She stood there in all her nakedness as if that would tempt me. But I knew she was wild and well-ridden. The last thing I wanted to do was climb up on someone everyone else had.

  “Let’s go for a swim while we wait for Brax. You and me. We can have some fun and then finish things off with him.” She winked, a little off-balance as she tottered toward the back door.

  I slowly followed her, watching as she fell against the counter in the kitchen beside the door and then she slid the door open and flipped on the outside lights.

  She didn’t even look back as she ran toward the water and dove headfirst in.

  I turned, looking for anything that might give me the information I needed. Stuck to the fridge with a magnet was a collection of letters. Thankfully, the top one was a reminder that the board meeting for Ramirez International was the next day. I took out my phone and snapped a picture, glancing behind me at the sound of something hitting the floor upstairs.

  I wasn’t alone in that house. That’s all the knowledge I needed to make get the hell out of there.

  While Staci skimmed the water, slicing through with expert-like ease, I slipped out the front door and into my car. I’d gotten what I came for. No reason hanging around to see just how much that girl was messed up in.

  Heading back to Olivia was the only thing I could think of doing that would be worth doing again and again. First, I’d need a shower after the filthy way Staci’s house had made me feel.

  Olivia would help me get rid of that used sensation. She usually made everything better. I could handle a heavy dose of that. Especially if it ended with me in her arms.

  I could handle a lot of that, actually.

  Chapter 14


  I ran my fingers through my hair as I paced back and forth. The worrying could kill me, if I wasn’t working off the anxiety with constant movement.

  I should be in bed, getting sleep. I wasn’t getting enough rest lately, but there was no way I would be able to close my eyes while Jaxon was at Staci’s. There was something menacing about the Stabler or Vigil women. I couldn’t decide what to call them. Vigil seemed right since that’s where they came from – the Vigils in Denver. But calling them the Stablers kept my father’s duplicitousness front and center. After Stephanie witnessed the women killing other boys, I couldn’t help being nervous for Jaxon’s well-b

  My doors were locked and I was secured in my room. Jaxon had locked his room before he’d left and I’d reassured him I’d let him in, if he wasn’t able to get in when he returned.

  He’d only been gone thirty minutes when I heard movement coming from his room. I sighed in relief and rushed to the adjoining door. Unlocking it and throwing it open, I grinned at his back as he dug through his dresser drawers.

  “That was fast. Glad you got in your room, okay. What happened?” My smile died on my lips as Jaxon turned and actually revealed himself to be Braddox. The way he held his lips and the narrowed slant to his eyes as he squinted at me left me chilled to the bone.

  “Braddox. What are you doing in here? This isn’t your room.” I didn’t stray from the doorway, holding onto the doorjamb in case he came toward me and I needed to jump into my room and slam the door. I wasn’t afraid of Braddox on principle but in reality, I’d be stupid if I wasn’t apprehensive of what he could do. He’d already proven the potential of what he was capable of.

  Why push him to prove he could do so much more?

  Braddox glared at me and then stepped forward, his hands up as if he sensed I had no problem attacking him again.

  As much as he looked like Jaxon, there were enough differences to tell them apart, most especially in the cruel twist to Braddox’s tightly held lips where Jaxon’s were soft and quick to smile. “You’re too familiar with Jaxon’s room. My guess is, you’ve screwed him and he didn’t have to trick you.”

  I lifted my chin and glared down my nose at him. “Why are you in here?” It was none of his business if I’d slept with Jaxon or not. Sex wasn’t something I needed to broadcast around the world. Not to mention, who knew what Braddox would do, if he found out about Jaxon and me.


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