From: Richard Blake
Subject: Re: Re: Re: Missin’ you already :-(
Date: 16 September 2008 13.50 GMT
Greetings, lowly intern,
Beam me up, Scotty? Tell me you are joking, Miss McQuaid. You do realise that’s from Star Trek, not Doctor Who? It sounds like I will have to dust off another of my box sets as you appear to be in dire need of a full and proper science fiction education, Miss. What’s that you said again? Oh yes – ‘a deal’s a deal after all’!
What a difference a day makes. First day back, and it’s been non-stop all morning – it’s absolutely manic in here, so no time for jet lag. I’ve a meeting with Edith in ten minutes. I’m expecting her to have baked me a massive big humble pie – seems I was right about the economy after all: first it was Lehman Brothers, now it looks like AIG is in serious trouble too. I’ve even been given a front-page slot for my piece on it all.
Anyway, I’ve a few minutes before Edith gets here to tell me what she hates about my article, so I just wanted to drop you a quick line in case I don’t get time to call later. I’ve some news I think you’ll be very happy to hear: I rang Jangler this morning about the snag list – he’s on to it now by the way. Sounds like things are going well there – apparently not only have Dad and Dec covered all the centre’s building costs, but since the pilot retreat went so well for young Tara, Dec offered yesterday to cover the running costs of the place for the next five years as well. Proper order really, he made a killing by selling off most of his property portfolio a few months back – at least one person took my economic predictions seriously.
But the big news is that Jangler’s just been promoted to chairman of your Millennium Centre! Yep – that ol’ Cruella crone stepped down. Word on the street is that hubby’s property business is starting to look very shaky. No surprise there, eh? Anyway, Jangler was asking me when you’ll be getting back to work – he wants to talk to you about getting Marcus and the board to agree to scale back that oversized development project at The Mill. So expect to be busy when you get back, Miss.
Funny thing though, the first thing Jangler asked about was my trip over to see you – before we even got on to the topic of the Centre. So I told him how well it had all gone and how great it was to see you and spend some quality time together. Then he said something like: “That’s wonderful to hear, Richard. It certainly does the soul good to witness a plan come together.” I didn’t want to sound rude by asking what he was talking about, but what do you reckon he meant – what plan?
Oh shit. Edith’s early, she’s just outside – face like a bull. And I don’t see any pie.
Love ya, Miss – hurry home, will ya?
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