Chelsea's Chastisement

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Chelsea's Chastisement Page 13

by Tara Rose

  “Jesus Christ on a sidecar,” she whispered.

  He had no idea what that meant, but he pulled her close and kissed her hair. “They’re gone. And you have better things now to concentrate on.” He brushed a hand over her abdomen. “Like what to name our unborn son.”

  “Or daughter,” said Denver.

  The healer cleared his throat. “Pardon my intrusion into this conversation, Sire, but I feel two distinct tiny presences there.”

  Chelsea stared at him with a shocked expression. “Excuse me?”

  He smiled indulgently at her. “Twins, Miss. You are having two babies.”


  Eight months later…

  Chelsea thought her insides were going to rip apart. No epidurals or drugs here. These women gave birth the old-fashioned way. She was covered in sweat and so damn tired she couldn’t even think.

  “One more push, Chelsea,” said the healer. “You can do this.”

  “No. I can’t.”

  Roland squeezed her hand. “Yes you can.”

  She took another deep breath, and for him, Archer, and Denver, she pushed, screaming as something slid out of her. The lusty cry of a newborn filled the room, and she gasped as its twin began to cry, too, from across the room.

  “This one is a boy,” said the healer. “You have a daughter and a son.”

  “Oh my God.” She collapsed onto the pillows behind her. “Please tell me there isn’t a third one hiding in there.”

  The men laughed, but she couldn’t even manage a weak smile. When they placed the babies in her arms, one for each, she stared at them with more emotion than she could handle. She had given birth. To twins. It was incomprehensible. And they were suckling. They didn’t do bottles here, either. She would be breast feeding them.

  Deirdre, who was now her maid, helped each infant latch on, and Chelsea watched in amazement. The fact that her princes were right there seemed like the most normal thing in the world. Is this what it would have been like if she’d had children with Steve? No. He would have been out with another woman.

  Chelsea shook away thoughts of him. That was no longer her life. It never would be again. This was her life now. She gazed at each of her princes in turn. “I love you so much.”

  “Oh, Chelsea,” said Roland, kissing her hair. “We love you, too. I’m at a loss for words. I’ve never seen anything so beautiful. You or the babies.”

  “We have a son and a daughter,” said Archer. His gaze was full of awe and love. “Does that hurt when they feed?”

  She smiled. “No. Not at all. It’s an odd sensation because I can feel the milk flowing, but I’m sure I’ll get used to that.”

  “You will,” said Deirdre, moving between her legs to help the healer clean her up.

  “Are you okay with us here,” asked Denver, glancing toward her feet.

  “Only if you’re okay with it.”

  “We never want to leave you. Not for anything.”

  Her heart overflowed with joy. “Then I have everything I need, right here, for the rest of my life.”

  * * * *

  A week after the birth of Prince Austin and Princess Angela, Chelsea lifted Austin onto the changing table. Angela had already been fed and was sleeping again. Roland, Archer, and Denver had watched her change Angela’s diaper and feed her, but now it was their turn.

  “All right, Your Highnesses. One week is enough time for you big strong men to get over the shock. It’s time you learned how to change a diaper.”

  All three men looked at her as if she’d just asked them to make it rain.

  She laughed. “Don’t give me that look. They’re your children, too. At least I’m starting these lessons with your son.”

  “But this is why you have Deirdre,” said Roland. “You don’t have to keep doing this yourself.”

  “Deirdre is my maid, not their nanny.”

  “We have offered you a nanny,” said Archer.

  “And I told you I don’t want or need one. There are four of us, and two tiny babies. I think you three can handle diapers and baths for each, since only I can feed them.” She would be nursing them both for at least a year, although she wasn’t too sure how she’d feel about that once they had teeth.

  Denver eyed his son skeptically. “All right. What do we do first?”

  She had to fight to keep from laughing. “Take off the wet diaper.”

  “It’s pinned.”

  “Yes. Undo the pins. You’re used to buckles and ties. I think you can handle pins.”

  Denver’s eyes widened. “Don’t say that in front of him.”

  She did laugh this time. “He can’t understand a word of it yet.”

  “How do you know?”

  “I know.” She pointed. “Diaper comes off first.”

  Denver undid the pins, and then pulled down Austin’s diaper as carefully as if it were a bomb that might explode.

  “Now take that cloth and clean him.”


  All three men jumped back as Austin peed, straight up, nearly splashing Denver in the face. Chelsea laughed until her sides hurt. “Yeah, little boys do that. I forgot to warn you.”

  Denver gave her a fierce look. “You’re enjoying this, aren’t you?”

  “Oh, yes. Totally.”

  She watched while the men cleaned their son, and then had to help them figure out how to put on a new diaper. Once that was taken care of, she talked them through putting clean clothes on Austin, and then Roland lifted him up and held him close. “I love the way he smells.”

  “I know,” she said. “Baby smell. It’s incredible, isn’t it?”

  He gazed at her with nothing short of adoration on his face. “This is amazing. Messy, but amazing.”

  “When can you have another one?” asked Archer.

  She giggled. “Give me a few months, okay? This is a lot of work.”

  “It is,” said Denver, the admiration in his face evident as well. “I can’t believe women can do such miraculous things. I’m almost jealous.”

  She smiled at him. “Yes. Having your son pee in your face and your daughter throw up on all your dresses is really fun.”

  “We want to help you more than we’ve been doing,” said Roland. “Teach us how to.”

  “I will. Thank you.”

  Austin started to fuss in Roland’s arms, and Chelsea took him. She sat down in the rocker and opened her dress, then settled back as Austin began to nurse.

  “How did you know he was hungry?” asked Archer.

  “The way his little hand reached out. He was looking for my boob.”

  The men watched for a few moments. “Are you sure that doesn’t hurt?” asked Denver.

  “No. Not even close.”

  “Does it feel the same as when we do it?” asked Archer.

  “No, it’s different.”

  “Will nursing them affect you being able to make love to us?” asked Roland.

  “No, it won’t, but I’m still pretty sore in the undercarriage area, guys. You heard the healer. Six weeks minimum, and then he’ll reassess the situation.”

  “That’s torture,” said Denver.

  “What are we supposed to do in the meantime?” asked Archer.

  She gave them each a big smile. “You’re big strong men. I’m sure you can figure that out.”

  Roland pouted and she laughed again. “But we want you. Pulling on our own cocks is a piss-poor substitute for holding you and kissing you.”

  “And for putting our cocks into you,” said Denver.

  She blew them a kiss. “Don’t worry, Your Highnesses. There are still plenty of other ways I can please my princes in the meantime.”

  “It does not matter how much time it takes,” said Archer. “We only want you happy and healthy.”

  The other two agreed.

  “I am happy. I have everything I want, right here, with these two precious babies, and with each of you. I love you all so much.”

  They knelt next to
her. “And we love you,” said Roland. “With our entire hearts and souls.” He kissed the top of Austin’s head. “We have a son and a daughter. I can still hardly believe this is real.”

  “We love you, Chelsea,” said Archer. “And we will always love you. We will cherish you and protect you, and our children, for the rest of our lives.”

  “And we will give you as many children as you want,” said Denver.

  She chuckled. “Aren’t two enough?”

  “No. We want more.” He glanced at Roland and Archer. “Don’t we?”

  “We’ll take as many as Chelsea wants,” said Roland.

  “Did you know that Abigail and Brenna are both pregnant as well?” asked Archer. “I heard it just today.”

  “I did know that,” said Chelsea. “It’s wonderful news. We may never have to worry about the portraits again.”

  Roland frowned. “The villages are still not rid of Enfield spies.”

  “But they’re making progress,” said Archer. “And His Majesty is very happy we have not yet had to scale the wall and invade Enfield.”

  “I hope we never have to do that,” said Denver.

  She nodded. “So do I.” Austin finished, and then Chelsea showed her princes how to burp him. She laid him in one of two bassinettes they’d placed next to her bed, and watched until he was asleep.

  The four sat across the room on the sofa, where Chelsea could cuddle with each of her princes for a few precious moments. She was simply content to be in their presence and feel them next to her.

  She’d faced a lot in the past year. Falling through an erotic painting, uncertainty in a new world, servants who wanted her and all the other women from her world dead, a kidnapping, a near rape at the hands of guards who had only pretended to be loyal to Ashdown, and watching two innocent people get shot, right in front of her.

  For now, they were safe from immediate danger, at least inside the castle. But soon, the time might come when their army would have to invade Enfield. But until if and when that day came, Chelsea would hold onto what she had right now, at this moment.

  She had a son and a daughter, as well as three men who loved her more than life itself. And no matter what the outcome of this ongoing war would be, she would spend every moment of the rest of her life making sure her children and her princes knew how very, very much she loved them.




  Tara Rose loves to write about small towns and the quirky people that inhabit them. You’ll find engaging characters, budding romance, intrigue, and plenty of hot steamy ménage sex within the pages of her books. You never really know what goes on behind closed doors, but her books will take you there, and leave you panting for more.

  When she isn’t writing, Tara spends time with her husband—her real-life hero. She loves to cook, collect antique pottery, and she will read just about anything. Tara also plays the cello, and loves decorating her house for Christmas.

  For all titles by Tara Rose, please visit

  Siren Publishing, Inc.




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