Savage Planet Caveman

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Savage Planet Caveman Page 7

by Cheyenne Hart

  Raxar's smile went as wide as his chiseled face. "Yes, and the man goes," he said while moving behind her and placing his broad hands over her butt cheeks, "right here. This view is more divine than anything the stars could offer. I—" he went quiet.

  "What's wrong?" she asked. "Oh, you think you said something wrong. Hey, I told you, I don't consider myself anything but a flesh and blood person just like you. Now, will you take it slow? That dick of yours is so big that it's liable to split me in half." She chuckled at the absurdity of what she'd said, and of what she was doing.

  "I will do my best, but this way of sex is meant to be primal."

  Loraine put her head down, sticking her firm ass up for Raxar to take in with his eyes. "Well then," she said. "Far be it from me to go against the local customs. Just remember that I'm not a Druazz woman; I'm a bit more fragile." It didn't feel good to admit, but being bruised and battered from the inside would be a whole lot worse the next day. It dawned on her just how much trust she was putting in this savage planet caveman.

  The head of Raxar's cock graced her engorged labia, pressing beyond those wet lips and into the cusp of her waiting cunt hole, slippery and swirling in a rainbow of physical pleasure, after the particular attention his mouth and tongue had already given it. He was inside of her, and it felt amazing. It seemed that he had some control over his throbbing cock because it was remaining still as he slowly eased himself into her, then withdraw and left Loraine desperate for further penetration.

  She bit down on the sleeping fur, as it had become partially entangled around her when she'd turned and bent over. Her teeth felt like they might have shredded right through it and crunch into dust if she didn't have something to bite into. Her moans of pleasure were harder, shorter, less an exclamation of delicate joy and more like animalistic rutting noises.

  From behind, Raxar was making similar sounds of his own, only more controlled. Every time he pulled back out of her, he went back in just that little bit deeper. It was an admirable effort to ease her into it, but he obviously didn't plan to go too slowly.

  “Easy,” she said. “Not all the way, not yet. Just fuck me halfway in awhile first, okay?”

  “Alright,” he confirmed.

  After she was feeling looser and in a better position to try and take more, Loraine told him to go deeper. When Raxar reached around and started rubbing her clit, Loraine thought her head actually explode. "H-h-holy fucking shit!" she said, probably too loud.

  Without bothering to ask her to be quiet, Raxar started to go faster, and deeper. He fucked Loraine harder, deeper, stretching out her inner walls, making her tight pussy into a gaping hole. He grabbed her by her long, red hair with one hand and used it to rein her in. Each time he thrust his thick cock deeper into her, he pulled her backward using her hair; not hard, but enough to make this a seriously thrilling fuck.

  With his other hand, Raxar leaned forward and grabbed her shoulder. As he did, he wrapped her hair around his other hand, balling it into a fist and securing her in place. His cock throbbed, fully, for the first time since she’d stopped sucking it. There was something that she hadn’t noticed though. It seemed to almost ripped as it throbbed, rather than contracted and expanding all over in at once in a uniform fashion.

  “Tell me you like that,” he said with his deep voice, making her back tingle and contort just hear him sound so forceful.

  “Fuck yes, I do,” she said. "I'm your savage cavegirl, so fuck me however you want." Acutely aware that she might regret those words, Loraine drove her body backward as Raxar pounded into her from behind, her hair a tether between the two of them.

  After several minutes of extreme fucking, Loraine thought that she wouldn't be able to take it anymore. She was just about to ask him to stop when he slowed down of his of volition. Raxar pulled his dick right out, just to the edge, and his engorged head sat neatly just inside her throbbing cunt. And he throbbed to, holding it there and letting himself contract, expand, contract, expand—faster and faster as the pleasure built up for the two of them.

  "Are—you—doing—that—on—purpose?" she asked through sharp releases of hot, staccato breath.

  Without using words, Raxar answered her with a satisfied moan, right before he let go of her hair and placed his hands on her back. His fingers were so strong that they could have snapped a brick in half with zero effort. Instead, he used them carefully, lovingly, to knead Loraine's firm back muscles and massage up and down on either side of her spine. It felt good in a whole new way, adding an additional layer of ecstasy to what was already the best time she'd had in her entire life.

  She raised her head and turned around to looked back at her savage caveman from another world as his pulsating cock both teased her and gave her a moment of respite from the primal pounded she'd endured. He was glistening with sweat, which pooled over the tops of his pectoral muscles and fell down on her butt in droplets. Their combined scents and fluids were creating a powerful aroma that made the room reek of hot sex.

  Then, right as Raxar had lured her into a sense of near-calm, and she was moving against him with slow, sensual pleasure—he grabbed her tight ass cheeks and thrust his cock into her cunt. He pushed until his full balls were pressed up against her dripping flesh, so there wasn't even a fraction of an inch farther he could enter her.

  Loraine gasped for air and quickly tucked her face back down into the sleeping fur and buried her face to muffle the stream of joyous screams that she could not even attempt to stifle. Again, she started to gasp, as he thrust once, twice, three times more and she started to orgasm again. This time was so different, building up fast like a tidal wave that had unexpectedly come over the horizon and made short work of an unsuspecting island village. It came in a single wave that made the dark night of the cave glitter and shimmer in a purple haze.

  Raxar had grown louder too but did a better job at controlling his volume, even as he pumped and unloaded a hot torrent of thick, rushing alien come into Loraine's exhausted human hole.



  The mountain of an alien did not waste any time getting back on the bedroll. He'd demonstrated such power, but that needed to be replenished. Loraine was happy to lie down and cuddle up with him, too. The sleeping furs were extra warm now, infused with the heat of their passion. The cave seemed a radically changed place, not dark or sullen. She no longer felt alone either.

  "Are you satisfied?" Raxar asked her. It would have sounded needy coming from most males. From him, it sounded sweet and considerate. Loraine had expected him to fall asleep the second they were done, being the primitive guy he was.

  "Satisfied? You bet your rock-hard ass I am." She yawned and smacked her lips, savoring the slow and easy way she did so, taking in the taste of salt and sex that lingered on her lips and olfactory. "I've never been this satisfied in my life. And I don't mind telling you that because you don't seem like the kind of guy who'd get a big head about it."

  "I'm not sure I fully understand, but the sentiment is appreciated, all the same." It was easy to forget that they weren't always finding perfect translations in the nooks and crannies of their brains.

  Wondering if there were many other things that had been lost in translation, Loraine let her eyes get heavier and heavier until they were closed.

  They must have taken all of about twenty seconds to fall asleep after finishing their bout of lovemaking. Loraine felt warm and safe in those big arms, more than she thought she ever world after being kidnapped from The New Horizon.

  That happiness did not last long. Someone was outside the cave when she next opened her eyes. "What was that?" she whispered to Raxar, her eyes still unadjusted to the darkness after having been closed so long. Her hands told her what she couldn't see yet, that Raxar was already awake and sitting up beside her.

  He quickly stood. "Get your spear."

  "Is something attacking the village?"

  "No." He walked toward the single exit to his home and then turned to he
r and said, "It is my fellow Hungdar who have come to my home in the night. This can never be a good sign."

  "Oh, shit."

  "Yes, shit is right." He went outside and started to talk loudly with whoever was out there, with excited voices. It sounded like a large group was there, all vying to have their say without bothering to wait for anyone else to finish speaking first.

  Loraine knew better than to go out there, especially when Raxar had told her to stay put. If he was concerned for her safety, that was a pretty great indication that she did not want to show her face to that angry mob. There's an angry mob here for me, she thought. It would have been a terrifying enough prospect it was a regular human crowd back on Earth, in the quiet suburban area she had called home before signing up for the Space Corp. This was lightyears—quiet literally—beyond a few pissed off neighbors who didn't want loud music played after ten on weeknights.

  "I'm done for," she whispered to herself. But the notion didn't sit well with her, and she decided to see if there was another way out of this. It didn't take long to confirm that there were no other ways in or out of the cave. The rock was solid and only opened up on the side where the wooden wall and door had been installed.

  "No, stand back!" shouted Raxar from outside the door. There was the sound of a struggle, and then two of the Hungdar tribe came bursting in through the open doorway. It was the leader with his telltale furs draped over his shoulders, and the ugly woman who had shouted abuse at Loraine that day.

  "See, I told you. The smell of sex is still thick in the air. And look at her, dirty whore. You can tell she's just been fucked," said the woman.

  "Very well. You are correct, and I can see for myself," the tribal leader said. He walked over the Loraine, and she thought he might strike her. Instead, he said, "Did Raxar force himself upon you?"

  "No," was all she was willing to say; all she could say, for the anger that was welling up inside of her.

  "Did you willingly have sex with him?"

  She was about to answer truthfully when it suddenly seemed so pointless. If they wanted to "send her back to the stars," there was no sense in dragging Raxar down with her. "We did not have sex. I am the from the stars, not a mortal creature like yourself. Clearly, it would be impossible for me to have sex with a common man."

  "She's a lying whore, not a star woman at all," said the ugly woman.

  "Enough. Out!" said the leader. He took one last look at Loraine, smirking and running his eyes up and down her naked body, stopping for an unusually long moment at her crotch. There was still semen inside her, and she hadn't exactly been able to hop into the shower to wash off what had run out of her after sex. He seemed to notice this. But if he did, he didn't say anything about it. The two of them left the cave, leaving Loraine alone again.



  This was unheard of since when Raxar was a youth and rival factions had fought for control over the tribe. Since then, they had chosen their own leader by popular vote. Tonight, Hangars were assaulting their own, had most likely killed their own.

  It was hard for Raxar to tell in the dark. Only a handful of people had brought burning torches for light. Those had been knocked to the ground or used as weapons and been extinguished that way. The moon did illuminate the shocking scene enough, more than he would have cared to see. Neighbor fought against neighbor, with fists thankfully being the most used weapon. Bloodshed was not running high, not yet at least.

  Staying out of the conflict had proven too easy. After the first row, Raxar was struck in the face by someone standing to the side of him. After that, half of the crowd that was present began to tussle and spread out. Many of the Hungdar were just looking for a sensible resolution to the issue of the star woman and Raxar going to bed, and they wanted her sent home without angering the spirits.

  Others were more focused on punishing the two new lovers, with death being the preferred method. This kind of sacrificial pacifying was common, but to lay hands on a star woman should not have been the conclusion anyone jumped to. Raxar was sad that his own people were so incredibly savage and careless. It made him wish that he was born in a faraway land, to a people who were thoughtful and caring of others, instead of being brutish and fast to turn to violence and dominance. That was one reason he stayed out of the conflict, even though it was considered a cowardly thing to do: he did not want to act any more like his fellow tribal members, and risk becoming even more like them.

  The sky began to darken, making it even harder to discern where people moved or what they did. A bulky shadow came toward him, and it looked like Raxar would not be able to stay free of the pointless fighting anymore.

  "You have caused this," said a familiar male voice. It was Thukger. He was holding a club in one hand, but not raised in a stance of aggression. "I understand that the star woman's arrival was the real cause of," he looked around and his own people fighting out there in the darkness, "all of this. But you have gone against my wishes and bed her. I do not blame you, for I just might have chosen the same action. She is beyond beauty."

  "But you can't think with your prick," said another male voice who had been approaching slowly, with feeble footsteps. It was the spirit walker. The three men, one an elder, one a leader, and one just a regular Druazz, stood outside of Raxar's hut.

  Raxar's heart fell. "Spirit walker, you can't believe that I did anything wrong here? The spirit woman would be dead if I did not intervene."

  "And that would have ensured her passage back to the stars. I have made my decision. Until her mortal body is destroyed, she can never get back home, and this curse will never be lifted." The spirit walker's eyes shone in the moonlight as he tilted his head back, glaring down his nose at Raxar.

  "I will not allow her to die. She is from the stars, but to kill her will not send her home." Raxar felt that he was pleading a strong case. The roars and fighting sounds from his fellows began to die down, as people got tired of their arguments. Hopefully, things were going to be back to normal by the morning. These were a naturally savage people. Death was a way of life for them, and a few insults and acts of violence—even moderate death—would not break them apart for any length of time.

  "People of the Hungdar tribe!" shouted Thukger with the might of a beast. Many people nearby seemed to stop and pay attention to their leader's call, but many others continued to brawl and meander around in the darkness. "Your leader has made a decision!" he shouted, even louder this time. That seemed to be just what the others had wanted to hear, and it served perfectly to stem the already slowing flow of conflict.

  Once a large number of the tribe had come back to stand around outside Raxar's cave, with several torches relit and faces once against visible, accountable for their actions and not shrouded by night, Thukger spoke again.

  "You have gone against my wishes, Raxar. I told you not to lie as a man and woman with the star woman, yet you still did so." With that last statement, there was a rumble of thunder from above. The black sky flashed lightning white, and rain began to pour as though a switch had been flipped.

  "You see! The spirits are enraged, and they want their daughter back from her worldly body, even now that you have sullied her," shouted the spirit walker. "It pains me to admit, but you have not proven to be a competent student in the ways of the spirits. They have no patience for individual thought and needs!" He turned his head away, as though he had to hide his regret from the light of the torches and the eyes of the others.

  "How can you say this?" asked Raxar. He stepped forward but was held back by several of the other men.

  "We are taking the star woman and freeing her from this body, so that she may return home and remove this curse you have brought upon us!" said Thukger with a grim voice. His words were final, that much was clear from the look on his face.

  Raxar struggled, but there were too many willing volunteers to hold him down. And now that an official decision had been made by both the spirit walker and Thukger, no more argument could b
e heard in the crowd.



  And again, arguing rose up outside. The group seemed to be moving around a lot. They were not all in agreement either, which was easy to tell by the many different people who argued all at once. Someone screamed, and then there was a smacking sound, followed by another. It had digressed into some kind of fight. Loraine moved closer to the door, hoping for a chance to get the hell out of there before she was taken away and punished.

  When it went dark outside the cave, with people running around in different directions and not holding up their torches any longer, Loraine slipped out of the door and took off away from the village. She did not see what was happening, apart from the shadowy figures moving around in the large empty space outside of the cliff side. They were chasing, fighting, most likely causing each other serious bodily harm.

  And it was all because of her.

  The jungle was frightening enough during the day. Going there at night was practically suicide. She held onto her spear, letting it give her strength. If something did try to run up and eat her, at least it would get a nasty surprise, even if it did manage to chew her up into an unrecognizable pulp in the process. Anything was better than giving the Hungdar the satisfaction of taking her away and trying to somehow send her back to the stars. So, she walked and walked some more.

  Finally, Loraine felt that she'd walked far enough in the cold and dark. She found a place where a tall tree jutted out from the rest of the surrounding flora. It was easy enough to climb with her athletic skills, and she even managed to stick the spear between some high branches, to help keep her from falling out during her sleep.

  And that was when the rain started, with lighting and thunder. After spending about an hour expecting bowling ball sized hail stoned to start plummeting down—just to really top off her streak of bad luck—Loraine let her guard down. With the exhaustion that was still weighing down heavily on her body, mind, and spirit, it was easy enough to fall asleep in that big tree.


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