The Guardian's Keeper (The Guardian Trilogy, Book 1)

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The Guardian's Keeper (The Guardian Trilogy, Book 1) Page 8

by Raven, T. R.

  “You need to eat something,” he commanded Claire. “Ham and cheese okay?”

  Claire nodded as Nikoli settled beside her and buckled up. They fell into a comfortable silence as Claire ate and they watched movies as they journeyed across the Atlantic in search of Renka, the Gypsy Queen.

  Chapter 13

  They stopped in Paris to refuel. Claire was tremendously excited at first but then crestfallen when Nikoli explained they didn’t have time to disembark and explore the city.

  “When this is done, and the Fang is gone, will you take me back here?” Claire begged Nikoli as he paced about the cabin.

  Nikoli’s expression became drawn. “We’ll see, Claire. Let’s get through destroying the Fang first.”

  Claire felt like the wind had been knocked out of her. “Don’t you want to be with me afterwards? I mean, I assumed we’d find Renka, destroy the Fang and then go back to Joyce’s together.” She drew up her knees against her chest and hugged them to herself. She was suddenly filled with fear. She had just assumed she and Nikoli would be together from here on out but he seemed to have other plans.

  Nikoli hunkered down so he was eye level with her. “There is nothing I would love more than that Claire, but the road ahead of us is incredibly dangerous and I just want to concentrate on the task at hand,” he explained. “Once we’re done we can make our plans for the future.”

  “So you do want to be with me, once this is done? I know I won’t be a Keeper anymore and you won’t be my Guardian but I just thought, well I guess I just assumed we’d be together anyways.”

  Nikoli caressed her face gently and sighed. “Oh Claire, you don’t know how much I want that too. Let’s get out of this alive first, shall we?”

  Claire nodded in agreement. She realized she really was getting ahead of herself. But Nikoli made her so happy, made her feel so safe. Her world had been turned upside down in the last few days but already she couldn’t imagine life without him. She just wanted to be with him always. But how could they make that work, with him vampire and her a human? She didn’t think she wanted to be turned, but she knew she didn’t want to be without Nikoli.

  “I guess we’ll figure it out later, after we’ve saved the world,” she said ruefully.

  “Can we get to Budapest first?” Nikoli teased, ruffling her hair and giving her a quick kiss on the lips.

  They did just that hours later. Claire was mesmerized by the Danube River, the city unfolding from both sides of her banks.

  “Now you know why they call it the Pearl of the Danube,” Nickoli mused.

  “Will we have time to see some of the city?” Claire asked hopefully as they prepared to land.

  Nikoli checked his watch. “Not really. We’re landing later than I would have liked to. We have to get going to the safe house and we’ll leave the city in the morning.”

  “Safe house? We won’t just stay in a hotel or something?”

  Nikoli shook his head. “No hotels for us on this trip. Think about it- in a hotel, any vampire can come and go as they please, it’s a business, not a residence. But a safe house- it’s a privately owned residence a vampire needs permission to enter. We’ll be safe from the Myrmidons there.”

  Claire tensed at the mention of the foul Myrmidons. “How do you have permission, then?”

  “Joyce’s husband made many friends and allies throughout the years. One of the ways he has helped our cause is by using his good name to set up a network of safe houses throughout Europe and the world. It has been willed in some families for generations that anyone with a certain code word is to be given explicit permission to enter the family property as needed. The safe houses are all vacant properties, making it easy for a Guardian and their Keeper to have safe lodging for the night, even far from home.”

  “And where are we going tomorrow, out of the city?”

  “So many questions, you,” Nikoli teased. “Tomorrow we’re headed east, to Romania. We need to head to Transylvania to catch up with Renka and her clan.”

  “Transylvania? As in Dracula- Transylvania?” Claire laughed. “Seriously? That’s where we’ll meet the Gypsies? Wait- why didn’t we just fly in through Romania then?”

  “Because the Myrmidons will be expecting us to do just that Claire. No doubt they’ve watch on the capital, waiting for us. Budapest seemed a safer option.”

  Horace stuck his head out of the cockpit. “Welcome to Hungary! I hope you enjoy your stay. Joyce will alert me when you’re ready to go back to the States and Rocco and I shall pick you back up here at your convenience, Sir.” He opened up the door to the plane and ushered Nikoli and Claire down the steps.

  After collecting their bags Nikoli hailed them a cab. He spoke fluently with the driver as he placed their bags in the trunk, and then slid into the cab next to Claire. He was visibly worried.

  “What is it?” Claire asked worriedly.

  “The time,” Nikoli explained. “I had hoped to be here hours ago so we could be in the safe house long before dusk but our stop in Paris took far longer than I expected it to. We’ll need to be quick about getting to the safe house. Dusk is coming on now,” he observed as he watched the daylight fade away from the city. “First we need to get the key- a word about that, Claire. When we get to our next stop stick close to me, don’t talk to anyone unless I say so.”

  “Where are you taking me, Nikoli, and what makes you think you can tell me who I can and cannot talk to?” Claire demanded to know.

  Nikoli chuckled. “We’re going to Fogak, a local pub. The English translation of the name would be ‘teeth’, and it’s full of them. Fogak is a popular hang out with the vampire crowd after dark Claire, so its best you stick with me and keep quiet- it wouldn’t do to draw attention to ourselves. You need to act like I’ve persuaded you.”

  “Okay, I get it. Stay with you and keep quiet,” Claire conceded. “But didn’t you say the Myrmidons are in Romania right now, waiting for us?”

  “I’m sure some are, but we can’t take any chances. There are only 8 of them left but that doesn’t mean they’re all together. Caution is key.”

  Night was fast approaching and Claire could sense Nikoli’s anxiety rising with each passing minute. They turned down a narrow cobblestone street into a neighborhood with a distinctive medieval flavor to it. The driver stopped at a narrow building with a pair of pointy toothed gargoyles guarding the entry way. Nikoli gathered their things and paid the driver. He pulled Claire close to him.

  “Remember,” he reminded her somberly, “close to me and speak to no one unless I give you the go-ahead. You need to act like I’ve persuaded you.”

  Claire nodded silently.

  “Try to calm down,” Nikoli insisted. “I can hear your heart pounding away already, that’ll do nothing but invite unwanted attention.”

  “I can’t help how fast my heart beats,” Claire grumbled, but she focused on taking deep calming breaths in an effort to relax herself.

  “That’s my girl,” Nikoli praised her. “It’s better now. You can do this Claire, I’m right with you and I won’t let anything happen to you.” Placing his hand on the small of her back, Nikoli guided Claire out of the dark night and through the solid wooden door of Fogak.

  Chapter 14

  The pub’s interior was dimly lit with hundreds of candles everywhere. The small flames flickered from the tabletops to the sconces on the walls. An elaborate bronze chandelier filled with tiny candles cast a soft glow over the bar. The pub was quiet at the moment with only a handful of patrons scattered at the tables here and there. Nikoli kept his hand on Claire’s back and guided her to the bar without a word.

  “Sit down,” he commanded gruffly, pulling out a blood red velvet covered stool for her.

  Claire sank down onto the stool obediently and Nikoli remained standing beside her.

  The barkeeper turned from the glasses she was polishing with a yelp of delight.

  “Nikoli!” she exclaimed. “How long has it been, old friend, 50 years?�
�� She leaned over the bar and kissed Nikoli on one cheek then the other.

  Claire felt herself go rigid with jealousy but worked hard not to show it.

  “Ramona! Not fifty, more like sixty or seventy.” Nikoli corrected her good naturedly, returning her cheek kisses.

  Claire remained quietly seated, a small smile on her face, doing her best not to betray the emotions that ran through her as Ramona leaned across the bar and toyed with her curls as if she were some kind of doll on display.

  “Ah, Nikoli, you always did have exquisite taste. Where’d you find her?” Ramona asked.

  Claire stifled a shudder when she saw Ramona’s fangs glinting in the candlelight. She maintained her expression despite the rage and disgust coursing through her. Ramona smiled sweetly at her as she twisted Claire’s curly locks around her fingers before releasing her hair and giving her a soft pat on the head, like a dog. Nikoli’s palm pressed firmly down on top of Claire’s thigh under the bar- a warning to behave as they had discussed.

  “I found her out and about the city. Those tourists just wander everywhere. I couldn’t resist scooping this one up,” Nikoli replied. “I’ll take a Bloody Mary, B+ if you’ve got it, and a glass of wine for this one, no, make that a Coke please.”

  “No problem.” Ramona went about making his order. Claire watched her as she reached into the drink cooler and fished around until she found what she was looking for- a bag of blood labeled B+. She dumped the blood into a tumbler along with some vodka and various other ingredients, mixed them all together and presented it Nikoli. She reached under the counter and pulled out a glass bottle of Coke for Claire. Claire accepted it mutely, biting back the ‘thank you’ that automatically rose on her lips.

  “You have anything here for me, Ramona?” Nikoli asked quietly as he sipped his drink.

  “Yes, hang on.” Ramona looked under the counter and produced a sealed white envelope. “This was outside when I came in today with a note that someone would ask for it tonight. Is that what you’re looking for?”

  Nikoli opened the envelope and held up the key. “Perfect.” He turned to Claire and his eyes bore into hers. “Claire, you will keep this for me until I ask for it. You will not lose it.”

  Claire turned to him and nodded. She recognized he was acting like he had compelled her and she wanted to play along as he asked her to. She accepted the key from him and tucked it safely away in her pocket.

  “Anyone new in town lately, Ramona?” Nikoli asked casually.

  “Well,” Ramona began, “Fabricio’s in town, taking a bit of a holiday. He says he’s sick of the Italian vampires, they’re all very boring and no fun at all so he wanted to see what’s happening over in this neck of the forest. Marika’s left town, too many women in Vac starting to talk about the ‘vampir’ seducing their men and drinking their blood…you know what a flirt Marika is, and she’s always been a sloppy persuader. There’ve been a few new faces in here recently, though I’ve never caught their names.” Ramona waved her hand dismissively.

  “How many new….” Nikoli began before he was cut off.

  “I knew it was you!” a short curvy red head with extensions down her back purred as she pressed herself against Nikoli from the side and ran her fingernails down his back and chest.

  “Giuliana!” Nikoli greeted her as slid out of her grasp and put some distance between them. Claire inwardly fumed. If she didn’t need to act like persuaded pet she would have ripped Giuliana’s fake extensions right out of her scalp. Who did she think she was?

  “Why don’t you ditch the human and come party with me tonight, hhmm?” Giuliana offered as she closed the gap Nickoli had put between them. “It could be just like old times.”

  “Go find a police officer to amuse yourself with,” Ramona shot at Giuliana. “I swear you’re worse than a cat in heat. Shoo, you mangy thing.” She flicked her glass cloth at Giuliana.

  Giuliana drew up her upper lip, showing her canines, and actually hissed out loud at Ramona. “Go back to work, peasant girl. Nikoli is none of your concern.”

  Claire sat rigid in her seat as she concentrated again on easy deep breaths. No problem, she thought to herself. I’m sitting in a vampire bar acting like Nikoli’s puppet while two vampire chicks fight over him.

  Nikoli placed his hand on the small of her back but this time under her shirt and made small slow circles against her skin. Claire concentrated on the feeling of his fingers against her and the heat it created within her. It helped block out the fanged cat-fight beginning right in front of her.

  “Maybe he’s not my concern, but he sure doesn’t look like he wants to be any of yours tonight,” Ramona dug back at Giuliana.

  Nikoli held up his hand, signaling for the ladies to stop their bickering. “Ramona, it’s been lovely to see you again but I really must be going.” He unfolded a stack of currency and left it on the bar to cover their drinks. “Guiliana, it’s been a real surprise to see you here, but I’m afraid my night is booked.” He gestured to Claire next to him.

  Giuliana looked Claire over. “She is a tasty one indeed. Perhaps we could share her?” Giuliana asked hopefully, licking her lips in anticipation.

  “I’m afraid not.” Nikoli shook his head as he pressed his fingernails gently into Claire’s skin. She got the message loud and clear- keep calm, keep steady, keep quiet, no matter what Guiliana said.

  “Damn it, Giuliana, if you don’t get your ratty ass out of my bar I’ll stake you myself,” Ramona warned.

  Claire cheered silently on the inside- she was starting to really like Ramona.

  Giuliana hissed again at Ramona then stalked off without another word.

  “Up Claire, we’re leaving now,” Nikoli bade her as he grabbed their bags. Claire stood, relieved they were getting out of Fogak and away from its blood thirsty, flirty patrons. “Say goodbye to Ramona.”

  “Goodbye Ramona,” Claire intoned, her fake smile on her face still.

  As they walked to the front door Claire heard Ramona laugh and call out “Oh Nikoli, you know it’s rude to play with your food!”

  Chapter 15

  Out in the street once again Nikoli guided Claire away from Fogak. He stopped to hug her briefly. “I’m so sorry about that,’ he apologized. “Had we arrived before sundown we could’ve collected the key from the human bar keep and skipped all that drama.”

  “Yes, Master!” Claire replied with a flourishing curtsey, teasing him. “I thought I was going to throw up for a few in there. Well, either throw up or punch out that stupid redhead. What’s the deal with her, anyways? Is she an ex-girlfriend?” she prodded.

  “That would be too strong of a word, ‘girlfriend’. She was a mistake I made 30 or 40 years after I turned. I was lonely and convinced I’d never have a meaningful relationship ever again. All the people I had cared about in my human life were dead or soon to be dead. Not that I knew for sure who was dead or still alive- I had to flee after I turned so no one would know what I had become. I found myself facing centuries of solitude. I was only able to make friends for a few years at a time before it was time to move on again before my lack of natural aging arose suspicion.”

  “I thought you said I was the first girl you had feelings for since you turned,” Claire said in an injured voice.

  Nikoli stopped walking and took her chin in his hands to force Claire to face him. “What I said was true, Claire. You are the first I’ve had these kinds of feelings for, the first woman I’ve fallen in love with since I’ve turned. I was never in love with anyone in my human life either. You’re the first, the only. What happened between Giuliana and I was simply a mistake. I realized it quickly and tried to let her down gently but she’s been trying to rekindle our romance ever since.” Nikoli’s eyes searched Claire’s. Seeing the unspoken questions still within he spoke again. “No, Claire, there’s been nothing romantic between Ramona and I- ever. We’re just friends, always have been, she’s always had my back and I hers. And yes, my Keeper,” Nikoli held her close
again. “I’ve fallen in love with you.”

  Claire’s head spun. This wonderful man loved her. Well, not man- vampire. Did she love him? she asked herself.

  Nikoli interrupted her thoughts. “Don’t answer me now about it. I don’t need to hear it back, I just need you to know how I feel. We need to get to the safe house. It’s not safe for you out here right now, but it’s so close I figured waiting for a cab would take longer than just walking.” He held her hand in his as they continued on down the quiet street.

  “Almost there.” He smiled to Claire as he pointed out a beautiful rose garden enclosed with wrought iron fencing in front of small home at the end of the block. “That’s it there.”

  “It’s lovely,” Claire replied, but her thoughts were still occupied by Nikoli’s confession. Nikoli froze suddenly, grabbing Claire’s arm to still her too.

  “Don’t move,” he whispered tersely. Claire obeyed. He released her arm. “When I say so, I want you to run, as fast as you can, and get in that house. Don’t stop for anything and don’t worry about me. I’ll be along shortly.”

  Claire scarcely dared breathe. Nikoli hadn’t explained his sudden alarm but she knew, deep down in her gut she knew. The Myrmidons were here.

  “Now!” Nickoli screamed. Claire took off sprinting towards the house as fast as she could. She didn’t look back to see where Nikoli was. He had told her to get into the house as fast as she could and that’s exactly what she intended to do. She wouldn’t, she couldn’t let him down.

  Claire made it to the wrought iron gate and let herself into the garden as her heart threatened to burst out of her chest. She leapt up the front steps two at a time as she dug in her pocket for the key. Cursing she dropped the key and grabbed for it on the cement steps just as a heavy figure dove on top of her, knocking the wind out of her. Claire twisted on to her back and tried to kick the figure off but her blows went unnoticed. The Myrmidon on top of her scrambled wildly to rip the pendant off her neck but Claire fought with every ounce of strength she possessed. The vampire ripped at her neck and chest trying to grab the necklace but instead ripped open Claire’s skin with his sharp claws.


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