Whiskey Prince

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Whiskey Prince Page 22

by Toni Aleo

  I think I look like a fool.

  Rolling my eyes, I head out of my room and towards the back of the house since the front is busy with guests arriving. The ball is starting in twenty minutes, and I may be running a tad late. Since I don’t want to come to this God-awful thing anyway, I take my time getting in my car and heading to the Maclaster land. Kane sent me a text earlier inviting Amberlyn and me to dinner with them, but I declined since my stomach is a mess from Amberlyn meeting my da.

  I haven’t seen him yet, nor do I want to, but I can just imagine all the things he is thinking after reading that rubbish in the paper. I want to call Amanda and tell her that she needs to stop writing that shite, but it will fuel her more. I just wish it would all go away. Can’t I date a girl and be happy without the whole world and my family having a say on her? I don’t know why I am letting it bother me, but it drives me insane. With other girls I dated, I didn’t give a shite. I was happy, dicking around with who I pleased, and didn’t give a damn what they thought of the girl but with Amberlyn, I want them to respect her. She is more than some floozy; she is my future.

  She just doesn’t know that yet.

  Shaking my head to rid the stress from today, I pull into the driveway and see that Amberlyn is looking out the window. When she sees that it’s me, she grins before letting the curtain fall. I hate that I’ve kept her waiting, and I hope she isn’t too mad at me. Nervous, I head towards the door. I go to knock, but Mrs. Maclaster pulls the door open with a bright grin on her face.

  “Declan, how are ya?”

  I smile as I step in and go to answer her but the most beautiful thing in the world catches my eyes. Before, no one has ever caught my eye the way Amberlyn does and right now is no different. Standing in a sinfully gorgeous dress with her dark, reddish hair in curls around her face, I can’t seem to form a coherent thought. Her face is made up in a soft, beautiful way, her lips as pink as the shoes she wears, formed in such a shy way. I don’t know what it is, maybe the see-through fabric below her breast, or the way her shoes show off her legs in a delicious way, or maybe it’s her eyes, but it takes everything for me to keep my composure as I say, “You’re gorgeous.”

  Her face breaks in a grin as she steps towards me and I reach out, lacing my fingers with hers.

  “So gorgeous,” I breathe.

  She looks shyly down at her dress before looking up at me. “You don’t think it’s slutty or anything?”

  “Slutty is the last thing I am thinking. Elegant, beautiful, classy, perfect… Did I say gorgeous because, Amberlyn, I could go on for hours. Know that no one will stand a chance against you when you step foot into this ball.”

  As her face warms with such a stunning color, Mrs. Maclaster says, “Why can’t ya talk to me like that anymore, you big lug?”

  I turn to find Mr. and Mrs. Maclaster behind me as Mr. Maclaster says, “Because I’ve already married you. I don’t have to say that shite anymore. You know I think that!”

  Not liking that answer, Mrs. Maclaster yells, “The hell I don’t! Woo me before I find someone else to woo me!”

  “For goodness sakes, please go!” Mr. Maclaster hollers before stomping off behind her, flashing me a dirty look on the way. Looking back at Amberlyn, we both laugh. She is so beautiful when she laughs that my laughter stops short. Leaning over, I take her lips with mine, kissing her with such need. Her hand comes up to cup my face as I deepen the kiss, glad for the privacy since it is probably the only time I’ll have to kiss Amberlyn the way I want to tonight.

  Pulling away, I run my thumb along her jaw as I whisper, “I can’t get over how gorgeous you are.”

  She smiles, smacking my chest softly. “So what? I’m not gorgeous any other time?”

  I smile, bringing her closer to me. “Of course you are. It’s just weird seeing you all dolled up.”

  Wrapping her hands around my neck, she grins up as me before nodding. “I am thinking the same about you. Super hot, Declan O’Callaghan. I love your hair.”

  She then twirls her fingers along the hair at the nape of my neck, sending chills down my spine. I love when she does this and maybe I should forgo the beanie more often, just so she touches me like this. Looking into her sparking blue eyes, I want to tell her how I feel. How when I look at her all I see is my everything, but I am so scared that she isn’t feeling the same. I think she is. Like right now, her eyes are glossy as they hold mine, but is that love? I’ve never felt like this. I don’t know how to know if someone feels the same. It’s fuckin’ stressful, and I wish I had the balls to just admit how I feel.

  Clearing my throat, I say, “Are you ready?”

  She nods slowly, meeting my mouth with hers, teasing my lips with her teeth before deepening the kiss. I’m lost when she does this. For someone that hasn’t been with many men, or kissed them for that matter, she really knows how to rock my world. I just can’t get enough and when she pulls away, I bring her back for more. She melts in my arms as I deepen the kiss, showing her how I feel. I don’t know if it is translating as love like I intend, or maybe lust, not really sure, but fuck, I love kissing her.

  Pulling away before I do something that would offend Mr. and Mrs. Maclaster a lot, I put space between us, holding her hands in mine. She grins up at me, her lipstick gone, her face red, and her lips swollen.

  “I’m pretty sure I have no lipstick on.”

  I shake my head, a grin pulling at my lips. “Nope, it’s all gone.”

  “Yeah, on you,” she says, laughing as she turns to go to the kitchen. Wiping my mouth with the back of my hand, I remove as much as I can before she comes to me with a baby wipe. “Here.”

  I smile a thanks before wiping my face and following her to the mirror that hangs by the door. As she reapplies her lipstick, I clean my face and I can’t help but feel domesticated, as if this is something we’d do when we were married. Dropping the baby wipe, I wrap my arms around her waist from behind, pressing myself against her as I run my nose through her hair.

  “I don’t want to go,” I whisper. “I just want to hold you.”

  “You can hold me there. I got pretty; you have to show me off.”

  “I don’t want to share you with anyone.”

  “Too bad, I spent three hours shopping with Fiona and another two getting ready; you owe me a glass of something and dancing.”

  Removing my nose from her hair, I groan as I meet her beautiful gaze in the mirror. She really is stunning tonight and while I don’t want to share her with anyone, I can’t help but be excited for everyone to see who I’ve been blessed to love for the rest of my life.

  “Fine. We can go.”

  She sends me a sneaky grin before tucking her lipstick in her bag before saying, “Let’s go then.”

  After saying goodbye to her aunt and uncle, we get in the car and head back to the estate. My nerves are all over the place, and I want to drive off the road just to breathe. I think Amberlyn senses my nervousness because she holds my hand in hers, stroking it softly as we drive. Once we arrive, I bask in the beauty of my home. It’s lit up tonight with thousands of lanterns, and a spotlight is shining on the house that says O’Callaghan boldly on the stone. Hardly anyone is outside, and I’m glad. I don’t want to deal with anyone yet, even though it is inevitable.

  “Are we late?”

  I shake my head as I pull up to where the workers are waiting. “Not really, they are announcing us when I get there, so really, I decide when to come.”

  She gives me a look, and I flash a grin before getting out. I head around to meet her on the other side and as she unfolds from the car, I can’t help but be stunned by her beauty again. The dress comes to her calves and fits her so tightly that I am convinced she is wearing no underwear. That thought alone has my slacks a little too tight for comfort.

  “Spectacular,” I whisper again, taking her hand in mine.

  She blushes as she shakes her head. “Stop, you are making me giggly.”

  “Good,” I whisper in he
r ear before nipping at her. “I like you that way, remember?”

  She grins up at me. “I do.”

  Bringing her hand up so I can kiss it, I grin as we start inside. People are everywhere and like always, they fall silent as we pass them. Thankfully, no one stops me, and I head towards the ballroom. When one of our employees, Jimmy, sees me, he steps in front of me and nods. “Good evening, Mr. O’Callaghan.”

  “Good evening.”

  “How shall I announce your guest?” he asks, cutting Amberlyn a look.

  “Ms. Amberlyn Reilly.”

  Amberlyn sends me a look. “So proper.”

  “Yeah, it’s dumb,” I joke as Jimmy wishes us a goodnight before heading inside before us. “So here we go.”

  “I’m nervous as shit,” she whispers with a grin.

  “Me too,” I admit.

  At the same moment, Jimmy shouts loudly, “Announcing, Mr. Declan O’Callaghan and his date, Ms. Amberlyn Reilly.”

  Squeezing her hand, I push my shoulders back and lead her into the full ballroom. Everyone’s eyes are on us and quickly, my heart kicks into speed as anxiety takes over. But when I look up and around, I see that they aren’t looking at us. They are looking at Amberlyn. Glancing over at her, I’m breathless as I take in every gorgeous detail of her. She is beaming, her shoulders back like mine, and her eyes are shining as the lights make her dress do the same. She captivates the room, owns it, and I swear I am the luckiest man on earth. She meets my gaze, a grin playing on her lips, and I can’t do anything but smile back. I know that this girl is special and at this moment, I feel more like a king than a prince.

  And she is my queen.

  Leaning towards her, I kiss her temple and she leans into me, basically melting against my touch. Pulling away, I send her a grin before leading her to where I see Kane and Fiona watching us. Like Amberlyn, Fiona is done up to the nines with the biggest smile on her face and Kane wrapped around her like a vice grip. As we make our way towards them, people wish us a good evening and I return the sentiment, along with Amberlyn. It’s nice, refreshing, because it doesn’t make me nervous. No, not with my love on my arm.

  Reaching our friends, I shake hands with Kane as Fiona and Amberlyn hug.

  “You look amazing.”

  She grins as she cuddles into me. “Thanks, did you guys enjoy your dinner?”

  Fiona’s face flushes as she shrugs. “We skipped it.”

  Amberlyn rolls her eyes as she laughs. She looks around the room. “It’s beautiful in here.”

  “Yeah, it is,” Fiona agrees. “Is this a new ballroom? I don’t remember this being the one we celebrated your birthday in.”

  “Thanks. It’s the newer renovated ballroom; wait, you were there for my birthday?” I ask, surprised I missed her, but then again, I spent most my time hiding. I didn’t even want to have the party, but my parents insisted. Had to keep face that our family was strong after what happened with Casey.

  “I was. It was a great party. I only saw you like once. It’s so weird, ya know? Before I didn’t get to know you, now I do. It’s nice.”

  We share a smile as I nod. “It is.”

  When a waiter passes, I reach for two glasses of champagne, giving one to Amberlyn before taking a sip of the bubbly drink. “The drink I owe ya.”

  She laughs as she takes a quick drink and then says, “Next is dancing.”

  I shake my head. “Not here. Maybe later.”

  Her brow comes up. “Why not here?”

  “Everyone is staring, love. Let’s lay low, just go with it.”

  Her eyes narrow as she sets me with a look. “Who cares if they are staring? I sure don’t. I want to dance with my boyfriend in this beautiful ballroom. Are you going to dance with me, or do I need to find someone else?”

  Now my eyes narrow before I say, “The hell you will.”

  She grins as she hands Fiona her drink, slowly backing up. “Well, then you better come on,” she challenges and I grin as I hand Kane my drink to follow her. Reaching for her, I pull her against me and stand there as she moves against me to some pop song I know my sister must have chosen. I can feel people staring, and the anxiety is eating at me. I want to let go like Amberlyn has. She’s dancing like no one is watching, as if it is only us two in the room, but that is hard for me.

  When she pulls me close, I think it is for a kiss. I slightly tense because the last time I kissed this gorgeous girl in public, we ended up in the papers. But instead, she whispers in my ear, “Just let go.”

  I pull back some, a grin curving my lips as I hold her gaze. “I’m trying.”

  “No, you’re not. You’re super tense. No one matters but us. As long as we are having fun, why does it matter who’s staring?”

  I hold her gaze for a long time as she grins up at me with no cares in the world. All she cares about is me, and I couldn’t love her any more than I already do for it.

  “It doesn’t,” I say and she nods, her grin growing.

  “That’s right, so let go. Have fun with me.”

  Holding her closer, I run my nose along hers before capturing her mouth with mine. We kiss and tease as we move and soon no one is there. Only Amberlyn and her gorgeous, aquamarine eyes. The eyes that captivate me. When the song changes to a slow one, she wraps her arms around my neck and I hold her waist as we slowly sway to an old Michael Bublé track.

  “So my uncle called today.”

  “Yeah?” I ask. “Your uncle back in America, right?”

  “Yeah, his girlfriend is pregnant and he was questioning how I like it here, because I guess they want to settle somewhere and probably hope I’d want to stay here so he can have my parents’ home.”

  I can only blink as I hold her gaze. “What did you say?”

  “I told him that he can buy my parents’ house from me. I know that’s crazy ’cause we’ve only been dating for like seven weeks, but I can’t think of leaving you or the only family I have. Even if for some off-the-wall reason we don’t work, I love it here. I love the family I have here, and I’m happy. I know once I start school that things will be strained between us, but I think we might work, ya know? I don’t know, is this crazy?” she exclaims, her face turning red.

  I shake my head as I gather her closer, running my nose along hers. “No, it’s not crazy and we will work ’cause like you, I feel we will. I’m invested here, Amberlyn. Whole heartedly.”

  Her eyes shine as she holds my gaze. “Me too.”

  Does that mean she loves me? Our gaze is heated, and I can’t look anywhere but in her beautiful eyes. The words are there and I almost utter them but before I can, the song ends and Fiona is there beside us.

  “Amberlyn, you have to come see the chocolate fountain and come to the powder room with me because all these people scare me.”

  I want to tell Fiona to wait, but Amberlyn is laughing as she nods. “Okay, I’ll be back.”

  Kissing me quickly on the cheek, she is off and as I watch her, I know that I can’t wait anymore.

  I have to tell her I love her.

  The chocolate fountain is amazing.

  After eating way more sweets than I need to, I follow Fiona to the bathroom and wait alongside the sink with my thoughts drifting back to Declan. The word good doesn’t even give how he looks justice. Fucking hot is more like it. The suit he is wearing hugs every single inch of him and is tailored just for him. It’s a charcoal color with an off-white tie. He’s gorgeous and I love being on his arm, centered in his gorgeous gaze. He makes me feel like I’m the only girl in the world, and I can’t get enough of it.

  When my uncle called earlier, it was too easy to agree to sell the house. While my heart hurts to know that I am letting go of the only thing that my mom and dad shared with me, I know it needs to be done. I have to let go of everything to move on completely. I still have all the important things, and my uncle agreed to ship all those things here. I am thinking that I might get my own place, maybe rent a flat in town so that I’ll still be clo
se to the pub. I’m not sure. I might wait and stay at the pub with my family, or maybe Declan and I will want to get a place. I’m not sure but either way, I am so excited to start my life and I hope that it’s with Declan. I am putting my whole heart in his hands, and I can’t help but feel like it is the right thing to do. It as if my mom sent him to me, the perfect man, all for me.

  With a content grin on my face, I wait as Fiona washes her hands before looking at me in the mirror while she does her hair. “Having fun?”

  “Yes, this place is amazing,” I say, and it’s true. Even the bathroom is breathtaking. All of it is expensive marble and so pretty that I’m scared to touch it, let along take a piss on it. Fiona doesn’t seem to care and uses everything as if it is hers.

  “I know and to think maybe it will all be yours one day,” she teases with a wink.

  I laugh as my heart flutters in my chest. “I don’t want all this; I only want Declan.”

  “That is something that every sister loves to hear from the girl that is dating her brother.”

  I jump at the new voice and turn to find Lena O’Callaghan smiling at me. She looks like she stepped out of a magazine in a very fashionable white dress that fits her like a glove. Like mine, it sparkles and has cuts along the side that gives off a very sexy, but classy look. Her hair is up in a chignon and her makeup is drastically done, enhancing her ice-blue eyes. She is simply stunning.

  “You must be Amberlyn. It’s so wonderful to meet you,” she says, taking a step towards me and enveloping me in a hug.


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