Savage SEAL’s Virgin: A Submissives’ Secrets Novel

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Savage SEAL’s Virgin: A Submissives’ Secrets Novel Page 95

by Michelle Love

  “Looks like you two are in a hurry to get married.”

  “You have no idea how long we’ve waited and how much we’ve been through,” I say. “The story is long and there are way too many sad parts. So if you could get us married already, it would be such a blessing.”

  Lexi holds out her hand and the old man shakes it. “Hi, I’m Alexis Mathews. This mess is Max Lane and you might think he’s a little crazy and you’d be right, but he’s my crazy so if it’ll make him happy, can you do your best to hurry? Don’t leave anything out though. I want the full deal. We’re only doing this once so I do want it to be memorable.”

  The lady hands Lexi a bouquet of flowers and I smack my head as I forgot to get her some myself and that’s such a terrible thing to have done. “Sorry, Lex, I forgot about flowers.”

  The lady smiles. “They’re part of the package, don’t sweat it kid. We have rings too if you forgot those.”

  I pull out the boxes and hand mine to Lexi. “No, I have them.”

  “So are you ready?” the man asks as he makes his way to a little stand then stands behind it. “Take your places here in front of me and let’s see if we can’t get you two hitched.”

  My knees feel weak as I take Lexi’s hand and walk up to the man with her. I look at her and then back at the man then at the lady and I can’t believe it’s happening.

  It’s finally happening!


  Candles bring a dim golden glow to the hotel room. Max and I lie in bed and breathe rugged breaths. “Wow!” I say. “Who knew just getting married could make it so much better?”

  “Me,” Max says and turns to look at me. “I knew, Mrs. Lane. I knew all along.”

  His hand runs up and down my arm as I look into his deep emerald green eyes. I take a chunk of his long dark hair and twist it with my finger. The silkiness of it is a thing I love. “So, you’re a smarty pants I see. I’m not sorry we waited, Max. We know each other much better than the first time you asked me to marry you. It feels right now, don’t you think?”

  “Damn right, it feels right. You are too delicious, Lexi. I need another taste of you,” Max says as his eyes grow dark with desire and I find I’m desiring him just as much.

  He kisses slowly down my neck. I giggle and ask, “Is this how it will always be? Like we can’t get enough of each other?”

  “That would be great, but I doubt it so we should enjoy it while it lasts.” His tongue moves over my breast and down my stomach.

  The moment his lips touch my clit my stomach clenches and I moan, then push his head down to take more of me in. He does and I arch up to meet his hot, wet lips. He runs his tongue through my folds until he finds my vagina and pushes his tongue in and out of it.

  My body gets a light sheen of sweet covering it and I let go of his head and grab the sheets, clutching them so I don’t pull his hair out with how crazy hot he’s making me feel.

  Up to my clit he goes again and as his tongue taps it I come undone and cry out in ecstasy. Before the orgasm is over, he flips me over and pulls me back to him where he slams into me from behind and the orgasm not only continues but multiplies.

  One long groan I make then I have to put my face in the pillow and scream as each thrust makes me explode inside over and over until he sends his hot juices inside me. I pulse around him, drawing out every last ounce of his cum.

  Our bodies finally stop pulsating and he pushes me gently to the bed. Moving his body to lie beside mine he whispers, “Thank you, Mrs. Lane. That was some encore.”

  “Thank you, my dear husband. I didn’t know I could climax so many times.” I turn over and lie my head on his large bicep and he wraps his body around mine, in a protective semi-circle.Max

  Sun shines into the hotel room and I cover my eyes. “Wake-up, sleepy head,” Lexi’s cheerful voices calls out.

  “You opened the curtain,” I mumble. “Are you trying to kill me?”

  “When did you become a vampire, my sweet husband?” She laughs and plops down on the bed just as my cell phone rings.

  Reluctantly, I sit up and answer my phone. “Max Lane, here.”

  Someone is speaking some very chopped up English and then I realize it’s the man I’ve been talking to in Germany. “We need you here, next week, please.”

  “Next week. Umm… Well… I just…. Oh, man…. Got.” I stop and look at Lexi as she laughs.

  “Wow! My stammering rubbed off on you.” She smiles and gets up and makes her way to the bathroom.

  “What you try to say, Mr. Lane?” the man says.

  “I got married yesterday. Next week is a bit soon. I can’t get my wife a passport that quickly. I mean I may be able to but she has things to do. I don’t want to leave her so soon.” I sit up and pull the sheet up as my mind spins on how to handle this.

  “We need you here. To help us with the process. It won’t take long a week to a month.”

  A week to a month without Lexi!

  “Damn it. I’ll see what I can do and get with you early next week. Perhaps I can make it by the end of next week,” I say and already hate that I have to do this.

  “Okay,” the man says then hangs up.

  Lexi comes out of the bathroom wearing nothing but a smile. “Come, let’s take a shower then go do some sight-seeing or take in a show or gamble, though I doubt I’m any good at it.”

  I get up and go scoop her up and take her to the giant shower and try to think of how I’m going to tell her that I have to leave the country for a week to a month. Her lips touch mine and take all the thought from my head.

  This can be dealt with after our few days of honeymoon time. What could it hurt to wait to tell her?

  Part 11 Secrets of Luxury


  Whup, whup, whup, the helicopter’s blades cut through the air as Max makes his way back to me, after two very long months in Germany. I rush to the door and go out by the pool to wait for him to land.

  After a tiny honeymoon, my new husband had to leave me and go to Germany where he helped some German engineers develop a bullet proof glass cheap enough to install on all their cars.

  I guess the German’s know something we don’t!

  Lucky for us, Max has used our cars as the prototypes for the new glass. So in case of a zombie apocalypse we’ll be safe. Fingers crossed!

  I’m officially out of the modeling business. I wrapped up the book cover job and quit. Instead of finding a home in Dallas, I decided I wanted to come back to Max’s mansion in Houston. It feels like home to me. And with the news I have for Max, I’m all about making a home, and sticking with it.

  The helicopter lands and here comes my handsome husband. In his hand is a fancy gift bag.

  Yes! A present!

  I find myself running to meet him as butterflies romp around in my stomach. His smile runs clean across his face.

  “Happy to see me?” He holds his arms wide open and I run into them.

  I hug him tight. “I missed you so much.”

  I’m lifted up in his arms. “I missed you too, princess.” Then his lips touch mine.

  Another place, his kiss takes me to. A world with no pain, or suffering. A place only he can take me, and I’d never leave it if I didn’t have to. I run my hands into his shoulder length waves and relish the silkiness of them. My tongue twirls with his.

  His kiss softens, and he pulls his mouth from mine. I rest my forehead on his as he carries me towards the house. It is night already and the lights outside are gorgeous, yet they pale as I look into his emerald eyes. “I love you, Max. I’m so glad you’re home. Don’t leave me alone that long anymore, promise me.”

  “If I have to go anywhere again, you’re coming with me, baby. I’ll not go that long without you ever again. It was supposed to be a week to a month, and it went much longer.” He stops at the door and puts me back on my feet.

  “Hilda made you her famous enchilada dinner. She’s been waiting for you to come home so she could cook more food. She complai
ns I don’t eat enough,” I say with a laugh.

  “That’s sweet of her, but I’m afraid food is the last thing I have on my mind.” He looks at me hungrily and a shiver runs through me.

  His arm wraps around my waist and I lean my head on his shoulder and wrap mine around his. “Well, that will have to wait until you eat, or she’ll bang on the bedroom door until you do. So, I’d say it’s best to get dinner out of the way.”

  He hands me the bag as we make our way to the kitchen. I smile and look in it, then reach in and pull out a T-shirt that has something written on it, ‘My husband went to Germany and all I got was this lousy T-shirt.’

  With a look that says, ‘you’re a jerk’ I say, “Nice, babe!”

  “Keep digging in the bag, princess.”

  Stopping, so I can really dig, I find a black, velvet case. I open it to find a large diamond necklace with intermittent sapphires, a matching set of ear rings, and a bracelet, plus a ring.

  My eyes must be sparkling as I look back at Max. “Max, this is beautiful! What did this cost?”

  He shakes his head. “You’re never allowed to ask me that question, princess. In the helicopter I have some gorgeous gowns I bought you. This set will go amazingly with the dark blue one I found.”

  “You went shopping for me while you were over there, supposedly working?”

  He moves us along again. “I had to do something with my free time and as I was always thinking of you, it had me looking at things for you, my love.”

  My heart fills with how wonderful this man is. He makes me feel as if I’m the most special thing in his life.

  Hilda’s face lights up when she sees him. “Mijo!” She runs and grabs him, hugging him. “We all missed you so much!”

  The smile on his face lets me know he really loves this woman. “I missed you all too. I hear you’ve made me my favorite meal.”

  “I sure did. I have it all, the queso and the guacamole, plus my homemade chips.” Her eyes go to me and she smiles then she looks back at Max. “And I made a tres leches cake, just to celebrate your return.”

  With a laugh he says, “You spoil me, Hilda!”

  “No, you deserve it, Mijo, follow me to the small dining room I’ve prepared you two. I know you missed each other, and I wanted to create a wonderful experience for you.”

  Even I was unaware that she’d done anything this special. We follow her to one of the small dining rooms and I see she’s outdone herself. It’s prettier than any five star restaurant. The chandelier is dimly lit as there are so many candles I can’t count them all. They fill the room with a golden glow and large vases of beautiful flowers sit around. The air smells rich with their aroma.

  “You’ve been busy,” I say as I look around the room then back at her. “This is gorgeous. Thank you so much.”

  Max squeezes me and kisses the top of my head then says, “Hilda this is so nice. I can’t thank you enough for how well you treat us. You’re a saint and we’d never make it without you.”

  I see her eyes going glassy and she waves at us. “Go, sit and I’ll serve you. There’s some wine on the table.” She looks at me and winks. “It’s a new wine, fortified with nutrients, and there’s no alcohol in it.”

  Max pulls the chair out for me and I sit down. He looks back at Hilda. “No alcohol? Is it any good?”

  Her eyebrows raise. “Have I ever served you something that wasn’t?”

  Max sits down and looks as if he’s been scolded. “No, ma’am. I didn’t mean to imply that. I’ll drink it, I’m sure I’ll love it.”

  He takes my hand in his and holds it on top of the table. Hilda hurries out of the room and he leans over and kisses me again. My head is spinning and I find I’m not hungry in the least and all I really want is for him to take me to our bedroom and never let me out of it.

  He pulls away and says, “Have I told you how beautiful you look tonight?”

  I shake my head and run my hand over the lacy white top which shows a black, silk camisole underneath it. A tight black skirt I have on and some sky high, black heels. My hair is pulled back in a high ponytail with curls spiraling down my back.

  What can I say, I had a lot of time today to get ready to see my husband and got bored and made myself kind of spectacular for his return!

  He has on a tight, black T-shirt that shows off every muscle of his torso and tight blue jeans and running shoes. His dark waves hang around his tanned face and I find myself getting worked up and I have to chill and get this food down so Hilda’s work hasn’t been for nothing.

  “Anyway, tell me how the flight went and the food, how was that?” I ask, trying to get my head out of naughty time and back to dinner time.

  “Really?” he asks as he reaches out and strokes my cheek, making me lean into his touch.

  “Mmmm,” I moan. “Please, Max, go easy on me, baby. It’s been too long and if you knew what just seeing you was doing to me you’d try harder not to entice me. We need to show Hilda how much we appreciate her hard work, don’t we?”

  “We do,” he says then takes my hand and pulls it under the table, then runs it up and down a very thick, long, and hot erection.

  I blush and look away. “You’re a very bad boy!” I whisper.

  Hilda walks back in with some chips and the dips, and thankfully Max releases my hand and says, “Thank you, Hilda. I can’t wait to dig in.”

  “Enjoy, you two. I’ll be back in just a little while with the main course.” She hurries off again.

  Max dips a chip in the cheesy dip and holds it to my mouth. I open it and take the bite. “It’s good,” I say.

  Max leans forward and kisses me, moving his tongue into my mouth which still has the food in it. At first I’m all, ‘Yuck’ but then he swirls his tongue just before he pulls away, and I’m all, ‘Don’t go.’

  I must be looking at him with my mouth hanging open because he takes a napkin and dabs at my lips then pushes at my chin and my mouth closes. “Did I surprise you?” he asks as he dips another chip in the guacamole.

  I nod and he puts that chip up to my mouth and I take the bite. He leans in and instead of kissing my lips, he kisses my neck and nips at it as I chew and swallow.

  This man is going to make me orgasm right here at the doodley-dee dinner table!

  Not sure how I’m going to get through this dinner and on to the dessert if he’s going to keep this up. Soft kisses he trails up to my lips, leaving a kiss on them, then he pulls back and picks up my wine glass. He touches it to my lips and I take a drink.

  He places it back on the table then his mouth is on mine and his tongue is back in my mouth and he thrusts it all over my mouth as his arms wrap around me and he pulls me to him until our chests are touching and my body is on fire.

  The sound as someone clears their throat makes me push at him, and he reluctantly pulls back. “Sorry, Hilda,” he says as his eyes never leave mine. “I really missed my wife.”

  His wife! I wonder if it will ever not make something inside me quiver when he says those words. I am Max Lane, Billionaire’s, wife!

  Hilda puts the plates down and smiles. “I know, Mijo. Young love, is so sweet. Now eat as much as you want. You won’t upset me if you have more on your mind than my food. Then I’ll bring dessert. I made the cake special for you, so I do want you to take at least a bite of it.”

  “I will, Hilda. And I assure you, I am enjoying what you’ve made us, very much,” he says as he smiles at me.

  I blush and look down at the plate of delicious food and find I’m more than ready to dig in if Max is going to continue to show me this much attention.

  A forkful of enchilada he picks up and asks, “How about you feed me and I’ll feed you?”

  I nod and know he’s going to make me even hotter than I already am, but damn it, I just can’t tell him no!

  Stabbing at a bite of enchilada, I take it and place it on his lips as he places his on mine and we both take the bite and watch each other chew it and then swallow. I r
each for my glass to take a drink, but he gently grabs my hand and picks it up and gives me a drink.

  After he sets it back down he turns and takes my face between his hands and kisses me, but keeps his tongue to himself. Then lets me go and picks up his fork again.

  At this rate, it’s going to take an hour to eat dinner!


  Lexi glows like I’ve never seen her do before. I’m not sure if it’s the lighting as there are a lot of candles or if she really did miss me that much.

  I know I missed her. The damn thing went on for far too long and I’ll never be away from her that long again. We finally finished dinner and all I want to do is drag her to the bedroom and strip off her clothes and take her nine ways to Sunday.

  Hilda comes in the room holding a platter with the cake which I don’t even want, on it. I smile because she’s worked so hard on this meal, and I feel terrible for not paying more attention to it. She exchanges a glance with Lexi and I find myself feeling anxious.

  “What’s that about?” I ask Hilda.

  Her eyebrows go up and she looks innocently at me. “What? I don’t know what you’re talking about.” She places the platter on the table in front of me like it’s my birthday and I’m about to blow out some candles, which there are none of on the cake.

  “I don’t think I can eat the whole thing, Hilda,” I say then notice something on the top and look at the cake.

  One word is written in orange across the white icing, ‘Congratulations.’

  I look back at Hilda. “Thanks, I guess it is kind of a big deal, this new glass.”

  Lexi takes my hand and smiles. “That’s not what she means.”

  “Oh, the marriage!” I say and look back at Hilda. “Yeah, I guess you haven’t been able to tell me that. Thanks, Hilda.”

  Lexi pulls at my hand and I look back at her. “That’s not what she means, either.”


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