Savage SEAL’s Virgin: A Submissives’ Secrets Novel

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Savage SEAL’s Virgin: A Submissives’ Secrets Novel Page 100

by Michelle Love


  My mates from the band didn’t want to come with me to the Tour de Champagne, they’ve not the money I have and the set I’m doing later on is acoustic so I’m on my own this evening. Mum is a famous model from Australia and rich in her own right and Pop is a famous eighties rocker from London and rolling in the green stuff. My parents are still together, somehow, despite the crazy life of models and rock stars. I’m their only child and as such I’m pretty well off just by being that. I have my own band and I dare say have made a tidy sum on my own as well.

  The Champagne and the grub make this little gig a real treat for me, plus I don’t have to get all rock starred out for this elite crowd. The food is pretty decent and I haven’t had decent eats since we came to Texas on this American tour we’re on.

  They seem to fry everything in this state!

  I’ve gained a whole three pounds in the last few weeks as we’ve went from one big city to the next. Texas has so many large cities. It’s like its own country with how many places we’re stopping and playing at.

  We have four days here in Houston to hang out before we trek over to some place called San Marcos to play a charity event at the college there. It's small potatoes compared to the arena shows we’ve been doing and I hope I get to do a bit of hob knobbing with the locals.

  I miss my home in Australia. Everyone is so friendly and down to Earth. The people who want to be around me now are all on the take or so damn giddy about meeting me they act crazy. The other entertainers are arrogant, most of them anyway.

  I detest arrogance!

  No one seems to recognize me so far and I’m damned thankful for that. On stage and for all my photos I color my hair black and spike it up and wear more make-up than my mother does. When I’m out on my own I wash the black stuff from my sandy blonde hair and leave the make-up and leather clothes at the hotel. Being this is a high class event, I have on a very expensive Burberry suit I bought the last time I was in London.

  A mini quiche I spot on a silver tray and there’s only one left and I find I must have a taste of that. I reach out to take it and another black sleeved hand reaches for it as well. Pausing my action, I look up to see a tall man with dark hair and the greenest eyes I’ve ever seen looking back at me as we both say, “Sorry, did you want that?” We both give a chuckle as a woman with an ample belly and long blonde curls reaches between us and snatches the last quiche up and pops it in her mouth.

  “Mmmm,” she moans. “Thanks guys.”

  I watch her move on to the next tray and smile. By the look on the other man’s face, I can see he’s a bit embarrassed so I have to assume the woman is with him. “Is she yours?”

  He nods. “Sorry about that. My wife is pregnant and seems to be very hungry.”

  “That’s okay,” I say and extend my hand. “I’m Kip Dixon, and you are?”

  The man takes my hand and gives it a good stout shake, which I like in a man. “My name’s, Max Lane, it’s a pleasure to meet you, Mr. Dixon. I’m a big fan of your music and so are my two-year-olds who love to jump around to it.”

  “Call me, Kip. May I call you Max?” I find another tray going by me and reach out and take a piece of whatever is on it and eat it. It’s sour and I make a little face which has Max smiling at me.

  “You’re a lot like my wife, just grabbing and popping food in your mouth without even looking at what it is you're about to eat.”

  “What can I say, I like to live dangerously.” The tall woman he said was his wife and who stole my quiche comes back to Max’s side and smiles at me.

  “Did I hear you say your name is Kip Dixon?” she asks.

  I nod and get ready for her to go all wiggly legged and giggly over me. It’s what I do to women, unfortunately. She extends her hand very un-shakily and says, “I’m Lexi Lane, Max’s wife. What an honor to meet a man of your stature. You’re famous in our home for making our children turn into head banging maniacs.”

  I laugh and find her gorgeous and as I look at them both I realize I’ve seen them somewhere and then it all comes back to me with some racy books I was reading a couple years ago as we rode around on our tour bus. “Sweet shit! You’re that woman from the dirty threesome book covers!”

  A blush covers her perfect cheeks and I’m immediately sorry. “That’s me.”

  “Damn! I’m sorry. I hate it when people go all silly kneed over me and here I am about to ask you to sign my chest,” I say with a slight laugh, only it’s very true. Those pictures and stories were very explicit, and I found myself fantasizing over this lady many a lonely night. Then I look at Max and remember them together on some magazine covers. “And you two did some other stuff together, right?”

  He nods. “Those days are long gone. We’re just a couple of old fogies now that we have kids. Getting out this evening is the first time we’ve been out in ages.” He runs his arm around his wife’s waist and I find it endearing.

  “So how long have you two been together?” I ask and they both smile.

  Lexi answers, “We’ve been married only about four years, but we were off and on for around two years as well, so I like to say four years and Max likes to say six.”

  He kisses the top of her head. “I say six because we’ve loved each other for that long. It just took us a while to get things all straightened out, and this one here was a mess.”

  She bats at his chest. “I wasn’t the only one, Max!”

  He leans in and says quietly, “The first time we met, this one had on khaki slacks and a white, short sleeve button up shirt starched to the hilt and a fucking pocket protector. Her hair was in the tightest bun I’d ever seen.”

  My eyes go up and down the gorgeous creature at his side. “No way!”

  Lexi smiles and nods. “I was trying to look like an accountant and I think I totally pulled off the look, only pretty boy here wasn’t attracted to me until he got me into a teeny tiny bikini and made me let my hair down.”

  Max interrupts her, “Even before that, I knew there was something about her. I couldn’t hardly let her go. The moment I took her hand in mine it just kinda stuck to it. Then when I saw the woman she’d been hiding in those too big clothes I knew she was the one for me.”

  “Sweet story.” I pick up a glass of Champagne as a server walks past us. “I don’t have one of those. I have one night stands and random hook up stories but there not proper stories for mixed company.” I laugh and notice Lexi frowning.

  “No one special, Kip?” she asks. “Don’t you get lonely? Don’t you have some girl you like to talk to, at least?”

  I shake my head. “Nah, my mates in the band are who I talk to. I haven’t really met the girl who does it for me yet. Not that I can imagine any woman wanting all which goes along with me. It would be hard to keep something going with my schedule and the crazy female fans would surely cause jealousy to show its ugly head.”

  Max asks, “I know you played in Houston last night. How long are you in town for until you get shipped off to the next place?”

  “We have four more days here before we go to someplace called San Marcos to play a small charity gig,” I tell him and his eyes light up.

  “You got anything to do with all that down time?”

  I shake my head. “Not a damn thing.”

  “I invented this seat that goes in helicopters. You can actually move out of the chopper and hang in the air. A lot of people use them to kill wild hogs which this state has way too many of. I have a chopper at home and the back forty is pretty hog infested, you wanna come and try your hand at shooting some?”

  “Really?” I can’t believe he’s seriously inviting me.

  “If you want. Hell, we have a huge place. You can stay with us if you’d like to. My house manager, Hilda, can make you some authentic Mexican food and one day we can have a real Texas bar-b-que. You could invite your band if you’d like to,” he says and I find the idea intriguing.

  Some time with what seems to be like a real family. Time awa
y from the band, God knows I need some of that. “You know what? I’d love to. I’ll rent a car and come out tomorrow afternoon.”

  Lexi and Max smile at me and I think I may have found some new friends, some real friends that want nothing from me, save my friendship. How nice this may be.


  Tears fill my eyes as I chop up onions for Hilda who is cooking up an authentic Mexican dinner for our guest, the rock star, Kip Dixon. I still can’t believe Max and him became such fast friends.

  Kip showed up a little after lunch, his bag in hand and will be staying with us for the next four days. Max is like a little kid, showing off all his big boy toys. The two are riding around in the chopper right now and the rat-a-tat-tat of the semi-automatic rifle Max has can be heard as they shoot out in the pasture behind the mansion.

  Hilda hands me a towel. “Wipe your tears, Lexi.”

  I take the towel. “Thanks, Hilda. So what do you think of our guest?”

  She laughs. “He talks like the lizard from that insurance commercial, doesn’t he?”

  I nod. “He’s a riot. It’s so hard for me to believe he has no woman in his life. He’s so handsome and charming with such a great sense of humor. The twins love him already.”

  “It was so funny how they recognized him from the television and started jumping around and singing his song they love so much,” Hilda says and laughs.

  The mention of the twins has them running into the kitchen, both take a leg and hold it as Zane screams, “She’s my mommy!”

  “Uh, uh,” Zoey screams. “She’s mine, not yours!”

  Wiping my hands on the towel I reach down and pat their little heads. “I’m the mommy of both of you, and the little baby who’s in my tummy. Now stop fighting, you two. You’re about to be a big brother and a big sister so try acting like that, okay.”

  Zane takes a step back and looks up at me. “I’m gonna be Zakk’s big brudder and Zoey can be his little sister, casue I’m biggest!”

  “Nuh, uh.” Zoey shouts as she goes and gives her brother a slight shove. “I’m biggest and I’m Zakk’s big sister too!”

  “Don’t push your bother, Zoey,” I say. “Tell him you’re sorry.”

  “Oh, come on!” she says as she throws her little arms in the air. “I didn’t even hurt him.”

  “Uh, huh, yes you did,” Zane shouts. “You hurt my feelings. Say you’re sorry.”

  Zoey leans forward and sticks out her tongue at him and puts her hands on her hips. “Sorry, little baby!”

  “Mom!” Zane shouts. “Did you hear her? She called me a baby and I’m not one, I’m a big boy. Daddy told me I’m his big boy, so stop calling me that, Zoey! Tell her, Mom!”

  “Do you kids always have to scream every word that comes out of your mouths?” I ask as I take their little hands in mine and take them away with me so Hilda can make the rest of the meal in peace.

  Out to the patio we go so they can talk loud all they want to. The sound of the chopper we all hear and the kids go into full blown excitement. Both shouting how their daddy’s coming back.

  I take a seat at the table and let them run around like maniacs. It’s odd how much energy is stored up in their tiny bodies. I don’t have half of what they have. Max and Kip are grinning like little boys as they get out of the chopper.

  I watch as the guys talk, but are too far away for me to hear what they say. They laugh and bump their fists together as they make their way to us. The twins go running like the wind to their daddy and Zoey surprises me as she runs right up to Kip, her arms extended and he picks her right up and places her on his broad shoulders as she squeals with delight.

  All the way over here I can hear Zane. “Daddy, put me on your shoulders like he has Zoey!” Max does as he’s told and Zane looks at Zoey and sticks out his tongue.

  Zoey isn’t even looking at him as she runs her hands through Kip’s shoulder length, sandy blonde locks that look pretty silky and I find I’m jealous as I’d love Max to grow his silky locks back out for me to run my hands through.

  As the men approach me Zoey calls out to me, “Look at me, Mommy, Kips gots me on his shoulders. Mommy, you should feel his hair, it’s soft like my teddy bear.”

  Max takes Zane off his shoulders and laughs. “Your mommy isn’t running her hands through anyone’s hair, but Daddy’s.”

  Party pooper!

  Kip puts Zoey down and sits in one of the chairs and she climbs right up in his lap as if she’s been invited. “Zoey! Leave him alone,” I reprimand her.

  Kip laughs and pulls her up on his lap. “Nah, she’s not botherin’ me. She’s my little pal, aren’t ya, sweetheart?”

  She nuzzles her face against his chest and sighs. “Uh, huh. I love you, Kip.”

  He hugs her and I laugh while Max frowns. “She’s going to be trouble, I can see it now.”

  Zane frowns at his sister and walks around to climb on my lap which is pretty full of his baby brother, but he pays no attention to the limited amount of space. “Mommy, I love you,” he says as he wraps his little arms around my neck and watches his sister for any signs of jealousy which I know he hopes she will have.

  She’s oblivious to anyone except Kip as she gazes up at him. Max grabs them a couple of beers out of the outside cooler and hands one to Kip. “Here you go, buddy. So tell Lexi what you thought of hanging out of the chopper and killing pigs,” Max says.

  Kip looks at me with eyes full of excitement. “Oh, man! It was freakin’ awesome. I was all, boom, boom, boom and the pigs all ran like the devil was after ‘em and I took out three of ‘em and the rest made it to the brush. Then Max ran ‘em out and I was all, boom, boom and two more lay there, not moving.”

  “Really?” I ask.

  “Yeah, and then I see one of the big buggers was playin’ possum, and it jumps up and runs, but I got him on his way back to the brush. It was gnarly.” He strokes Zoey’s long blonde hair and takes a lock of it in his hand then looks at me. “They have your hair and their father’s eyes.”

  I smile at him and ask, “How old are you?”

  “Twenty-five,” he answers. “Why?”

  “Just wondering.” I answer. “What age do you plan to be when you settle down and start a family?”

  He shakes his head. “I don’t plan on doing that anytime soon, or maybe ever.”

  “You seem to like kids,” I say.

  “I love ‘em, cute little buggers they are, but you need a mother for ‘em and I’ve not found me one of those, and may not.” He rubs her soft hair to his chin. “Your hair is soft as silk, Zoey.”

  “Thanks, my mom uses baby shampoo on it,” she answers him and closes her eyes as she continues to leave her head on his chest. “I like the sound your heart makes.”

  Kip’s eyes meet mine, and he smiles. “Thank you, I’m glad you like it.”

  Max rolls his eyes. “Seems our daughter has found her first crush.”

  Kip laughs and I say, “She could do so much worse than Kip. I think we can let her have her little crush. Since he has no girlfriend to get jealous after all.”

  The sound of Hilda opening the patio door I hear and we’re told to go inside and eat dinner. Max takes Zane out of my lap and carries him inside and Kip carries Zoey as she beams like she’s been given a shiny new toy.

  Oh, that girl is going to make us crazy when she gets older!


  Behind the steering wheel of Max’s jag I sit and wait for him to motion for me to go. He’s invented a bullet proof glass and I’m going to drive by him while he shoots at me.

  This should be exciting!

  With a wave of his hand I take off and drive right at him as he begins to fire the gun at the windshield. I flinch with every shot, but the bullets bounce off the glass miraculously.

  I pull up to where Lexi and the kids are standing and roll the window down. “That was fun, wanna try it, Lex?”

  She gives me a big shake of her head and I laugh and roll the window up and drive the car
into the garage. As I walk out of the garage Max walks up to me. “Fearless, huh?”

  I nod. “Back at home in Australia I’ve done scarier things. We have crocs you know.”

  We walk back towards the mansion and little Zoey runs out to me. The little girl has fallen in love I’m afraid. I’m also afraid of how much I’m going to miss her and the rest of this little family as well once I have to leave.

  With no family except my parents, this isn’t a thing I’ve done, hanging out with people like this. I never knew what I was missing. Now that I do, I wonder how I’ll deal with my real life.

  Watching how Lexi and Max interact with each other makes me think about how fantastic it would be to have a woman in my life. Someone who gets my corny jokes and laughs at them even though they aren’t funny. Someone who looks at me like I hung the moon. Someone who is there through the bad and the good times.

  These two have told me one horror story after the next as to what they went through before they finally got things straight and made solid commitments to one another. But I found it surprisingly uplifting to know that it was the hardships that made their love so strong.

  When you know you can get through bad things and still continue to have love for each other, it seems like you may be able to get through life together. Seeing them and being a small part of their lives for this tiny amount of time has shown me there’s more to life than what I’ve thought about it so far.

  Max told me how he was looking for love in all the wrong places and I know I haven’t been looking for love, but I know I won’t find it in the places I hang out in. I’m not interested in finding a model or entertainer, just a normal woman who wants a normal life. I don’t see how I’ll find one of those with the places I go and the things I do. Plus the fact girls go all goofy over me and it stops them from getting to know the real me.

  The little angel I’m carrying gives my cheek a kiss and places her tiny hands on my cheeks. “You’re pretty,” she says.

  I laugh. “You’re prettier.”


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