Savage SEAL’s Virgin: A Submissives’ Secrets Novel

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Savage SEAL’s Virgin: A Submissives’ Secrets Novel Page 131

by Michelle Love

  Her breasts rose and fell as she sighed. “How did I get so lucky?”

  Sniffing the air around her, I took in her essence. “The question isn’t how did you get so lucky. It was I who got lucky when I found you that night in the convenience store you worked at.”

  Shoving her hand through my hair, she pushed it back as she grinned. “My moneybag pervert. Oh, how I nearly fainted when I first laid my eyes on you. You were nothing like what I thought you’d be. I thought you must be some troll-like man who had to bribe women to be with you. How wrong I was.”

  “Yes, you were very wrong.” I couldn’t wait any longer. I took her lips, nibbling on the lower one. Her arms ran around my neck, then over my back as she moaned.

  One foot ran up the back of my leg then I lifted her up, and she ran her legs around my waist. My cock thumped against her soft juncture as our tongues danced.

  Cami’s kiss was like a toxin. It took me to the brink of destruction, and at the last possible moment, it sent me over the edge into a pit of hopeless desire. She was my drug, my one addiction. I could never get enough of her, it seemed. And I was happy I’d found the one person who could do that to me.

  Fate brought us together. I’d never been more certain of anything in my life. Cami had been made for me. And with her love, I was remade. The shallow womanizer had been reformed. And all it took was her love to do it.

  Desire is an odd thing. One might be enjoying something simple, then the right person can walk by and turn on desire in an instant. Cami was that for me. She turned me on just by being around.

  I could be downstairs and think about her up in our bedroom, and it would fill me with longing for her. And once I had her in my arms, it was hard to let her go. I think she found it just as hard to let me go too. What she and I had found, most never do.

  The sound of lightning sizzling through the air, startled us, interrupting our kiss. “That was close,” I said just as thunder shook the glass door I had her leaning against.

  She and I exchanged an excited glance then I opened the door and took her to the patio. It was as if we were outside, but the glass kept us safe inside. The wind blew the giant oaks, making them perform a ballet just for us. The constant lightning that ran across the sky kept things lit up.

  “Would you look at the size of those raindrops, Cyprian? They’re as big as marbles!” She took a seat on the chaise lounge, and I moved in behind her, pulling her to rest her back on my chest.

  Softly, she caressed my cheek as she looked out at the storm that was growing wilder with each passing moment. Taking her roving hand, I kissed her palm then ran my tongue over it. She turned her head to look at me, and I caught her lips again.

  The storm was beautiful and interesting, but Cami was all I could think about. She turned to lie her body on top of mine, straddling me as our kiss went deeper. I only had on pajama bottoms, her silky nightgown moved against the flannel I was wearing, things were stirring in both of us.

  Moving my mouth off hers, I kissed a trail down her throat as I held her by the waist and moved her up all the way until my mouth was on the silk panties that matched her gown. I kissed her through them as she held onto the backrest behind my head.

  She was in position as I eased my hands up the backs of her curvy thighs to give her an intimate kiss. Lighting flashed as thunder boomed and I ripped the only thing between my lips and her tasty flesh away. The silk panties went to the floor, and my mouth fell on her warm mound.

  The moan she made lifted to mix with the sounds of thunder and hard rain, pelting the glass structure. It was music to my ears!

  Kissing Cami that way never failed to take me deeper into the passion I needed before I made love to her. There was one mission for me with my woman, show her, she was my world, my everything, the only person who mattered.

  I tried to do that in all things, but in sex, it was a must.

  I’d made my mistakes with the woman in our past where sex was concerned. I’d never hurt her the way I had, Not ever again!

  “Cyprian, the way you kiss me can’t be explained,” she moaned as she writhed with desire.

  I wasn’t about to pull my mouth off her to make a comment. What I said wouldn’t matter, what I did would.

  Licking her with a flat tongue, I stimulated her entire area. Her clit was swelling more and more, I found out as I’d run my tongue in circles around it a few times, waiting for it to get ripe for the taking.

  I searched her deep folds with the tip of my tongue, finding them dampening rapidly. The time had come to take her home. Moving my mouth up her, I put my lips on her clit and moved them up and down as she shrieked with pleasure, “Cyprian! God! Yes!”

  Up and down I went as I gripped her bottom and inserted only my pinky finger into her ass, then pumped it gently. Her body was shivering and shaking as I aroused the sexual goddess who lie dormant within her, waiting for me to call her out.

  The shudder that ran through her signaled the release she’d given me, and I moved my mouth to her hot depths to quench my thirst of what I’d caused to escape her.

  She was ravenous then. Hungry for me and I was in for a treat, I could tell as she growled and dug her fingers into my shoulders. “Your turn, Cyprian!”

  Her nails raked over my skin as she moved down my body. She licked her juicy lips as she came to my face and kissed me deeply, tasting herself on my tongue as she groaned with delight. I grabbed her by the back of the neck, holding her there for a moment. I loved the way she kissed. It was almost spiritual how it made me feel when we were in the throes of passion.

  Letting her go proved hard, but I did it when she tugged on my lower lip to release her mouth so she could get down to business. Her tongue ran down my chin, then my neck, and over my chest. With her teeth, she lifted the waistband of my PJ bottoms and moved her hand in like a snake to get what she was after.

  Watching her as she set to work had me so mesmerized I didn’t even notice how the storm was raging outside our glass enclosure. All I could do was watch her lips that were about to touch my throbbing cock.

  She ran her hands up and down the length of my waiting appendage. As if she was worshiping it, she looked at it with adoring eyes. The touch of her lips was light and tantalizing as she kissed it.

  Her lips were plugged into a power source, electricity shot through me, and I moaned with how intense it felt. She ran her tongue in circles all over the head as she used her hands to stimulate the shaft.

  I was gripping the sides of the chaise lounge, anticipating when she’d take me all the way into her hot mouth. But she was still teasing me. Licking and nipping at the head until I was begging her for more, “Cami, please!”

  The sound she made was sinister and sexy. A deep growling chuckle with a side of mischief was the sound she made just before she opened those sweet lips and moved her mouth over my straining cock.

  Hot, wet, bliss took over me. She may as well have had my entire body inside her mouth, because I felt her all through me. I held tight to the cushion as her head began to bob up and down and I watched.

  Her hair hid her face, so I gathered it, in one hand, holding it up so I could watch her mouth. Her sweet face all over my cock was magnificent.

  Cami was gorgeous, and she was all mine!

  I was no stranger to sexual gratification before I met her, but her body and mouth took me to a whole other level. The truth was, I never knew what making love was until I did it with her.

  I’d been with countless women, most times more than one at a time, but Cami was special. We shared a love the likes of which I had no idea could even exist. My playboy past stayed with me a bit too long into the beginning of our relationship. Thank the Lord above, it didn’t ruin things for us. If my mistakes would’ve taken her away from me, I don’t know how’d I’d be punishing myself.

  To think of the idiotic things I did, in the beginning, made my heart cringe, they were so bad. Blindfolding Cami, tying her up, then having another woman perform oral se
x on her was one of the worst!

  What was I thinking?

  On top of all that, I videoed it to show her later, thinking she’d find it sexy and fun. I was a fool. No, the word fool isn’t even strong enough for what I was. There is no word for the amount of stupid I was back then.

  There was a word to describe what I was once she forgave all my transgressions. Thankful!

  Her hair felt like silk in my hand. I ran through it over and over as she ran her mouth up and down me. The sensations were getting to be too much. My mind was going fuzzy as my cock began to pulse. A wave was growing inside me. I closed my eyes as a groan escaped my lips. “Baby, take me home.”

  She moved faster, her hands ran up my cock as her mouth moved up, as well. It was all encompassing. Then she put one hand on my balls, massaging them gently. I was shooting my load into her mouth before I knew it and she was drinking all I had to give her.

  When Cami looked up at me, wiping her mouth with the back of her hand, the animal inside me woke up. “You’re about to get fucked nine ways to Sunday, baby!”

  She moved off me, with a sly smile on her beautiful face. “If you can catch me, that is.”

  I was stunned as she moved toward the door that led outside our little safe haven and into the storm that was dangerous and unpredictable. I thought she had to be kidding with me. Then she flung the door open and was gone in a flash of flowing beige silk.


  Keeping Cyprian’s attention took some doing. One couldn’t be a normal person and expect to keep him interested enough to not only stay in a relationship, but excel at it too. His mind was always moving, and so was I.

  It wasn’t games I was playing with him. I didn’t use jealousy to mess with his head. I just used some keen sense of what would surprise him to get his mental juices flowing.

  Did that have me doing some crazy shit?

  You know it did.

  The night of the storm I saw a look in his eyes, I’m sure even he was unaware of was lying just at the back of them. It was the look of a man who knew what was coming next. I couldn’t allow that to happen.

  If Cyprian fell into a pattern, he’d be easily distracted. Or so I thought or worried is a better word. I was always thinking about new ways to keep Cyprian interested in me.

  The man had a virtual harem of women before he scooped me up from that shitty little job I was working while I went to college. I’d never even seen his face, only that of his driver’s when he’d stop by the store before heading out to his estate with a car full of beautiful women.

  I’d never been attracted to a womanizer before. Cyprian had more going for him than most of those hounds did, though. And the way he looked at me was captivating, as well.

  In Cyprian’s eyes, I saw more than I’d ever seen in anyone else’s. At least, when he looked at me, I did. But there was a niggling fear that sat in the back of my brain that told me I had to keep things interesting or he’d get bored with me.

  So, I ran out into the stormy night to capture his attention and spark that interest of his. But as the cold rain soaked me, I was thinking I might’ve made a mistake. And the wind was whipping around me so much harder than I thought it would.

  I’d already run a good way and was nearly at the huge old oak tree I loved to look at when I sat in that glassed-in porch and drank my morning coffee. All kinds of birds and other animals called that ancient tree home.

  The wind was bending the branches, making them nearly touch the ground and that’s when the lightning struck, hitting one of the limbs that fell from way up high.

  And there I was, looking up at it. Watching it fall. In slow motion, the giant limb came crashing toward me as lightning crackled across the sky. Then strong arms grabbed me, picking me up and carrying me away with such speed, it seemed impossible. “Camille!”

  We tumbled to the wet ground, landing in a puddle of mud as we skidded to a stop. I wrapped my arms around Cyprian, hiding my eyes in his wide chest. “Cyprian! Thank God!”

  Pulling my hair back to make me look at him, he ran one hand over my cheek. “You okay, baby?”

  All I could do was nod. He’d saved me!

  I climbed off him, trying to steady myself in the strong wind. Then Cyprian got up and threw me over his shoulder, powering through the wind and rain to get us back to the house.

  He went into a side door that was closer than where we’d come out of. When he put me on my feet, I broke down. Bawling like a child, I apologized, “I’m sorry. That was so stupid!”

  Drenched to the bone, I was freezing and felt like an idiot. An idiot who could’ve gotten us both seriously injured or even killed. But all Cyprian could do was tend to me. Pulling away my nightgown then dropping his pajama bottoms, he took me to the closest bedroom suite and straight into a warm shower.

  Slowly, my teeth stopped chattering as the warm water flowed over me, and he held me tight. “Cami, I don’t understand why you do drastic things like that. This thing was really nuts.” He took my chin to make me look at him. “I have to know why you did such a spontaneous and sporadic thing.”

  Biting my lower lip, I thought about telling him the truth. Then he kissed me with a slow, soft kiss that told me he loved me. “I’m afraid of losing you, Cyprian.”

  His breath was warm against my cheek, his lips grazed it as he said, “That makes absolutely no sense, Cami. How can running out into a storm stop you from losing me?”

  “Things like that keep you guessing.”

  “You’re right. I was guessing you might be clinically insane for doing something like that.” He chuckled then kissed the top of my head as he swayed with me in his arms.

  He was close to being right. I’d been out of my head over Cyprian a few times. Maybe, where he was concerned, I needed to watch how my mind worked.

  Clutching his biceps, I let it all out, “I’m afraid of you becoming bored with me, Cyprian. I’ve always thought I wasn’t enough for you. I mean, you had all those women…”

  His lips pressed mine to shut me up as his hands ran through my wet hair. “Baby, that was before you. I don’t want anyone but you. And you don’t have to do off the wall shit to keep me interested.”


  “No, but’s, Cami. I love you. I don’t need you jumping out into a storm to keep my line of thought on you. You are always on my mind, even when you’re not around, you’re there at the forefront. Please don’t underestimate my love for you. You’re not just my entertainment, you are my love, my life.”

  Hanging on to him, I realized I’d been incredibly stupid. I shouldn’t have even wanted a man who needed me to keep him interested. Any more than normal, anyway.

  I’d done a handful of crazy shit, running into the storm was the most idiotic, though. But disappearing at the zoo on a date we went on was stupid too. I kept just out of his sight for an hour until I let him find me.

  Sure, I was rewarded with kisses and hugs and saw the relieved look on his handsome face, but I’d worried him. It was a thing he’d never done to me. I called it keeping him interested, but it was cruel, I could see that now.

  “I’m so sorry, and I swear to you, I’ll stop what I’ve been doing. I just love you so damn much, it scares me sometimes. If I ever lost you…”

  “Hush, no more talk like that,” he said then kissed me.

  His soft kisses went over my shoulder, all the way down my arm then across my chest. He looked up at me with fire in his eyes. I reached around him to shut off the water. “There’s a bed in the next room. What do you say we get back to what we were doing?”

  “Oh, yes. I was about to fuck you nine ways to Sunday, wasn’t I?” He grinned as he led me out of the shower.

  Rubbing my body with a warm towel, I did the same to his, sparking that arousal once more. I was one lucky woman. He could’ve been pissed at me for all the dumb shit I’d done. Instead, he was ready to get back at it.

  Yes, I was very lucky that he found me!

  The bed was
large, as were all the beds in the sprawling mansion. He tore the blanket off, leaving only the sheets on it then picked me up and tossed me on top of it. “Hmm, how should I begin?”

  I was already hot with desire for him. His perfectly chiseled body was a thing of beauty, that alone was enough to start the fire inside me. For a long time, he stood there, raking his eyes up and down my body, then he picked me up, growling like a wild animal and putting me on my hands and knees.

  Three sharp slaps met my ass before he thrust into me. I was moaning already, loving the way he felt as he plummeted to the deepest places inside of me. One hard stroke after another was creating havoc on my thought process. All thoughts were about him and how I could make him feel as good as he was making me feel.

  The smacking of flesh against flesh, our hard breathing, and the sounds of the storm that was still taking over the night were all I could hear. Until he said seven little words that changed everything, “I want you to have my baby.”


  She looked at me over her shoulder as I slowed the speed of my thrusts. It was probably a very odd time to ask her such a thing. But I felt it, and it came out of my mouth before I could think about waiting to say a thing so personal.

  Her eyebrows were arched in confusion. “You want me to have your baby?”

  I kept going, moving my cock in a slow rhythm. “Yeah.”

  She made a frowny face. “This isn’t exactly romantic. I mean, you want a baby? Like when did this happen? As you were staring at my ass or what?”

  “I wasn’t staring at your ass, Cami.” I pulled out and crawled onto the bed, pulling her to sit on top of me. I liked it better when she and I were connected, I always had.

  “Then, what made you think about a baby?” She moved her body up and down on me.

  She made slow movements that shot zings of sparks through me. “Oh, yeah baby. Right there, that’s the spot.” I grinned at her. “I don’t know. It just popped into my mind and came out of my mouth.”

  “So, you don’t really mean it?” She chewed on her lower lip as she eyed me.


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