Chart Toppers (Star Maker Book 3)

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Chart Toppers (Star Maker Book 3) Page 23

by J. M. Nevins

  “They planned to have me show up as a surprise so I could meet him personally. They want to install him and a few of his colleagues as board members. They don’t necessary need my approval to do it, but I think they just wanted me to meet him.

  “Moira is convinced that the combination of getting Tabitha on staff as managing director then securing the relationship with this surgeon guy has catapulted our foundation to successes beyond what we ever envisioned.”

  She sighed and cast her eyes down. “I wanted to thank this guy personally, whoever he is. I don’t think he has any idea of the impact he’s making for our family on a personal level. This whole foundation and its rapid expansion is the stuff my grandmother dreamed of. She always wanted to do something like this.”

  She met Giselle’s eyes. “I guess that meeting will have to go on hold for another time. I just feel like I haven’t done enough for this foundation. The intent is there. The desire is in my heart, but it keeps getting pushed back by other things. Can you call Tabitha and see if you can get her on my schedule for dinner or drinks or both tonight? Hopefully, I can tell her she’s doing a great job before we head out.”

  Giselle leaned forward and reached for Kit’s hand as she gazed into her eyes. “Hey, you will get the chance to thank this surgeon someday. Your grandma is probably so proud of you right now, gatinha. Remember how you told me she always encouraged your career in music? Well, baby, you’re up for a Grammy because of your songwriting ability. I’m sure she’s smiling down on you. The foundation will be here when the tour’s over. Maybe you can honor her memory by taking a more active role then?” She gave her hand a reassuring squeeze. “I know how much she meant to you. You’re fulfilling all of her dreams for her.”

  Kit’s eyes welled up with tears, and she grinned. “Oh, G, that was so sweet of you. Thank you for saying that. You totally nailed it. You’re right. She would be telling me to go to the Grammy’s, grab my award and get on a plane to go push my music career forward and keep my hubby happy.”

  Giselle smiled wide and nodded. “Yeah, that’s it, Kit. I’ll call Tabitha right now. I’m sure she can clear her schedule to accommodate you tonight.” She squeezed her hand and let go as she got up to return to her desk.

  Kit grinned and nodded. “Thanks, G. Don’t know what I’d do without you.”

  She giggled as she dialed Tabitha’s number. “Oh, don’t worry, I’m not going anywhere.”

  Kit smiled. “Not yet. But one day, you will get promoted in my organization, and you won’t be my assistant anymore. At this rate, you’ll be running a division or something.”

  Giselle smiled wide and nodded as she started a conversation with Tabitha on the line.

  Spencer knocked on the door of the two-bedroom suite at the Beverly Hilton Kit had rented for she and Giselle knowing the schedule for the Grammy’s would be unforgiving. Giselle swung open the door and whistled at him while admiring his elegant monochrome ensemble—an elegant black Armani suit with a black shirt and a black silk tie.

  He smiled. “Thanks.” He leaned forward and gave her a kiss on the cheek. “You look great, G. You clean up really nice.”

  She grinned. “Thanks. I think your date is ready. C’mon in.”

  Spencer strolled into the living room and headed toward the sliding doors to admire the view while Giselle went to fetch Kit from her bedroom.

  She sauntered out moments later, smiling from ear to ear in a black Versace gown that hugged the curves of her body like a glove. The top of the gown displayed a strapless black corset with an intricate overlay of weaved black leather straps narrowing down into an elegant, long, black taper gown. Her red tresses were tousled into a messy updo that looked elegant, yet embodied a rocker edge. Her smoky eye makeup made her green eyes stand out more than ever.

  She smiled and called out to him. “Hey, Spence.”

  He turned around and smiled in awe. “Is that you, sis? You look amazing! Sully would die if he saw you.”

  She giggled. “G has already taken quite a few pictures and with any luck he’ll see me on TV if we win. The guys were planning on staying up and watching it in their rooms.”

  He grinned and nodded confidently. “I have a good feeling about tonight, Kit. Something in the air.”

  Giselle approached them. “Kit, we have to roll. Your publicist called, and we need to get you over to the red carpet.”

  Spencer held his arm out for her. “C’mon, Kitty, let’s go get ‘em. Since when did you get a dedicated publicist?”

  She giggled. “Since earlier this week. It’s been crazy.”

  Kit didn’t get to do as much socializing as she would have liked before they had to take their seats. She sat down and smiled as she turned around, content with her surroundings. Lew, Pete, and Jonathan were sitting in the row behind her with their wives.

  She giggled and couldn’t resist sharing the pun that popped into her mind. “Nice to know you guys have my back.”

  Lew leaned forward and put his hand on her shoulder. “Always, Kitten. We’re hoping for a win too.” He patted her on the shoulder and winked at her.

  Early in the evening, Jade Riff won the Grammy for best new artist, and when they were up on the stage giving their acceptance speech, they thanked her profusely. She smiled and blew them kisses of gratitude. She was genuinely happy for them. She remembered when Gypsy Tango won that award years ago, and she hoped Jade Riff would see as much success as they had.

  Kit was preoccupied whispering an artist acquisition strategy in Spencer’s ear, oblivious to the fact that one of the categories she was nominated for was being announced. Seconds later, Jade Riff, who was sitting in the row in front of her, turned around and stared at her. Bruce Webber, the lead singer, smiled wide and motioned for her to come with them. “Kit, c’mon.”

  She looked at Spencer, wide-eyed. He laughed. “Kit, go!”

  She jumped up and trailed after the band, struggling to make sense of all of it. She walked up the stairs to the stage, praying she wouldn’t trip on her gown. The announcer’s voice boomed, “Bruce Webber, Tim Grover, Kit McKenna writers; Kit McKenna, producer.” She glanced up at the screens that displayed the title of the award being presented: “Record of the Year.” She did her best to take the moment in and treasure it fully, knowing it symbolized the true beginning of what she always wanted. She had broken free from her Gypsy Tango limitations legitimately. She felt her heart skip a beat with excitement.

  She silently stood next to the band as they gave their acceptance speech, and as Bruce concluded, he looked at her. “And lastly, we’d like to thank our kick-ass songwriter and producer, Kit McKenna, who made this song the very best it could be.” She smiled and gave him a small nod wholly grateful she didn’t have to speak as they were escorted off the stage.

  A media circus ensued immediately backstage, and she was swept away in it with her publicist acting as a very flimsy life preserver. She stood with the band posing for pictures and holding her new prized possession, a Grammy.

  She helped them rewrite the song that won the award in addition to producing it. She felt grateful and happy to have been a part of it. She loved having a shiny new award in hand but wondered if someone would promptly wake her and tell her she was only dreaming.

  Her publicist swooped in and whisked her away not missing a beat in constant conversation while she led her back into the ceremony. Kit took her seat again and received verbal congratulations from everyone sitting in close proximity, especially the Diamond Records executives behind her. Jade Riff’s sales would most likely see a major spike as a result of this, and she knew they were pleased.

  She easily zoned off thinking about Sully. She wished he was there and after speaking with Sean, was very concerned about his voice and the future of his career. She didn’t get to fret for long, though; she was jolted back into the present moment when Giselle took one of her hands and Spencer the other, squeezing them. She searched their eyes and realized the last award they were nominated
for, the one that meant the most to her, was about to be announced. She listened intently, holding her breath.

  The announcer continued after presenting the nominees. “And the Grammy for Album of the Year goes to, ‘Triple Tango’ performed by Gypsy Tango, Kit McKenna, producer. Accepting the award for the band, who’s currently on tour in Europe, is their producer, Kit McKenna.”

  She took a gulp of air and smiled as everyone clapped and cheered for her. She stood up and made her way to the stage, choked up and trying her best to keep it together. She gracefully accepted the Grammy award extended to her and took her place behind the podium, poised to speak. As she gazed out at the sea of faces staring back, and the cameras trained on her every move, she grinned feeling a rush of pride for the band and her achievements.

  * * *

  Always amazed at how something as simple as a crisp, delicious apple could make his night, Kyle took another bite, relishing a break that he knew was going to be too short.

  He held the fruit in his teeth as he opened a bottle of water and walked into the doctor’s lounge. A few of his colleagues were sitting at the table, trained on the TV hanging from the ceiling in the corner.

  He took another bite of his apple and washed it down with a sip of water. He nodded to his buddy, Mark. “Whatcha guys watchin’ tonight?”

  Mark grinned as he forked his dinner. “Grammy awards, man. I wonder how many stomachs they’ll discreetly have to pump in the ER tonight after those parties.”

  Kyle chuckled and shook his head. “I don’t think I wanna know.” He snickered and raised his eyebrows. “It’s all about the discretion, right?”

  His colleagues burst into laughter, and Mark nodded. “In this hospital, absolutely!”

  Peter, a first-year resident, interjected and pointed at the TV. “Whoa! Who is that redheaded hottie?”

  Mark rolled his eyes. “Who?”

  Peter frowned. “She was just on the screen a second ago. I think she’s nominated for an award or something.”

  Mark jested. “Or something. She’s probably someone’s wife, genius.”

  Kyle shifted his focus to the screen and heard words that made his heart skip a beat. A wide grin spread proudly across his face as he watched Kit walk to the stage and accept her award. He nodded and let out a quiet sigh of contentment. Seeing that proved to him that all was right in the world.

  Mark frowned at him. “Dude, do you know her or is this some weird celebrity crush thing? We’re not gonna see you on the eleven o’clock news arrested for breaking into her house, are we?”

  Kyle glanced at him and was about to answer Mark’s question when his beeper went off. He chuckled and looked at it, smiling and snickering. “I’m out! Duty calls, man.”

  Mark shook his head and called after him. “I won’t forget to ask you about her later. Stalker!”

  Kyle chuckled to himself as he headed out of the lounge and down the hallway toward the operating room.

  * * *

  The next few minutes were a blur for Kit as she spit out an acceptance speech for herself and the band. Before she knew it; she was being escorted off the stage to the backstage area once again where she dwelled with her publicist.

  She took her time posing for pictures holding that precious little statue in her hand. It was the sole reason she moved to Los Angeles in the first place and agreed to manage Gypsy Tango. Every moment passed like a second and before she knew it, she was being escorted to one of the Grammy parties by her chatty publicist.

  She mingled easily, socializing and graciously receiving congratulations from her peers. She ran into so many rockers she hadn’t seen in years. She was thoroughly enjoying herself, a glass of champagne present in her hand and a smile on her face at all times. Since she had no idea of the fate of the night, she and Giselle had made a pact to meet at the Diamond Records party that Jonathan was hosting at the Beverly Hilton.

  She found her publicist and told her she needed to head to that party. Quicker than she could comprehend, she was ushered into a limo by her publicist and accompanied by a new pack of shiny friends. The Grammy awards she and the band had won earlier in the night graced the backseat across from her, gleaming.

  When Kit got out of the limousine at the Diamond party, the paparazzi was there to greet her again. She noticed Giselle out of the corner of her eye talking with the publicist while Kit worked the press. She looked up moments later, and they were gone.

  Unfazed, she headed into the party taking a momentary pause in the ladies’ room for herself. She touched up her lipstick and then took a seat on the sofa in the accompanying lounge, praying she wouldn’t get cornered in a conversation.

  She sat back and grinned, wishing Alexa was there to celebrate with her. Under normal circumstances she would have been, this was their industry now, but since she was only weeks away from the birth of her second child, it was a major impossibility. She was certain Alexa and Wes had watched the broadcast, and she would be hearing from them the following day.

  She was relieved that Maxine was there, although just as busy. She was covering the event for Platinum Magazine, and Kit looked forward to celebrating with her. Thinking of both Alexa and Maxine, easily led Kit back to her past.

  She sighed, remembering Joe and Kirby at that moment, saddened that they had both been gone from the planet for so many years now. They were creeping up in her mind, and she was disturbed to find thoughts of Kirby running rampant again. She realized suppressing the memories of him all these years was coming back to bite her. Now that she had broken the seal and allowed them back in, they were flooding her consciousness. They weren’t necessarily bad. They just made her heart ache tremendously. She had shared a love with him that no man could ever replicate, not even her husband, and even though she was in love with Sully, Kirby was always in her heart.

  She grinned, cherishing a fun memory of him. They watched the Grammy’s together, every year from the moment they got together. He would turn down the sound and mimic the announcer’s booming voice saying, “And the Grammy goes to Kit McKenna.” She giggled quietly, recalling it was so much like her experience earlier when she accepted the award.

  Kirby had always supported her dreams of a massive career in music and pushed her in that direction, continually encouraging her to follow her heart. He had deeply believed in her talents and was convinced she would be a big success one day. Now that day was here, and she held her hand to her heart, sighing as she thought about him. Before she could fall deeper into the moment, she was interrupted.

  “Kit, congratulations!”

  The woman standing before her with the nasally voice broke her train of thought, and she reluctantly stood up to acknowledge and thank her. She made small talk for only a few moments and quickly made her way back out to the party. The executives cornered her instantly, congratulating her and praising her. Jade Riff also appeared from out of nowhere and couldn’t stop hugging and kissing her. They were pumped up from their win.

  Spencer approached and handed her a drink. He smiled at her and raised his glass. “To you, Kit. Bravo. You fucking killed it tonight! I’m really proud of you, and I know that husband of yours is probably going nuts right about now across the pond, celebrating your team win. You two have wanted this from day one. We all have, really. Glad to see you finally got it. No one deserves it more than you two.”

  She smiled and clinked her glass against his, taking a sip. “Thank you, Spence. Couldn’t have gotten here without your help. You came in and owned KMK, making it easy for me to produce these albums.”

  He grinned and nodded. “It was my pleasure. The execs are over the moon tonight. They’ve always loved you, but tonight you can do no wrong. You’re like a rock goddess that walks on water.”

  She burst out laughing. “Now that’s one I’ve never heard, but I kinda like it. I’ll gladly take that title for one night.”

  Spencer and Kit mingled at the Diamond party, enjoying themselves, time passing quicker than Kit had anticipate
d. Giselle approached her and leaned over, speaking into her ear over the loud music. “We have to roll, gatinha. We gotta get you out of that gown and dressed for the flight.”

  She was disappointed. “It’s time to go already?”

  “Yep. The luggage is in. The Grammys are loaded and are being guarded by security in our limo that’s waiting to go to Santa Monica. If we want to make it to London before the guys finish their show, we have to hustle. The jet is gassed and ready.”

  She frowned. “Ok. Let me just say a quick goodbye to the execs, and we’re out.”

  An hour later, Kit sat on the private jet with Giselle and seven Grammys—two hers and five theirs, taxing down the runway at lightening speed, wheels up to London seconds later.

  Both of them were buzzed from all the celebration and wanted to keep the party going. Giselle had poured drinks for both of them. She clinked glasses with Kit and cranked the volume on the stereo. ‘Rock and Roll,’ by Led Zeppelin blared throughout the cabin. They both sang the lyrics at the top of their lungs in unison and burst into a fit of giggles.

  Giselle yelled happily at the top of her lungs. “Watch out London, here we come and this time we’re bringing Grammys!”


  After a long flight of constant celebration with Giselle and a brief two-hour catnap, Kit struggled to wake up. She was disoriented from the time change, and her internal clock had no idea what time it was. Local time said ten, but her body was stuck somewhere on the West Coast. She clung to the coffee that had been made for them on the plane before they debarked. She sipped it and glanced at Giselle, who made a face at her.

  “Shit, maybe we should have waited to party until tonight. But it just was tonight. Crap, I’m so confused at this point.”


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