Guardian Domination

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Guardian Domination Page 6

by Breanna Hayse

  “Why don’t you go take a walk and cool down? I’ll stay here. Don’t worry, everything will be fine,” Mark said, putting his hand on his best friends’ shoulder.

  Jace glared at me, grabbed his wallet and stormed out of the room, slamming the heavy door behind him. Mark came over to me with a fresh washcloth and glass of juice.

  “Drink this,” he ordered gently. “You know how Jace feels about the stuff. Why did you do it?”

  “It’s your fault,” I cried. Might as well play the card. “You two left me alone instead of taking me with you. This trip was about me spending time with you guys, not being locked away.”

  “No one under twenty-one is allowed in the studio, Hon. We explained that earlier.”

  “I could have stayed in the car or something,” I mumbled.

  Mark inhaled deeply. “I can’t help you with this one, nor do I think I should. I just hope he calms down enough not to seriously hurt you.”

  “Jace would never seriously hurt me, and you know it,” I barked defensively.

  Mark smiled, patting my thigh. “I do, and I’m glad that you do too. Word of advice, don’t fight him. If I was as pissed as he is, that would be a huge mistake.”

  “You’re not mad?” I asked sheepishly.

  “Oh, I’m mad. Don’t think this calm demeanor is anything other than controlled rage. One of us had to remain sane right now, and it was my turn,” Mark said seriously. “I suggest you go take a cool shower and get comfortable. It’s going to be a long night for you.”

  Silently, I rose to obey. Tears filled my eyes when he didn’t even try to touch me as I walked by him. The lack of a familiar squeeze of the hand or a gentle pat on the rump indicated the level of fury he was experiencing. What have I done this time? Have I blown it for good? They might want to change their minds after this. Oh God, what have I done?

  The tears flowed endlessly as I showered then dressed in a thin t-shirt and khakis. I heard voices in the sitting room and held my breath. The butler had brought dinner and was setting everything up in the dining area.

  Jace still wasn’t back and I fought desperately to push down my panic. No, I told myself, he would never desert me and Mark. What if something’s happened? What if he was hurt somewhere? What if he wanted to release me from the contract?

  Without hesitation, I tore into the living running and fell into Mark’s arms. He listened to my fears and held me close, calming me.

  “Shhh, he called me, baby. Everything’s fine. He’s not going anywhere nor is he sending you away. He just needed to pick up some things and will be back shortly,” Mark said, reassuring me and calming my overactive imagination.

  “Don’t let me go,” I begged. “I don’t want to be alone again. I hate this feeling!”

  Mark pulled me tighter against his chest. “Not to worry. We’re not going to leave you alone. Come here, sweetheart. Shhh, no need to be afraid. That’s my girl… being vulnerable can be tough if you aren’t used to it. I understand…”

  When Jace came back, I went straight to him and wrapped my arms around his solid waist. “I’m so sorry, Jace. Please forgive me. I swear, I will never do that again. I learned my lesson.”

  “I’m just grateful that you’re not hurt. No problem, you’re forgiven,” Jace said brightly, patting my head and pulling me away from him. I didn’t see the wink he gave Mark. “Coming to eat?”

  “I’m not very hungry,” I said quietly.

  “Please, come sit with us anyway. I love being in your company,” Jace requested pleasantly. His demeanor threw me for a loop and I sat silently, unsure of what to say or do.

  He and Mark started chatting about the upcoming TV gig and recording sessions, and Jace suggested a ride through Central Park that evening. Mark cheerfully agreed and asked if I’d like that. Numbly, I nodded, but my heart wasn’t in it. Something was dreadfully wrong. This behavior was completely uncharacteristic for both of them and I had grown used to their consistency.

  On Saturday, I went with Mark to stay with his folks, a nice old-fashioned couple who had moved from a small town in Georgia to a little ranch in Poughkeepsie. Mark’s younger sister, Lisa, lived with them and was working as a model in the city.

  As the day progressed, Jace’s comment about being forgiven floated about in my mind and despair twisted my stomach to the point that Mark’s mother believed me to be ill. I needed to talk with Jace, but I truly didn’t know what to say. This wretched existence continued through Sunday, which was our last day in the city. I had no appetite, I couldn’t sleep and I felt like a stranger with my own family as they acted like nothing had ever occurred.

  When they departed to finish the recording session that morning, leaving me alone again at the hotel with nothing said but ‘have a good time’, I felt even more ostracized. They returned by 2:30 that afternoon, asked no questions or volunteered any information, but simply began to make plans for the remainder of the day.

  I stopped them both. “I don’t want to go anywhere. I need to talk to you two. I’m miserable.”

  Neither of them commented as they sat down and listened intently as I spilled my guts, my confusion, and my guilt. I did not mince words as I stated that I desperately needed their forgiveness.

  They looked at each other, then me. “But baby, I told you I forgave you,” Jace said. But there was no hug, no touching. I didn’t realize how much that had become part of me.

  “You don’t like it when I lie to you, so please don’t lie to me. You don’t hug or even touch me anymore, or play, or anything. You didn’t even… spank me!” THERE! I said it.

  Jace lifted an eyebrow. “You feel you deserve to be spanked after what happened?”

  “Are you kidding? Oh God… yes. I feel so bad about it, and you and Mark were so mad, and you didn’t do anything to…”

  “To show you we really care?” he asked softly.

  I lowered my face to the floor and a genuine smile met his eyes as he looked at me. “Then you believe that we love you and we aren’t just trying to be mean.”

  “Yes,” I whispered as he pulled me into his arms to squeeze me tightly, joined by Mark. I felt safe, warm… but… “Are you going to spank me now?” I asked in a little voice.

  Jace hid his smile. “Do you want us to?” Us?

  “I guess so. I deserve it,” I admitted, blushing. I could not believe that those words had escaped my mouth.

  Mark squeezed my hand. “Then you need to ask us this time. We need to hear what you want.”

  How humiliating! I couldn’t believe they would make me do this. My pride was already gone, so I gathered what little courage I had. “Would you both please spank me for stealing the alcohol and getting drunk?”

  “Absolutely, but you do realize that this offense goes beyond a hand spanking. And that it will mean a very uncomfortable plane ride home tomorrow,” Jace said seriously.

  “Yes, Sir… Whatever you think is best.” I was so ashamed.

  “Go to my room and wait for us while we discuss your punishment. Have you pants off and panties down, and be lying across the bed on pillows,” Jace said firmly, sounding like his old self.

  I hesitated for a moment, hugged him and Mark tightly, and then ran into the master bedroom.

  “Your plan worked. She’s really learning about taking responsibility for her actions. I’m impressed,” Mark commented quietly.

  “Yeah, finally. But I’m not really in the mood for this right now. What do you think of half now and the rest when we get home? It’ll give her something to think about.”

  “You really are sadistic, J.” Mark grinned, a twinkle in his eye. “Let’s do it. It’s just my opinion, but I think we need to open that second drawer. We can’t let this ever happen again.”

  “She’ll be tasting some wood at home, trust me. I might even have her cut a switch.”

  “If you don’t, I will. I want this to be memorable from each of us,” Mark stated, serious once again. “Hand and belt for me?”

  “Hand and hairbrush for me. I bought a new one for such an occasion. Even got you one.”

  “I’m sure our girl won’t be as appreciative of that gesture as I am. Ready?” Mark stood up.

  Jace joined him and the two marched into the master bedroom together. They both had that same, intense look as they walked into the room. The brush in Jace’s hand and Mark unbuckling his belt and stripping it from the loops seemed ominous.

  Gulping, I hid my face in my hair as I peeled down my pants, rolled my panties to my knees and leaned across the bed, burying my face in the blanket.

  “You disobeyed me. Again. I told you to do that before we came in,” Jace was annoyed. “Before we begin, Mark and I have decided that we will administer half of your punishment now and the other half when we get home.”

  “At that time,” Mark continued, snapping his belt, “You might be meeting some items in the second drawer and will definitely be cutting a couple of switches. This will never happen again, young lady. Understand?”

  “Yes, Sirs. I’m so sorry,” I whispered into the bedspread, my heart pounding with fear.

  “Mark, may I borrow your belt please? She didn’t follow my instructions to be prepared before we came in,” Jace held out his hand, accepting the old leather, well-worn brown two-inch wide belt from his friend. He weighed it in his hand and mouthed the word “nice” to Mark.

  “Count to five, Youngster.”


  I shrieked. Five?

  “Oh Gaaawwd! One!… Owwww! Jace! Two—”CRACK! CRACK! “Three! Four!” CRACK!- “Fiiiiiive! OHMYGOD! Jaaaaace!” I called out, panting and sobbing.

  And these swats were for not being ready for the punishment that I had asked for! It took everything I had not to roll off the bed and run like the wind.

  “My turn,” Mark said, taking the belt back from Jace. I felt his fingers on my bottom, inspecting the damage. He patted me and stood straight, refolding his belt in his hand. “Twenty with the belt and then over my knee for another hundred with my hand for drinking.”

  And this was only half my punishment? Life was a blur when he began, each stroke of his belt sending a shock of pain through my body. I clutched the pillow, trying not to move, but Mark ended up pressing his hand into my back to keep me still as I kicked, twisted and bucked to escape.

  He said nothing to me, forcing me to face the pain and the guilt of what I did to him and his trust. After twenty very fast and furious strokes that left my whole back-end feeling as though it had been stripped of several layers of skin, he sat down on the bed and calmly pulled me across his lap. Again, without a word, his hand began drumming against my bottom. Compared to the belt, it felt like a warm, heavy thudding.

  Maybe I was numb by then, but it was almost soothing. It was over quickly and I just laid there, sobbing with every inch of my might.

  “Stand up,” Mark said softly, helping me to my feet. “To the corner until Jace calls you over.”

  “Hands on your head, no rubbing,” Jace added, watching me obey without a word. I put my forehead against the wall, fighting to calm my breathing and wiping my face and nose on my sleeve. A tissue was handed to me and I took it as permission to blow. My hands quivered as I placed them back on my head, forcing my bottom to stretch painfully.

  Mark shook his head sadly, pointing at me while he gave Jace a questioning look. Jace mouthed “softie” and firmly shook his head no. With a deep sigh, Mark nodded and sat on the recliner, chin in hand as he observed me.

  Jace rolled his eyes, seeing his friend’s distress. “Celeste, go to Mark please.”

  In seconds, I was in Mark’s arms, being truly forgiven. Mark held me close, telling me how much he cared and that this had really hurt him deeply. He also said he was not looking forward to our homecoming, but I had to understand that he needed to fulfill his promise to me and be a man of his word.

  Hiccupping, I nodded and said, “I know.”

  After about ten minutes, Jace cleared his throat. “Okay, Sweetheart, time to face me,” he said in a low, steady voice. I glanced at Mark and saw a small degree of sympathy in his eyes, but he was going to show a united front with his friend.

  I dragged myself to face Jace and, on impulse, threw my arms around his neck. “I’m so sorry, Jace. For everything,”

  Jace hugged me. “I know, Baby. I also know that my life is better with you in it. It makes it worth the trouble you get into. Now, over my knee. Remember, this is for drinking. We will deal with the stealing when we get home.”

  I obeyed, clutching his leg as he positioned me comfortably for what would be one of the longest spankings of my life. When his hand found my bottom, it lit a new fire and sent me into throws of kicking and yelping. I was pinned, I couldn’t escape and eventually just wilted there limp and sobbing as he continued to spank me. His fingers were like molten steel, searing my flesh and leaving my hide feeling smoked and raw at the same time.

  He paused only long enough to pick up the hairbrush and say “Thirty.” Each painful smack was fully concentrated on my sit spot and upper thighs. He ignored my screams and pleas, immobilizing me as I ungraciously sought to avoid every blow, especially the ones that landed quite unpleasantly in the same spot.

  That odd, unfamiliar sensation began to trickle through me as my body started to numb itself and feel separate, separating the pain from my present reality. Jace, noticing my sudden relaxation under his hand, grunted. He held me in place, face down over his lap, as he gently rubbed my bottom.

  “Now you know what it feels like to be blistered, my love,” he said quietly. “Come to me.”

  His arms engulfed me. I was out of tears and strength, but I was also free of my guilt and knew that Jace, too, had truly forgiven me. Plus that strange event I had experienced left me feeling even closer and more dependent on him than before.

  Mark brought a washcloth for my face and the two of them tucked me into Jace’s big bed. The cool sheets felt good against my hot, bare bottom, and the cool cloth against my puffy eyes. They sat on the edge, talking softly about work until I fell asleep, free of guilt.

  I heard a word whispered as I drifted off… “Subspace.” What did that mean?

  Chapter Six


  “Owwww,” I whimpered, fidgeting next to Mark on the plane. Even with the ibuprofen he slipped me, I was completely unable to get comfortable. Like before, Jace was asleep within fifteen minutes of getting onboard and this time, I wisely handed Mark the dinner request to fill out. I also noticed that he didn’t touch any alcohol. The flight across country took forever, and, if it’s remotely possible, the drive back up to Monterey seemed to take even longer.

  I watched the ocean as we traveled up the I-1 towards home and tried not to think of my upcoming week. To my utmost mortification, the boys insisted on ‘inspecting’ the damage to my bottom that morning prior to our departure, and then determined it best to wait until Friday to “evaluate” my condition for the remainder of my punishment. A quick glance in the mirror showed a scattered amount of light bruises and strawberry-colored marks speckled over my poor backend. By far, it felt worse than it looked and I WAS certainly grateful that the boys acknowledged that. Mark insisted that I should be thankful… but all I could do was offer him the most miserable look I could manage.

  I swore I was cured and that I would never drink again. Mark, with his demented sense of humor, suggested photographing my backside and using it to initiate a new method of sobriety.

  I was shocked when he began to discuss the idea in seriousness with Jace, and I had a growing sense that both he and Jace might be involved in this corporal punishment thing more than just with me. I contemplated the scenario, wondering if, indeed, they spanked their girlfriends. I wouldn’t have been surprised since I could not picture either of them tolerating a bossy, loud mouth female, but I did wonder if the time would ever be right to ask.

  Finally, we were home and were immediately attacked by two very excited puppies wh
o had succeeded in exhausting Gayle, a very close friend of Mark’s. With an evil grin, Mark excused himself and departed with the pretty brunette to the cute three bedroom guest house.

  Jace chuckled as he watched them walk away, and then scooped Princess up in his arms while I grabbed Diamond. We walked quietly to the north-west side of the property, stretching our legs. “It’s good to be home,” Jace said, putting Princess down to run. He took Diamond from me and did the same. “How are you feeling, baby?” His voice was laced with genuine concern.

  “I hurt bad. I know I really disappointed you. I will never do it again,” I promised with all sincerity.

  He put his arm around my shoulders, kissed my temple and began to walk slowly. “You scared the living hell out of me. I’ve seen too many people I care about die from alcohol and drugs. More so, your asshole father is an alcoholic. I never want that for you.”

  “It was the last time, I swear.”

  Jace nodded. “I believe you. I don’t… I don’t want to lose you.”

  I said nothing as I contemplated his words, just leaned against his solid chest as he stopped to hug me. I could sense the affection he had for me but the truth was, I wanted more than affection. I wanted him.

  Jace broke into a laugh as we approached the house, seeing Gayle kiss Mark, then rub her bottom before getting in the car. So he DID spank his girlfriends! I giggled and Jace looked down at me and smiled. “Guess she pushed the wrong button with our buddy, huh?” he stated.

  “She’s quite the character, that one!” Mark was grinning. He caught my eye and winked. “See, Brat? You aren’t the only one who gets their bottom smacked.”

  “Goes to show that you are never too old.” Jace chuckled.

  “What would you guys do if I had a boyfriend and he spanked me?” I asked seriously, needing to know if my protectors would defend me.

  Mark ruffled my hair. “That’s easy. You’re never going to be allowed to have a boyfriend.”

  “We might let you date when you’re fifty, but then, he better know how to handle you.” Jace added.


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